and Census (Jersey) Amendment Law 202-
by the States 10 September 2024
by Order of His Majesty in Council [date to be inserted]
Registered by the Royal Court [date to be inserted]
Coming into force [date to be inserted]
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of His Most
Excellent Majesty in Council, have adopted the following Law –
1 Statistics and Census
(Jersey) Law 2018 amended
Articles 2 to 19 of
this Law amend the Statistics and
Census (Jersey) Law 2018.
2 Article 1
(interpretation) amended
In Article 1 –
(a) after the definition “anonymised
microdata” there is inserted –
(b) for the definition “Chief
Statistician” there is substituted –
“ “Chief Statistician” means the person appointed under Schedule 1;”;
(c) in the definition “Code”
for “published under Article 5(4)(a)” there is substituted “produced and
published under Article 7I(1)”;
(d) after the definition
“Code” there is inserted –
“ “common strategic policy” means the common strategic policy
referred to in Article 18(2)(e) of the States of Jersey
Law 2005;”;
(e) the definitions “Group” and
“official statistics” are deleted;
(f) after the definition “household”
there is inserted –
(g) after the definition
“Minister” there is inserted –
“ “Office of the Chief Statistician” or “OCS” has the meaning
assigned by Article 5(1);”;
(h) the definition
“publication schedule” is deleted and in its place there is inserted –
“ “publish” in relation to an obligation of the Chief Statistician
to publish, means publish in a manner determined by the Chief Statistician;”;
(i) after the definition “Regulations”
there is inserted –
“ “release calendar” means a list issued by the Chief Statistician
stating when various statistical reports are to be published;”;
(j) the definition “States
Employment Board” is deleted and in its place there is inserted –
“ “statistical profession” means the statisticians and analysts who
produce statistics in the course of their work;”;
(k) the definition
“statistical standards” is deleted and in its place there is substituted –
“ “Statistics Council” means the body appointed under Article 7C(1);
“tier 1 statistics” has the meaning assigned by Article 7G;”;
(l) the definition “Statistics
Jersey” is deleted.
3 Part 2 (powers and
duties) substituted
For Part 2 there is
substituted –
of Chief Statistician and governance of OCS
2 Status and role of Chief Statistician
(1) The
Chief Statistician is a corporation sole having perpetual succession and may –
(a) enter into agreements for
any purpose of the office;
(b) acquire, hold and dispose
of movable or immovable property;
(c) sue and be sued in civil
(d) if charged with an
offence, defend criminal proceedings;
(e) determine and charge
reasonable sums for anything done or provided by the Chief Statistician in the
discharge of, or in connection with, the functions of the office; and
(f) do anything reasonably
necessary, expedient for or incidental to the Chief Statistician’s functions.
(2) The
Chief Statistician holds and vacates office in accordance with Schedule 1 and
the terms and conditions of the appointment and heads the statistical
profession working with the Jersey Statistical System.
(3) Schedule 1
makes further provision in respect of the terms of service of the Chief
Statistician and may be amended by Regulations made by the States to make
different provision in that respect.
3 Responsibilities and functions of Chief Statistician
(1) The
Chief Statistician is responsible for the collection and processing of data for
statistical or research purposes in accordance with this Law with the aim of –
(a) providing statistical
reports of interest to, and which assist with decision-making by, public
authorities, other undertakings and individuals (including the public);
(b) assisting those
responsible for public policy development and the delivery of public services;
(c) co-ordinating as
effectively as possible, and facilitating the use of, information produced from
data and avoiding unnecessary duplication of requests for information.
(2) The
Chief Statistician is also responsible for –
(a) the OCS, all aspects of
statistics produced by the OCS and the administration of this Law;
(b) the policies and
priorities of the OCS;
(c) advising the Statistics
Council on the quality, relevance and integrity of tier 1 statistics;
(d) determining under Article
7J(1) whether the criteria to be tier 1 statistics in Article 7G are met;
(e) publishing and keeping up
to date the list of tier 1 statistics and sending it to the Minister as
required by Article 7J(5);
(f) publishing release calendars;
(g) ensuring that both the
list and release calendars are readily accessible to statistics users;
(h) the statistical
methodology and statistical standards set by the OCS and ensuring that the
requirements of Article 7I and the Code are met;
(i) the way in which data
are collected, processed, documented and stored by the OCS;
(j) the content of
statistical releases and publications issued by the OCS;
(k) the form, timing and
methods of dissemination of statistics compiled by the OCS;
(l) publicly commenting as the
Chief Statistician thinks fit on any aspects of statistics, including –
(i) their funding, use, accuracy, reliability,
adequacy, erroneous interpretation and misuse, and
(ii) in relation to
statistics produced by public authorities, other bodies or individuals;
(m) discontinuing or starting
a statistical report;
(n) deciding whether to
provide statistical services, including conducting surveys and research, and
compiling data and reports, for any person, organisation or public authority, wherever
(o) maintaining close and
regular contact with the Statistics Council and with the principal users and
suppliers of statistics; and
(p) ensuring that a census of
the population is taken under Article 8.
(3) As head of the statistical profession
working with the Jersey Statistical System, the Chief Statistician is
responsible for –
(a) ensuring that
statisticians and analysts employed by a public authority uphold high
professional statistical standards;
(b) as far as resources
allow, co-ordinating professional development across the statistical profession
working with the Jersey Statistical System and ensuring that appropriate
professional training is available; and
(c) upholding the
independence of the Jersey Statistical System.
(4) Without limiting any other provision of
this Law, the Chief Statistician has the following functions –
(a) to collect, compile,
analyse, extract and disseminate data for statistical purposes in accordance
with this Law;
(b) to develop statistical
methodology for the statistical profession working with the Jersey Statistical
System and standardise definitions, classifications, terms, procedures and
concepts for use in statistical activities;
(c) to advise public
authorities on the gathering, compiling, analysis and use of statistics, the
production of statistical reports and whether they comply with the Code, and in
the case of tier 1 statistics, whether they comply with Article 7H;
(d) to consider the
statistical or research potential of the records maintained by public
authorities and, in conjunction with those authorities, to realise this
potential so far as resources permit;
(e) to conduct and report on
censuses of the population of Jersey in accordance with this Law.
(5) The Chief Statistician may delegate a
function under this Law to an officer of the OCS, but the delegation does not –
(a) affect the responsibility
of the Chief Statistician for the discharge of the functions; or
(b) prevent the discharge of
the functions by the Chief Statistician personally.
4 Independence and funding of Chief Statistician
5 Office of Chief Statistician
(1) There
is constituted the Office of the Chief Statistician or the “OCS”.
(2) The
primary role of the OCS is to support the Chief Statistician to fulfil the
given responsibilities and functions, and anyone working for the OCS does so
under the full operational control of the Chief Statistician.
(3) The
staff of the OCS are States’ employees within the meaning of Article 2 of
the Employment
of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005 and any States’ employee
provided to the Chief Statistician under Article 4(3) who performs a
function under the Chief Statistician’s direction is treated as a member of
staff of the OCS.
(4) The Chief Statistician and every person
employed or engaged to work for the OCS must, before assuming those duties,
sign a declaration to fulfil the duties faithfully and honestly as required
under this Law and not, without due authority, to disclose or make known any
matter or thing that comes to the person’s knowledge by reason of that
employment or engagement.
(1) The
Chief Statistician must ensure that –
(a) proper accounts and
proper records in relation to the accounts are kept;
(b) accounts are prepared in
respect of each financial year (“annual accounts”); and
(c) the annual accounts are
prepared using the accounting standards by which the accounts of the States are
to be prepared, and which are included in the Public Finances Manual.
(2) If
the annual accounts are not included in the accounts of the States for a
financial year, the Chief Statistician must appoint auditors approved by the
Comptroller and Auditor General (as defined in Article 1 of the Comptroller and
Auditor General (Jersey) Law 2014) to audit the annual accounts.
(3) The
Chief Statistician must produce a report on the exercise and performance of the
functions of the Chief Statistician and the OCS in relation to each financial
year (an “annual report”).
(4) The annual report must –
(a) include the annual
(b) state whether, in the
view of the Chief Statistician, the production of tier 1 statistics is
adequately resourced; and
(c) comply with the Public
Finances Manual as it applies to the annual reports of public bodies listed in
Schedule 6 to that Law.
7 Presentation of annual report, strategy for the JSS and
output plan for the OCS
(1) The
Chief Statistician must present the annual report to the Minister as soon as
practicable after the end of the financial year to which it relates.
(2) The Chief Statistician must prepare and present
to the Minister as soon as practicable after each new Common Strategic Policy (“CSP”)
has been approved by the States –
(a) a strategy for the Jersey
Statistical System, taking into account both the data required to support the
CSP over Ministers’ term of office and the wider needs of users of statistics
in Jersey; and
(b) a plan for the output of
the OCS (the “output plan”) covering the term of the CSP.
(3) Both the strategy and the output plan may
be updated by the Chief Statistician at any time.
(4) Before presenting the annual report, strategy
or output plan to the Minister, the Chief Statistician must consult the Statistics
(5) The
Minister must present a copy of the report, strategy and output plan to the
States as soon as practicable after receiving them.
(6) The
Minister may make written comments on the report, strategy and output plan and
submit them alongside the copy presented to the States.
(1) The
Minister may request the Chief Statistician to prepare a report on an
aspect of the responsibilities and functions of the Chief Statistician, the OCS
or the Jersey Statistical System, including the work undertaken in discharge of
those responsibilities and functions.
(2) The
Chief Statistician must produce the report in line with the Code if the Chief
Statistician –
(a) has the expertise to do
so; and
(b) has been provided with sufficient
resources to do so.
(3) If the Chief Statistician does not have sufficient
resources to comply with paragraph (2) the Chief Statistician must request
additional resources from the Minister and the reasons for the request.
(4) The Chief Statistician must detail requests
to prepare a report under this Article and the outcome of each request in the
annual report produced under Article 6(3).
7B Power to amend Articles 6, 7 and 7A
The States may by Regulations amend this Law in respect of the accounts,
audit, report, plan or strategy.”.
4 Parts 2A and 2B inserted
After Part 2 there
is inserted –
7C Establishment and meetings of Statistics Council
(1) There
is established a body known as the Statistics Council, consisting of a Chair
and no fewer than 6 and no more than 10 other individuals appointed by the
(2) The individuals must, as far as reasonably practicable, reflect
a range of users of statistics in Jersey, including the public, the media,
researchers, students, businesses, public authorities and non-governmental
(3) The
Chair presides over all meetings of the Statistics Council but in the absence of
the Chair another member may preside.
(4) The
Chief Statistician must attend each meeting of the Statistics Council at which
it takes decisions in relation to any of its statutory functions (a “formal
meeting”), but in an advisory capacity only.
(5) The
Statistics Council must hold formal meetings at least 3 times each calendar
(6) Subject
to this Article, Article 7D and the Rules of Conduct issued under it, the Statistics
Council may determine its own procedure, including when and how frequently it
(7) The
Statistics Council may meet informally without the Chief Statistician being
present, but it must not make any decisions that are required to be made at a
formal meeting.
(8) The
Statistics Council must publish in a manner agreed by the Council the minutes
of its formal meetings, including a record of decisions taken in relation to
its statutory functions, as soon as reasonably practicable after the meeting in
question has taken place.
(9) Schedule 2
makes further provision with respect to the membership of the Statistics
Council and may be amended by Regulations made by the States to make different
provision in that respect.
7D Rules of Conduct of Statistics Council
(1) The
Minister must prepare Rules of Conduct for members of
the Statistics Council and present the Rules to the States as a report.
(2) In
preparing the Rules the Minister must consult the Statistics Council and may
consult any other person or body the Minister considers appropriate.
(3) Members
of the Statistics Council must comply with the Rules of Conduct.
7E Independence and functions of Statistics Council
(1) The
Statistics Council is independent of the Minister and has the primary function
of overseeing the Jersey Statistical System by –
(2) The
particular functions of the Statistics Council are –
(a) to review, comment on and
make recommendations to the Minister, the States and the Chief Statistician
about the statistics on which it advises with respect to the matters set out in
paragraph (3);
(b) to promote the standards
for tier 1 statistics set out in Article 7H;
(c) to gather and present the
views of statistics users;
(d) to respect, uphold and
defend the independence of the Chief Statistician and the Jersey Statistical System;
(e) to provide a neutral
forum for statistics users to interact with the Chief Statistician, the OCS and
other producers of statistics in public authorities on the production, use,
quality, relevance and integrity of tier 1 statistics.
(a) the quality, relevance,
and integrity of the statistics mentioned in paragraph (1)(a), including
the extent to which those statistics are appropriate to the purposes for which
they are used;
(b) the range of statistics
(c) the demands placed upon
providers of information, whether it be provided on a voluntary or compulsory
(d) the confidentiality of
information concerning individuals and businesses;
(e) the methodology by which
those statistics are compiled and their resultant accuracy and reliability;
(f) the independence of the
compilation and dissemination process from political or other inappropriate
(g) the form and procedure
through which statistical information is disseminated; and
(h) the output and quality of
statistics of the Chief Statistician, other producers of tier 1 statistics
and the Jersey Statistical System.
(4) The
Statistics Council may also –
(a) give views and make
recommendations to the Minister on the appointment of the Chief Statistician
under paragraph 1(2) of Schedule 1;
(b) consider any suspension or
dismissal of the Chief Statistician;
(c) comment on the annual
report, plan for the output of the OCS and strategy for the JSS;
(d) advise the Chief
Statistician on –
(i) the contents of the Code,
(ii) the list of tier 1
(iii) the suspension of a
statistical report from the list of tier 1 statistics, and
(iv) the criteria for reviews
of tier 1 statistics;
(e) advise on the removal of
a statistical report from the list of tier 1 statistics; and
(f) request the instigation
of reviews under Article 7I(8) or (9).
7F Annual report of Statistics Council
(1) The
Statistics Council must produce an annual report on its performance over the
preceding financial year.
(2) The
report must –
(a) include a review of the
work undertaken and the functions discharged by the Statistics Council during
that year; and
(b) set out why the work undertaken
in that year is in the public interest.
(3) The
Statistics Council may also use its annual report –
(a) to report any concerns that
it has in relation to the funding, resources and independence of the Chief
Statistician and the Jersey Statistical System; and
(b) to reference a refusal of
both the Chief Statistician and the Minister to instigate an extraordinary
review of a statistical report listed as tier 1 statistics under Article
(4) The
Chair of the Statistics Council must present the report to the Minister as soon
as practicable after the end of the financial year to which it relates.
(5) The
Minister must present a copy of the report to the States as soon as is
practicable after receiving it.
(6) The
Minister may, by Order, amend the requirements set out in paragraph (2).
1 statistics
7G Criteria to be tier 1 statistics
(1) Tier
1 statistics are statistical reports that satisfy the criteria set out in this
Article and appear on the list of tier 1 statistics.
(2) To
be tier 1 statistics, a statistical report –
(a) must be produced by a
public authority;
(b) must represent the
economic, demographic, social or environmental situation in Jersey;
(c) must –
(i) be essential to critical decision-making,
(ii) be of high public
(iii) meet expectations of
impartiality and statistical quality,
(iv) require long-term data
(v) allow international comparability; and
(d) must be developed,
produced, disseminated and communicated to meet the standards set out in
Article 7H and to comply with the Code.
7H Standards for tier 1 statistics
Tier 1 statistics must be –
(a) relevant, accurate, and
(b) objective and
(c) compiled, reported and
documented in a scientific and transparent manner;
(d) disseminated impartially
and in a timely manner;
(e) readily accessible to all
who wish to access them;
(f) in accordance with
appropriate national and international standards and classifications; and
(g) clearly and objectively
displayed (whether by means of text, graphics or other method).
7I Code of Practice and compliance
(1) The
Chief Statistician must produce and publish –
(a) a Code of Practice for tier 1
statistics in Jersey; and
(b) any revisions of that
(2) In
producing or amending the Code the Chief Statistician must consult the Statistics
Council and the Jersey Statistical System.
(3) The
Code must establish –
(a) principles and practices
underlying the development, production, dissemination and communication of tier 1
(b) processes governing the
release of tier 1 statistics; and
(c) rules relating to the
granting of access to those statistics before their general release.
(4) The
Chief Statistician must monitor compliance with the Code.
(5) If
the Chief Statistician considers that any tier 1 statistics do not comply
with the Code, the Chief Statistician must produce a report setting out –
(a) the ways in which they do
not comply; and
(b) the steps that the
producer of the statistics must take to bring them into compliance with the
7J Determination, suspension and review of tier 1 statistics
(a) the Chief Statistician
determines that the report satisfies Article 7G; and
(b) either –
(i) the report is produced by the OCS, or
(ii) the Minister responsible
for the authority producing the report or if none, the head of that authority, consents
to the addition.
(4) Following a determination under paragraph
(1) in respect of a statistical report produced by a public authority other
than the OCS, the Chief Statistician must notify the Minister responsible for
the public authority, or if none the head of the authority, along with the
Statistics Council, of the outcome of the determination.
(5) The Chief Statistician must send to the
Minister the list of tier 1 statistics and any amendments to it and the
Minister must present the list, and any amendments to it to the States as a
(6) The Chief Statistician must develop and publish a scheme
for suspending statistical reports from the list of tier 1 statistics and
in doing so must consult the Statistics Council.
(7) If
a report is produced under Article 7I(5) the Chief Statistician may
suspend a statistical report from the list of tier 1 statistics until the
Chief Statistician considers that the statistical report complies with the
(8) The
Chief Statistician must instigate a programme of reviews of tier 1
statistics and establish and publish the criteria against which the reviews
will be carried out.
(9) The
Chief Statistician must consult the Statistics Council on the programme of
reviews and the criteria for the reviews (and any changes to them) before publishing
the criteria.
7K Removal from list of tier 1 statistics and extraordinary reviews
(1) Producers
of statistics must –
(a) prioritise
the production of statistical reports that are tier 1 statistics over other
statistical reports;
(b) publish
tier 1 statistics in accordance with a release calendar;
(c) co-operate
with all reports and reviews under Article 7I(5), 7J(8) and 7K(4);
(d) act
independently in the development, production, dissemination and communication
of statistics.
(2) The States must respect, uphold and defend the independence of
producers of tier 1 statistics.
7M Jersey Statistical System and Statistics Producers’ Group
(a) to co-ordinate the production
and release of tier 1 statistics;
(b) to assist the Chief
Statistician –
(i) to devise and revise release calendars,
(ii) in ensuring that tier 1
statistics are produced in accordance with release calendars;
(c) to support the production
of the strategy for JSS over the term of the common strategic policy under
Article 7(2)(a); and
(d) to provide a forum in
which the producers of statistics can discuss continuous improvement of the
quality of tier 1 statistics.”.
5 Article 8
(collection of data for census) amended
In Article 8 –
(a) For paragraphs (1)
and (2) there is substituted –
“(1) The
Chief Statistician must take a census to gather the data relating to the
population of Jersey required by Schedule 3 at whatever interval the Chief
Statistician considers appropriate.
(2) For
the purposes of a census, the Chief Statistician must, as often as the Chief
Statistician considers appropriate, analyse and link data collected for
administrative purposes already in the possession of the OCS or readily
obtainable by it.”;
(b) in paragraph (3) for
“where such data is insufficient for the purposes of paragraph (1)” there
is substituted “if the Chief Statistician considers that more data is required
for the purposes of paragraph (1)”;
(c) in paragraphs (8)
for “the Schedule” there is substituted “Schedule 3”;
(d) after paragraph (8)
there is inserted –
“(9) Before
lodging a proposition containing the Regulations in draft, the Minister must
consult the Chief Statistician as to the content of the draft Regulations.”.
6 Article 9 (Orders
with respect to census) amended
In Article 9 –
(a) the existing text is
renumbered as paragraph (1);
(b) in paragraph (1)(c)
for “under Article 2” there is substituted “to work for the OCS”;
(c) after paragraph (1)
there is inserted –
“(2) Before
making an Order the Minister must consult the Chief Statistician as to the
proposed content of the Order.”.
7 Part 4 heading
In the sub-heading to Part 4
8 Article 11
(statistical standards for official statistics) deleted
Article 11 is
9 Article 12 (type
of data and methods of collection) amended
In Article 12(1),
(2) and (3) (wherever occurring) for “Statistics Jersey” there is substituted
“the Chief Statistician”.
10 Article 13
(compilation, analysis and publication of statistics)
In Article 13(1) for
“Statistics Jersey” there is substituted “the Chief Statistician”.
11 Article 14 (power to
require particulars and information from undertakings) amended
In Article 14 –
(a) in paragraph (1) for
“For the purposes only of obtaining data for statistical purposes” there is
substituted “For any purpose that would enable the performance of a statistical
or research function,”;
(b) for paragraph (4)(b)
there is substituted –
“(b) by an officer of the OCS
to another officer of the OCS in the performance of their functions,”;
(c) in paragraph (6) in
the definition “officer” for “Article 2(8)” there is substituted “to work
for the OCS”.
12 Article 15
(invitation to provide information etc. on a voluntary basis) amended
In Article 15(1) for
“individual or body” there is substituted “individual, body or public
13 Article 16
(restriction on disclosure of particulars or information) amended
In Article 16 –
(a) in paragraph (1) after
“statistical” there is inserted “or research”;
(b) in paragraph (3)(c)
after “purposes of” there is inserted “investigating an offence under this
(c) after paragraph (3)(d)
there is inserted –
“(e) that are necessary to
enable or assist the Chief Statistician to exercise a function of the Chief
(d) in paragraph (7)
there is inserted –
“(d) if the particulars or information
is furnished for the purposes of a census, not less than 100 years after the
date on which it was obtained by the Chief Statistician for the purposes of the
census or, in the case of a traditional census, the date appointed under
Article 8 for conducting the census.”;
(e) after paragraph (7)
there is inserted –
“(8) In
this Article a reference to “this Law” includes the Census (Jersey) Law 1951.”.
14 Article 17
(protection of documents and information) amended
In Article 17(2)(c)
for “Statistics Jersey” there is substituted “the Chief Statistician”.
15 Amendments relating to
In Articles 17(2),
19(1) and (2) and 21(1), (2) and (3) for “under Article 2” there is
substituted “to work for the OCS”.
16 Article 21A inserted
After Article 21
there is inserted –
“21A Limitations of liability
(1) The
Chief Statistician, the staff of the OCS, other producers of tier 1
statistics and the Statistics Council are not liable in damages in respect of
loss resulting from reliance on information or statistics produced in the
discharge, or purported discharge, of any of their functions under this Law
unless paragraph (2) applies.
(2) This
paragraph applies –
(a) if the information or
statistics were produced in bad faith; or
(b) to allow an award of
damages if that production constitutes an act that is unlawful under
Article 7(1) of the Human Rights
(Jersey) Law 2000.”.
17 Article 22
(transitional provisions and savings) amended
In Article 22 –
(a) for paragraph 1 there
is substituted –
“(1) A
person employed by, or engaged to work for, Statistics Jersey in whatever
capacity before the commencement of the Statistics and Census (Jersey)
Amendment Law 202- is, on its commencement, treated as having been employed
or engaged to work for the OCS in that same capacity from the date of their
employment or engagement.”;
(b) paragraphs (2) and
(3) are deleted;
(c) in paragraph (4) –
(i) for “this Law” there is substituted “the Statistics
and Census (Jersey) Amendment Law 202-”,
(ii) for “Article 5(4)(a)”
there is substituted “Article 7I(1)”;
(d) after paragraph (4)
there is inserted –
“(5) The
first list of tier 1 statistics on the commencement of the Statistics and
Census (Jersey) Amendment Law 202- consists of statistics that –
(a) are produced by the OCS;
(b) the Chief Statistician
considers satisfy the criteria to be tier 1 statistics under Article 7G.
(6) The
Chief Statistician must give the Statistics Council not less than 6 weeks to
advise on the list.
(7) The list comes into effect once the
Minister has presented it to the States as a report.
(8) A Chief Statistician in post on the
commencement of the Statistics and Census (Jersey) Amendment Law 202- is
treated as validly appointed under this Law for an unlimited term of
18 Schedule renumbered and
Schedules inserted
The Schedule is
renumbered as Schedule 3 and immediately before it there is inserted the
Schedules set out in the Schedule to this Law.
19 Schedule 3
(information required by census) amended
(1) This
Article amends Schedule 3.
(2) In
paragraph 1(1) –
(a) in the definition “local
visitor” for “in a household or communal establishment that is not his or her
usual address” there is substituted “at an address other than the resident’s
usual address”;
(b) after the definition
“midnight” there is inserted –
“ “private address” means a separate residential unit regardless of
whether it shares a postal address with another residential unit;”.
(3) In
paragraph 2(1) for “household or communal establishment” there is
substituted “address”.
(4) For
paragraph 2(2)(d) to the end of the sub-paragraph there is substituted –
“(d) previously resided at an
address in Jersey,
is, for the purposes of the taking of the census, the address that
was the resident’s usual address in Jersey before entering the communal
(5) For
paragraphs 2(3) and (4) there is substituted –
“(3) The
usual address of a resident who is a minor and who, by reason of shared custody
arrangements, resides at more than one address in Jersey is, for the purposes
of the taking of the census, the address at which the minor spends most of
the time.
(4) But
if that minor divides time equally between more than one address, the usual
address of the minor is, for the purposes of the taking of the census, the
address at which the minor is present at midnight.”.
(6) In
the heading to paragraph 3 for “households” there is substituted “private
(7) In
paragraph 3(1), in the introductory text, for “household” there is
substituted “private address”.
(8) In
paragraph 3(1)(e) for “the household” there is substituted “that address”.
(9) In
paragraph 3(1)(f) and (g) for “in the household” there is substituted “at
the address”.
(10) In
paragraph 4 –
(a) in sub-paragraph (1)(i)
for “household” there is substituted “private address”;
(b) in sub-paragraph (1)(j)
for “his or her relationship to the main householder” there is substituted
“their relationship to every other member of the household”;
(c) in sub-paragraph (3)(a)
for “main employment” there is substituted “any employment”.
20 Public Finances (Jersey)
Law 2019 amended
In Schedule 6 to the
Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 after “Office of the Official Analyst”
there is inserted “Chief Statistician”.
21 Consequential amendments
(1) In
the following provisions for “Statistics Jersey (within the meaning assigned by
Article 2 of the Statistics and
Census (Jersey) Law 2018)” there is substituted “the Office of the
Chief Statistician constituted under Article 5(1) of the Statistics and
Census (Jersey) Law 2018” –
(a) Article 135A(12B) of
the Income
Tax (Jersey) Law 1961;
(b) the definition “Jersey
Index of Earnings” in Article 1(1) of the Social Security
(Jersey) Law 1974;
(c) Article 15(7) of the
Services Commission (Jersey) Law 1998;
(d) Article 60C of the Employment
(Jersey) Law 2003;
(e) the definition of “Jersey
Retail Prices Index” in Article 1(1) of the Rates (Jersey)
Law 2005;
(f) Regulation 2(4)(a)
and (b) of the Income
Support (Special Payments) (Cold Weather Payments) (Jersey)
Regulations 2008;
(g) Article 21(9) of the
Proceeds of
Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Jersey) Law 2008;
(h) Article 47(5) of the
(Jersey) Law 2012;
(i) Regulations 2(1)(b)
and 3(1)(b) of the Long-Term
Care (States Contribution) (Jersey) Regulations 2013;
(j) Paragraph 4(2)(a)
and (b) of the Schedule to the Social Security
(Bonus) (Jersey) Law 2014.
(2) In
paragraph 1(1) of Schedule 1 to the Social Security
(Jersey) Law 1974, in the definition “RPI (Pensioners)” for “the
States of Jersey Statistics Unit” there is substituted “the Office of the Chief
Statistician constituted under Article 5(1) of the Statistics and
Census (Jersey) Law 2018”.
(3) In
Article 44A(7)(b) of the States of Jersey
Law 2005 for “the Statistics Unit of the States of Jersey” there is
substituted “the Office of the Chief Statistician constituted under Article 5(1)
of the Statistics
and Census (Jersey) Law 2018”.
22 Citation and commencement
This Law may be cited as the Statistics and Census (Jersey)
Amendment Law 202- and comes into force 7 days after it is registered.