Current laws

​Current laws are laws that are in force today. They contain both primary legislation (for example, Laws and most Orders in Council) and secondary legislation (Regulations, Orders etc made under Laws and Orders in Council).

Current laws include all amendments that have been made to them. The current laws collection is updated when new legislation comes into effect, or amendments are made to existing legislation.

All legislation in the current laws collection is principal legislation. This means it is legislation with the main purpose of stating the law. The other category of ​legislation is amending legislation, which has the main purpose of changing (amending) other laws.

​​Orders in Co​​uncil

Orders in Council, extending UK legislation to Jersey, are also in the current laws collection. D​ue to the way they are made and their special status in Jersey, these instruments are static and not updated, therefore they need to be interpreted with ​​care.

When are cu​​​rrent l​aws updated? 

Current laws are updated as soon as possible after a change to the law comes into effect, usually within a day of that change. The date of effect is shown near the top of the law. For example,‘Showing the law from 11 January 2024 to Current’. This means that the law was amended on 11 January 2024 and there have not been any amendments since that date.

​Histo​​​ry of a current law 

Every current law contains an ‘endnotes’ section at the end that gives information about the original making of the law, what has been amended and when it was amended. 

​Laws can be amended directly by other legislation and also by the exercise of powers under the Legislation (Jersey) Law 2021 and the former Law Revision (Jersey) Law 2003. 

Previous ​ve​rsions of the law - point-in-time

Previous versions are also called historical versions, superseded versions and point-in-time versions. 

Point-in-time versions are available back to 1 January 2019 (the start date for the current legislation collection).​​

To see a previous version, go to the law you are interested in and open the ‘Point in time versions’ ​timeline (available on desktop, use the dropdown on mobile.) ​ ​Select a date on the timeline or from the dropdown list to go to the version that started on that date. You can also search for a specific date.

Each version of legislation includes a statement showing the period it was in effect. ​All dates are inclusive.

​​Future amendments to a law

Amendments that have been enacted or made but not commenced (that is, that are not in effect yet) are not included in the current law. ​Search or browse the Enacted collection​ to see if there are any recent amendments to a law you are interested in. 

Page Last Updated: 26 Jan 2025