Dispositions - OinC 1971 to 1985

Table of Laws and Orders in Council showing their disposition in revised edition - 1971 to 1985


Year and Number

Name of Law, Order In Council


Law 1 of 1971

Explosives (Jersey) Law 1970

Chapter 23.125

Law 2 of 1971

Compulsory Purchase of Land (Procedure) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1970

Incorporated in Chapter 18.135

Law 3 of 1971

Depositors and Investors (Prevention of Fraud) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1970

Incorporated in Chapter 13.450

Law 4 of 1971

Decimal Currency (Jersey) Law 1971

Chapter 24.690

Law 5 of 1971

Powers of Attorney (Mode of Execution) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1971

Repealed by Law 24 of 1995

Law 6 of 1971

Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1971


Law 7 of 1971

Loi (1971) (Amendement) sur la Voirie

Incorporated in Chapter 25.950

Law 8 of 1971

Currency Notes (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1971

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 9 of 1971

Loi (1971) concernant la Police Honorifique de St. Pierre

Chapter 23.625

Law 10 of 1971

Finance (Jersey) Law 1971

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 11 of 1971

Income Tax (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Law 1971

Incorporated in Chapter 24.750

Law 12 of 1971

Advocates (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1971

Repealed by Law 6 of 1997

Law 13 of 1971

Motor Traffic (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Law 1971

Incorporated in Chapter 25.200

Law 14 of 1971

Loi (1971) concernant la Police Honorifique de Grouville


Law 15 of 1971

Loi (1971) concernant la Police Honorifique de St. Clément

Chapter 23.500

Law 16 of 1971

Loi (1971) concernant la Police Honorifique de St. Brelade

Incorporated in Chapter 23.050

Law 17 of 1971

Solicitors (Jersey) Law 1971

Repealed by Law 6 of 1997

Law 18 of 1971

Interest on Debts and Damages (Jersey) Law 1971

Repealed by Law 8 of 1996

Law 19 of 1971

Insular Insurance (Amendment No. 17) (Jersey) Law 1971

Repealed by Law 22 of 1974

Order in Council 20 of 1971

National Savings Bank Act 1971


Law 1 of 1972

Parish Rate (Administration) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1971

Repealed by L.18/2003

Law 2 of 1972

Separation and Maintenance Orders (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1971

Incorporated in Chapter 12.800

Law 3 of 1972

Policing of Roads, Parks and Sea Beaches (Application of Fines) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1971

Incorporated in Chapter 22.600

Law 4 of 1972

Motor Traffic (Third-Party Insurance) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1972

Incorporated in Chapter 25.250

Law 5 of 1972

Insular Insurance (Amendment No. 18) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 22 of 1974

Law 6 of 1972

Summer Time (Jersey) Law 1972

Chapter 15.760

Law 7 of 1972

Hire Cars (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 5 of 2004

Law 8 of 1972

Motor Traffic (Third-Party Insurance) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1972

Incorporated in Chapter 25.250

Order in Council 9 of 1972

Hijacking Act 1971 (Jersey) Order 1971

Repealed by Order in Council 14 of 1993

Law 10 of 1972

Loi (1972) concernant les Vingteniers de la Paroisse de St. Hélier

Chapter 16.900

Law 11 of 1972

Non-Contributory Pensions (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 25 of 2004

Law 12 of 1972

Fire Service (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 26 of 2011

Law 13 of 1972

Extinguishment of Roads (Jersey) Law 1972

Chapter 25.100

Law 14 of 1972

Income Tax (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Law 1972

Incorporated in Chapter 24.750

Law 15 of 1972

Water (Jersey) Law 1972

Chapter 27.700

Law 16 of 1972

Franchise (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 12 of 2002

Order in Council 17 of 1972

Civil Aviation Act 1971 (Channel Islands) Order 1971

Revoked by Order in Council 17 of 1990

Law 18 of 1972

Loi (1972) (Amendement No. 2) sur l’Instruction Primaire

Repealed by Law 27 of 1999

Law 19 of 1972

Protection of Birds (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 27 of 2004

Law 20 of 1972

Finance (Jersey) Law 1972

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 21 of 1972

Safeguarding of Workers (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 8 of 1989

Law 22 of 1972

Insular Insurance (Amendment No. 19) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 22 of 1974

Law 23 of 1972

Insular Insurance (Amendment No. 20) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 22 of 1974

Law 24 of 1972

Telecommunications (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 1 of 2002

Law 25 of 1972

Decimal Currency (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1972

Incorporated in Chapter 24.690

Law 26 of 1972

Drugs (Prevention Of Misuse) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 10 of 1978

Law 27 of 1972

Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 9 of 2007

Order in Council 28 of 1972

Telecommunication Services (Channel Islands Consequential Provisions) Order 1972

Repealed by Order in Council 17 of 2002

Order in Council 29 of 1972

Telecommunication Services (Jersey) Order 1972

Repealed by Order in Council 17 of 2002

Law 30 of 1972

European Communities (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 18 of 1973

Law 31 of 1972

Customs and Excise (General Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 33 of 1999

Law 32 of 1972

Children (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1972

Repealed by Law 50 of 2002

Order in Council 33 of 1972

Immigration (Jersey) Order 1972

Repealed by Order in Council 22 of 1993

Law 1 of 1973

Insular Insurance (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) Law 1973

Repealed by Law 22 of 1974

Law 2 of 1973

Public Employees (Retirement) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1973

Repealed by Law 4 of 2005

Law 3 of 1973

Legitimacy (Jersey) Law 1973

Chapter 12.450

Law 4 of 1973

Statute Law Revision (No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1973

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Order in Council 5 of 1973

Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign Judgments (Jersey) Order 1973

Not included in revised edition

Law 6 of 1973

Loi (1973) (Amendement) sur la Voirie

Incorporated in Chapter 25.950

Law 7 of 1973

Loi (1973) (Amendement No. 4) sur la Santé Publique

Incorporated in Chapter 20.875

Law 8 of 1973

Banking and Financial Dealings (Jersey) Law 1973

Chapter 13.050

Law 9 of 1973

Finance (Jersey) Law 1973

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 10 of 1973

Wines and Spirits (Revenue Duties) (Jersey) Law 1973

Repealed by Law 33 of 1999

Order in Council 11 of 1973

Postal Service (Isle of Man Consequential Provisions) Order 1973

Revoked (in its application to Jersey) by Order in Council 20 of 2006

Law 12 of 1973

Attendance Allowances (Jersey) Law 1973

Repealed by Law 9 of 2007

Law 13 of 1973

Health Insurance (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1973

Incorporated in Chapter 26.500

Order in Council 14 of 1973

Sound Broadcasting Act 1972 (Channel Islands) Order 1973

Repealed by Order in Council 7 of 1979

Order in Council 15 of 1973

Sea Fisheries (Channel Islands) Order 1973

Chapter 14.750

Order in Council 16 of 1973

Sea Fisheries (Channel Islands Boats) Order 1973

Chapter 14.770

Law 17 of 1973

Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) (Jersey) Law 1973

Chapter 05.225

Law 18 of 1973

European Union (Jersey) Law 1973 (originally named European Communities (Jersey) Law 1973)

Chapter 17.210

Order in Council 19 of 1973

Immigration (Pakistan Act 1973) (Channel Islands and Isle of Man Order 1973

Not included in revised edition

Law 20 of 1973

Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Jersey) Law 1973

Repealed by Law 31 of 2012

Law 21 of 1973

Recognition of Divorces and Legal Separations (Jersey) Law 1973

Chapter 12.750

Law 22 of 1973

Restriction on Smoking (Jersey) Law 1973

Chapter 20.825

Law 23 of 1973

Public Service (Jersey) Law 1973

Repealed by Law 26 of 2005

Law 24 of 1973

Sharing of Church Buildings (Jersey) Law 1973

Chapter 09.760

Order in Council 25 of 1973

Protection of Aircraft Act 1973 (Jersey) Order 1973

Repealed by Order in Council 14 of 1993

Law 26 of 1973

Matrimonial Causes (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1973

Incorporated in Chapter 12.650

Law 27 of 1973

Fire Service (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1973

Repealed by Law 26 of 2011

Order in Council 28 of 1973

Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Jersey) Order 1973

Chapter 27.200

Law 1 of 1974

Consent to Medical Treatment (Jersey) Law 1973

Chapter 20.050

Law 2 of 1974

Prison (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1973

Chapter 23.775

Law 3 of 1974

Non-Contributory Pensions (Extension of Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1973

Repealed by Law 25 of 2004

Law 4 of 1974

Loi (1974) (Amendement No. 2) réglant la Procédure Criminelle

Incorporated in Chapter 08.740

Law 5 of 1974

Agriculture (Loans and Guarantees) (Jersey) Law 1974

Incorporated in Chapter 01.400

Law 6 of 1974

Housing (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1974

Repealed by L.31/2012

Law 7 of 1974

Departments of the Judiciary and the Legislature (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1974

Incorporated in Chapter 16.300

Law 8 of 1974

Finance (Jersey) Law 1974

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 9 of 1974

Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1974


Law 10 of 1974

Termination of Employment ­– Minimum Periods of Notice (Jersey) Law 1974

Repealed by Law 42 of 2003

Law 11 of 1974

Loi (1974) (Amendement) pour empêcher e mauvais traitement des animaux

Repealed by Law 19 of 1980

Order in Council 12 of 1974

Antarctic Treaty Act 1967 (Channel Islands) Order 1974

Repealed by Order in Council 16 of 1995

Law 13 of 1974

Agricultural Land (Control of Sales and Leases) (Jersey) Law 1974

Chapter 01.080

Law 14 of 1974

States of Jersey (Amendment) Law 1974

Repealed by Law 8 of 2005

Law 15 of 1974

Extinguishment of Roads (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1974

Incorporated in Chapter 25.100

Order in Council 16 of 1974

Biological Weapons Act 1974 (Jersey) Order 1974

Chapter 17.105

Order in Council 17 of 1974

The Genocide Act 1969 (Isle of Man and Jersey) Order 1974

Chapter 17.455

Law 18 of 1974

Places of Refreshment (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1974

Incorporated in Chapter 11.600

Law 19 of 1974

Civil Proceedings (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1974

Chapter 04.200

Law 20 of 1974

Income Tax (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 1974

Incorporated in Chapter 24.750

Law 21 of 1974

Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974

Chapter 11.450

Law 22 of 1974

Social Security (Jersey) Law 1974

Chapter 26.900

Law 23 of 1974

Children (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1974

Repealed by Law 50 of 2002

Law 24 of 1974

Police Force (Jersey) Law 1974

Chapter 23.220, formerly chapter 23.375

Law 25 of 1974

Royal Court (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1974

Incorporated in Chapter 07.770

Law 26 of 1974

Gambling (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1974

Repealed by Law 14 of 2012

Law 27 of 1974

Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 Continuation (Channel Islands and Isle of Man) Order 1974

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Order in Council 28 of 1974

Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1974 (Jersey) Order 1974

Repealed by Order in Council 17 of 1976

Law 29 of 1974

Matrimonial Causes (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1974

Incorporated in Chapter 12.650

Law 30 of 1974

Family Allowances (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1974

Repealed by Law 9 of 2007

Law 31 of 1974

Pharmacy, Poisons and Medicines (Extensions of Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1974

Incorporated in Chapter 20.775

Law 1 of 1975

Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1975

Incorporated in Chapter 05.750

Law 2 of 1975

Loi (1975) au sujet des centeniers et officiers de police

Incorporated in Chapter 23.050

Law 3 of 1975

Electricity (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1975

Incorporated in Chapter 27.100

Law 4 of 1975

Public Finances (Administration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1975

Repealed by Law 14 of 2005

Order in Council 5 of 1975

Friendly Societies (Channel Islands) Order 1975

Chapter 13.300

Law 6 of 1975

Attendance Allowances (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1975

Repealed by Law 9 of 2007

Law 7 of 1975

Parish Rate (Administration) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1975

Repealed by L.18/2003

Law 8 of 1975

Finance (Jersey) Law 1975

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 9 of 1975

Finance (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1975


Law 10 of 1975

Loi (1975) (Amendement No. 9) sur l’Etat Civil

Repealed by Law 31 of 2001

Law 11 of 1975

Currency Notes (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1975

Incorporated in Chapter 24.600

Order in Council 12 of 1975

Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) (Jersey) Order 1975

Repealed by Order in Council 18 of 2000

Law 13 of 1975

Income Tax (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 1975

Incorporated in Chapter 24.750

Law 14 of 1975

Safeguarding of Workers (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1975

Repealed by Law 8 of 1989

Law 15 of 1975

States of Jersey (Amendment No. 2) Law 1975

Repealed by Law 8 of 2005

Law 16 of 1975

Finance (No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1975

Repealed by Law 33 of 1999

Order in Council 17 of 1975

Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) (Channel Islands and Isle of Man) Order 1975

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Order in Council 18 of 1975

Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1974 (Jersey) (Continuance) (No. 2) Order 1975

Repealed by Order in Council 17 of 1976

Law 1 of 1976

Sea-Fisheries (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1975

Repealed by Law 19 of 1994

Law 2 of 1976

States of Jersey (Amendment No. 3) Law 1975

Repealed by Law 8 of 2005

Law 3 of 1976

Diseases of Animals (Rabies) (Jersey) Law 1976

Chapter 02.500

Order in Council 4 of 1976

Dumping at Sea Act 1974 (Jersey) Order 1975

Not included in revised edition

Law 5 of 1976

Old Person’s Homes (Registration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1976

Repealed by Law 12 of 1994

Law 6 of 1976

Establishments for Massage and Special Treatment (Licensing Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1976

Repealed by Law 19 of 1986 and Law 2 of 1997

Law 7 of 1976

Nursing Homes (Registration) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1976

Repealed by Law 12 of 1994

Law 8 of 1976

Depositors and Investors (Prevention of Fraud) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1976

Incorporated in Chapter 13.450

Law 9 of 1976

Currency Notes (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1976

Incorporated in Chapter 24.600

Order in Council 10 of 1976

Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1974 (Jersey) (Continuance) Order 1976

Repealed by Order in Council 17 of 1976

Law 11 of 1976

Parish of St. Helier (Qualifications for Office) (Jersey) Law 1976

Chapter 16.500

Order in Council 12 of 1976

Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) Act 1971 (Jersey) Order 1975


Order in Council 13 of 1976

Merchant Shipping Act 1974 (Jersey) Order 1975

Repealed by Order in Council 49 of 1997

Law 14 of 1976

Subordinate Legislation (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1976

Incorporated in Chapter 15.720

Law 15 of 1976

Finance (Jersey) Law 1976

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 16 of 1976

Prison (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1976

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Order in Council 17 of 1976

Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1976 (Jersey) Order 1976

Repealed by Order in Council. 18 of 1984

Law 18 of 1976

Jersey Mutual Insurance Society, Incorporated, (Alteration of Rules) (Jersey) Law 1976


Law 19 of 1976

Statute Law Revision (No. 4) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1976

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 20 of 1976

Court of Appeal (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1976

Incorporated in Chapter 07.245

Law 21 of 1976

Loi (1976) (Amendement) sur les élections publiques

Repealed by Law 12 of 2002

Law 22 of 1976

Airport Dues (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1976

Incorporated in Chapter 03.315

Law 23 of 1976

Building Loans (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Law 1976

Incorporated in Chapter 24.090

Order in Council 24 of 1976

Fuel And Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) (Channel Islands and Isle of Man) Order 1977

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Order in Council 25 of 1976

Post Office (Banking Services) Act 1976

Chapter 06.126

Law 1 of 1977

Court of Appeal (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1976

Incorporated in Chapter 07.245

Law 2 of 1977

Loi (1976) (Amendement No. 10) sur l’Etat Civil

Repealed by Law 31 of 2001

Order in Council 3 of 1977

Trustee Savings Banks Act 1976 (Channel Islands) Order 1976

Repealed by Law 15 of 1983

Law 4 of 1977

Pilotage (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1977

Repealed by Law 9 of 1988

Law 5 of 1977

Income Tax (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) Law 1977

Incorporated in Chapter 24.750

Law 6 of 1977

Payment of Wages (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1977

Repealed by Law 42 of 2003

Law 7 of 1977

Harbours (Administration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1977

Incorporated in Chapter 19.060

Law 8 of 1977

Fire Precautions (Jersey) Law 1977

Chapter 23.150

Order in Council 9 of 1977

Merchant Shipping Act 1974 (Jersey) (Amendment) Order 1977

Repealed by Order in Council 49 of 1997

Law 10 of 1977

Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1977


Order in Council 11 of 1977

Friendly Societies (Channel Islands) Order 1975

Not included in revised edition

Order in Council 12 of 1977

Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) (Channel Islands and Isle of Man) Order 1977

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Law 1 of 1978

Explosives (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1978

Incorporated in Chapter 23.125

Law 2 of 1978

Motor Traffic (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 1978

Incorporated in Chapter 25.200

Law 3 of 1978

Depositors and Investors (Prevention of Fraud) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1978

Incorporated in Chapter 13.450

Law 4 of 1978

Public Elections (Postal Voting) (Jersey) Law 1978

Repealed by Law 12 of 2002

Order in Council 5 of 1978

Clergy Pensions (Channel Islands) Order 1978

Chapter 09.270

Law 6 of 1978

Tourism (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1978

Incorporated in Chapter 05.850

Law 7 of 1978

Nursing Agencies (Jersey) Law 1978

Chapter 20.700

Law 8 of 1978

Invalid Care And Disability Allowances (Jersey) Law 1978

Chapter 26.600

Law 9 of 1978

Jersey Mutual Insurance Society, Incorporated, (Alteration of Rules) (No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1978


Law 10 of 1978

Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978

Chapter 08.680

Law 11 of 1978

Agricultural Land (Control of Sales and Leases) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1978

Incorporated in Chapter 01.080

Law 12 of 1978

Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1978

Chapter 04.640

Order in Council 13 of 1978

Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) (Jersey and Isle of Man) Order 1978

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Order in Council 14 of 1978

South Africa (United Nations Arms Embargo) (Prohibited Transactions) (Jersey) Order 1978

Repealed by Order in Council 24 of 1994

Order in Council 15 of 1978

Sea Fish (Conservation) (Channel Islands Boats) Order 1978

Chapter 14.525

Law 1 of 1979

Matrimonial Causes (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1978

Incorporated in Chapter 12.650

Order in Council 2 of 1979

South Africa (United Nations Arms Embargo) (Prohibited Transactions) (Jersey) (Amendment) Order 1978

Repealed by Order in Council 24 of 1994

Order in Council 3 of 1979

Trustee Savings Banks Act 1978

Repealed by Order in Council 15 of 1983

Law 4 of 1979

Finance (Jersey) Law 1978

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 5 of 1979

Finance (No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1978

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 6 of 1979

Children (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1978

Repealed by Law 50 of 2002

Order in Council 7 of 1979

Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 1973 (Channel Islands) Order 1979

Repealed by Law 4 of 1988

Law 8 of 1979

Island Planning (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1979

Repealed by Law 36 of 2002

Order in Council 9 of 1979

Suppression of Terrorism Act 1978 (Jersey) Order 1978

Chapter 17.805

Law 10 of 1979

Medical Practitioners (Registration) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1978

Incorporated in Chapter 20.600

Law 11 of 1979

Motor Traffic (Third-Party Insurance) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1979

Incorporated in Chapter 25.250

Law 12 of 1979

Motor Traffic (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 1979

Incorporated in Chapter 25.200

Order in Council 13 of 1979

Arbitration (International Investment Disputes) (Jersey) Order 1979

Chapter 13.025

Order in Council 14 of 1979

Internationally Protected Persons Act 1978 (Jersey) Order 1979

Chapter 17.525

Law 15 of 1979

Williams & Glyn’s Trust Company (Channel Islands) Limited (Jersey) Law 1979


Law 16 of 1979

Income Tax (Amendment No. 13) (Jersey) Law 1979

Incorporated in Chapter 24.750

Law 17 of 1979

Finance (Jersey) Law 1979

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Order in Council 18 of 1979

Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1975

Chapter 13.400

Law 19 of 1979

Driving Disqualification (Non-Motoring Offences) (Jersey) Law 1979

Chapter 08.480

Law 20 of 1979

Police Force (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1979

Incorporated in Chapter 23.220, formerly chapter 23.375

Law 21 of 1979

Teachers’ Superannuation (Jersey) Law 1979

Chapter 16.850

Law 22 of 1979

Loi (1979) (Amendement No. 3) sur l’Instruction Primaire

Repealed by Law 27 of 1999

Law 23 of 1979

Dwelling-Houses (Rent Control) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1979

Incorporated in Chapter 18.270

Law 24 of 1979

Loi (1979) (Amendement) autorisant la perception d’un impôt sur certaines huiles et essences

Repealed by Law 33 of 1999

Law 25 of 1979

Motor Traffic (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) Law 1979

Incorporated in Chapter 25.200

Law 26 of 1979

Sewerage (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1979

Repealed by Law 14 of 2000

Law 27 of 1979

Royal Court (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1979

Incorporated in Chapter 07.770

Law 28 of 1979

Places of Refreshment (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1979

Incorporated in Chapter 11.600

Order in Council 29 of 1979

Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) (Jersey and Isle of Man) Order 1979

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Law 1 of 1980

Loi (1979) (Amendement) sur les matières explosives

Incorporated in Chapter 23.250

Law 2 of 1980

Birth Certificate (Shortened Form) (Jersey) Law 1979

Repealed by Law 31 of 2001

Law 3 of 1980

Police Court (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1979

Repealed by Law 13 of 1990; Incorporated in Chapter 07.595

Order in Council 4 of 1980

Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 1979 (Channel Islands) Order 1980

Repealed by Law 4 of 1988

Order in Council 5 of 1980

Zimbabwe Act 1979 Order In Council

Not included in revised edition

Law 6 of 1980

Motor Traffic (Amendment No. 13) (Jersey) Law 1980

Incorporated in Chapter 25.200

Order in Council 7 of 1980

Merchant Shipping Act 1979 (Jersey) Order 1980

Repealed by S.I. 1284 of 2004

Law 8 of 1980

Jersey Mutual Insurance Society, Incorporated (Alteration of Rules) (No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1980

Repealed by Law 21 of 1998

Law 9 of 1980

Places of Refreshment (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1980

Incorporated in Chapter 11.600

Law 10 of 1980

Cremation (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1980

Incorporated in Chapter 20.075

Law 11 of 1980

Decimal Currency (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1980

Incorporated in Chapter 24.690

Law 12 of 1980

Finance (Jersey) Law 1980

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 13 of 1980

National Westminster Jersey Trust Company Limited (Jersey) Law 1980


Law 14 of 1980

Census (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1980

Repealed by Law 8 of 1986; Incorporated in Chapter 15.040

Law 15 of 1980

Income Tax (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Law 1980

Incorporated in Chapter 24.750

Law 16 of 1980

Telecommunications (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1980

Repealed by Law 1 of 2002

Law 17 of 1980

Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1980


Order in Council 18 of 1980

New Hebrides Act 1980 Order In Council

Not included in revised edition

Law 19 of 1980

Protection of Animals (Jersey) Law 1980

Repealed by Law 27 of 2004

Law 20 of 1980

Electricity (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1980

Incorporated in Chapter 27.100

Law 21 of 1980

Island Planning (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1980

Repealed by Law 36 of 2002

Law 22 of 1980

Public Health (Control of Building) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1980

Repealed by Law 36 of 2002

Law 23 of 1980

Statute Law Revision (No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1980

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Order in Council 24 of 1980

Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) (Jersey) Order 1980

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Law 25 of 1980

Public Finances (Administration) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1980

Repealed by Law 14 of 2005

Law 26 of 1980

Loi (1980) sur la Cour pour le recouvrement de menues dettes

Incorporated in Chapter 07.210

Law 27 of 1980

European Communities (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1980

Incorporated in Chapter 17.210

Order in Council 1 of 1981

Nuclear Installations (Jersey) Order 1980

Chapter 17.595

Law 2 of 1981

Prison (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1981

Incorporated in Chapter 23.775

Law 3 of 1981

Decimal Currency (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1981

Incorporated in Chapter 24.750

Law 4 of 1981

Compulsory Purchase of Land (Procedure) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1981

Incorporated in Chapter 18.135

Law 5 of 1981

Invalid Care and Disability Allowances (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1981

Incorporated in Chapter 26.600

Law 6 of 1981

Policing of Roads, Parks and Sea Beaches (Application of Fines) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1981

Incorporated in Chapter 22.600

Law 7 of 1981

Motor Traffic (Third-Party Insurance) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1981

Incorporated in Chapter 25.250

Law 8 of 1981

Income Tax (Amendment No. 15) (Jersey) Law 1981

Incorporated in Chapter 24.750

Law 9 of 1981

Finance (Jersey) Law 1981

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Order in Council 10 of 1981

Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) (Jersey) Order 1981

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Order in Council 11 of 1981

Broadcasting Act 1980 (Channel Islands) Order 1981

Repealed by Order in Council 4 of 1988

Order in Council 12 of 1981

Sea Fish (Conservation ) (Channel Islands) Order 1981

Chapter 14.600

Law 13 of 1981

Patents (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1981

Incorporated in Chapter 05.575

Order in Council 1 of 1982

The South Africa (United Nations Arms Embargo) (Prohibited Transactions) (Amendment) Order 1982

Repealed by Order in Council 24 of 1994

Law 2 of 1982

Loi (1982) (Amendement No. 3) réglant la Procédure Criminelle

Incorporated in Chapter 08.740

Law 3 of 1982

Payment of Wages (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1982

Repealed by Law 42 of 2003

Law 4 of 1982

Depositors and Investors (Prevention of Fraud) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1982

Incorporated in Chapter 13.450

Order in Council 5 of 1982

The Merchant Shipping (Liability of Shipowners and Others) (Jersey) Order 1982

Repealed by S.I. 1284 of 2004

Law 6 of 1982

Criminal Justice (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1982

Incorporated in Chapter 08.320

Law 7 of 1982

Loi (1982) (Amendement No. 4) réglant la Procédure Criminelle

Incorporated in Chapter 08.740

Law 8 of 1982

Midland Bank Trust Corporation (Jersey) Limited (Jersey) Law 1982


Law 9 of 1982

Harbours (Administration) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1982

Incorporated in Chapter 19.060

Law 10 of 1982

Aerodromes (Administration) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1982

Incorporated in Chapter 03.035

Law 11 of 1982

Administrative Decisions (Review) (Jersey) Law 1982

Chapter 16.025

Law 12 of 1982

Finance (Jersey) Law 1982

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 13 of 1982

Social Security (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1982

Incorporated in Chapter 26.900

Law 14 of 1982

Social Security (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1982

Incorporated in Chapter 26.900

Law 15 of 1982

Police Force (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1982

Incorporated in Chapter 23.220, formerly chapter 23.375

Order in Council 1 of 1983

The Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) (Jersey) Order 1982

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Order in Council 2 of 1983

The Taking of Hostages (Jersey) Order 1982

Chapter 17.840

Law 3 of 1983

Insurance Business (Jersey) Law 1983

Repealed by Law 12 of 1996

Law 4 of 1983

Security Interests (Jersey) Law 1983

Chapter 13.775

Order in Council 5 of 1983

Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980 (Jersey) Order 1983

Chapter 05.650

Order in Council 6 of 1983

The Immigration (Jersey) (Variation) Order 1982

Repealed by Order in Council 22 of 1993

Law 7 of 1983

Loi accordant un Acte d’Incorporation à l’Association dite “The Jersey Heritage Trust”


Law 7A of 1983

Loi (1983) (Amendement) sur les levées de corps

Repealed by Law 9 of 1995

Law 8 of 1983

Cremation (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1983

Incorporated in Chapter 20.075

Law 9 of 1983

Dentists (Registration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1983

Incorporated in Chapter 20.100

Law 10 of 1983

Agricultural Marketing (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1983

Repealed by Law 10 of 1991; Incorporated in Chapter 01.160

Law 11 of 1983

Nursing Homes (Registration) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1983

Repealed by Law 12 of 1994

Law 12 of 1983

Old Persons Homes (Registration) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1983

Repealed by Law 12 of 1994

Law 13 of 1983

Matrimonial Causes (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 1983

Incorporated in Chapter 12.650

Law 14 of 1983

Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1983

Incorporated in Chapter 08.680

Order in Council 15 of 1983

The Trustee Savings Banks Act 1981 (Channel Islands) Order 1983

Chapter 13.800

Law 16 of 1983

Safeguarding of Workers (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1983

Repealed by Law 8 of 1989

Order in Council 17 of 1983

The Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) (Jersey) Order 1983

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Law 18 of 1983

Social Security (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1983

Incorporated in Chapter 26.900

Law 19 of 1983

Sea-Fisheries (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1983

Repealed by Law 19 of 1994

Law 20 of 1983

Island Planning (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1983

Repealed by Law 36 of 2002

Order in Council 21 of 1983

The Transfer of Offenders (Designation of Equivalent Sentences) Order 1983

Not included in revised edition

Law 22 of 1983

Finance (Jersey) Law 1983

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Order in Council 23 of 1983

The Merchant Shipping Act 1983 (Jersey) Order 1983

Repealed by S.I. 1284 of 2004

Order in Council 24 of 1983

The Transfer of Offenders (Designation of Equivalent Sentences) (Amendment) Order 1983

Not included in revised edition

Order in Council 25 of 1983

Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) (Jersey) Order 1983

Chapter 04.360

Law 1 of 1984

Office of Judicial Greffier (Jersey) Law 1984

Amendments incorporated in respective laws; Repealed by Law 30 of 1993

Order in Council 2 of 1984

The Church Building Act 1831 (Repeal) (Jersey) Order 1983

Not included in revised edition

Law 3 of 1984

Loi (1984) sur la Cour pour le recouvrement de menues dettes

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 4 of 1984

Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1984


Law 5 of 1984

Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1984

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 6 of 1984

National Trust for Jersey Law 1984

Chapter 22.525

Law 7 of 1984

Parish Rate (Administration) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1984

Repealed by L.18/2003

Law 8 of 1984

Loi (1984) au sujet des Assemblées Paroissiales

Incorporated in Chapter 16.100

Law 9 of 1984

Agricultural Land (Control of Sales and Leases) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1984

Incorporated in Chapter 01.080

Order in Council 10 of 1984

The Civil Aviation Act 1980 (Jersey) Order 1984

Chapter 03.770

Law 11 of 1984

Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984

Chapter 13.875

Law 12 of 1984

Anatomy and Human Tissue (Jersey) Law 1984

Chapter 20.025

Law 13 of 1984

Finance (Jersey) Law 1984

Amendments incorporated in respective laws

Law 14 of 1984

Family Allowances (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1984

Repealed by Law 9 of 2007

Law 15 of 1984

Petroleum (Jersey) Law 1984

Chapter 27.400

Law 16 of 1984

Jersey Mutual Insurance Society, Incorporated (Alteration of Rules) (No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1984

Repealed by Law 21 of 1998

Law 17 of 1984

Customary Law Amendment (No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1984

Chapter 15.200

Order in Council 18 of 1984

Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1984 (Jersey) Order 1984

Repealed by Law 20 of 1996

Law 19 of 1984

Insurance Business (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1984

Repealed by Law 12 of 1996

Law 20 of 1984

Parish of St. Hélier (Qualifications for Office) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1984

Incorporated in Chapter 16.500

Law 21 of 1984

Attendance Allowances (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1984

Repealed by Law 9 of 2007

Law 22 of 1984

Health Insurance (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1984

Incorporated in Chapter 26.500

Law 23 of 1984

Family Allowance (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1984

Repealed by Law 9 of 2007

Law 24 of 1984

Barclays Bank (Jersey) Law 1984


Order in Council 25 of 1984

The Criminal Justice Act 1982 (Jersey) Order 1984

Repealed by Order in Council 22 of 1993

Order in Council 26 of 1984

The Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) Order 1984

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Order in Council 27 of 1984

The Merchant Shipping Act 1981 (Commencement No. 3) Order 1984

Repealed by S.I. 1284 of 2004

Law 1 of 1985

Royal Court (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1985

Incorporated in Chapter 07.770

Law 2 of 1985

Employment Agencies (Registration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1985

Incorporated in Chapter 05.250

Law 3 of 1985

Safeguarding of Workers (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1985

Repealed by Law 8 of 1989

Law 4 of 1985

Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1985

Incorporated in Chapter 05.225

Law 5 of 1985

Decimal Currency (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1985.

Incorporated in Chapter 24.690

Law 6 of 1985

Court of Appeal (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1985.

Incorporated in Chapter 07.245

Law 7 of 1985

Standard Chartered Bank (Jersey) Law 1985


Law 8 of 1985

Invalid Care and Disability Allowances (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1985

Incorporated in Chapter 26.600

Law 9 of 1985

Security Interests (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1985

Incorporated in Chapter 13.775

Law 10 of 1985

Shops (Sunday Trading) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1985

Repealed by Law 21 of 2010

Law 11 of 1985

Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1985

Incorporated in Chapter 05.750

Law 12 of 1985

Service of Process and Taking of Evidence (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1985

Incorporated in Chapter 07.840

Law 13 of 1985

Health Insurance (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 1985

Incorporated in Chapter 26.500

Law 14 of 1985

Gambling (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1985

Repealed by Law 14 of 2012

Law 15 of 1985

Entertainments on Public Roads (Jersey) Law 1985

Chapter 25.050

Law 16 of 1985

Royal Bank of Scotland (Jersey) Law 1985


Order in Council 17 of 1985

The Trustee Savings Banks Act 1985 (Channel Islands) Order 1985

Chapter 13.825

Order in Council 18 of 1985

The Fuel and Electricity (Control) Act 1973 (Continuation) (Jersey) Order 1985

Incorporated in Chapter 27.200

Law 19 of 1985

Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1985
