John Kelleher
For centuries, Jersey imposed caps
on the interest rates that could be charged on money lent. By the early 1960s, a prohibition aimed at usury was looking increasingly outmoded
in a world where financial
services were increasingly sophisticated and internationalised and the States
of Jersey wrestled with a growing population in need of housing and an
updated infrastructure. This article examines the history of the prohibition
and how it came to be removed in 1962.
For Jersey Finance, at least, the
year 2021 was a time to celebrate what it viewed
as sixty successful years of the Jersey finance
industry.1 The reason for asserting 1961 as the start date for that industry is that it brought forth a—
“series of legislative changes, led by Senator Cyril le Marquand and
the Finance and Economics Committee, [which] modernised Jersey’s
financial regulations and created room for the first merchant banks to open in
the Island.”2
The legislative changes identified are an amendment to the Code of 1771 to
remove a restriction on interest rates that may be charged on borrowed funds
and a change brought about by the Income Tax Law 1961.3 This article
will look at the first of these changes which allows us an interesting journey
into the history of usury in Jersey and the attitudes of Islanders on the cusp
of the beginnings of Jersey’s transformation into an international finance centre. It is as well to record
at the start that the cap on interest rates was actually
removed in 1962.4
1 As reflected in the special
edition of its annual brochure, Jersey.
First for Finance (13th edn, 2021–2022).
2 Preface by Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister, Government
of Jersey,
ibid, p 10.
3 It is unclear what the author had in mind. He refers to the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961, but the Income Tax (Jersey) Law was then dated 1937 and the only
amendment to it in 1961 was the Income Tax (Amendment No 18) (Jersey) Law 1961which
concerned sanctions for non-compliance in filing tax returns.
4 For the pedant, one
might also note that it
was removed at the request of the Finance
Committee, rather than the Finance and Economic Committee.
We start with the Code of 1771, an imperfect codification of Jersey law as at
that date, which included the following provision:5
“Conformément à
l’Ordonnance établie par l’acte de la Cour à
heritage, le vingt-troisiéme Septembre mil sept cens quatorze,
l’intérêt d’argent ne doit point excéder cinq
par cent, sur peine d’être reputé usuraire, & les contrevenans punis accordamment.”
The Ordonnance of 23 September
1714, actually described as an Act of the Cour de Héritage, was made at a time when the Royal Court shared with the States of Jersey the
power to legislate for the Island. The Act records
how the court’s earlier Act of 27 September 1688 had
found it necessary, for reasons unexplained, to reduce “les interets d’argent” to 6%
per annum,6 but contemporary experience indicated that ceiling was
now too high and so it was ordered, in the public interest, that—
“toutes dettes et argents qui
seront constituées et prevelés a l’interet a l’avenir ne les seront
a plus haut de cinq pour cent pour
an, a peine d’étre condamnés comme usuraires.”
Both statutes were aimed at usury,
the lending of money at excessive interest. The concept has a long history,
dating back to ancient civilisations. For the Christian Church, it was an object of moral anathema and, from its earliest beginning until the end of the medieval
period, great efforts were devoted to its eradication, backed up by scholarly
rationalisation and civil law. The prohibition was actually directed to excessive interest
rather than the practice of lending money, the underlying principle being that it was immoral
to ask for more than was given:7
“The Latin noun usura means the ‘use’ of anything, in this case the
use of borrowed capital; hence, usury was the price paid for the use of money.
The Latin verb intereo means ‘to be lost’; a substantive form
interisse developed into the modern term ‘interest.’ Interest was
not profit but loss . . . Compensation for loans was not licit if it was a gain to the lender,
but became licit if
the compensation was not a net gain, but rather a reimbursement
5 Code of Laws for the Island
of Jersey 1771 (Jersey, Bigwoods Printers Ltd, States’ Printers, 1968), p
84. All French text cited is in its original form and uncorrected by the
6 Philippe Le Geyt indicates
that interest was capped at 10% prior to 1628 and
then 8% until 1688. La Constitution, les Lois, et les Usages
de Cette Ile (Jersey
1847) Tome I, p 114.
7 S Homer and R Sylla, A History
of Interest Rates
(New Jersey, 2005),
pp 68– 71.
for loss or expense . . . interest was considered the compensation due to
a creditor because of a loss which he had incurred through lending.”
Attitudes varied as to what form
of compensation was acceptable. Thus whilst
compensation for a delay
in repaying a loan was generally acceptable, compensation
for the risk involved was generally not and gradually interest payable from the
beginning of the loan until repayment came to be tolerated in certain cases,
for example, where the
money could have been used profitably by the lender for some other purpose.8
Over time, the approach to
interest in Western Europe moderated and, following the Reformation, the opposition to usury was weakened,
particularly for Protestants.9 But the capping of interest at a
fixed percentage was a feature of many countries
in Western Europe
until the late nineteenth
century. In England the legal rate of interest between 1571 and 1624 was 10%; 1624 and 1651, 8%; 1651 and 1714, 6%, and
from then 5% until the abolition of the cap in 1854.10 By 1854, a number
of exceptions to the cap had been allowed in England, notably for pawnbrokers, and by that date two factors joined
to persuade Parliament to abandon it. The first was
the concept of freedom of contract. The second was the evolution of the
financial economy, particularly the treatment of money as—
“a commodity which was allowed to find its own price in the market [and where] it was now possible to lend money to rich and
poor at any rate of interest.”
Unsurprisingly, there was opposition as to the negative effect such a free market approach could have on the poor and the vulnerable.11
The courts shared this concern and by the 1860s the Court of Chancery had moved to expand the doctrine of undue influence to enable it to be used
to vitiate an agreement. In Barrett v Hartley,12 the court expressly
noted that the abandonment of the usury laws had resulted in the
“into operation, to a greater
extent than formerly
. . . that principle of the Court which prevented any oppressive bargain,
or any
8 Ibid, p 77.
9 Ibid, p 77.
10 Ibid, pp 124, 184.
11 The Oxford
History of the Laws of England, Volume XII 1820–1914 Private Law (Oxford, 2010), p 859.
12 (1866) LR 2 Eq 789, at 794–795.
advantage exacted from a man under a grievous necessity and want of money,
from prevailing against him.”13
Closer to home, the customary law of thirteenth-century Normandy reflected the general attitude of the Church at that
“The chattels of usurers are surrendered to the duke of Normandy by custom, so that as a result of
this the wrongful striving of usurers should be bridled in future. Usury is
committed in three ways. One mode is the over-calculation of the price of
anything, where the borrower obliges himself to hand over the return to someone
for the concession of a space of time for payment. For example, Peter
calculates the price of his horse to Thomas at ten pounds of Tours in value,
and they agrees to this, and because Thomas does not have the money, a term for payment of forty days is assigned, such that, at the term,
twelve pounds is paid for the horse. In this usury is committed [in respect of]
forty shillings. Money advanced is understood similarly. That which is paid
because of an advance by agreement with the lender is known as usury. In the aforesaid sale of a horse, similarly
money is made in
setting the price and it is like an advance, when a term of forty days is given by agreement to pay forty shillings more. The second mode is when a thing of one type is
exchanged for a thing of another type of a greater
price in the same quantity
for payment at a term, such as to advance oats for
wheat, or beer for wine. The third mode is mortgage. It is called [literally]
‘dead gage’ when the fruit or issue of the thing mortgaged which
the lender receives accounts for nothing [of the
debt], such that if someone transfers his land to anyone for twenty pounds, all
that which the lender receives from the issues, beyond
the said money which is rendered
in full, is known as usury.”
According to both Jean Poingdestre
and Philippe Le Geyt, writing of Jersey law in the late seventeenth/early
eighteenth centuries, usury was a crime punishable by a period
of time in the stocks
and, as a matter of the law
of obligations, interest above the lawful limit was unenforceable.15 Le Geyt noted however that a mean position was
13 Ibid, p 865.
14 Chapter 20 “De
Usurariis”, Le Grand Coutumier de
Normandie. The Laws and Customs by which the Duchy of Normandy is Ruled Latin,
trans. JA Everard, from L’Ancienne
Coutume de Normandie edited by WL de Gruchy (Jersey 1881) (Jersey 2009), pp
15 J Poingdestre, Les Commentaires sur l’Ancienne Coutume
de Normandie
(Jersey 1907),
p 19. P Le Geyt, La Constitution, les Lois, et les Usages
de Cette
required between enabling
borrowing for those in need and the usurious
lender. As he put it, “Il suffit
que le créancier gagne honnestement, suivant le cours du commerce et des
affaires.”16 Thomas Pipon and John-Thomas Durell,
King’s Procureur and Advocate respectively, writing in 1789 provided some
more detail when they set out for the Lords of the Committee of His
Majesty’s Privy Council what “we conceive to be the criminal law of
the island, and the punishments thereby inflicted.” For them, in respect
of usury, Jersey followed the Norman custom as it had evolved:17
“Rouillé[18] hereupon in chapt. 20. lays down the
Custom in the words following, ‘we shall in course speak of the chattels
of usurers which remain unto the Duke according to the ancient Custom. of Normandy, to restrain those who shall come hereafter from the cupidity of
usurers.’ By the whole tenor of this chapt. upon usury, it was absolutely
unlawful by the Custom of Normandy to take any kind of interest or profit for
the use of money or other things lent, without incurring
the guilt of usury by which
the chattels of the offender
were forfeited; it would however seem from what Terrien[19]
observes upon this point in his comments upon book I2. chapt. 22d, that in
after time it was not held as an offence to take reasonable interest for money;
and at this day nothing is reputed usury but what exceeds
the lawful and current interest
now reduced to five per cent; and usury would now
be punished not according to the severity
of the law established by the Custom, which forfeited all the
offender’s chattels, but by cancelling the contract that was judged
usurous and by fine according to the circumstances of the case.”
Half a century or so on, the First Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the State
of the Criminal Law in the Channel Islands confirmed that usury
was a crime under Jersey law:20
Ile (Jersey 1847) Tome III, p
79; Privileges, Loix & Coustumes de
L’Ile de Jersey avec un Essay
pour des Reglemens Politiques (Jersey 1953),
art 7, p 90. 16 La Constitution, les Lois, et les Usages de
Cette Ile (Jersey 1847), Tome I, p 114.
17 A Statement of the Mode of Proceedings, and of Going to Trial,
in the Royal Court of Jersey in all causes, Criminal, Civil and Mixed (The Jersey Press, 1789), pp
3, 16.
18 G Rouillé, Le Grand Coustumier du pays et duché de Normandie (1534).
19 G Terrien, Commentaires du droit civil, tant public que
privé, observe au pays et Duché de Normandy (1574).
20 First Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire
into the state pf the criminal law in the
Channel Islands—Jersey (London, 1847,
HMSO), at p xxv.
“Usury was formerly punished by forfeiture of the chattels of the
offender to the Sovereign. (Gr. Coust. ch. 20.) This offence, as Messrs. Pipon and Durell point out, consisted in taking
any profit for the use of
money or other things lent. The penalty, however, was inflicted only, as we
understand the chapter referred to, after the death of the usurer, and then not
unless he had committed the offence within a year and a day before his death. The
writers cite Terrien (xii. 22.) to shew that, afterwards, it was not an offence
to take reasonable interest: but we doubt whether Terrien[21]
is speaking of the Norman custom.
They add that, in their own time, usury would consist in taking more than 5 per cent.,
and would be punished by cancelling the usurious
contract, and by fine according to the circumstances of the case. The code of
1771, confirming a law of 1714, fixes the maximum of legal interest at 5 per
cent. In a recent case, the Court annulled the debt. The present law is
evidently quite unconnected with what we find in the Coustumier.”
This conclusion was based
on the evidence of Thomas
Le Breton, then Procureur
Général, and several
members of the Jersey bar. It is not
at all clear that the one case they mentioned as an example
was actually a criminal one
concerning usury. On the facts presented, it appears to have been a civil
dispute over a debt.22
The Commissioners appointed in
1859 to Inquire into the Civil, Municipal, and Ecclesiastical Laws of the
Island of Jersey also heard some evidence from the Jersey
Bar concerning the restriction on interest
in the Code of 1771 but the general view was that it was ineffective. As Advocate John Gibaut put it:
“Unfortunately this small community swarms with usurers”.23 Certainly, no witness offered
a precedent for a
prosecution for usury.
By the Loi (1884)
sur le prêt sur gages, the States of Jersey admitted of some
exception to the interest cap, reflecting earlier developments in the United
Kingdom. The preamble to the Loi stated:
“That, it is useful to regulate the business of pawnbroker. Although this kind of commerce offers advantages to the less well-
off class of society, it nevertheless results in very serious abuses, no protection being given to those who find themselves compelled
21 G Terrien, op cit.
22 Ibid, p 244, paras
23 The Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Civil,
Municipal, and Ecclesiastical Laws of the Island of Jersey, p 341, paras 7560–
by circumstances to have recourse to lenders . . . Lenders often demand, by way of interest, such exorbitant profits
that those who have entrusted them with pledged
objects find it impossible to withdraw them, and are forced to sacrifice
The Loi put in
place a licensing system whereby pawnbrokers could only operate with the permission of the Constable of the parish
in which they intended to practise and were required to keep detailed
records of all transactions. Under art 2, a pawnbroker was allowed to charge
interest per month, or for part of a month, on the principal sum which was lent on set rates
on a sliding scale depending on the quantum of the loan. This ranged from
half a penny per month, where the loan did not exceed two shillings and
sixpence, to three pennies per month for each £1 if the loan exceeded
£2. As if to emphasise the cap on interest in the Code of 1771, art 19
“This Law does not extend to persons who do not carry on the regular
business of pawnbrokers, but who lend money at interest at the rate of five percent
per annum, receiving objects on deposit as collateral.”
Le Gros, in his Traité
du Droit Coutumier de l’Ile de Jersey referred to and summarised a
number of civil cases brought before the Royal Court between 1839 and 1893
concerning high rates of interest claimed on monies lent.24 The cases,
because of their facts, did not result in
any pronouncement as to the law on usurious interest
beyond, as the Royal Court later put it, indicating an “underlying
assumption” of the court and one of the defendants that had there been
“a usurious rate of interest, that would have been a good basis upon
which the defendant might have succeeded in resisting the claim.”25
All of which brings us to the repeal of the 5% cap on interest
rates in 1962. As will be apparent, although commentators pointed to the
Norman custom as the source of Jersey’s law on this subject, the
percentage chosen for the cap broadly followed
English law: 6% in
24 CS Le Gros, Traité du Droit Coutumier de
l’Ile de Jersey (Jersey 1943; reprinted with end notes and texts
where Le Gros is cited, Jersey &
Guernsey Law Review, 2007), pp 310–312. He cites Young v Barnes Ex 1861 Avril 6, Alcock
v Lumley Ex 1893 Juillet 29. He refers two other cases under the heading “Intérêts usuraires”, though
these cases (one from 1819 and the other
from 1839) do not appear to be on
point. The Table des Décisions de
la Cour Royale, a series
which run from 1885 to 1978 and provides an index by subject
matter, has no obvious heading
to draw the reader to cases on usurious interest. 25 Doorstop Ltd v Gillman 2012 (2) JLR 311,
para 32.
1688 (reduced from an unstated higher figure), then 5% in 1714.26
Jersey did not however follow England in repealing the cap in 1854. The existence of a cap does not indeed appear
to have arisen as an issue
until the early 1960s when a number of problems of a financial nature
confronted the States of Jersey.
First amongst these was the use of
loans made by UK domiciled persons to Jersey property owners to avoid UK death
duties. The tax loophole identified was the exemption from that duty of
foreign-sited immovable property owned by the deceased and the fact that a sum
of money lent and secured against Jersey immovable property by way of simple conventional hypothec (HCS) was, under Jersey
law, deemed to be immovable
property.27 A veritable industry had developed whereby UK-based private
lenders made available loans to Jersey property owners, often placed shortly before the death of the anticipated lender, typically at an artificially low interest (presumably
reflecting that the lender’s estate had much to gain from the
arrangement) and subject to repayment on six months’ notice,
with the understanding that this would not be activated for five years.28
In a report presented to the States in March 1962, the Finance Committee
claimed that the HCS had been used for these purposes from at least as early as
the 1950s, when the total lent was estimated to be £175,000. By 1960 this
had increased to some £4m. By early 1962,
the Committee estimated
that the amount so
advanced was “not less than £12,000,000 and that a considerable sum
has been on loan for more than five years.”29 In today’s
money, the latter sum would be nearly £220m. The late Sir Peter Crill,
former Bailiff of Jersey and, between 1960 and 1962, a States Senator, recalls in his autobiography the popularity of the practice
in this period. Indeed, he
recounts how he received a telephone call from a London firm one Friday who had a client on his deathbed
and wanted to transfer
26 This interpretation is supported
by Le Geyt, as we have seen above. He added
that the interest cap was reduced in 1688 to 6% “comme on avoit fait en Angleterre, par un Acte du Parlement de l'an 12e du règne du Roy Charles
II.” La Constitution,
les Lois, et les Usages de Cette Ile (Jersey 1847) Tome I, p 114.
27 Per art 27 of the Loi (1880) sur la Propriété Foncière.
28 (1) Report of the Finance
Committee on repeal of provision of the Code dealing with the rate of interest on loans; (2) Bill to repeal the provision of the
Code of 1771 with regard to the rate of interest on loans and to empower the
States, for a limited period,
to prescribe maximum
rates of interest;
and (3) Bill to authorise the raising of loans of
a total amount not exceeding £2m. 250– 38/3(8), 165(1) P–29.
(“March 1962 Report”) Jersey Archive Reference S/ALL/Y2/B/68.
29 Ibid.
£250,000 to Jersey for it to be lent and secured via an HCS
“at once”, an instruction he and his assistants managed to complete
a day later before the Samedi Court. The business was so buoyant, he states,
that companies like the Royal Trust Company of Canada “appeared to do
very little else”. For locals it was a boon: cheap money which enabled
homes to be purchased, hotels
to be expanded and, for those with an eye to investment deployed elsewhere, such
as in Treasury Bonds, for a good return of 4% to 5% to be achieved.30
The Finance Committee did not
share the enthusiasm of the local market for this practice. It was concerned at the inflationary effect of so much cheap money pouring into the
Island. It was also concerned that the amount of tax thereby lost to the UK
Treasury would result in friction with the British Government31 and breach a tacit understanding, in place since the 1930s,
that Jersey would not actively assist UK tax avoidance.32 As the law
stood, it could not control the process. Under the Borrowing (Control) (Jersey)
Law 1947,33 one of several laws promulgated at the time to enable
the States to control the economy as it sought to reboot following liberation
from the German Occupation, the Finance Committee was empowered to make orders
to regulate—
“(a) the borrowing of money in the Island where the aggregate of the
amount of money borrowed under the transaction and of any other amounts so
borrowed by the same person in the previous twelve months . . . exceeds ten
thousand pounds sterling.”34
Article 1 of the Schedule made it a criminal offence to contravene any provision of any order made under the Law. A 1947 Order clarified that prior consent of the Finance
Committee was only required for a person to borrow a sum over £50,000
(in a 12-month period).35 This had left something of an open field for those wishing
to avail themselves of the
30 P Crill, A Little Brief Authority (Great Malvern 2005), pp 186–187.
31 The March 1962 Report
claimed that the UK Government’s intentions were not known
but it observed that the Labour Party’s declared policy at its Annual party Conference in October 1961 to
close tax avoidance using “tax havens abroad”.
32 The Evening Post 5 April 1960. The
Senator was reported as saying that
so pervasive was the loophole that it was advertised in the UK financial press.
33 The preamble described it
“A Law to provide for
the regulation of the borrowing and raising of money, the issue of securities,
and the circulation of offers of securities for subscription, sale or
34 Article 2(1).
35 Control of Borrowing (Jersey)
Order 1947. This was replaced
by the Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Order 1958.
HCS tax loophole, since the Order restricted borrowers rather than lenders
and enabled multiple loans of £50,000 or less to be made without the
consent of the Finance Committee. One UK domiciled lender in 1960 was reported to have made 55 separate
loans of £316,000 secured by HCS.36
The second problem of a financial
nature which confronted the States of Jersey in the early 1960s was its inability to borrow money to
fund much-needed capital projects because banks were unwilling to lend at 5%
interest. As the Finance Committee explained in its March 1962 Report,
communications from various other States of Jersey Committees indicated large
additional sums would be required in the near future to fund intended capital
projects: the Housing Committee for the construction of dwellings and advancing of loans to assist home buyers; the Island Development
Committee to commence projects indicated in the recent Barrett Report on Island
planning; the Agriculture Committee for grants to growers to enable the
purchase or extension of their holdings. Furthermore, the States were already
over extended to the tune of £1,100,000 in the sense that capital had
been committed without drawing down on agreed loans. 37
The third issue was the perception
of the Finance Committee that the 5% restriction was impeding the growth of Jersey as an international finance centre, particularly
in persuading merchant banks to establish themselves there. This issue is not ventilated in the Committee’s reports or The Evening
Post, the only newspaper
of the day. However, the late Colin Powell recalled
that the Finance
Committee was, by at least
early 1961, in discussions with Lord Bearsted, the Chairman of the UK
merchant bank M Samuel &
Co (in 1965 renamed as Hill Samuel),
who was looking to establish a
presence in Jersey to tap into the
large sums of money flowing into Jersey from UK expatriates around the world
and thus place their funds in a politically stable and tax friendly
jurisdiction. According to Powell, both Jersey and Guernsey were in the running, with Bearsted weighing
up Jersey’s better transport links to the UK and its lower tax on business
profits against the absence of a statutory interest cap in Guernsey. Bearsted
was reassured by Senator Cyril le Marquand that repeal of the cap was already
on the political agenda and would be secured within a short time.
The extent to which this story is correct
and not simply apocryphal is impossible to say. However,
on 16 December 1961, The Evening
36 The Evening Post 14 February 1961. The minutes of the Finance
Committee for the relevant
time period provide
little insight into the Committee’s thinking on any of the issues discussed in this article.
37 The March 1962 Report.
announced the establishment of M Samuel
& Co (Jersey)
Ltd endowed with a prestigious board including the recently retired
Bailiff of Jersey, Lord Coutanche. As we shall see, it was soon followed
by a number of other
merchant banks.
The repeal of the HCS tax loophole and the statutory cap were not however the plain sailing for which
Senator Le Marquand may have hoped. On 14 February 1961, the States debated the
proposition to amend the Borrowing
Control Law to introduce a specific restriction on borrowing secured by the creation of an HCS. It became very
clear during the debate
that there was a lot of local opposition to the proposal from lawyers, bankers, estate
agents, builders and others. Senator Crill led the opposition, arguing
that the Island needed low interest loans for
its economy to grow. It was important to allow the HCS loophole to remain until alternative modes of lending
could be arranged. If the cap were removed, interest
rates, he predicted, would soar and the economy would stagnate. He presented an
amendment which (as a matter of Jersey law at least) would leave the loophole
in place, but give the Committee greater control
over lending, save where a loan was required
to purchase a house, a farm or buildings for public use.38 On 15
February his amendment was defeated
25:19 and the Bill was adopted,
but the opposition had been such that it was agreed (following a proposal of
Senator Wilfred Krichefski) that its activation would be suspended pending
discussions between a States’ delegation (of Senators Cyril le Marquand,
Rumfitt39, and Crill; Deputies Venables and Tanguy) and
representatives of HM Treasury to ascertain the degree of UK concern about the
HCS loophole and report back to the States.40
An inkling as to the degree of the UK Government’s concern might be
surmised from the fact that in June 1961 the BBC’s Tonight programme featured a less than favourable piece on Jersey
entitled “Cheap Money Controversy”.41 Senator Le Marquand, perhaps
wisely, refused to provide an interview for the programme.42
On 18 August 1961, however, an allegation was made in a States’ sitting that Senators Le Marquand and Rumfitt, rather
than undertaking
38 The Evening Post 14 February 1961. It is worthwhile informing readers that Jersey at this time had no Hansard-type recording of its sittings
and The Evening Post offers the only
detailed record of debates.
39 Vice President of the Finance
40 The Evening
Post 15 February 1961.
41 The Evening Post 5 June 1961. The presenter was Alan Whicker, later
a long-term resident of Jersey.
42 The Evening Post 25 May 1961.
discussions via the delegation as mandated, had unilaterally been
discussing the HCS issue with HM Treasury officials, it being suggested that they had done so because they were in favour of closing
the loophole, unlike many States members.43 The two accepted that
there had been discussions, but claimed that this had only arisen because the relevant parties
were meeting anyway and that there was no
reason to doubt their good faith. States members were not placated.44
This controversy provided an
unhelpful setting for the States consideration
on 21 September of the Finance Committee’s proposal to remove
the interest cap in the Code of 1771.45 Senator Le Marquand opened
with an expression of disbelief at what he considered to be the general lack of understanding of what was best for the Jersey economy,
as evidenced by recent States debates and coverage in The Evening Post. There was plenty of capital in Jersey available
to borrowers, without the need to allow the exploitation of a UK tax loophole,
but it was first necessary to unlock that money by removing the interest cap.
Banks would not lend because
of the cap. They preferred
to lend abroad. Furthermore, they used the cap as an excuse not to pay
market rate interest on deposits.46 Even the States
sent public funds to the UK to be
placed on deposit at the higher rates of interest available there. The States could not secure
the large loans required to fund capital
projects at 5% interest and nor could they afford to lend money at that
rate to prospective local home owners.
Deputy Vernon Tomes (a future
Deputy Bailiff of Jersey) led the opposition. It was a populist presentation
dressed up in a highly technical argument about alternatives to removing the
cap. He argued that removal would cause untold suffering to householders with
mortgages, to farmers with bank overdrafts which they paid off in a good potato
season, to agricultural merchants who extended credit to farmers, to local
businessmen who required credit to operate, and to consumers generally who would face a resulting
increase in the price of
43 The Evening Post 18 August 1961. Crill, op cit.
44 The Evening Post 1 September 1961. The only reference to the issue in the Minutes of the Finance
Committee is on 4 September
1961 where it is recorded that the two Senators had met
with officials of the Home Office and the Treasury Department in an effort to
persuade them to expedite a high-level meeting with the States’
45 The Bill had in fact been lodged au Greffe on
13 September 1960.
46 The banks present in Jersey
appeared curiously reluctant to venture any opinion on the question of the
interest cap, despite attempts by the Finance Committee to ascertain their
views. See Minutes
of the Finance Committee for 10 August 1960 and 7 February 1962.
goods. If the real concern
of the Finance Committee was the funding
of public projects and the making of loans
to homeowners, then there were a number of technical ways in which
an exemption from the cap could be carved out just for States
borrowing and lending.
Senator Crill added that it was imperative that Jersey controlled interest rates locally.47 The proposition was defeated and the
Finance Committee sent back to review the alternatives that had been put forward.
Notwithstanding that it was
lost only 21:19, The Evening Post called
for the Finance Committee to resign:
its members had lost
the confidence of the States and the commercial community by
their dictatorial and intransigent attitude to everything.48
But the Committee stood firm. It
did so by repeating its warnings about the dire need for
capital to fund States’ projects. In its report on the budget
to the States in late November 1961, it contrasted a booming economy
(an increase of 9% in revenue) with the ordinary, capital requirements of the States
Committees (up by 20%). Cuts were required to be made and those capital
projects it considered essential (a new sewage treatment works and housing)
would need to be funded by a substantial loan or an increase in income tax.49
Later that month it warned of a budget deficit
of £1.6m. Furthermore, it did as it was bidden
by the States and explored
in some detail
the alternatives that had been put forward as obviating the need
for the repeal of the cap in the Code of 1771, only to conclude that none of
them was viable.
The results of its investigation were set out in a report to the States presented in March 1962, together
with a tactfully amended bill.50
The report took each alternative put forward by Deputy Tomes in turn.
Alternative 1: The issue of a
States loan at 5% free of income tax to those wishing
to build a home, notwithstanding the provisions of the
Code of 1771. HM Acting Attorney General’s advice was that this would be
lawful provided the lender did not receive more than 5% interest but was
ineffective for the issue of a loan under the Housing Construction Loans
(Jersey) Law 1960, to which the proposal related,
47 He asserted this notwithstanding that the majority of the
banks in the Island were
branches of UK ones and Jersey was in monetary union with the UK.
48 The Evening Post 22 September 1961. See also editorials on 15, 29
November and 30 December 1961. Another
aspect of the attitude towards the Committee was its resolute opposition
to the conduct of an economic survey of Jersey.
49 The Evening
Post 29 October 2011.
50 The March 1962 Report.
The Evening Post 23
March 1962.
since there was no express
power thereunder to issue a loan free of tax.51 The Finance Committee
was not minded to change the law to give it power to issue a loan at 5% free of income tax. It concluded that it was not prudent to assume that that the
large sums likely to be needed by the States for onward lending could, under existing market conditions, be obtained at less
than 6.5% gross.
Alternative II: That while generally
maintaining the interest ceiling of 5% on money borrowed, legislation should be
enacted providing exemption for
States’ loans. The Committee rejected this on the basis of public
“it would be ludicrous to create a situation in which private loans
are limited to 5% while the States of Jersey, with the backing of the security
offered by the General Revenues
of the Island, would pay
higher rates.”
Alternative III: The issue of a
loan at a discount with interest at 5% on the nominal value.
This was rejected
because mathematically the lender would in fact receive more than
5% on the actual sum lent.
Alternative IV: Investment of insular insurance funds in the House
Construction Loan at 5%. This was met by the obvious point that it was
the duty of the Committee to invest monies from those funds in such a way as would be
most advantageous for its beneficiaries, which required a broader enquiry
as to what the market
had to offer from time to
time. Given that interest rates outside Jersey were higher
than 5%, it was
hard to see how it would be in their best interests to cap their return.
Alternative V: That the
possibility should be explored of making available for re-investment in States
of Jersey loans at low rates of interest of monies derived from the deposits
in the Jersey Savings Bank. This however was not possible
because of restrictions in the Trustee Savings
Bank Act of 1954 as to permissible investments for depositors’ monies.
The States were therefore, so it
was argued by Senator Le Marquand, in something of a fix: remove the cap,
increase income tax or face restrictions on much needed capital projects. They
could no longer rely on cheap money from the UK exploiting a loophole that it
was understood would soon be closed, not only blocking a fresh flow of funds
but likely also causing the calling-in of existing loans, and in any event a
lending process which the Committee intended to regulate via its new powers
under the Borrowing Control Law. The
51 In contrast to the loan of £300,000 approved in 1927 as Jersey’s final contribution to the UK Government’s First World War
concluded that it was “now more necessary than ever to put an end to a
situation which isolates the Island from the normal flow of money available for
borrowing”. Nonetheless, with prescience as to the needs for compromise,
it recommended that whilst the interest cap must be removed, the States for a
period of two years should be empowered to make Regulations to fix the maximum
rate of interest “so as to effect an easy transition from the old
conditions to the new” and, simultaneously, presented a Bill authorising
the raising of loans to a total of £2m for intended States’ capital
On 25 April 1962, the States
approved the Code of 1771 (Amend-
ment) (Jersey) Law 1962 repealing
the interest cap and empowering the States for a period of two years to prescribe the maximum
rate of interest owed on transactions giving
rise to a debt. It also authorised the raising of loans to a total of £2m.
The Evening Post, which prior to the debate had firmly opposed
repeal of the cap because
it considered it had served Jersey so well and would severely hit the local economy,52
viewed as the turning point in the debate the reported announcement of the UK
Chancellor that the HCS loophole would
be closed.53 Indeed,
the loophole was closed soon thereafter. On 23 May 1962, the Finance Committee issued the Control of Borrowing (Amendment No 2) (Jersey) Order 1962 which removed
the restriction it had placed on the borrowing of money secured
by HCS which it had fought so
hard to obtain. There was now no control over borrowing a sum less than
£50,000 in a twelve month period.54
Colin Powell’s Economic Survey of Jersey
observes how, prior to
the repeal of the interest cap in the Code of 1771, the main deposit collecting
institutions in Jersey were branches of the London clearing banks and the
Jersey Savings Bank, but thereafter there had been a significant increase in
the number of banks, particularly merchant banks. Following the introduction of the Depositors and Investors
52 The Evening Post 9 April 1962.
53 The Evening Post 25 April 1962. It gave no further detail on the Chancellor’s
announcement, though it did note that the tax loophole which applied to
foreign-sited realty was also exploited by UK residents in other jurisdictions,
notably the Bahamas. According to WJ Heyting,
a frequent letter
writer to The
Evening Post on the subject
and later author
of The Constitutional Relationship between Jersey
and the United
Kingdom (Jersey 1977),
Jersey had not been the worst offender by far and it had not
pressed the point with the UK Treasury, the
Chancellor would not have felt compelled to act. The Evening
Post 27 April 1962. The Minutes of the Finance
Committee dated 18 April 1962 recorded that the UK had taken steps to close the
54 The Evening Post 25 May 1962.
(Prevention of Fraud) (Jersey) Law 1967, banks operating in Jersey had to
be licenced by the Finance Committee. As of 1971, Powell listed 22 banks
registered under the Law, 19 of which were incorporated between 1962 and 1969. Together, at the end of 1969,
they held deposits
of some
£296m, 70% of which was held for non-residents.55
As to usurious interest, it is
noteworthy that the subject did not feature in the debates over the repeal of
the HCS tax loophole or the removal of the interest cap. Inevitably, perhaps,
it did come to the attention of the Royal Court.
In 2012, the Royal Court had cause to visit the
subject in Doorstop Ltd v Gillman.56 The case concerned
two loans between two businessmen which had not been repaid
on time. The loans
carried interest at 12% during
their terms with penal interest
for a failure to redeem on time (on one of them the interest claimed
was the equivalent of a return of 51.16% for the use of money for one year).
The key issues before the court were whether it could intervene to reduce the interest claimed
to be lawfully due and, if so, on what basis.
Of the 1962 repeal of the interest
cap in the Code of 1771, the court
correctly observed that this had nothing to say about the existing law against usury and therefore
the court was left to draw what it could from
the customary law. To the observations of Poingdestre and Le Geyt cited above,
it added:57
“34 . . . our own experience is that, during the last 40 years or so,
the Royal Court has occasionally intervened to restrict the interest which it
would allow in any judgment. Usually those restrictions arose on the return
date of the issue of proceedings where the defendant was unrepresented, and judgment in a lesser sum than was claimed
by the plaintiff was allowed by the court, without any reasoned decision.
Although this may not have happened very frequently 20 years ago, in our experience, that was
the practice. In the last 15 years or so, the court has made it clear it would
not give judgment for interest until repayment of the judgment debt at full
contractual rates—at times it has allowed interest at 15% on the judgment
debt until repayment but more recently has only permitted interest at 8% even
where the claim was pursuant to contract.
55 C Powell, Economic Survey of Jersey (Jersey 1971),
pp 147–148, 179. Of the 30% held by the local population, he notes that
the majority was held by wealthy residents who had been attracted to Jersey
because of its low tax regime.
56 2012 (2) JLR 311.
57 Paragraphs 34–37.
More recently, the court has, in practice directions,
given indications of the maximum rate of interest which it would allow on
judgments under first of all the 1971 Law[58] and secondly the 1996
Law,[59] which is at an even lower rate. We recognize of course that
those represented judicial directions in relation to a statutory jurisdiction to award interest, rather than an interference in an agreed bargain, but
they show the court’s willingness to restrict interest rates to what is
In our judgment, although the 1961 Law removed
the cap on interest rates of 5%, it did not affect
the laws on usury generally, and the position therefore remains broadly that
the charging of interest at customary law must be moderate or reasonable.
It seems probable that the customary law rule arose out
of judicial policy. In that respect,
therefore, the Royal Court of Jersey
has not, for a very long time, been subject to the constraints to which Lord Scarman referred
in the Privy Council decision
of Pao On v. Lau Yiu Long[60]
. . . The policy may well have arisen at a time when the law did not distinguish quite so clearly
between that which was
illegal and that which was immoral. Whatever the original rationale, it is
clear in our judgment that this was the customary law.”
The court concluded, drawing on the approach adopted in
contemporary France and the United Kingdom, which offers a degree of protection
against extortionate interest rates by statute, that as a matter of Jersey
customary law, interest
charged during the period of a loan must be moderate or reasonable. To
the extent that it was not reasonable, the court would not enforce its recovery. When determining
whether a rate of interest was moderate or reasonable, first and proper regard
would be made to the principle of Jersey law that la convention fait la loi des
parties. Whilst the fact that parties acting at
arm’s length had agreed a
bargain would be of significant weight in the analysis, it was necessary
to view that in the larger context
of the agreement. Such
factors as the level of risk for the lender,
what the borrower
gained from the arrangement,
prevailing interest rates in the market place and the
58 Interest on Debts and Damages (Jersey)
Law 1971.
59 Interest on Debts and Damages (Jersey)
Law 1996.
60 [1980] AC 614 The principle
that, absent duress, the Privy Council would not as a matter of public policy
otherwise intervene to undo a contract where there had been unfair use of a
dominant bargaining position since those who negotiated at arms’ length
and reached a contract were not amenable to the court’s intervention on
the well-established grounds that they should be held to their bargain.
relative strength of the bargaining positions of those involved might bear
on the question.
So, to end where we began, was the
repeal of the interest cap in 1962 a watershed moment for Jersey’s finance industry? The answer is yes.
As Powell put it in 1971, the growth of offshore centres
was based on the
internationalisation of finance, and banks were at the centre of that
“The existence of fiscal and monetary restrictions throughout the
world creates a demand, from a variety
of sources and for a variety
of reasons, for an area which can act as a financial intermediary, and which has a simple and attractive fiscal
system and an absence
of controls over the movement of funds. Jersey is increasingly playing that
It is an interpretation shared by other authors.62 Banks were
the key financial intermediaries in enabling the international movement of
funds. Coupled with other factors such a political and fiscal stability and
proximity to the City of London, the releasing of a centuries-old restriction
on interest rates made Jersey a very attractive base for such institutions to
engage in international finance.
John Kelleher is an advocate of the Royal Court of Jersey and a partner in Carey Olsen.
61 Powell op cit,
p 145.
62 RA Johns, Tax Havens and Offshore Finance. A Study of
Transnational Economic Development (London 1983), p 9; RA Johns & CM Le
Marchant, Finance Centres. British Isle
Offshore Development since 1979 (London & New York 1993), pp 1–3; MP Hampton, “Offshore finance
centres and small island economies. Can and should Jersey be copied?”
(University of East Anglia PhD Thesis 1993), pp 102, 242–243, 269.