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Av. 1611: Sur
la complainte de Monsieur Ph. Maret advocat du Roy come son chappeau
luy a esté prins furtivement dedans la Cohue Come il estoit empecshey a traicter les affaires publicqs,
Il luy a este permys en
faire recherche par toutes voies et manieres et
produire le coulpable en Justice.
[27 April
1611: On the complaint of Mr Philippe Maret, King’s Advocate, that his hat was stolen furtively
from him in the Court building, so that he was prevented from the treating of
public affairs, he was allowed to investigate this by all means and manners and
to produce the culprit in Court.]
From the Société
Jersiaise Library, E.T. Nicolle notebook OP 12,
f. 28, citing Cour Extraordinare vol. 27, f. 65v.
Page Last Updated: 18 Jul 2024