Jersey &
Guernsey Law Review – June 2010
Richard Falle
and John Kelleher
The second part of an extended article on the customary
law in relation to the foreshore. The first part of the article (June 2008 edition)
focussed on the connection between continental Normandy and the Islands,
through their shared custom, in relation to the law as to the foreshore. It
argued that according to the custom the foreshore was presumed to be parcel of
the adjacent terra firma and accordingly parcel of a maritime fief. It
concluded that the Duke of Normandy
had no general claim to the foreshore and, barring certain limited ducal
privileges, it formed part of the seigneurial regime and its ownership lay in
private hands. The second article focuses on custom and practice in Jersey from 1204 to the present day to illustrate the law
and use of the foreshore. The article reviews a range of evidence from the
records of individual fiefs, 13th century enquiries undertaken in Jersey on
behalf of the Crown, disputes over the foreshore, the views of customary
writers and use of the foreshore ranging from varech, vraic, essiage,
pescheries and the collection of salt. It also examines the changing attitude
of the Crown to ownership of foreshore in Jersey
and the genesis of the Crown’s claim to it. It concludes with the case of
Les Pas Holdings Ltd and its claim to a private title in a significant part of
the St. Helier seafront.
1 In the first part of this article we demonstrated
a close connection between continental Normandy
and the Islands through their shared custom.[1] According
to that custom the foreshore was presumed to be parcel of the adjacent terra firma and accordingly parcel of the
maritime fief. We examined the origins of the Norman Duchy and reached the
conclusion, supported by historians such as Delisle,[2]
du Pont[3] and Bottin[4] and the
evidence of many contemporary records, that save in the matter of his
overriding feudal jurisdiction and certain limited ducal privileges e.g. in the matter of wreck, the Duke
had no general claim to the foreshore. We, for our part, found no evidence either
of an original title by the French Crown to the foreshores of Normandy. Indeed, it appeared that the
French king prior to 1204 held no land in the Duchy. He had been suzerain not
sovereign. Moreover, although novel claims were in the event made by Francis I
onwards to the foreshores of Normandy,
it is clear that the post medieval decrees of a foreign king could have had no
effect on feudal titles in the Islands.
2 It is our thesis that English kings after 1204
could likewise claim no greater title in the Islands
than their predecessor dukes had enjoyed and we further contend that this
proposition would hold true into modern times despite the Islands’
long association with England
and the English Crown. To support our case we shall, so far as may be relevant,
review the changing attitudes of successive English kings towards the Islands
in the 13th and 14th centuries and later as they sought to identify the extent
of their ducal inheritance. We shall consider a long series of cases before the
Jersey Court
and the Privy Council which recognise and confirm the force of Norman Custom.[5] We shall
also consider, albeit in barest outline, the divergent path taken by the courts
in England
and in other parts of the British Isles in
relation to foreshore law. It is our case that such development occurred in a
jurisprudential milieu increasingly alien to that of the Islands and
consequently that English Law concerning the foreshore now differs from that of
the Islands and, in particular, of Jersey.
3 Inevitably, because our knowledge of the
historical records in other Channel Islands is
weak, we concentrate on those concerning Jersey.
These show that despite the English connection, custom and practice in Jersey in relation to the foreshore remained remarkably
unchanged into the modern era.
After 1204, a new relationship with the English Crown
4 Although 1204 is generally considered to be
the critical date for King John’s loss of Normandy, the fate of the Islands
was not settled in that year. John had lost possession of the Duchy. His legal
title was in issue and the nature of that title, whether based on inheritance
or conquest in 1204, would be relevant to those who held their own land from
John and his successor kings. But the struggle for the Islands
was not over. Everard and Holt tell us[6]—
proceedings before royal justices in Jersey in
1309, sworn evidence was given that:
A certain king of France
disinherited the Lord John, formerly King of England, of the Duchy of Normandy
and then the King of France on two occasions ejected the said Lord John the
King from these islands and occupied them as annexed to the said duchy. And the
said Lord John the King with armed force on two occasions reconquered these
islands from the said King of France. And from that his said second conquest he
and his posterity kings of England
have held these islands up to the present.”
5 Everard and Holt agree that other evidence
supports this narrative—
“King John’s
representatives were ‘ejected’ from the Channel
Islands by the rival Capetian forces twice, first in 1204 and a
second time in 1216. On both occasions, the Plantagenets successfully counter
attacked and re-conquered the Islands within a
matter of months.”
6 In the Assise Rolls of 1309 the
representatives of the king would claim that John’s title to the Islands was rooted in conquest, a claim which, if true,
would have put the men of the Isles and their titles on the same footing as
those in England
after the Conquest in 1066.[7] But John
had not conquered the Islands, just as seven
centuries later, the Islanders were not “conquered” by the allied
forces in 1945. Some would say rather that in each case they were liberated
from an alien oppressor. The men of the Isles certainly never thought of
themselves as a conquered people. Indeed, it was not on that basis that John
and his son Henry III treated the Islanders in the decades that immediately
followed the loss of Normandy.
Loyalty was rewarded and secured not by conquest, but by the grant of
privileges and the confirmation of customary rights.[8]
Perception of those events would, however, later change. We see in the Assise
of 1309, an early attempt by English common lawyers to argue that John’s “conquest”
had interrupted the continuity of custom and thereby, the Islanders’
title to their land.
7 We find our contention supported by two
important documents which form part of a series of Royal Letters in the early
13th century giving directions to the Warden of the Isles—
In 1226, a “Letter” from Henry III of England[9]
directs the Warden Richard de Grey—
“... according to the same
franchises and free customs [he] deal with the good subjects of the Lord King
in Jersey, Guernsey and the other Islands to which the Lord the King has
confided the guardianship; customs which have governed them from the time of
the King Henry grandfather of the Lord the King, of King Richard his uncle and
of King John his father until the declaration of war etc ...”;
On the same day Henry issued a further order[10]
to Richard de Grey—
“That according to the
Customs of the Isle of Jersey full justice [jurisdiction] be rendered to
Enguerand de Furnet on the subject of the wreck of the sea which he is entitled
to have on his manor of Rosel (“apud
manerium”) of which according to his complaint, Geoffroy de Lucy has
dispossessed him ...”
This is clear and unambiguous
both as to custom and title. Here is a royal direction that the men of the Islands should be allowed to continue to enjoy their
ancestral custom and this notwithstanding the transfer of the seat of authority
from the Norman Exchequer to the King’s Council in England. The Islands would not live according to English Law.[11] John’s
recovery of the Islands from Philip Augustus
would therefore not disturb the basis of Custom and, in particular, title to
land. Significantly, we find here no hint of a claim to an original Crown title
by conquest. In relation to the particular matter of wreck, the key words in
Henry’s second letter are “quod
secundum consuetudines insule de Geresey plenam justiciam [which according
to the Custom of the Island
of Jersey, full
jurisdiction] quod habere debit apud
manerium suum [which he is entitled to have on his manor]”. This showed—
that de Furnet was entitled to wreck with jurisdiction (“plenum justiciam”) to adjudicate
it. The right existed not in virtue of a royal grant, but by Custom; and
that he would take possession of the wreck “apud manerium” [on the manor] of Rosel; varech was an
incident of the fief and exercisable only within the strictly territorial
jurisdiction of a Seigneurial court.
8 The direction to the Warden in 1226 was
consistent with Custom. In
the words of Philippe Le Geyt—
“La Coustume de Normandie en fait un Droit
That is to say, it was according to Norman custom a right
arising from and attaching to ownership of land.
9 It is significant that Henry III had so early
confirmed that Norman Custom would continue to govern the Islands.
Everard and Holt state[13]—
“... throughout the 12th century
the Law of England was developing its own uniform set of principles, the ‘common
law’ of the Royal Courts. After 1204, it would have been possible for the
common law of England
to have been extended to apply to the Channel Islands.
This did not occur, being neither practical nor desirable. To have replaced the
well-known customary law of Normandy with the embryonic common law of England
would have caused disruption and uncertainty amongst the Islanders ...
Convergence in law with England was not desirable because King John and Henry
III after him anticipated that one day Normandy would be restored to
Plantagenet rule, in which case the Channel Islands would have resumed their
historical status as part of the Duchy of Normandy. It was therefore preferable
for their legal system to remain harmonious with that of Normandy. The ‘Coûtume de Normandie’
remained the law of Jersey ...”
Enquestes &
10 Despite such confirmation to the men of the Islands of their custom and judicial institutions,
various enquiries in the Islands (1230, 1233,
1247/1248) were made by the Crown to identify and establish Royal revenues and
other rights. The king had considerable land holdings in the Islands
all right of the Norman Duchy. In 1274 Edward I appointed commissioners to make
“extentes” (surveys and
inventories) of his estate. The Extentes
followed a form widely used in England
and elsewhere in the king’s dominions.
11 The articles of appointment in 1274 charge
the Commissioners, Messrs Wyger and de Broghton, with the preparation of a full
and exact list of the king’s properties in the Islands including his “droits et ... franchises tant par terre que
par mer” [rights and franchises both on land and on sea].[15] The
resulting Extente of 1274 and the
related Inquisitions provide insight into various customs including, in
relation to foreshore, varech and esperquerie.
Given the particularity of the articles of appointment and the authority of the
resulting record, it is of the highest importance to our argument to note that
neither in this nor in any of the later Extentes
is there any evidence of a general Crown claim to the foreshore of the Islands. Indeed the texts all invite the conclusion that
no such claim existed.
12 First, the Commissioners took a statement of
the king’s feudal rights in the Island
from the Grand Jury (Grande Enquête)
which included (in translation)—
“... of franchises they
say that the Lord the King has the wreck of the sea on his own lands and the
visitation of wrecks which come on the shores on the lands of others ... before
any of the Seigneurs ... because in the case of every wreck wherever it may
come to shore the things underwritten belong to the Crown that is to say gold etc.”[16]
This record of the Grande
Enquête clearly distinguishes the land of the king (“ses propres terres”) from the land
belonging to others (“les terres d’autrui”).
In each case the land concerned is self-evidently foreshore. It is the land on
which the varechs “arrivent”.[17] The king
had, however, an overlapping royal jurisdiction which extended over the lands
of others and to which he was entitled in right of the Norman ducal title. The
inference is clear: the king claimed the foreshore only on his own fiefs; the
king recognised the title of other seigneurs in the foreshore on theirs.
13 Esperquerie
was a feudal monopoly enjoyed by a Seigneur over the fish (congers) caught in
the sea and landed by his men on the fief. The monopoly consisted of a
pre-emptive right over the catch which enabled the Seigneur to acquire the fish
against payment of a fair market price.
14 The Jurors in the Grande Enquête of 1274 deposed (in translation)—
“That the king has esperqueries over all his land and all
the franchises which are due to the king.”
The king thus had this monopoly but only in respect of his
own lands.
15 Other Inquisitions in 1274 were held in the
parishes. The sworn evidence of twelve of the principal men of the parish
records not only the properties and revenues of the king, but also the
privileges claimed by individuals and challenged as potentially encroaching
upon the Royal domain. One Regnauld, for example, was called “... à répondre par quel droit
il a prélevé l’esperquerie dans le port de l’estac”
[by what right he has taken the esperquerie within the port of l’Etacq]. It
is significant that the right is described as being exercised “within the
port of L’Etacq”. The Jurors are
recorded as saying (in translation)—
“... several persons had
erected esperqueries on their lands
without the licence of the king, that is to say the Abbot of Belosanne in the
port of Waletremble, the heirs of William de Chesney in the port of Bonenuit,
John de Cartret in the port of Lek, Guillaume de Maugres in the port Rocell,
Geoffroy de Cheney in the port of Boley and because it had seemed uncertain to
the deponents whether it be permitted to have esperqueries of this kind and
farm it without the licence and authority of the king, the issue should not be
addressed until the will of the king and his Council be known.”
16 The location of each esperquerie mentioned above was within a port, a protected bay and
the natural landing place on the fief for the fishermen tenants of the
Seigneur. Significantly, the Jurors questioned only the monopoly. The ownership
of the land or foreshore on which the esperquerie
was in each case levied, was not in issue. Indeed, the Jurors admit that the
rights of esperquerie claimed by the
landowners were exercised on their own land viz the foreshore.
17 These matters were considered by Brenda
Bolton in a thesis entitled “The
Esperqueries of the Channel Islands and their Analogues”.[18] Bolton concluded that esperquerie meant two things—
a banalité or monopoly enjoyed
by a Seigneur over his tenants’ catch of fish; and
the facility itself, that is to say the area set aside by the Seigneur on his
land together with the tressels or poles erected on it for drying the fish and
for levying the feudal custom.
18 Bolton does
not herself address the issue of foreshore ownership. The clear inference to be
drawn from her text, however, is that esperquerie
was a Seigneurial right incidental to the ownership of the foreshore. On the
question of location, Bolton states—
“In only a few cases can
the exact or even approximate location of an esperquerie be given or identified ... The esperqueries along the rocky western coast [of Guernsey] were less
profitable than those in the north of the Island where there were considerable
areas of sand along the shore and where the erection of a structure would be
We have noted earlier that Poingdestre was also in no doubt
as to the intimate connection between the ownership of the foreshore and the
feudal monopoly of esperquerie. [19]
19 The precise location of the esperquerie may not have been crucial,
provided it fell within the jurisdiction of the fief and was proximate to the
place where the Seigneur’s tenants landed their catches. The evidence
seems to point to a place on the foreshore near or at high tide level where the
Seigneur would have been entitled to place his “perques” (poles or tressels), by fixing or driving them into
the sand, gravel, grave, or gravage of the fief above high tide level.
20 We have discussed in Part I how Seigneurial
possession and territorial jurisdiction were intimately connected in feudal
law. Thus choses gaives were included
with varech in art 194 of the Coûtume
Reformée because the chose
gaive, like varech, was within the Seigneur’s possession on his fief.
In the same way the right to varech crystallised when the object came onto the
21 The evidence suggests that the esperqueries were of considerable value.
The feudal monopoly in some cases, particularly on Crown fiefs, was farmed to
Gascon merchants who traded in dried and salted fish. The Quo Warranto Rolls of
1299 and 1309 show that the Seigneurs continued to claim esperqueries on their maritime fiefs, as also other rights such as varech
and choses gaives on the foreshore,
all of which they claimed to have enjoyed from time immemorial.
The lands of the monastic
22 As
we have previously noted the Norman monastic houses continued to hold and enjoy
their fiefs in the Islands after the
separation of 1204 and were only dispossessed in the grand seizure of the Alien
Priories in the 15th century.[20] In the
years between, the relationship between the English kings and the Norman monks
was not always easy. Because theirs was not a military tenure, the question for
the monks was less acute than for other Seigneurs with estates both in the Islands and continental Normandy. The warring Kings of France and England could
not, in theory, demand temporal help from spiritual land owners. Relations
between the English Kings and the Norman monks were however not always easy.
23 Initially all was sweetness and light. For
example, in 1218 the Warden of the Isles, Philip D’Aubigny, restored by
charter[21] to the
monks of Mont St Michel—
“… omnia jura sua in insula Jersoii in terra et in mari, videlicet
wereckum suum per totam terram suam …”
[… all his rights in the Island of Jersey on land and sea, that is to say,
wreck over all his land …]
This document not only tells us about relations between the
King and Abbot, it also tells us something important as to the extent of about
the latter’s property. The words quoted admit in our opinion of one
construction only: that the Abbot’s rights “in terra et in mari” were rights based upon foreshore
ownership and control; they included wreck to be enjoyed on the Abbot’s
The priory of St Clement
24 In 1254 we find Henry III writing a letter[22] to the
Guardian of the Isles asking for an enquiry to be made into the right of varech
enjoyed by the monks. The enquiry would extend to all their land in Jersey including the land of Noirmont
in the west and the fief of the Prior of St Clement in the south-east. The
enquiry would also reveal the relevant customs. The Jurors reported that the abbot
in the time of King John and of Henry the King’s son was entitled “to
take wreck over the whole of the land which he had in the Island of Jersey
except those things which pertained to the prince …”. Shortly
after, in 1260, we find significant record, a letter from Edward (later Edward
I), Lord of the Isles.[23] It is
addressed to all the dignitaries of the Isles confirming the monks of Mont St
Michel in the enjoyment inter alia of
“varech” (in translation) “on all their land in Jersey except
that on their land in St Clement.” This would be reserved to the king.
The language is significant. It presupposes the ownership of the foreshore in
the monks and separates the franchise of wreck from ownership of land.
25 In 1307 there is a further declaration by
Edward confirming the right of the abbot to farm out his esperquerie, perhaps to those Gascon merchants mentioned above. The
point to be made here as before, is that this particular franchise (as we saw
in the case of wreck above) could also be separated from the property in the
underlying soil. The inference here further supports our central contention
that the property enjoyed by the Seigneur was not merely a bundle of franchises
but ius in solo, the soil itself.
26 Notwithstanding the earlier Charter of Philip
d’Aubigny and the letter of Edward in 1260 mentioned above, the Abbot of Mont
St Michel would in 1331, by Writ of Quo Warranto be summoned before the King’s
Justices sitting in Jersey to show his title, inter alia, to wreck at Noirmont. And subsequently, in 1415, early
in his campaign for the Crown of France, Henry V, King of England, confiscated
all the lands of the alien Priors in the Islands.
Noirmont and its appurtenances, including the right to wreck, would thenceforth
be in the possession of the king.
The Writ of Quo Warranto
27 In addition to the Extentes there were other commissions from the king to enquire into
the rights, liberties and franchises claimed by the Islanders. The principal
enquiry was instituted by the Writ of Quo Warranto. This writ was not
exclusively directed to the Channel Islands. Indeed,
such enquiries were made throughout the king’s dominions during the
reigns of Edwards I, II and III. As Maurice Powicke explains[24]—
“The Writ Quo Warranto
itself gave an opportunity to the tenant of a franchise: he could prove his
claim and reply to the challenge which the Royal Writ contained. Indeed it came
to be regarded as a Writ of Right. In course of time it was held that a
judgment in favour of a defendant foreclosed the Crown forever.”
28 In the Quo Warrantos, as we shall see, the King’s
Attorney ignored customary title. He demanded the production of a Royal Grant. Here
was an attempt to restore privileges and franchises over and in the lands of
others which were said to have been unlawfully taken from the king. Had the
Attorney quite forgotten customary rights which only a few years earlier (supra) had been recognised and enforced
by the king?
29 The problems of proof and title were never
clearly resolved in the Islands. We have found
no final judgments in the Quo Warranto Rolls in relation to those whose rights
were challenged in the Islands, only a stout
defence based on possession enjoyed from time immemorial. All the proceedings
were repeatedly adjourned and eventually seem to have petered out. But as we
shall seek to show, the Quo Warranto Rolls would come to be regarded as a
record of title. Thus, for example, Royal Letters Patent granted to Debora
Dumaresq, Dame de Samarès in 1695 confirmed and declared her title based
on 14th-century claims made by her predecessors in answer to the Quo Warrantos.
30 Whatever the outcome of the process, the
record of the Quo Warranto Pleas is helpful in the present context. This is
because in framing the summons of Quo Warranto, the King’s Attorney
conceded that the franchises in question were exercised over the subject’s
own land (“per totam terram suam”)
which in the case of varech could only mean the foreshore.
31 It is certainly significant that the King’s
Attorney made no claim to the foreshore. Had he claimed it for the king he
would surely have been in a stronger position to challenge private franchises
over that foreshore. The Attorney’s silence accordingly warrants our
conclusion that title to the foreshore was simply not in issue. In effect, he
was bound by the record of the Grande
Enqueste in the Extente of 1274.[25]
The assise of 1299 and Peter de Samareys
32 This Roll records the King’s Attorney
challenging Peter, Seigneur of Samarès and La Fosse, to show title inter alia to varech and esperquerie on those fiefs and asserting
that the king had himself possessed (in translation)—
“These privileges from
time immemorial on the manor [of
Peter] as elsewhere on the Isle.” [Emphasis added.]
Peter’s answer followed the line adopted by the other
Seigneurs of maritime fiefs also summoned to answer the writ. Their unanimity
suggests that the Seigneurs, in claiming to have exercised rights time out of
mind, were relying upon their ancestral customs. Indeed, they would expressly
do so some years later at the Assise of 1309, when the men of Jersey
declared themselves subject to the Custom as it had been recently set down in
writing in the “Some de Mancael”.[26]
33 It is particularly significant here that the
King’s Attorney puts in issue for the first time the peculiar
circumstance that the foreshore of La Fosse extends further west than its dry
land boundary towards the neighbouring Fief du Prieur. Pierre de Saumareis was
summoned to answer “Quo Warranto clamat
habere in manerio suo ... veriscum” [by what right he claims to have
wreck within his manor]. In reply, Pierre
claims to have the varech not only “in
manerio suo” [within his manor] but also “ultra metas manerii predicti” [beyond the confines of the
said manor].
34 The fief, here, is La Fosse. The underlying
proposition of the King’s Attorney is that if, as he claimed, Pierre was entitled to
wreck, it could only have been enjoyed within the boundaries of the fief, not
beyond them. Significantly, the Crown and the subject were at one in accepting
that the foreshore was part of the manor or fief; it might have been part of
the neighbouring fief; but it was certainly not the property of the king.[27] The
Attorney’s concern is, as always, with the franchises, not the foreshore.
35 There were other Seigneurial rights
challenged relating to the foreshore e.g.
esperquerie and choses gaives. To a man
the Seigneurs answered (in translation)—
“And as to such chattels
they claim as of old. And they say that they and all their ancestors from time
immemorial had them as they now claim them. And this they offer to establish as
the Court shall determine.
William des Mareys, who sues for the Lord the King says ... no one can have
that ... unless he have a special warrant of the Lord the King ... especially
as all the natives here have their status on the island from the time of the
Lord King John from his last conquest which time is contained within the time
of memory. Also he says likewise as to the rights of having eperkeria and
taking wreck which are wholly royal dignities ... and he claims that they
should show when and how such royal rights were allowed to their ancestors in a
court of the Lord the King which had power to take cognisance thereof:
which none of them gave answer except only that they and their ancestors from
time immemorial always used to have such rights ...”
36 The Quo Warranto was an invention of English
Common Law. It presupposed that all Seigneurial liberties and titles must have
their origin in a Royal grant. The Writ pretended that the franchises being
challenged had been unlawfully taken. It may be that the English monarchs saw
the Quo Warranto as a means to claw back royal powers, privileges and
franchises which allegedly had been surrendered to the nobility by John and
Henry III, both weak kings. The process certainly dragged on and its effects
were uncertain.[28]
37 It is noteworthy that the Quo Warranto Act
1290 provided in England—
“... that those which
claimed to have quiet possession of any franchise before the time of King
Richard without interruption can show the same by a lawful Enquest, shall well
enjoy their Possession and in case that such possession be demanded for cause
Reasonable, our Lord the King shall confirm it by Title and those that have all
charters of franchise, shall have the same Charters adjudged according to the
Tenor and Form of them ...”[29]
This new law thus provided for the acquisition of a
prescriptive title to the franchises. It was a statute expressly made for England and, strangely,
given the response of the Islanders to the Quo Warrantos, it was not extended
to the Islands.
38 In retrospect, it seems likely that the
reference to John’s “conquest” of the Islands
was nothing more than a device to undermine claims to prescriptive title. If
time could run only from John’s conquest there could be no prescription. For
the same reason, there could be no claim to a lost ancient grant. In the event,
the English Justices attempted to have the proceedings moved to the courts in England. There
is however, no evidence that the English courts ever adjudicated Jersey titles.
The 1309 Quo Warrantos
39 In the Assise Roll of 1309[30] Peter de
Saumareys (the same Pierre) was summoned to show “By what warrant without
the license and will of the Lord the King and his progenitors kings of England
he claims to have wreck of the sea throughout all his land in the Parishes of
St Clement and St Helier ... and also by what warrant he claims to take and
have free esperkeria in the parish aforesaid of the fish caught by his men in
the waters of the king, which belonged to the Crown and dignity of the Lord the
King ... and also by what warrant he claims to have beasts of waif, which
belong to the Lord the King.” All the other lords are similarly summoned:
“And they say that ... they and all their ancestors from time immemorial
had the same as they now claim them. And this they offer to establish that the
Court shall judge.”
40 It is again noteworthy that the summons
challenges only the franchise and not the land which, in the case of wreck and
esperquerie, could only imply the foreshore. The Rolls of Assise of 1309 also
record general challenges by way of Quo Warranto. Peter de Saumareis is only
one of the seigneurs with maritime fiefs summoned to answer for such fiefs. One
of them, Drogo de Barentin, remarks in respect of his fief (Rosel) that his
right is identical to that of all the other seigneurs. This must, of course, be
a claim to customary rights.
41 In fact all holders of the principal fiefs
who had been challenged offered to prove their titles. The Assise of 1309 was
cited by the Crown in 1953 in the important Ecréhos and Minquiers case
discussed below. That case concerned the Fief of Noirmont which lies only some
four miles from the Fiefs of Peter de Saumareis across St Aubin’s Bay.
The 1309 Assise—Peter and the salvaged barrels of
wine and another case of wreck
42 The thirst of Englishmen for the wines of Bordeaux is at least as
old as Plantagenet rule in Gascony.
It is not surprising therefore that over the centuries a number of recorded
judgments feature barrels of wine found either floating at sea or washed up on
the shore. The Assise Roll of 1309 records one such dispute. The parties
included the Crown (as Lord High Admiral of the Seas) the sailors (salvors) who
found and rescued the barrels in the open sea and three Seigneurs who claimed
the wine as having landed on their fiefs and thus come into their possession. The
case is important because all the parties recognise as fundamental to the
outcome that foreshore was parcel to each of the fiefs. We accordingly feel
justified in quoting the Roll (in translation) almost in its entirety—
“Peter ... says that
whereas certain foreign sailors found the said casks floating about in the sea etc. and took them into their boat and
the said sailors taking those casks into their boat first came to a port of
safety on the land of the said Peter who has and claims to have and was wont of
old to have wreck occurring there, and remained on the seashore within the boundaries of the land of the said Peter
for the space of one ebb tide and more, with the said casks then being in their
boat and so those casks are and ought to be the wreck of the said Peter,—the
said Prior ... fraudulently got those sailors to withdraw with their said boat
and the wines being in the same from the land of the said Peter without the
knowledge and will of the said Peter & to take themselves to the land of
the said Abbot where the said Prior is as it were his Bailiff, so appropriating
to himself the aforesaid wines which are and ought to be the wreck of the said
Peter ... and the Abbot and Prior ... say that inasmuch as Peter acknowledges
that the aforesaid sailors remained with their boat, the said wines being
therein, on his land for long during the
ebb of the tide, that he or his Bailiff might well have arrested their boat
and other things in the same which he wished to claim & that he did not
seize them nor did he claim anything from them while they were on his land,
they pray judgment whether it was not lawful for the said sailors to withdraw
and go where they wished especially as it cannot be denied that they took those
casks into their boat on the high seas. And they say the aforesaid sailors with
their said boat and the wines but took themselves to the land of the said Abbot
being in the custody of the said Prior where they and all their predecessors of
the said Abbot ... have and were wont to have wreck occurring from time
immemorial ... and they claim ... delivery ... and William who sues for the
Lord the King says that none of them can claim the said wines as wreck because
he says that those things only are wreck
which the flow of the tide brings to land
or in harbour, or so near the land that by those standing on the land they
may be laid hold of, and are thus guided or brought to port, but those things
which are found on the high seas whereof no certainty exists as to where the
flow of the tide may cast them, if they are raised from the sea by the labour
of the sailors and put into the ship or boat and are so conveyed ... to the
land, and do not touch the land of anyone
by conveyance or any other way cannot be called wreck but are only the
ventures of the sea of which no one can claim anything except the salvors and
the Lord the King or he to whom the Lord
the King shall have granted the right of taking such ventures. And he
claims judgment ...” [Emphasis added.]
43 The King’s Attorney is correct in his
analysis of the applicable custom: this is not a case of wreck. The wines were
salvaged on the high seas. According to him, the boats were clearly and
expressly said to be on Peter’s land but the wines themselves were not
landed. Remaining in the boat they did not touch the soil of the foreshore and,
accordingly, did not trigger a right which Peter could otherwise have claimed to
a share in the salvaged goods. Judgment was given in favour of the Crown; but
fundamental to that decision was specifically Seigneurial, not Crown ownership
of the foreshore. The attorney may seem to have been splitting hairs: the wines
had surely and in substance been brought on shore in the salvors’ boat;
but, as discussed elsewhere in this article, Seigneurial possession and jurisdiction
would only flow from an actual touching of the Seigneurial shore.
44 The Rolls of the same Assise also report a
case of wreck which casts further light on foreshore ownership.[31] This
concerns a review of the Rolls of Philip L’Evesque, Bailiff, by the Justices—
“… It is found also
by the Rolls of the same Bailiff that John Patier at another time acknowledged
that he took away a certain boat of wreck out
of the fee of the king at Lecq into
the fee of John de Cartret, Knight, and was remanded on bail to these
Assises ….” [Emphasis added.]
This is not mere narrative. The wreck was moved from one
fief to another, that is to say from one beach to another. The complaint of the
Crown was based on purely feudal considerations. It was the king’s beach
only because it was part of his fief.
Edward III’s Charter 1341
45 Edward III’s Great Charter of 1341
given to the Islanders at the outset of the Hundred Years War confirmed them in
their liberties and rights. There would be no more Quo Warrantos and assises
held by Itinerant Justices. It was perhaps politic on Edward’s part to
secure the loyalty of Islanders grown restless in the face of repeated
challenges to their immemorial titles. The Charter was confirmed in the
centuries that followed by successive sovereigns. In the course of time, the
Quo Warrantos and the record of the response of the Jersey Seigneurs became
evidence of a root of title. As we have already observed, an example of this is
in the Letters Patent granted to Debora Dumaresq, Seigneur of Samarès,
by William III in 1695. The preamble to the Patent cites the repeated claims of
Debora’s predecessors, made “in old Quo Warrantos” as
evidence of the validity of such claims.
Fleta: the feudal position as to the foreshore in England
46 The
relevant feudal position in England
in the 13th and 14th centuries appears to have been very similar to that in the
Islands. Fleta, a treatise on English law
written about 1290, deals inter alia with
wreck.[32] It describes
a process similar to that set out in the Grand
Coûtumier de Normandie. Commenting on Fleta, Stuart Moore says[33]—
“... it appears that it
was well understood that wreck coming ashore on a man’s fee belonged to
him if he had a grant of wreck ‘infra feodum’, and there is no
suggestion that the foreshore of the fee on which it is taken is not parcel of
it; nor is there ... a single word from which it can be argued that the Crown
at this period laid any general claims to the foreshore of the realm.”
The Quo Warrantos in England
47 Moore
goes on to consider the Quo Warranto Rolls in England. He quotes from a Writ of
“... the king commands to
his justices in Eyrie ... that in all writs as well of Quo Warranto as of right
which shall henceforth happen to be brought before them or before the king or
before any of his justices, limitation shall be made and the declaration of the
same from the time of King Richard and the subsequent time.”
48 This writ appears to have been sent to all
the “Justices in Eyrie” but not it seems to the Justices Itinerant
in the Islands. Given what we have seen, and in
particular attempts by the Crown to create a discontinuity arising out of John’s
“conquest of the Islands”, it is
evident that the Islanders were not intended to profit from the Writ of 1293. Indeed,
in England
it seems:
“the king granted for the
favour of his people, and on account of the then existing war in Gascony, that all his
writs as well of Quo Warranto, pleas of land, should remain until the king of
his heirs should wish to prosecute them. This practically amounted to a
discharge of all the Quo Warrantos then undetermined; the subjects remained in
the possession of their liberties and lands, and in almost every case where we
find a Quo Warranto against the lord of a manor for wreck we find the lord of
that manor at the present day in possession of the franchise …
back at this long list of proceedings and presentements by the Crown, its
continual assertion of its rights against the subject, these minute and careful
examinations and enquiries into purprestures upon the Crown’s property
and upon the Crown’s dignity, made persistently throughout the long reign
of the king and his Justices and attorneys, it is surprising that we find not
one instance of a claim, or a pretensive claim on the part of the king to any
one piece of the foreshore adjacent to the manor of a subject in any one place.
It is especially to be noticed, also, that we do find presentements of
purprestures upon the soil of the foreshore adjacent to the manors in the hands
of the Crown, and that in those cases the claim is made, not, as it would be
made in these days, by reason of the prima facie title of the Crown to the
whole of the foreshore of the kingdom, but by reason of the foreshore being
parcel of the king’s manor in his own hand.”
49 Moore’s
review of the Rolls of the Assises held in the Channel
Islands in 1309 led him to comment—
“From these entries it is
clear that the Crown only claims the foreshore opposite to its own land in the Channel Islands.”
CS Le Gros writing in 1943 at the end of his chapter “du Varech” also quotes these lines
with evident approval.[34] At the
end of a long recitation of Jersey and Privy
Council cases, Le Gros could not better Moore’s
conclusion. With that local imprimatur, Moore’s
review of the comparative English jurisprudence down to the mid-16th century is
“Thus far, from the
earliest times down to the end of the reign of Philip and Mary, we find no
trace of any claim by the Crown to the foreshores of the kingdom as part of the
rights of the prerogative; on the contrary, all the records which are
forthcoming show that the idea of such a claim did not exist. The Crown itself
claimed the foreshore only when it was parcel of its own manor and when it
challenged the right of the subject to wreck of the sea taken upon his lands,
that is, upon his foreshore, it tacitly admitted his right to the foreshore,
and in no case traversed his claim that the wreck was his by virtue of a grant
of prescription to take wreck upon his lands. We have seen that commissions
were continually issued from the time of Henry III downwards to make enquiry
concerning purprestures (anything occupied against the Sovereign unjustly etc), encroachments, and usurpations of
the rights of the Crown, but no case is forthcoming to show that any dealing by
the subject with the foreshore opposite his land was ever returned as a
purpresture or encroachment upon the rights of the Crown to any interests of
property in the foreshore.”
50 We shall now consider a sample of cases of
wreck and salvage concerning Jersey dating
from the 14th century onwards. We have already considered above two such cases
reported in the Assise Rolls of 1309. Those to which we now turn are mostly
decisions of the Royal Court,
but also include important decisions of the Privy Council on appeal from Jersey.
51 In the Samarès archive is the
manuscript copy of an adjudication of wreck following an inquest in 1356 on a
barrel of wine. It seems certain that this is copy of a judgment of the Royal Court. The
record (from the French) is in these terms[35]—
“Letter dated 1356 the 18th
day of October, there came under the fief of Crapedoit a barrel of wine and a
pine table. It is declared by several persons sworn for the purpose and found
to belong to the Seigneur of Samarès by his right of gravage from Le Hocq in the east to the
Douet of Hauteville in the West.”
52 This is a case of varech. The wine came to
the shore by itself. It was adjudicated to the Seigneur of Samarès whose
fiefs extended from Le Hoc in the east to the stream of Hauteville on the west.
In this record, “gravage”
might perhaps be construed as referring rather to the right than to the shore
itself.[36] While the
word “varech” is invariably employed in the texts of the Custom and
the Commentators, it is not much used in reported Jersey
cases. Instead, we find “gravage”
or “estrandes” in common
use to mean both the foreshore and its accidents. The etymology here suggests
an emphasis on the land itself rather than the accidents: an illustration of
the strictly feudal character of Jersey Custom. In this light, a better
translation of the words “p. gravage depuis l’est du Hoc etc” might be “to the
foreshore from Le Hocq in the east etc”.
53 Space does not permit a full analysis of each
case of interest but a summary of a few from the early 17th century to the 20th
century demonstrates a consistent and unchanging custom: the feudal rights to
salvage and wreck accrued at the moment when the object touched the foreshore;
feudal because it derived from ownership of the foreshore. Thus—
1638 Procureur du Roi v Bisson (Seigneur of Luce de
Carteret) (“ancre et cable
trouvés au fond de la mer et apportés sur ledit fief”
[anchor and cable found on the sea bed and brought onto the said fief]);
1690 Crown
v Le Rossignol (party fined for
having removed a barrel “trouvée
à gravage sur le fief Morville” [found on the shore on the
Fief of Morville]—and failing to inform the Court);
1692 Tutrice
de la Dame de Samarès, the salvors and Crown (ordered that various
wreckage found at Les Minquiers Reef and “apportés sur le fief de Samares” [brought onto the
Fief of Samarès]—be shared);
1696 Re
De Carteret (goods found in the sea and “apportés dans cette ile sur le fief Chesnel” [brought
into this Island on the Fief Chesnel]);
1704 Requete
of Lemprière (Seigneur of des Craquevilles) (Viscount ordered to go
to the fief and make register of wreckage of a ship “venus sur ledit fief” [come onto the said fief]);
1781 De
Carteret (Seigneur of Morville) v De Caen (De Caen took a boat which
“‘étoit venu à
gravage sur le Fief de Morville” [had come to shore on the Fief of
1800/1803 Pipon (Seigneur of Noirmont) v Hamon
(goods found at sea and taken onto Hamon’s ship in the Havre de la Tour,
alleged by Pipon to be on the fief de Noirmont);
1812 Poingdestre
(Seigneur of Anneville, Evrat & Lemprière) v Machon (“une pipe de vin d’Oporto, laquelle ils
ont mise à terre sur un desdit fief” [a pipe of port wine
which they put on land on one of the said fiefs]);
1932 (casks of wine “fut apporté à gravage à
la Rocque” [was brought to
shore at La Rocque]).
54 The series Ile de Jersey, Ordres du Conseil, report two Privy
Council cases in 1621.[37] The
headnote, prepared when Volume I was published in 1897, justifies our quotation
not only for its distillation of the judgment but also because it clearly
invites the inference that this statement of custom continued to be valid at
the end of the 19th century—
“Par la Coûtume de Jersey le Seigneur a
droit à un tiers d’un objet trouvé au flot de la mer et
amené à terre sur son fief; le trouvèr a un tiers,
l’autre tiers revient à la couronne.”[38]
The apportionment of entitlement is clear: the right of the
Seigneur is feudal and derives from the foreshore which is part of his fief
while in contrast the right of the Crown derives from the king’s
prerogative. These cases again concerned salvaged barrels of wine.
55 The fiefs here were Samarès, Rozel,
Saval and Diélement. The Seigneurs claimed one half of the value while
the Crown claimed the whole save the right of the salvors to one third. The
judgment of the Privy Council for Hugh Lemprière of the Fief de
Diélement is of particular interest and merits close analysis—
“Whereas his
Majesty’s officers of that Isle have apelead unto this board in a case
depending betweene them and Hugh Lemprier Seignor. of the fee Diélament
concerninge c’tan wynes found flotinge in the sea and brought one shoare
upon that ttee by divers mariners and there detained[39]
by the said Lempriere as due to him for one moytye, but claimed by the
king’s procureur as belonging whole to his Majesty in right of his
prerogatyve, salvage excepted, and although upon hearing of the parties with
there learned counseill, and due examincion of every circonstance of the case,
it is found that no maner of deede or graunt could be produced to maintayne and
prove Lempriere’s pretences but some usage or prescription wheare unto
also materyall exceptions wheare takenby the counseill for his Majesty’s
Officers It for as much as it apeareth by good probabilitie that both there and
in Normandie the practice hath beene very ancient to devide things flotinge at
sea and brouth by the ffinders to Lannde into these parts the first to the
finder or saver the second to the Lord of the fee where the same shall be
Landed and the third to the king or Lord Admirall We conceive this course of
division to be most Justifiable and fittest to be observed for the wynes
presently controverted and landed upon Lemprier’s ffee …”
56 This important case established—
that varech and salvage are governed by Jersey
and Norman Custom not by English law. The absence of a “deede or
graunte” was accordingly not material to proof of title;
that Lemprière’s claim was feudal, based on the wines landing on
his own foreshore. They were detained by him, in his possession. The possession
was Seigneurial because within his territorial jurisdiction, a jurisdiction
which existed substantially to secure the Seigneur’s rights; and
that the Crown rights were based on the king’s prerogative, not on any
claim to the foreshore.
57 At the end of the 17th century our greatest
commentators, Philippe Le Geyt and Jean Poingdestre, both repeatedly confirm
that the Seigneur’s rights to the foreshore and its accident in Jersey arise not from grant but from Custom.
58 In his Code,[40]
Le Geyt declares the right to varech to be feudal and enjoyed by a Seigneur
whose fief includes the foreshore within its boundaries—
“Tout seigneur féodal a droit de Varech,
tant que son fief s’estend sur la Rive de la Mer, s’il n’y a
titre au contraire”.
[Every feudal lord has the right
of varech as far as his fief extends over the foreshore of the sea, save
contrary title.]
59 Poingdestre in his poem “sur la Coustume de Jersey” is
equally clear that the droit de varech
is a customary right.[41] These
lines support our analysis that the Seigneurs possessory right to objects
accrues as soon as they touch the Seigneurial foreshore.
“On l’apele Varech … soit
qu’il touche le fonds … lors que quelque Varech sur quelque fief
prends terre … si le Varech jetté par la mer au rivage …
Dans les mains du Seigneur à qui est le gravage … au seigneur de
ce fief ou le Varech vient … ou il est arrivé appartient au
seigneur auquel est le gravage.”
[It is called Varech
….when it touches the ground … when some varech on some fief takes
the land … if the varech thrown by the sea on to the shore … In the
hands of the Seigneur who owns the foreshore … to the Seigneur of this
fief where the varech comes … where it comes to shore (arrive) it belongs
to the Seigneur who has the varech/beach.]
Varech, Gravage—the
Rolls of Samarès and La Fosse
60 These rolls from the 17th and 18th centuries
provide an abundance of evidence of Seigneurial activity on the foreshore.
In 1613, Jean de Vallenton having found certain wreckage on the beach “en a dessaissey le fieu” has
dispossessed the fief of it. The record clearly implies that on coming to land
the wreck was ipso facto in the
possession of the fief and its removal without authority of the feudal court
accordingly did a violence to that possession. It is notable that the compiler
of the record refers not to the rights of the Seigneur but to the fief (La
Fosse) itself: a crude but eloquent expression of the principle that the right
of wreck was impersonal and arose directly as an accessory of the fief.
Another entry for 1613 records the finding of a small mast “sur le gravage près le Fort
d’Auvergne”. The meaning is plain: the wreck landed on the gravage or foreshore of the fief near
the Fort d’Auvergne in the Havre de Pas. A similar record in 1619 tells
us that a certain piece of wood had been taken into possession which had
“venue au gravage de ce fieu”
[come to the shore of this fief] (La Fosse).
In 1620 and 1621 there are four cases of wreck recorded. The last in 1621 notes
that the Prévôt of the fief had reported finding a plank in the
open sea “soubs le cymetyère
de St Helier venue à gravage”
[under the cemetery of St.Helier come/coming to shore]. It was ordered that the
plank be seized for the benefit of the Seigneur.
In 1636 the Rolls record the coming ashore of a fish “venue à vrecq Sur le fief”
[come as varech on the fief]. The language suggests the compiler may have consulted
the text of the Coûtumier. This seems to have been a “fish”
falling within the Seigneurial privilege—perhaps a porpoise.[42]
61 All these cases are demonstrations of the
exercise of territorial jurisdiction. The third example is also of interest in
providing evidence of the landward extent of the La Fosse foreshore before
reclamation in the 18th and 19th centuries would leave the cemetery far inland.
From the description, the plank would seem to have come ashore somewhere
between what is now Bond Street
and Wharf Street.
The Bas Fiefs
62 These
fiefs held by the Crown since seizure from the Norman monasteries in the 15th
century have always been separately administered from those of the Ancient
Domain.[43] We have
seen a manuscript survey of these Rolls which reveals that the foreshores of
these fiefs were carefully administered by the Crown over the period of review
during the 17th and 18th centuries.[44]
The Rolls recording wreck landing on these fiefs repeatedly use the phrases
“venue à varec sur le fief”
[came as varech on the fief] or “venu/trouvé
au gravage de/sur le fief” [came/found to/on the shore of/on the
fief”]. It is clear that those who kept such records for the Crown saw
the foreshore as parcel of the Bas Fiefs.
63 When
discussing the nature of Jersey feudalism in
the first part of this article, we emphasised the importance of territorial
jurisdiction in the determination of the extent and boundaries of the fief.[45] Here, we
have thus far considered the evidence of historical texts largely to find in
the rolls, enquêtes,
commissions etc. vocabulary and
assumptions tending to the conclusion that the Seigneur’s rights to
varech, salvage, esperquerie etc must arise from his possession of
the foreshore. Our analysis of varech in part 1 of this article further
explored the central rôle of territorial jurisdiction.[46] We shall
now consider aspects of jurisdiction in relation to other Seigneurial
activities concerning foreshore in Jersey.
The Court of the Fief sitting on the beach
64 Given
the fundamental maxim that no man can exercise justice beyond the confines of
his fief, the corollary is that the feudal court must sit within the same
limits. [47] There are
indeed records of the fief courts sitting on the foreshore. The Rolls of
Noirmont record several such cases according to GFB de Gruchy. We have
ourselves seen one in 1701. In addition, Vinchelez de Haut Rolls have the court
sitting on the foreshore in 1713 to adjudicate the boundary of a saline. Again in the same year the court was “tenus sur [le] fief sous la maison de Jean
Bailhache filz Jean fils George sur la mielle & place a seicher du vraicq
& le Galley” to
consider the case of a whale “venue
à gravage . sur le fief”. Clearly the
court considered, in each case, that it was sitting on the fief. It was a
matter of principle. The Seigneurial
Court sitting outside the fief would have been
without jurisdiction. The Vinchelez de Haut Rolls in 1716 indeed record a
challenge to the jurisdiction of the Court which had allegedly been held
outside the confines of the fief.
The harvest of Vraic
65 Vraic, seaweed either cut from the rocks or
thrown onto the shore by the tide, figured large in Island
life from the earliest period. As a fertiliser on the fields and a fuel for the
domestic fire, vraic was an important element in the rural economy. It is
relevant to our argument because the regulation of the vraic harvest,
quintessentially a foreshore activity, for centuries fell within the
jurisdiction of the Seigneurial
66 Vraic occurs abundantly about the coasts in
quantity greater than was required to meet the needs of the Seigneur and his
tenants.[49] Over time
the pressure for a share of this resource grew in areas inland from the coastal
fiefs and eventually undermined the feudal régime itself. The municipal
regulation of vraic however, which substantially replaced the jurisdiction of
the fief, is not our present concern.
67 The earliest reference we have discovered to
the gathering of vraic is in Delisle’s classic work on life in medieval Normandy.[50] Dealing
with the use of sandy deposits (“tangue”) to lighten heavy soil,
Delisle noted that the extraction of such sand from the foreshore naturally
fell within the confines of the fief and hence within the jurisdiction and
control of the Seigneur. Delisle’s view was that at this time (13th and 14th
centuries) the harvesting of vraic on the foreshores of the Cotentin
was also subject to a Seigneurial régime.
68 Another Norman historian, Dupont, reports
litigation over vraic in Normandy
in 1549.[51]
Supporting his claim to the gravage
and opposed, not by the Crown, but by another Seigneur, the Lord of La Hougue
stated that when the season for harvesting vraic arrived, it was the custom (in
“... to announce at the
pleas of the Barony of St Wast ... the time when it is permitted for their men
to cut ... in order to fertilise their lands and also to give notice and make proclamations
before the ... officers of the Barony of La Hougue ... for the reason that
their gravages are indistinguishable
The conclusion is clear. The boundary between neighbouring
fiefs on the foreshore was material. The exercise of territorial jurisdiction
necessarily implied that the foreshore on which the vraic grew was part of the
69 The earliest record we have found in Jersey concerning Seigneurial control over the vraic
harvest, appears in a document of 1421.[52]
This same matter is also discussed by Le Geyt in his chapter du Vraic. The document records an
inquisition into the rights of the Seigneur of St Ouen, a large fief on the
west coast of Jersey. The Jurors declared (in
translation) “that persons having
land outside the Fief of St Ouen used in earlier times to ask the
Seigneur’s permission to take vraic from the foreshore of that
fief” [emphasis added]. The petitioners were clearly not tenants of the
Seigneur of St Ouen. Implicit in the Inquisition is the understanding that the
foreshore of St Ouen was within the jurisdiction of the Seigneur and
accordingly within the confines of his fief. The vraic was the bounty of the
fief for his own use and that of his tenants. Any excess was at the disposal of
the Seigneur. For a stranger of the fief to have come onto the foreshore
without license and taken vraic, would, accordingly, have been a breach of the
Seigneur’s proprietary rights.
70 Some two centuries later this strictly feudal
regime in relation to vraic was becoming municipalised. Le Geyt writes
disapprovingly of Seigneurial privilege, but is forced to recognise the
continued existence of certain privileges in relation to vraic on the principal
fiefs, St Ouen, Rosel and Samarès and that of the Prior of St Clement
which continued to be enjoyed and enforced in Le Geyt’s day and, in the
case of St Clement, which had recently been upheld by the Royal Court. [53]
71 This ancient feudal custom was not only
discriminatory; it flouted ordinances made by the Royal Commissioners (Hussey
and Gardiner) in 1607, who, heeding the complaint of the inhabitants of St John:[54]
“… dwelling far from
the coast of the sea where the wraick growth … putt from the benefit
thereof and not permitted to gather the same, by such as pretend to have
licences to gather the same … For as much as this complaint concerneth
all the inhabitants of this Island as well as the parish of St John … and
much concerns the common good of the Country … [ordered] that the
Bailliff and Justices only … shall henceforth … make and sett down
all orders whatsoever they find to be most convenient, both for the place
where, the times and seasons when, the said wraick shall be gathered …
and that it shall not be lawfull for any
other person upon his fee or fees to grant any licence or sett down any
course … to the impeaching of this our Order …” [Emphasis
72 It is clear from this passage that while the
Commissioners were concerned to allow a general right of access to the vraic
harvest they did not dispute that the vraic was itself gathered “on the
fee or fees” of “other persons”—viz the Seigneurs.
73 Le Geyt looks approvingly to France where a
general right of access to the foreshore for gathering vraic had been given to
the people of the Parishes bordering the sea, a right embodied by Louis XIV in
his Ordonnance sur la Marine of 1681. It is, we believe, with modern (17th
Century) French law in mind that Le Geyt wrote (in translation)[55]—
“Indeed I declare that I
do not understand how the sergeant of the Fief of the Prior of St Clement, however
furnished he might be with ancient possession and a modern judgment in his
favour, nor generally how any feudal Seigneur could with equity and charity
claim any privilege on the vraic to the prejudice of the common weal. It is the
resource of the labourer and the fiefs do not extend beyond the Plein de Mars.”
74 This passage has a political rather than a
juridical flavour. The concluding statement touches a matter on which Le Geyt
clearly held strong views. It should not however, in our opinion, be read as a
declaration of foreshore ownership. To do so would not only be inconsistent
with Le Geyt’s views expressed elsewhere but would run counter, as we
have shown, to Norman/Jersey Custom. We recall in particular, Le Geyt’s
dispassionate discussion on the subject of varech and the grave or grèves of
the Fief discussed elsewhere in this article. Significantly, Le Geyt never
suggests that the Crown, except as Seigneur of its own maritime fiefs, had any
general title to the foreshore. His remarks are limited to the issue of public
access to a vital economic resource. Taking his writings as a whole therefore,
it cannot be in doubt that Le Geyt considered the foreshore to be part of the
fief. In fact, as Lieutenant Bailiff, he will have been well aware that the
courts of all the fiefs bordering on the sea continued to regulate the vraic
harvest albeit now in accordance with regulations promulgated in the
King’s Court.
75 Jean Poingdestre’s analysis of vraic
and its harvest is more dispassionate than that of his contemporary Le Geyt. He
demonstrates a close procedural connection between Vraic and the related Custom
concerning banon. Thus, (in
“As Banon concerns the use
of that which the Earth itself produces without cultivation, so the Ban or Banon
of vraic (which is no more than a herb or marine plant) concerns only the order
to be observed in the collection and division of vraic, which is of two kinds ‘Le
vraic flotte’ [floating vraic], which is thrown on the shore by the
waves; and the ‘vraic taillé’ [the cut vraic] which is cut
where it is growing on terms settled by the Court of the place, beyond which
(fief) it is not permitted for anyone to touch it …”
Banon, before its administration, like that of vraic, was municipalised,
consisted in the right of feudal tenants to graze their cattle at the appointed
time on the stubble of the unenclosed land of the fief. The policing of banon was by the Seigneurial Court. The procedure for
harvesting vraic on unenclosed land was subject to the same territorial
jurisdiction. At the appointed time the foreshore was said to be “abandoné” to the tenants by
the “ban” or proclamation
of the Court.
76 In this passage Poingdestre emphasises the
jurisdiction of the Seigneur over all his land including foreshore. He was
conscious however, that there must be a clear limit to feudal privilege. Public
interest must take precedence over the Seigneur in relation to access to this
important commodity[57] (in
“Indeed, it ought in
theory to belong to the Seigneur of the Fief on which it is to be found
particularly that which is floating. In this nonetheless, Custom … has
derogated from the right of the Seigneurs in favour of the public interest to
which all private interest must always give way. This is a good of which no
private person could take advantage alone given the great quantity [of vraic]
which is to be found …”
77 Here again Poingdestre makes his meaning
clear: the feudal position is not in doubt. Were it not for tenants’
rights or the wider public interest, vraic would belong to the Seigneur. It
would be his because it either landed on his foreshore or was cut while growing
on his rocks.
Vraic: the Samarès and La Fosse Rolls
78 Because matters concerning vraic have to do
with the internal economy of the maritime fiefs, the subject scarcely figures
in the Assise Rolls. The king was concerned with the franchises, not the rural
economy. To see the Custom in practice we have accordingly consulted the
surviving Rolls of the Fief of Samarès which cover the 17th and 18th
centuries. These records make clear the exercise of an ancient territorial
79 In 1611 the Rolls of Samarès record a
penalty imposed on Jean Gobbes for vraicing at night, a perilous enterprise one
would think. In 1613 the same Rolls record the fining of Thomas Mollet, a
non-tenant of the Fief who was forbidden to return on pain of a greater fine.
This surely records a trespass. The offence and its penalty could only have
been based upon a breach of the Seigneur’s right to possession of the
80 In 1636 one Fiott was fined for being in
breach of the vraicing regulations. He was one of ten others fined at about
that time for the same offence. Indeed, in these Rolls we see repeated entries
of this kind. Enforcement by the Court required officials to be sworn in to
police the regulations. Such persons were known as “Assermentés des Vraics”. The Samarès Court
Rolls show the appointment of such officials up until the 1860s.
81 In 1850, a prosecution was brought in the Royal Court against
Edward Mourant, Seigneur of the Fief of Samarès and his Sergeant, one
Gibaut. They had, it seems, both been vraicing one full tide before the law
allowed general access to the harvest. The Seigneur’s defence was that he
and his ancestors before him since time immemorial had, as of right, harvested
vraic for his domainal lands one tide before the rest. The Court found
Mourant’s defence good. Gibaut however, was fined. As a mere officer of
the Seigneur’s Court, he was not entitled to the privileges to which the
landowner could lay claim. Mourant’s privilege of course, was the same as
that which had provoked Le Geyt’s indignation some two hundred years
82 The central position of the vraic harvest in
the social and economic life of the Island
meant that once municipalised, its regulation would increasingly be the concern
of the Royal Court
and the Constable of the parish. This led in the 19th century to an interesting
clash between the States on the one hand and Seigneurial claims on the other.
83 In 1808 the States enacted new regulations
which wholly ignored feudal title and tacitly assumed that the foreshores were
public and publicly owned. That was a mistake on the part of the States. No
Order in Council issued to make the regulation law and it was not until 1829
that a new law “Sur les Vraics” was enacted. The new law, in
contrast to the failed enactment inter
alia, expressly contained this (in translation)—
“This law is not in any
way intended to derogate from the rights which may exist in relation to certain
private fisheries [pecheries] nor to
the rights of particular Seigneurs”.[59]
84 It is significant that in each of the
successive laws concerning vraic enacted in the 19th century there is a careful
reserve of Crown and Seigneurial privileges. The law of 1894 still stands.
85 While it seems, according to Brenda Bolton,
that all fishing dues in Guernsey may have
died with esperquerie, in Jersey, its
successor was essiage. De Gruchy
tells us that the rights of esperquerie
were commuted at the beginning of the 16th century into a fixed annual sum of eissiage payable to their lords by those
who fished for conger which were either landed or caught on the foreshore.[60] De Gruchy
thought the word might denote “drying”. “The Seigneur”,
he tells us, “had the option at the beginning of each season either to
fetch the conger from alongside the boat … or to claim essiages … from everyone who used
a trot line”. The Code Le Geyt suggests, not a trot line, but “Le gros fillet à fonds”, a
set net with its bottom grounding.[61]
In each case, the nature of the Seigneur’s right is clear: it arises from
the ownership of the foreshore. Essiage
was evidently a form of payment for a license to fish on the seigneurial
foreshore. [62]
86 In
the first part of this article we referred to the many pescheries on the foreshores of continental Normandy which were an important component
of the coastal economy.[63] Pescheries played a less significant
rôle in Jersey. Their existence is,
nonetheless, significant from our perspective because their owners enjoyed
proprietary rights in them. We have found evidence of others in Jersey but we have space here to consider only one:
“une pechèrie à vraic
et à poisson” situated near the rock called L’Avarison
in the Bay of Grouville.[64] The existence of this pescherie was noted by Le Geyt in his
chapter “Des Pescheries”. It is further recognised in a judgment of
the Royal Court
dated 28 April 1747.
This confirmed rights traditionally enjoyed by the owner of the Manoir des
Prés (or des Maltières) in Grouville, subject to a perpetual
annual rente of three capons payable
to the Crown. The judgment in 1747 also provided for the restoration of the
boundaries of the pescherie. They can
still be seen: a number of rocks on which are carved the letter “P”
to denote ‘Payn’, the name of a prominent family which for long
held the fief and manor of Les Maltières. Thus the right associated with
this fishery is that of exclusive fishing and enjoyment of the vraic.
87 In this example the owner is charged with
payment of a rente due to the Crown
and that this particular foreshore is parcel of the Crown Fief. It all points
to the existence of an alienable feudal title in the foreshore.
88 It should be recalled, as we have seen (supra), that title to pescheries
is expressly recognised and reserved in the vraicing laws by both the Crown and
the States.
Salines or saltpans
89 Bottin,
whose work we discussed in Part 1 of this article, quotes from an official
report made on the salines on the
Norman littoral in 1809 (in translation)—
“The second object with
which we are concerned … the white beaches exploited for the production
of salt … we have had represented to us the titles of each property
bordering the beach and we are convinced[65]
that each point of the coast was or had been the site of a salt pan and that
time beyond memory these salt pans were the subject of sales, partages and of
all kinds of transactions …”
90 The salines
of Jersey are less well documented than those
in Normandy.
Their former existence is however, well evidenced in place names. On at least
two points on the coast of Jersey we find bays
called “La Saline”. One of the most important salines was exploited on the semi-tidal marshes which once ran down
to the sea from Samarès Manor. Hence the name
“Samarès” which derives from “sals marais”, a
salt marsh. Indeed, early records show Guillaume de Saumarais to have been also
known as “de Salinelles” [from the salt pans]. [66] What is
significant to our argument is that all the salines
both in Jersey and in Normandy had a seigneurial origin.
of the foreshore
91 We have earlier noted Philippe Le Geyt
remarking that the foreshores of neighbouring fiefs could on occasion be
difficult to define, for example, in the case where a number of fiefs terminate
in a deep bay on the coast: “... on
demande de quelle manière il faut distinguer leurs grèves
...” [one questions in what way their beaches must be defined].
92 Le Geyt’s comment regarding boundaries
and their definition of bornement was
not then academic. The issue could be material. A number of records have
survived of judicial proceedings concerning undefined foreshore boundaries dating
from periods both before and after the 17th century. A few examples will
suffice for our purpose.
93 A 14th-century petition by the Abbot and
monks of Mont St Michel requests that a clear boundary on the beach be
established to distinguish the land of the king from the land of the Abbot[67]—“Quod terminetur de finibus sui metis terre
domini Regis” (“terre de
Nigromonte”). The fief of Noirmont, as we have seen, then belonged to
the Abbot.[68] The
king’s land was part of his ancient domain. There had evidently been
differences over wreck, the king’s men having taken wreck landing on the
foreshore of Noirmont and claimed by the Abbot. There is no question from the
language of the petition but that each fief had its own foreshore and was
capable of being bounded in the same way as terra
firma. The source of the difficulty
is clear to this day. The stream which divides the fiefs runs out over the
beach in St Aubin’s Harbour. Its course on an exposed shore might change
with the action of a single tide.
94 An ancient manuscript copy of an Act of the Royal Court dated 25 January 1575 is
inscribed in the margin: “The bounds of the fee of St Owen”.[69] The Act
records a “Grande Vue de Justice”
concluded before the Bailiff at St Ouen. The recital shows—
man Helier de Carteret esquire Seigneur of St Owen, which Seigneur showed unto
us as lately certain wrecks had arrived and been cast by the sea in the port de la mare being upon the fee Haubert of St Owen
belonging unto him viz the boat of a ship and a beam of oak and for as much as certain fees be joining on either side of
the said fee Haubert of St Owen by reason whereof and for want of knowing
perfectly the separation and division of
the said fees some debate or contention might arise in time to come
therefore the said Seigneur of St Owen for preventing and avoiding all such
occasions and inconveniences did justly require us that by the authority of
office it should please us to administer the oath unto twenty four ancient and
credible men next neighbours of the said fee ... to the end they should report
unto us ... upon oath …” [Emphasis added.]
The Act goes on to record in minute detail, “The
separations of the fees between Lestack & the Corbière bordering on
the seashore ...”.
95 There is no mention of the Crown being in any
way interested in these proceedings and yet it is the king’s court which
is dealing with the central issue of titles and competing claims over the
foreshores of private fiefs where the boundaries were uncertain.
96 An Act of the Royal Court dated 5 January
1604 records a Vue de Justice and the sworn testimony of fourteen men
concerning a difference between the Dame du Fief de La Fosse, on the one hand,
and the Attorney General representing the Fief du Prieur de l’Islet
(then, as now, in the hands of the Crown), on the other. The Vue de Justice
settled the boundary between the Fiefs over the foreshore. There is no mention
of any general Crown interest in the foreshore. It seems the Jurors in this
case were charged to consider the boundary only in relation to the taking of
wreck and although they found for La Fosse and that its rights had existed
“... de toute ancienété”,
their conclusions, which could have been of fact only, went no further. The
record closes with the note, “quant
à la propriété desdites limites” [as to the
property in the said limits]; an issue of law, this matter would be adjourned
to the pleas of Catel (a division of the Royal Court). Unfortunately, we have been
unable to trace any record of further proceedings whether in Catel or
elsewhere. It seems the practical question of varech having been settled the
(for us interesting) issue as to propriété
no longer concerned the parties.
97 The issue in 1604 only arose because of the
unusual extension of the La Fosse foreshore which, as we have seen in the 1299
Quo Warranto,[70] extended
west under the terra firma of the
adjacent Fief du Prieur. That circumstance had raised a boundary issue prompted
by the landing of varech near the line. It is of interest that our immediate
source for this case is a 17th-century book of precedents in our possession. The entry is headed “Ex 1604 Jan 5 bornement du gravage du Fief
de la Fosse et les limités du Douet de Hauteville, la grande planque et
le ouest du Rocher Estur.” We have there a
clear line across the beach.
98 In 1854 this same boundary between the Fiefs
of La Fosse and Le Prieur was yet again debated and fixed after a long drawn
out Inquest. It is not clear whether the earlier decisions of the Court in 1356
and 1604 which deal with precisely the same boundary, were put before the
Jurors. Had these precedents been pleaded it is hard to believe that the Crown,
in right of the Prior, would not have been estopped from disputing this ancient
99 It is clear from these proceedings that at no
time was there any suggestion of a Crown interest in any of the foreshores in
issue. The Crown made no claim save in relation to its own fiefs.
Alienation and partage of the foreshore
100 We report here three cases of division where
a maritime fief was involved. In each case the division concerns the
Seigneurial foreshore.
101 The first is a contract of partage in 1382
(in translation)—
the Wednesday next before the Feast of St Michael William Payn and Drouet
Lemprière heir of the aforesaid Raoul appeared before Court to record
the division between them of the Fiefs and other properties they had acquired
in 1367 the whole subject to the dower rights during her life of the Lady of St
Ouen widow of the said Jourdain de Barentin who was entitled to take ….
le tiers au vreic dudit Rossel pour douaire. Lemprière would take l’assiette
du vreic de Sausmares during the life of the said Lady and after her death the
said William and Drouet or their heirs will divide all that she held by way of
dower of the said Lady of St Ouen formerly wife of Jourdain.”
We need not burden our text with further detail of this
interesting transaction. It is sufficient to note the division of the wreck
landing on Rosel and the reference to the assiette
of the wreck at Samarès. The assiette
du vraic can only, in our opinion,
refer to the foreshore.
102 The second, a contract dated 1413 follows
the ancient traditional form.[71]
Translated from the French it reads—
and Richard de St Martin acknowledge having ceded to their brother Janequin out
of the inheritance of their father … the entire Fief de Craqueville also
called Layc or Lecq in the Parish of St Mary [the other half of the Fief of
Lecq being in the Parish of St Ouen on the west side of the Grève de
Lecq] including cash and rentes … a pound for stray animals, services,
warren and all the things which are part of the fief including a third part of the beach in the port called Lecq towards the
east of the bay with the mill stream which comes to shore on the said beach
…” [Emphasis added.]
103 The third example is a partage concerning
the Fief Haubert de St Ouen. This, unusually, fell to be divided in 1789
amongst seven female heirs each of the heirs taking a portion of foreshore or
gravage co-extensive with her share of terra
104 As we showed in the first part of this
article the alienation of parts of the foreshore was a common feature of the
régime on the Normandy
coast immediately facing the Islands.
Transfers of fisheries, salt pans and plots for digging tangue or marl are
there commonly recorded. We have found fewer examples in Jersey
but this probably only reflects the fact that few fief rolls dating from before
the 17th century have survived. We have, nonetheless, located evidence of one
early sale of foreshore. Between the Fiefs of Samarès and La Fosse which
are respectively in the Parishes of St Clement and St
Helier, lies a narrow tongue of the Fief of Grainville coterminous
with the seafront boundary of the Parish of St Saviour. This small strip of land
(not more than one hundred yards wide) was the subject of a transaction in the 14th
century indicating that Grainville had also once claimed the foreshore. This
transaction is mentioned in a document entitled “Patronages des Eglises” which dates from the early 14th
century.[72] This
inventory of Seigneurial rights and privileges tells us that Peter de Chaeney
had “wreccum per totam terram suam
in parrochia Sancti Salvatoris” [wreck over all his land in the
Parish of St Savour] and later that William de Chaeney (father of Peter) had
previously bought “wreccum de
Sancto Salvatoris” from Eustace de Grainville. We conclude from this
document that in buying the wreck, de Chaeney had purchased the soil (terram) on which that right was enjoyed
leaving to de Grainville possession of the rest of his fief in St
Saviour’s Parish landward of the foreshore.
105 We shall shortly conclude this study with an
examination of the genesis of a Crown claim to the foreshore in Jersey. Notwithstanding, as we have shown, that from the 13th
to the 18th centuries there is no evidence to suggest that the Crown ever
claimed more than the historic ducal rights over those parts of the Jersey
foreshore in the hands of third parties, thenceforward the Crown’s
attitude would change. This appears to have been particularly so following
Hall’s Essay in 1830 (see infra)
and in our view the Crown’s position in Jersey
reflected its more aggressive stance towards foreshore in England.
Notwithstanding Stuart Moore’s forceful demolition of Hall’s
thesis, the latter clearly had some continuing influence on Crown policy. For
comparative purposes, it is however of interest to take a quick look at the
English law of the foreshore as it has evolved into the 20th century.
The position in English Law[73]
English law on the
106 In England, there is no Custom; there
are no Commentators. The property in the solum of the foreshore in England is
therefore, prima facie, vested by
virtue of the prerogative of the Crown.[74]
It may however belong to the subject by express grant, by charter from the
Crown or most commonly by user or prescription. The ownership of the solum by
the Crown (and thus by its grantees) is subject to limited public rights of
navigation and fishery as have been immemorially enjoyed by the subjects of the
107 Where an express grant of the foreshore is
alleged by the grantee, the existence and the extent of the grant falls to be
constructed along established legal principles. Lemmon, Public Rights in the Seashore,[75]
expresses the law to be thus—
“Grants from the Crown are
always supposed to be construed very strictly, whereas grants from one subject
to another are read in favour of the grantee. It should however be observed as
an exception to this rule that Elizabethan grants are to be ‘expounded,
construed, deemed, and adjudged most beneficially for the Patentees and
Grantees of the same’. This is provided by 18 Eliz. c.2, s.3, so far as
regards then existing grants and those made within seven years of the passing
of the statute, and 43 Eliz. cl, a.2, contains words very similar in effect.
The authorities seem to treat the rule that Crown grants are to be construed as
stricto jure, as an invariable one, but this view is obviously not correct,
although the Elizabethan exceptions given above have been almost invariably
overlooked. There is also one other exception usually acknowledged, viz that
the grant is made not at the request of the subject, but by the initial motion (so
to speak) of the Crown. Otherwise, it is generally true to say that all doubts
arising out of Crown grants are resolved in favour of the Crown.”
It is pertinent to refer to what is known as the rule in Iveagh which arises from the judgment in
Earl of Iveagh v Martin,[76] a case
concerning manorial mooring rights in Sussex. The principle is this: the
document declaratory of rights cannot be used to limit or extinguish broader
pre-existing rights, where such earlier rights are to be found recorded in
documents or otherwise.[77]
108 In the absence of express grant, the
question arises as to how title to the foreshore as against the Crown can be
acquired by a subject by user and prescription, thereby giving rise to the
presumption of a grant. The amount of evidence of use required is a question of
fact and degree, as explained by Phear in Rights
of Water[78]—
“Where, as in the case of
the seashore, the incidents of enjoyment are very few, it is not easy to say
whether the user of one or two of them is to be referred to the greater or
lesser right. No general rule of guidance can be laid down, but perhaps it may
be assumed that, to make acts of possession evidence of ownership, they must
appear, under circumstances which surround them, to have been done animo
habendi possidendi et appropriandi.”
109 In more practical terms, the position has
been well put in Lord Advocate v Wemyss[79]—
“For a definition of what
will constitute sufficient evidence of such possession, I may refer to the
remarks made by Lord Blackburn in Lord
Advocate v Blandyre (1879) 4 App Cas 770 at 791: ‘Every act shown to
have been done on any part of that tract by the barons or their agents which
was not lawful unless the barons were owners of that spot on which it was done
is evidence that they were in possession as owners of that spot on which it was
done. No one such act is conclusive, and the weight of each act as evidence
depends on the circumstances; one very important circumstance as to the weight
being, where the act was such and so done, that those who were interested in
disputing the ownership would be aware of it’.”
This is not the place to review the English case law which has
considered the various acts upon a foreshore by owners of adjacent property—be
they Royal, baronial, manorial or seigneurial—which the Courts have come
to regard as being sufficient to raise a prima
facie title thereto on the part of an individual claimant.[80] Coulson
and Forbes cite the following as the chief acts on the part of a Lord which
afford good evidence of his ownership of the foreshore adjacent to a maritime
grant of land:
taking wreck;
taking Royal fish;
the various incidents of a port;
paying for the burial of dead bodies washed ashore;[81]
a several fishery;[82]
hunting over the foreshore;
mining, digging and taking sand, shingle and seaweed;
levying anchorage and groundage dues;
building or embanking and enclosing foreshore;
suing trespassers;[83]
licensing persons to do various acts upon the foreshore.
110 When disputes have arisen, the Courts have
far more often than not held, on evidence of user, that the solum of the
foreshore is within the boundary of the manor in question. Indeed the cases go
further; it seems upon examination that, far more often than not, the foreshore
is not with the Crown but in the hands of its subject. Indeed this is the
underlying theme of Stuart Moore’s textbook. The point is well made by
Earle CJ in Lestrange v Rowe,[84] a case
where an allegation was made of unlicensed taking of shellfish from the
foreshore adjacent to a maritime manor in Norfolk—
“There are some manors
which remain in the Crown—that are the property of the Crown—as in
Cornwall; but I take it that, in the great majority of cases, the right to the
foreshore between high and low water mark is in the Lord of the Manor.” [85]
We leave the last word on the subject to Hale in de Jure
“Foreshore may not only be
parcel of the manor but de facto it many times is so, and perchance it is a
parcel of almost all such manors as by prescription have the Royal fish or
wrecks of the sea within their manor.”
111 In English law, wreck of the sea may be
defined as property which is a ship or her cargo or has formed a portion
thereof and has been cast ashore (i.e.
it is not still floating) and for which the owner cannot be found: Sir Henry Constable’s case.[87] The right
merely to take wreck has been regarded in English law primarily as a franchise
and not as an incident inherent to the possession of foreshore. Because of the
position under customary law, English, Irish, Jersey
and Guernsey law fundamentally differ in this
respect. However since Dickens v Shaw
(1822), if not before, the Courts have consistently regarded the taking of
wreck as strong evidence of ownership of the soil of the foreshore. [88] Though a
grant of the foreshore and a grant of wreck are not necessarily concomitant, if
the grant of the wreck was “infra
manerium” (or words
equivalent) a presumption will arise that the foreshore was part of the manor
before the grant of wreck was made. Separate titles are involved. When the grant
of wreck is thus made the presumption which arises is: that the manor was
granted together with the foreshore; that the wreck was granted to be taken in
and upon that manor and, therefore, that the foreshore must have been parcel of
that manor, because the wreck to be taken can only be taken upon the foreshore.
But if the two rights become severed, vested in different persons, it is
impossible to say that because a man has wreck he must have the foreshore also.[89] This
distinction is well made in Dickens v
Shaw (1882) where Holroyd J said
“It is true that Lord Hale
instances wreck as one species of right which tends to show a right to the
soil. In one place in his treatise De Jure Maris he intimates that if it were
otherwise the party could not get down to taking the wreck. I think it may be
evidence of ownership, particularly if coupled with other acts of enjoyment of
the right of soil. Where the Crown grants the right of wreck it is probable
that the Crown grants the right of soil also; but if the Crown grants the right
of wreck alone, by that grant the party would have the right to come and take
the wreck as an incident to the grant, otherwise the grant of the right would
not be a grant of anything whatever. Everything necessary for the enjoyment of
a right passes incidentally with the grant.”
112 In the leading case of Lestrange v Rowe, Earl, CJ took the principle further—
“Again in respect of the
right of wreck—things thrown up by the sea, coming with the rise of the
tide and left upon the shore when the tide goes out—the person has the
grant of the wreck of the sea must go down upon the shore to collect that
wreck, and therefore it is that that has been taken to be very good evidence
upon which the jury is justified in presuming the Crown, in granting a manor
with those additional rights, intended to grant the foreshore of the manor
wherever those rights were to be exercised.”
113 Later cases involving wreck illustrate
another aspect of Holroyd, J’s dictum,
namely that a grant of wreck “coupled with other acts of enjoyment of the
right of soil” generates a very positive presumption of ownership of the
soil. What further evidence is required then to establish ownership of the
foreshore? Acts which have been coupled with wreck in as it were a reinforcing
capacity are varied. In L’Estrange
v Rowe, for example, wreck coupled with anchorage and groundage amply
sufficed. In Hamilton v Att Gen for Ireland,[90] wreck
coupled with the right to flotsam and jetsam and waifs and strays were held to
be admissible to prove a title to the shore. In Att Gen v Jones,[91] fishery,
wreck and the right to take gravel sufficed. In Calmady v Rowe,[92] wreck
coupled with anchorage was held to be good evidence in title to the foreshore. There
are cases from Scotland,
The genesis of a Crown claim to the foreshore in Jersey
114 As observed above, we have so far found in
Jersey, from the 13th to 18th centuries, no evidence that the English king ever
claimed other than the rights of his ducal predecessor in relation to the
foreshore. The evidence is all the other way. The King of England indeed over
that long period—whatever the position in England or elsewhere in the
British Isles—made no attempt to change Norman Custom in relation to
rights in land. Nonetheless, it is not in doubt that in more recent times Crown
claims by the Crown inconsistent with Custom have been asserted. Our reviews of
the history of Crown behaviour in relation to the foreshore over the last two
centuries shows it to have been guided more by policy in a particular case than
by settled principle.
115 Evidence for a prima facie Crown claim to title to the Jersey
foreshore, when we consider the behaviour of the Crown in the two centuries
before that claim first emerges, is for the most part, as we have seen,
negative. The following examples emphasise that fact.
116 By his Letters Patent in 1669, Charles II
granted to the Governor, Bailiff and Jurats rights to duties on wines and
spirits. The States were particularly concerned to use these revenues, the
primary source of income available to the States of Jersey, towards the
building of a harbour at St Aubin. The first initiative undertaken involved the
commissioning of one Nicholas Bailhache to build the harbour and pier. The Acte
of the States records (in translation)—
“… it has been
agreed and concluded: first as to the place of the pier that the said Bailhache
shall construct in accordance with the offer and proposition made by him to the
States … provided that the said Bailhache shall cause to be built the
said pier … finishing at the said time two years thereafter … that
the said Bailhache shall join the said pier … to make it convenient and
to cause it to go as far as the roadway … and shall also cause to be made
a pier proper and satisfactory … and such steps as shall be necessary for
boarding vessels and loading and discharging men and merchandise such as are appropriate
for a good haven.”
117 The consideration for these works would
“… for the better
encouragement of the said Bailhache and the more rapid advancement of the said
pier the Governor and the Crown Officers have agreed with the said Bailhache that
he shall have for his own private property in the future for himself and his
heirs in perpetuity the use of a certain place and area of foreshore which is
between the said Rocher des Ancres and the rock from the point of the Boulevard
as far as the high tide co-extensive with the points between the said rocks
118 After some delay it was decided it would be
better to build the pier from St Aubin’s Fort and that is the pier which
stands today. Bailhache withdrew and the enterprise was taken up by the Governor
of the Island, Sir Thomas Morgan. The States
petitioned the king for consent and part of the consideration would be—
“… that the place of
sand which is betwixt the Anquor Rocke of the Bulworke pointe to the full sea
marke at St Aubins be leased to the Governor and his heirs for ninety-nine
years at the annual rent of a peppercorn (if demanded).”
119 Responding, the king confirmed the
arrangement by his letter of 1673. This included the following—
“That the said Sir Thomas
Morgan receive the said space all petty customes and emoluments arising from
the said peere and appointe a water bayliffe for that purpose. That a small
Creeke below the full sea marke … be given to the said Sir Thomas Morgan
and his heirs for ever to build to a key or otherwise to dispose of it provided
Sir George de Carteret, Vice Chamberlain of our household who is lord of the mannour do approve thereof …”
[Emphasis added.]
120 Later the king concludes—
“But for as much as the
said Sir George de Carteret claymes the Propriety of the small creeke mentioned
in the sixth article, that the same be only leased unto the said Sir Thomas
Morgan for ninety-nine years at a peppercorne rent yearly payable to the said
Sir George de Carteret or his heirs upon demand, and that the said Sir Thomas
Morgan do improve upon the said creeke by building key or houses thereupon or
something that may become serviceable to the said peere …”
121 It seems that at the outset the Crown
Officers and the Governor had assumed the foreshore at St Aubin to be at the
unfettered disposal of the Crown. It is possible that the boundary between the
Crown fief on which part of St Aubin stands and the Fief of Noirmont had not
been considered.[93] What is
clear however is that the Governor and the Crown when reminded of his rights
conceded that the foreshore belonged to de Carteret. Accordingly, the Governor
in return for his works of improvement would now have part of the
“creeke” and would have the fruits of his improvements for
ninety-nine years, the reversion to fall to the benefit of de Carteret’s
posterity in the fullness of time.
122 We have considered the grant by Royal Patent
of the Fief of Noirmont and other fiefs to Sir George de Carteret in 1643. In
terms the grant makes no express mention of foreshore rights. De Carteret
successfully based his title on Custom.
123 In 1678 the Seigneur of the Fief of La Fosse
entered into a contract of arrangement and partition with the inhabitants of
the Vingtaine de la Ville to compromise their several rights in the Mont de la Ville,
the common of that fief. The contract inter
alia provided that should the inhabitants dispose of any part of the
common, the proceeds (in translation)—
“... should be employed in
building a harbour at Havre des Pas according to such plan then in existence
and if there emerged any obstacle which might impede such a design, he, the
Seigneur, would consent that the proceeds be employed for other public uses ...
touching which uses he and his successor Seigneurs of Samarès, La Fosse etc should be notified and their consent
thereto required ... and if the said harbour should come into being, the said
Seigneur ... bound himself to cede over his land a satisfactory roadway to go
and come thereto ...”
124 We have seen above that the foreshore at
Havre des Pas was part of the Fief of La Fosse. The permission of the Seigneur
was accordingly necessary for any development upon it by the municipality.
Significantly, there is no record of any Crown involvement in this transaction
which must have been the case had the Crown claimed that foreshore.
125 In 1700 an Acte des Etats records a full
sitting of the States at which the Lieutenant Governor and Crown Officers were
present to hear a proposal by certain entrepreneurs for the reclamation of the
foreshore and the construction of a new cattle market, a new quay and the
reclamation of land. The Acte or Minute describes the work to be carried out as
follows a (in translation)—
“those who shall be put to
the expense of the said works shall have the property by way of reward in all
of the land which shall be to the south of the said rock ... that they may
enjoy for themselves and their heirs in perpetuity.”
126 The States gave their blessing to the work
and undertook to give assistance in the carting of materials. Significantly,
the Dame of La Fosse on whose foreshore the bulk of the works were to be
carried out, was also present. Her consent was recorded. The Acte des Etats
makes no reference to any Crown interest in the matter. The inference must be
that in 1700 the Crown was silent because it recognised that it had no property
in the foreshore of the Fief de la Fosse.
The de la Garde claim
127 In 1797 Philip and Thomas de la Garde caused
some quarrying to be carried out on the foreshore of La Fosse at the base of
the cliff and under the bank which supported the main road from the town to the
harbour. Fearing collapse of the bank, the Vingtaine de la Ville brought a
possessory action before the Royal
Court against the de la Gardes to stop their
trespass and obtained judgment. The case illustrates another interesting aspect
of the ownership of the foreshore.
128 The value attributed to stone on the
foreshore may be observed from feudal records.
129 In 1619 the Rolls of La Fosse record that one
Brie Messervy had committed an offence: “…en desaissant le fieu en levant quelque pierre du havre” [in dispossessing the fief by lifting
stone from the harbour]. In 1620 the same Rolls record that Jean Gourey had
been charged with having: “… tyre
de la pierre à la banque de la commune vers la mer” [taking
stone from the bank of the common towards the sea]. In the Rolls of the fief of
Noirmont we find that in 1735 a tenant was fined for taking stone and a
sturgeon from the foreshore of Noirmont.
130 In the first incident the charge is that the
offender had taken stone from the Fief within the harbour. In 1619 the havre would have meant either Havre des
Pas or, perhaps a haven near La Folie where a small pier was later to be built.
The reference is in the clearest terms to the solum of the foreshore. In the
second case, the reference is to the rocks on the edge of the foreshore. These
amount, in our opinion, to important proofs demonstrating not only Seigneurial
jurisdiction but also Seigneurial property in the solum of the foreshore.
131 The de la Gardes were alive to the value of
the stone and commenced quarrying on a commercial basis. As noted, the
Vingtaine de la Ville was successful at first instance before the Royal Court in its
possessory action to stop the trespass of the de la Gardes. The Seigneur de la
Fosse was later party to a Grande Vue de Justice at the locus in quo, but otherwise seems to have played no active part in
the proceedings. The de la Gardes appealed to the Privy Council, but no formal
judgment issued, the cause being returned to the Royal Court for hearing. In the event the
matter was resolved by compromise. It is perhaps worth noting, however, that
while liberty was given in the Privy Council to the Attorney General to
intervene for the Crown interest, if any, no intervention is recorded. As will
be seen below the Crown would later disclaim any interest in this foreshore.
132 The de la Garde claim was founded on a Grant
made in 1663 by Charles II to Sir Edouard de Carteret. It was limited to a
grant of percages, commons and wastes
on the Crown fiefs. It was an empty claim with no relevance to the issue of
Seigneurial title and ultimately abandoned.[94]
Quarrying and Le Quai des
133 The area where the de la Garde quarrying had
taken place was, within a few years, the subject of reclamation undertaken by
entrepreneurs and the Vingtaine de la Ville with the object of raising money to
build a new harbour which the commerce of the Island
then desperately needed. The rocks and sands below Pier Road were reclaimed using the spoil
created by the escarpment of the hill below Fort Regent.
The new harbour and the sites for all the merchants’ houses and
warehouses to be built on them represented the most significant property
development in the Island. The reclaimed land
was also potentially very valuable in terms of Seigneurial rights. The project
was placed before the States on the express understanding that the Crown had no
claim to the foreshore. When the States adopted the scheme, the Attorney
General confirmed that the Crown had no claim (“aucun droit”) to the new land: eloquent testimony to the
prevailing view of foreshore title in 1813. This is, of course, consistent with
the position adopted by the Crown in 1700. No Crown fief was involved.
134 In 1813—unlike the case in 1700—the
Seigneur of La Fosse was not specifically mentioned in the Acte des Etats of
1813 as a consenting party. It was however, never in doubt that the proposed reclamation
would be on the foreshore of La Fosse. Indeed, this fact was recognised with
the utmost formality by the Vingtaine and the Crown, and arguably by the States,
in the transaction described below.
135 In 1817 the Vingtaine having initiated the
new harbour project and the creation of the site for the Quai des Marchands,
then transferred to the States responsibility for continuing the works. A
contract of 18 December
1817 records an interesting transaction.[95]
Both Crown representatives, the Attorney General and Solicitor General,
appeared before the Royal Court
to take “in the name of the Public” from the representatives of the
Vingtaine de la Ville (in translation)—
“… all and such
lands as may remain with the landed proprietors of the said Vingtaine to the
west of the Mont de St Helier etc …
with all and as many rights, appurtenances and dependencies as may belong to
the said lands without any reserve or retention whatever, the said lands
situate in the Parish of St Helier on the Fief of La Fosse …”
In all subsequent transactions involving transfers of title
the reclaimed land is described as being on the Fief of La Fosse.
136 The Seigneur had no need to be actively
involved in the investment. Each costly development on the foreshore by the
entrepreneurs materially added to his wealth: all the relevant contracts of conveyance
contained an acknowledgement under oath by both parties that the land passing
was “sur le fief de la Fosse”;
the property of the Seigneur and, accordingly, subject to Seigneurial rights. Moreover,
when the Quai des Marchands was built, all the new owners by making their “aveux” declared formally that
these parcels of land were indeed held from the Seigneur of La Fosse,
acceptance by all the leading merchants of Seigneurial title to the foreshore.
Crown Policy and prima
facie title, 19th century
137 Thus far, that is to say by the mid-19th century,
we have found little evidence of any general claim have been made by the Crown
in Jersey to the foreshore. In England in
contrast, the policy was increasingly to promote a prima facie Crown claim based on ancient prerogative title and so
to force claimants to show either a specific Crown grant or sufficient evidence
of possession to raise the presumption of a lost grant.
138 The Crown position was supported by Hall’s
Essay (1830) “On the Rights of the Crown in the Seashore”. This
influential, albeit short work made a confident claim for the Crown against the
subject. It was largely to challenge Hall’s Essay and make the case for
the subject that Stuart Moore wrote his magnum opus in 1888.[97]
139 We have seen no specific documentary
evidence to support the allegation but we suspect that the source of
instructions to the Receiver General and the Crown Officers in Jersey in the
mid-19th century will have been advisers to the Lords Commissioners to the
Treasury keen to promote a Crown claim in Jersey based on English Law and
taking no account of the Customary position.
140 We will not overburden our text with English matter but we have seen
written advice given in 1867 by Sir Thomas Farrer entitled “Memorandum as
to the Board of Trade’s Dealings with Foreshore”.[98] This document has a somewhat
Machiavellian flavour about it. The Board of Trade is advised to implement
policy rather than to be too nice about the subject’s claims. Thus in
relation to the duties of the Board, Farrer says on the question of
ascertaining title—
“This which logically
ought to be the first thing done, it will probably be prudent to postpone.”
A Crown Officer’s embarrassment
141 In 1860 the Crown in Jersey
was already ambivalent on foreshore ownership as witness minutes of evidence
taken before the Royal Commissioners.[99]
These record that JW Dupré, then Attorney General, was asked a series of
questions in connection with Seigneurial rights.
142 On wreck, Mr Dupré stated—
“… this is really
the old law of Normandy.
Every Lord has the wreck on his own Manor where it borders the sea, except
certain things which belong to the Sovereign in right of his crown; those
rights are clearly accepted …”
143 On foreshore—
“In regard to the ownership of the space between the high and low water
mark, is there any uniform and well-established rule in the Island?”—“Anything
covered by the sea is supposed to be in the power of the Crown.” [Emphasis
“Is it, in this Island, usually granted
with the Manor or not?”—“It is considered that the rights of the proprietor end at the
point where the sea covers the soil. No doubt any wreck of the sea at low water
mark, would belong to the Seigneur of the adjoining land.” [Emphasis
“Does the vraic or seaweed belong to the
Lord?”—“Certain Lords of Fiefs have a right of vraicing one
tide before the generality of the people, but, after that, everyone has an
equal right.”
144 The above questions and answers are, in our
view, significant. First, we note Mr Dupré’s answer to the
specific question relating to the ownership “of the space between high
and low water mark”—“Anything covered by the sea is supposed to be in the power of the Crown”.
This hardly amounts to an unambiguous claim to Crown property in the soil. It
might equally represent a statement of the ius
publicum or public right vested in the Crown. Again the answer to question
6393, whether the foreshore is “usually granted with the Manor or
not?”—“It is considered that the rights of the proprietor end at the point where the sea covers the soil”
is at best, ambivalent. It is certainly not clear who is meant by “the
proprietor”. If the Attorney General was referring to a tenant of the
Fief (a more appropriate candidate for this description) having on the edge of
the sea his title defined by the plein de
mars—the high water mark—there could have been no argument. Dupré
avoids answering a question which was clearly aimed at establishing the seaward
extent of the Fief and curiously avoids any reference to the Custom with which
he must have been familiar. It is perhaps, a pity that the Commissioners did
not press the point.
145 We suspect that the reason for the Attorney
General’s evasive response to a simple question lay in a degree of
uncertainty prevailing in certain quarters in Jersey
at this time. There was, for example, the case of Frederick Clarke mentioned below.
There was also, more fundamental, the matter of a new draft law to allow for
the proposed new railway to run on the foreshore. The draft law languished
before the Privy Council and, it appears, was held up there, at least in part,
because of the unresolved dispute over Frederick Clarke’s shipyard. Dupré
was heavily involved in these matters as Attorney General. It seems likely, therefore,
that delicate political issues lay behind Dupré’s uncharacteristically
evasive response to the Commissioners’ questions.
Frederick Clarke’s shipyard
146 In the mid-19th century the scandalous case
of Mr Clarke and his shipyard at West
Park, raised the issue
whether the public as represented by the States of Jersey had any claim to the
foreshore. The ship builder Clarke had created a yard on the beach extending
over some two acres.[100] He had
become the largest employer of labour in the Channel
Islands. To secure his position Clarke obtained by hereditary
contract a perpetual lease of the relevant part of the foreshore from the
Seigneur of the Fief of Melesches against payment of a perpetual wheat rente. Clarke then approached the Lords
Commissioners of the Treasury to make assurance doubly sure (perhaps in
relation to public rights). The Lords Commissioners agreed to sell the Crown
title to Mr Clarke for a consideration and instructed the Crown Officers to
enter into the appropriate contract with Mr Clarke. The contract was never
passed. Mr Clarke’s shipyard stood in the path of a proposed new railway
line which would join St Helier to St Aubin.
There were serious conflicts of interest. Many of the dramatis personae in both the Royal Court and the States were promoting
the railway. Their interest and their perception of the Public interest
combined to stop Mr Clarke who despite the support of the Seigneur and the
Crown was eventually ruined.
147 So far as the States were concerned:[101]
“… it is respectfully submitted … and
until the question to which [these facts relate] has been finally adjudicated
upon viz whether the right to the sea shore belongs to the Crown and the States
to be held by them for the use and in the interests of the inhabitants of the
Island, to the Seigneurs of Fiefs bordering on the shores, or to an individual
claiming under a pretended grant or concession from the Crown … Upon the
main question regarding the claim of the Crown to the sea shore between high
and low water mark, the States beg leave most respectfully to represent that at
no period of the history of the Island has the absolute right to the Crown to
the foreshore been claimed by the Crown. On the contrary, it has been held and
considered that the foreshore was vested in the Crown as Trustee or Conservator
for the Public who at all times have had the free use and enjoyment of the same
and moreover, that no portion thereof could be appropriated to other uses
without the consent of the Crown and the people; that is without a law passed
by the States of the Island and sanctioned by Your Majesty in Council …
If a different construction were to be admitted it would be difficult to resist
the claims of the representatives of Sir Edward de Carteret or of Lords of
Manors laying a claim to the foreshore as forming part and parcel of their
Manor, and as such comprised within the terms of the Grants made to them at
various times by some of Your Majesty’s Royal predecessors.”
148 Unfortunately the Treasury Appendix does not
record any answer to the States claim. Certainly, as we shall see, the States
abandoned this position in the 20th century. On record however is the brusque
demand of the Privy Council that its Order in Council to give a right to Mr Clarke
by contract be obeyed. The details of this sad history need not detain us.
Relevant here however is the co-existence of—
The Seigneur of Melesches’ belief that he had an alienable property in
his foreshore;
An inchoate and undefined notion of a Public claim to the foreshore; and
The perception of Crown title to a foreshore below a private fief.
149 It was not until a dispute over the
foreshore near the Ronez Quarry became the subject of dispute between a
concessionaire and the Crown that the above issues would again be debated.
The Ronez case
150 The
issue of the Crown claim to prima facie
title was not, it appears, raised again in Jersey until a dispute arose over
Ronez Quarry—the case of La Recette
v Croft Granite Co Ltd in 1913. There the Crown had purported to lease the
foreshore to a quarry company for a jetty. The lease was expressly made under
“The reserve of all private rights which could exist in virtue of Royal
Charters, Letters Patent or by prescription”. When the Crown demanded
payment of a toll on the rock passing over the foreshore in addition to rent,
the company challenged the Crown title and alleged that the foreshore belonged
not to the Crown but to the Seigneur of Lulague dit Mourier. That interesting
claim was never decided because it was ultimately found that the company,
having paid rent to the Crown, was estopped from pursuing its third party title
151 The case for the company was however, interesting.
It rested on many of the propositions advanced in this article. Relevant here,
is that a general Crown claim to a prima
facie title to the foreshore was receiving its first airing in Jersey. The speech of the Attorney General was summarised
on the 14 June 1913
in the Chronique de Jersey thus (in
“(1) That by the Law and Custom of
this Island the foreshore of the sea within the limits of the plein de mars and the low water and the
bed of the territorial waters are in the property of the king;
(2) That the Defendant
Company cannot be heard to contest the right of the Crown because in its letter
of 21 March 1912 its agent declared that his clients were not in a position to
test the fact that the right in the foreshore of the sea belonged to the Crown;
(3) The Defendant’s
case referred to the petition as a result of which the right to establish
fisheries had been suspended for as long as the Company had the enjoyment of
the area and in consequence the validity of the ius privatum of the Crown was acknowledged;
(9) That the contention of
the Defendant Company that the Crown, not having exercised its rights insofar
as concerns the Public Authorities which have established quays or harbours for
public use, has not the right to exercise its prerogatives in respect of a
private company exploiting quarries for the profit of its shareholders, is a
thesis unsustainable in law;
(10) That the right of concession
of the foreshore to private persons by the Crown is not limited to the Island
of Jersey but is of general application and in Alderney the Crown has for many
years exacted a toll by way of wayleave on stone passing over the foreshore. The
claim that the States in exacting rights of harbour over the merchandise
embarked from Ronez had acquired a proprietary possession in the quay is
(11) That even if the Court, par
impossible, found that the right of the Crown was limited to the protection of
the public right, this fact would not come to the aid of the Defendant Company;
(12) That the Loi sur les Parcs
à Huîtres, 1882 defines the foreshore (in translation): as ‘all
that which covers and uncovers during the new and full moons and as far as the
Great Flood of March can extend over the beaches …’ and Article 18
is couched thus: ‘It is not intended to derogate by the present law from
the rights which private persons might have to certain parts of the edge or
foreshore of the sea in virtue of Charters, Letters Patent or immemorial usage.’
That this declaration had all the authority of the Legislative Chamber
confirmed by the Sovereign and necessarily
implied that the Crown has the right to cede certain parts of the foreshore to
be used for private purposes and reduces to nothing the contention of the
Defendant Company that the Sovereign solely enjoys the foreshore as Conservator of the Public right. The
States themselves declare in that law that they will not infringe the private
rights confirmed by Charters, Letters Patent or immemorial usage in
establishing oyster concessions …” [Emphasis added.]
152 A number of points emerge from the above:
As noted above, here, for the first time is an unambiguous albeit
unsubstantiated Crown claim to the foreshore and the seabed under the
territorial waters;
This is an unequivocal contention that the Crown’s alleged right to the
foreshore is a proprietary one, a ius
privatum quite separate and distinct from the ius publicum. The record discloses that the Crown had levied tolls
for wayleaves on the rock passing over the foreshore;
The Crown conceded that if the foreshore had been the subject of grant, the
right passing to the grantee could be exploited for gain.
It emerged from the address of Advocate ET Nicolle for the company that the
Crown records showed that leases had been made and concessions given over the
foreshore and the revenue arising had always been treated as Crown, as opposed
to States revenue;
Such concessions had, up until that time, been given only over the foreshores
dependant from Crown Fiefs; and
There is no record of any attempt by the Attorney General to deal with the
Defendant Company’s substantive case.
The Crown’s position as reflected in certain 20th-century
153 During
the 18th century and under constant threat of invasion from France, the
Crown had built a number of towers and batteries on offshore rocks around the
coast of Jersey after the Great War and having
by then lost all their military value, these towers were ceded to the Public of
the Island by contract in 1923.[102] This
contract, is, from our perspective, a significant document. In form, it is
strictly conventional. Some of the towers conveyed are located on the coast,
others on rocks on the foreshore. In each case the particular tower is
described by reference to its tenans et aboutissants
(its boundaries and extent) and, critically, located by reference to Parish and
Fief. For Archirondel, Seymour,
Icho and Rocco Towers, which lie respectively off the
south-east, south and west coasts of Jersey,
in each case the seaward boundary is given as le Plein de Mars. Archirondel and Rocco are stated to be
respectively on the fiefs of Anneville and Luce de Carteret, Seymour and Icho
on the Fief du Roi. In the case of
Icho the contract is in error because there is no Crown fief in the Parish of
St Clement. The identity of the fief is however, not material. The essential
point is that the rocks on which the towers stand are clearly stated to be on a
Seigneurial, not Crown foreshore.
154 A second conveyance by the Crown to the
Public of Jersey was made in 1923.[103]
This time the fortification was not a Napoleonic tower but St Aubin’s
Fort built by the Crown in the Reign of Henry VII. This fort protects the town
of St Aubin and
stands on the shore to the west of St Aubin’s harbour. Significantly
again, although this fort had been in Crown hands for perhaps five hundred
years, it was said (in 1923) to be located “… en la paroisse de St Brelade sur le fief de Noirmont ou autre fief”.
The particular fief here is not material. What is material is that
notwithstanding the antiquity and importance of this Royal fort it was the
concern of the parties to determine the particular fief on whose foreshore the
fort stood.
155 These two important transactions occurred some
ten years after the Ronez case. They
both proceeded on a basic assumption of law wholly at variance with the English
view expressed by the Crown in the Ronez
case. Yet that assumption will have represented the understanding of people whose
business it was to deal in landed property in Jersey
at that time. It must also be deemed to represent what was then (in 1923) the
contemporary view of the parties—the Crown and the States.
156 A lease was made by the Crown of part of the
foreshore of La Fosse to the Jersey Swimming Club in 1894. The term was
extended for a further thirty years in 1978. The leases are essentially
identical in form. Both were made subject to this significant reserve—
“SIXIEMEMENT Que le présent Bail est
fait sous réserve de tous droits particuliers à ladit
étendue de grève ou partie d’icelle qui pourraient exister
en virtue de Chartres Royales, Lettres Patentes ou par prescription.”
157 The Club leases identify the “étendue de grève” in
question by reference to a plan which was evidently attached to the Club’s
original petition to the Crown, but that is now lost. The Club has been in
possession over the years of only a small portion of the area which one assumes
is the area leased. What is significant is that during the period of subsistence
of the first two leases the Seigneur simultaneously enjoyed his own possession
over this area via the exercise of foreshore rights. The right of wreck having
of course been abolished in 1966 with the Seignorial Rights (Abolition)
(Jersey) Law, one wonders what the Crown had in mind in making the reserve in
the clause quoted above if not a reference to the Seigneurial gravage, i.e. the soil of the foreshore.
158 In 1950, the Crown
purported to lease to the States for a term of 25 years (with an option of a
further 25) “tous terrains, rochers
et plages comprenant le rivage de la mer ou ‘foreshore’ gisant
entre le niveau de la haute mer ou ancien plein de Mars et le niveau de la
Basse mer”.[104] The Crown
lease to the States in 1950 was a purported lease to the States on behalf of
the Public to enable the States to grant beach concessions over the entire
foreshore of the Island, save for those parts
already granted to the Jersey Swimming Club and to Jersey Granite and Concrete
Ltd at Ronez. The term expired, unnoticed it seems, on 1 January 1975. The lease was
retrospectively renewed on 17
June 1988.
159 Both the lease and its renewal contained the
“Que ledit public de cette Ile aura le droit
de reclamer durant ledit bail et tout prolongement d’icelui tous les
droits de varech ou bris ou naufrages [flotsam and jetsam] dans les limites desdits terres et rivages
ou “foreshore” présentement loués que possède
actuellement sadite Majesté, ledit
public de cette Ile étant substitué au droit lieu et place de
sadite Majesté et des successeurs à tout égard en ce qui
concerne lesdits droits dans lesdites limites le tous sans prejudice aux
droits de varech et gravage attachés à certain fiefs et ce
conformément au chartres ou titres à ce sujet.” [Emphasis
160 Like the latest of the Jersey Swimming Club
leases, the Crown lease of foreshore to the west of Ronez Point to a quarrying
company Ronez Ltd also contains an important limiting clause—[105]
“Que le présent Bail est fait sous
réserve de tous droits particuliers au public à ladite
étendue de rochers et terrains ou partie d’icelle qui pourraient
exister en vertu de Chartes Royales, Patentes ou par prescription.” [Emphasis added.]
161 Thus the possession given under the 1950
lease of the Island’s foreshore was
expressly limited to those parts of the foreshore “que possède actuellement sadite Majesté”. It
did not, moreover, include rocks on the foreshore which are not covered by le Plein de Mars. It is difficult to see
what other “possession” the Crown could have given outside its own
fiefs unless it were that this contract represented an attempt to lease the ius publicum or the Crown’s right
of sovereignty. If this were the case, the so-called lease could only have been
a contractual transfer of the administration of the public interest in
navigation, fishing etc, from one
public body to another, without implication for the private right in the soil
of the foreshore. Certainly there is an acknowledgment inherent in the 1950
lease that the “Public” as represented by the States did not have
an interest in the foreshore prior to 1950. That which is vested in the Crown is
only transferred to the States for the public for the term of the lease.
162 The reference to the rights arising under
Royal Charters, patents and prescription are a recognition and acknowledgement
by the Crown of its grants and confirmations of grants by patents. It is an
acknowledgment therefore, inter alia,
of the maritime fiefs’ titles and their validity.
163 One week after the registration of the
abolition of Seigneurial Rights (Jersey) Law,
1966 the States purported to make a long lease of land, including part of the
La Fosse foreshore, to the Jersey Electricity Company Limited as a site for a
new power station. Extraordinarily, no provenance was given for the
lessor’s title. In our opinion, the Lessor had none, at least in relation
to the area of foreshore included in the lease.
164 Finally, in the 1970s and 1980s the Crown
purported to sell areas of the foreshore of La Fosse to the States for the
purpose of land reclamation and development. None of the relevant contracts
contains any recognition of Seigneurial title. The provenance given is ancient
Crown domain. It was this, in our opinion, baseless claim, which ultimately led
to the Le Pas proceedings.
Ouaisné Bay and GFB de Gruchy
165 In
1933 GFB de Gruchy, Seigneur of Noirmont, was in dispute with the Receiver
General over access which the Seigneur proposed to give to his tenants over the
beach in Ouaisné
Bay, St Brelade, to
enable them to operate his quarry. Ouaisné is on the Fief of Noirmont. The
Receiver General had challenged de Gruchy’s right to the beach and right
over it and this led to interesting correspondence now preserved in a file at
the Public Record Office.
166 At the same time as this dispute erupted, a
parallel correspondence was in train between the Attorney General for Jersey and the Treasury, concerning the railway between St Helier and St Aubin: the same railway planned half a
century before and which had played an important rôle in the ruin of the
unfortunate Mr Clarke. This correspondence also concerned the status of land
reclaimed from the foreshore. The record contains allegations of embarrassing
conflicts of interest on the part of Crown Officers (Receiver General and
Attorney General in the 1890s).
167 It should be noted that GFB de Gruchy, as we have seen, was no mean scholar.
His work, “Medieval Land Tenures in Jersey”
would be published posthumously in 1957. It was reviewed by Professor John Le
Patourel whose contribution to medieval studies we have noted in the first part
of this article.[106] Le Patourel’s concluding
remarks are these—
“This book will be
recognised as having permanent value because it is critical, scholarly and
basically sound … He has the right approach to feudalism and the whole
evolution of medieval civilisation …”
168 The reviewer had clearly read de Gruchy’s
book. Indeed the subject matter is close to Le Patourel’s own interest in
feudal history. It seems most unlikely therefore that the reviewer would not
have challenged de Gruchy’s trenchantly stated remarks about the Seigneurial
foreshore had he not agreed with them.
169 If further imprimatur for de Gruchy were
required, we note that the preface to his work was written by Sir Alexander
Coutanche, Bailiff of Jersey, and that Philip Le Couteur, Judicial Greffier and
Sydney Bisson, Deputy Judicial Greffier, both highly respected scholars, had compiled
the Index and verified the many references and authorities.
170 On the foreshore de Gruchy wrote[107]—
“There can be no doubt
that in Normandy
the foreshore belonged to the holder of the adjoining fief that is, to the
King-Duke for his demesne or to the Lords for the other fiefs”.
171 “Medieval Land Tenures” was
written in the Second World War during the German Occupation of Jersey. In 1933
however, the question of the ownership of Ouaisné beach was of practical
concern. He wrote on 2
October 1933 to JF Giffard, HM Receiver General. After reviewing
the need for access over Ouaisné beach he wrote—
“… the nature of my
claim as Seigneur to the foreshore. In the first place it is a special right of
the Seigneur de Noirmont, not a general right of Jersey Seigneurs. [He had
amended his views when he wrote his book some years later.] Secondly, I have
always taken it to be subject to the full and unobstructed use of the public
for fishing, vraicing, carting and all other lawful activities … I have
always considered that the Crown held its part of the foreshore on like tenure
… as regards the rights of the Seigneurs of Noirmont in the foreshore of
the Fief, now challenged by the Crown, for the first time, I only know that a
distinguished lawyer some time ago went into the matter and advised me that my
right could not be contested. What is quite certain is that it has been held
for centuries that the foreshore formed part of this Fief. As an example, the Feudal Court, which
could only sit within the bounds of the Fief on occasion sat on the foreshore, e.g. on 30 April 1701. Also the Rolls of that Court
show that it used to deal with the offences of taking stone and shingle from
the foreshore (e.g. Acts of 2
December 1696, 16 December 1696, 13 October 1735 and 13 October 1736).
Whatever my rights may be, the
threat of litigation by the Crown leaves me defenceless because the financial
crisis has left me so embarrassed financially that I am in no position to fight
an action at law, especially one which would no doubt be carried to the Privy
Council …”
172 The Ouaisné affair was first
considered by G Stuart King, Treasury Solicitor, who in a memorandum stated—
“After considering these
papers and, in particular, the report of the Attorney General of the Island, I find myself in some difficulty in expressing
any definite opinion on the prospects of a successful claim in this matter. It would seem that there are special
considerations of local law which will have to be considered and with regard to
which I have, of course, no knowledge. It is for instance suggested that
the question of the ownership of
foreshore in the Island may to some extent
depend on the ancient feudal law of Normandy
and that under that law the foreshore belongs to the Lords of the Manor. This
plea was raised in the action between the Crown and the Croft Granite Company
Limited in 1913 [Ronez] and although
the Crown was successful, this point does not appear to have been determined by
the Court …” [Emphasis added.]
173 Unfortunately, the file does not contain the
Report of the Attorney General (then Alexander Coutanche). It was certainly not
discovered by the Crown in the Les Pas
case settled in 2002. What is important here is evidence that in 1933 the
adviser to the Treasury in London
appears to be acknowledging that the question of foreshore ownership could
turn, not on English law, but on the Custom of the Island.
174 Stuart King then referred the papers to George Sinclair a specialist on
foreshore law at the Board of Trade. His advice in response of 11 October 1933 confirms
that he had read the file which he had found “of great interest
especially the reports of the Attorney General of Jersey”. Sinclair had
been asked—
“To advise on the footing
that the case was one which had arisen in
this country particularly from the point of view of the way in which the
claim should be framed and the evidence by which it should be supported.”
[Emphasis added.]
175 Pursuant to that instruction Sinclair goes
on to look at the English cases including the dictum of Lord Herschell in Att
Gen v Emerson[108]—
“… that a subject
can only establish a title to any part of the foreshore either by proving an
express grant thereof from the Crown or by giving evidence from which such a
grant though not capable of being produced will be presumed.”
176 The writer then considered the Letters
Patent granted to Sir George de Carteret in 1643 of the Manors of Melesches,
Grainville and Noirmont on the basis of English Law:
“I do not think that the
words ‘with all their rights and appurtenances …’ are
material, but the fact that ‘the wreck of the sea, flotsam and jetsam and
lagan within the fees and manors’
are granted is one that should be taken into consideration. We have frequently
been advised by Counsel that the taking of wreck within a manor is good (though not by itself conclusive) evidence
of a title to the soil of the foreshore where wreck is washed up … The
question then arises having regard to any acts of ownership exercised by Mr de
Gruchy and his predecessors over the foreshore whether the Grant of 1643 could
be construed to include the foreshore. The evidence of user contained in your
file is very scanty … My conclusion is that if this were an English
claim, I would be prepared to give it further consideration. I do not think the
Courts would hold that it had been established on the Grant of Charles I alone.
I would ask the claimant to submit a full statement of claim pointing out that
the onus of proof is on him … I merely state what is the practice in this
Department and you may not of course consider it advisable to adopt this course
177 We have quoted only enough of this important
advice to indicate that even in the light of English law, de Gruchy’s
claim had to be considered. Moreover, the file before Sinclair, as he admitted,
was far from complete.
178 We have ourselves considered the 1643 Grant
by Royal Letters Patent to Sir George de Carteret. It must, of course, be
construed in the context of Jersey Law and Custom. Sinclair seems not to have
understood that the Patent represented not only a new root of title, but also
expressly passed on all those customary rights etc which had previously been in the Fief when confiscated from the
Abbot of Mont-St-Michel two hundred years earlier.
179 Moreover, Sinclair could not have foreseen
the decision of the International Court of Justice in 1953. Had he been
advising on the same matter twenty years later, his advice must surely have
been very different.
Charles Sydney Le Gros—Le
Droit Coutumier de Ile de Jersey (1943)
180 We have already quoted Le Gros’
citation of Stuart Moore in the above work. Le Gros’ own opinion,
however, is of particular relevance. This was the life’s work of a lawyer
who had been successively écrivain,
advocate and HM Vicomte of Jersey. His scholarship
in the field of Norman Custom had earned him a doctorate honoris causa at the University
of Caen. His object in
writing the book is set out in his preface. It was to provide his fellow
citizens and in particular, his professional colleagues with a reliable
statement of the Custom as it stood towards the middle of the 20th century. Le
Gros’ success in that object and his continuing status as a commentator
on Customary Law has recently been recognised by the publication in 2007of a
facsimile edition of his work, with added index and notes. In his introduction
to this edition, Sir Philip Bailhache, Bailiff, had this to say—
“His great work, the Traité du Droit Coutumier de l’Isle
de Jersey is … a testament to his endeavours and to his profound
knowledge of the Island’s Customary Law.
It has been cited in numerous judgments in the Royal Court and Court of Appeal. In many
instances it has been treated as the decisive authority … the text forms
an important part of the doctrine of Jersey law.”
181 Although Le Gros in his chapter Du Varech, except in quoting Stuart
Moore, does not expressly deal with foreshore title, seigneurial property is
clearly implicit. We find that view underlies Le Gros’ remarks on the
important word “Gravage”
which we discussed in the first part of this article[109]
and where we quoted him (in translation) as saying—
report here several judgments which concern objects found at sea or brought to the gravage [the beach, edge of the
sea] on a fief.”
“If [the right of wreck]
permits Seigneurs of fiefs to recover objects thrown by the sea on the coasts or foreshores of their fiefs
….” [sur les côtes ou rivages de leur fiefs]
[Emphasis added.]
Le Gros had no doubt.
Minquiers & Ecréhos Case 1953
182 This case is of interest to students of
public international law. It is also, in our opinion, a decision conclusive of
the ownership of the foreshore of maritime fiefs in Jersey.
The judgment is perhaps not strictly binding upon a Jersey
court, but its effect must be strongly persuasive.[110]
What was in issue, as Professor Wade, Counsel for the UK put it, was
the Jersey title to the Minquiers and Ecréhos Islands from the Middle Ages to 1953.
183 The pleaded reply of the United Kingdom concerning the Fief
of Noirmont contains this passage[112]—
“An essential fact to be
stressed regarding the Fief of Noirmont is that the Minquiers were considered
to be part of that Fief. In the submission of the Government of the UK, the
Minquiers were included within the Fief of Noirmont by the Crown’s
exercise of its manorial right to the wreck of the sea … again though the
French counter memorial questions whether the Court did give wreck to the
Seigneur, this appears to have been so since the Court ordered its Sergeant to
impound it, in one case at least, ‘until other provisions shall have been
made’. The significance of the evidence of these Court Rolls lies in the
fact that the Seigneur of Noirmont (who happened at the time to be King of
England) laid claim to the wreck cast up on the Minquiers because these Islands
were part of his Fief.”
184 Professor Wade’s oral arguments before
the ICJ are particularly interesting not only in themselves but as a statement
of the Crown position for the custom of Jersey
as it stood in 1953.[113] In this
connection we note Wade’s remarks in disposing of the French Council’s
“… It is totally
contrary—this theory of ratione personae—to all those feudal
concepts that seemed to have regulated such matters in Jersey,
it is contrary to English law, and it is contrary to Jersey
law at the present time.” [Emphasis
185 It seems extremely unlikely given the
presence of Cecil Harrison, Attorney General for Jersey,
at Wade’s side that the last words were not prompted by him.
186 Considering the rolls of the Fief of Noirmont recording wreck found on
the Minquiers in 1617, Professor Wade had this to say—
according to feudal law, the Lord of any land or territory was entitled, if not
at once to ownership, at any rate to ‘custody’ in the first place
for a period, of any wreck washed up on his land, and his court had
jurisdiction in this matter of custody, as well as of ownership. Of this there
is no vested doubt; but it is obvious, for otherwise anyone could have taken
wreck off another lord’s land and taken it onto his own land, and the
lord of the land would have had no redress. Now, feudal ideas being
pre-eminently territorial, that state of affairs would not be tolerated: but
if, however, in addition to his undoubted jurisdiction ratione soli, the lord
also had jurisdiction ratione personae, impossible conflicts would have arisen.
For instance, one lord’s men might have found wreck on another lord’s
land. What would have happened then? All the finders might have been men of
different lords—as for instance, in the very probable case of finding
wreck by the crews of some vessel. Such a position, I suggest, could only be
regulated by importing wholly modern ideas about conflicts of laws, at a time
when nothing was known of them.
can only be one conclusion: the basis of jurisdiction and of the claim was
territorial and only territorial. If a claim was made, or jurisdiction exercised,
it could only be on the basis that the wreck had been washed up on the Lord’s shore.
under Jersey law, the Crown only had a right
to gold objects and suchlike articles. Other things went to the owner if
he—the owner—could be found. If, as was probable in the case of
wreck, the articles were still unclaimed after a certain time, then they went
to the lord of the fief on whose shore they had been washed up. Therefore the
normal procedure was for the wreck to be kept in custody — to be
impounded—in the first place, until the necessary interval of time had
elapsed …
[I]n the third case, the anchor had already been taken from the Minquiers to St
Malo on the French coast. The finder is therefore ajudged to be ‘in
default towards the officers of the Seignuer for having taking away an anchor
found on the Minquiers and carried it away to St Malo’. Surely, Mr President,
it is obvious that the whole basis of this judgment was the fact that the anchor
was found at the Minquiers … The simplest explanation is that the
Minquiers was part of the Fief of Noirmont. If this were so, the Seigneur would
be entitled absolutely to the wreck found there.” [Emphasis added.]
187 The relevant part of the finding of the
Court is as follows[114]—
“The Rolls of the Manorial
Court of the Fief of Noirmont in Jersey
contain the entries for the years 1615, 1616 and 1617 concerning certain
objects shipwrecked at the Minquiers. The Court, which was held ‘on this
Fief’ ordered the Sergeant to take charge of the objects until other
provisions should have been made. The United Kingdom government contends
and the French Government contests that these entries show the Minquiers were
part of the Fief of Noirmont.”
188 Having referred to the Grand Coûtumier de Normandie (de Gruchy edition), the Court
went on—
“The Coûtumier
enumerates the things to which the Duke of Normandy was entitled and continues:
‘all things other than these shall enure to the Lord in whose fief the
wreck is found’. The Court inclines to the view that it was on the basis
of this ancient Norman Custom that the Manorial Court of Noirmont dealt with
these two cases of wreck found at the Minquiers. It dealt with them on behalf
of the ‘Lord on whose fief the wreck is found’, the Lord of
Noirmont. As the jurisdiction of the local court such as that of a manor must
have been strictly territorial and, in cases concerning wreck, limited to wreck
found within the territory of its jurisdiction, it is difficult to explain its
dealing with the two cases unless the Minquiers were considered to be part of
the Fief of Noirmont.”
We need not emphasise that the pleaded and the oral case of
the United Kingdom
and the terms of the judgment of the ICJ are wholly consistent with the
writers’ views and the opinion exchanged with the defendants and the
pleadings in the Les Pas case.
HM Receiver General
v. Selab Securities Ltd[115]
189 In 1985 the Royal Court heard this case. It concerned
the ownership of land immediately behind a seawall at St Clement. The Crown
claimed that the land had formerly been foreshore and therefore belonged to the
Crown. The defendant claimed the land up to the sea wall. If it had been
originally foreshore, it was asserted that foreshore was part of Samarès
or one of its dependant fiefs. It had ceased to be foreshore by reclamation and
the defendant’s title was based on prescription. The Court found for the defendant
on a preliminary point and the substantive issue was not determined. Interestingly
however, the Crown’s amended reply contained the following propositions—
“1. That the foreshore of
this Island has since feudal times belonged to the Sovereign as Duke of
Normandy and that it only passed to the Seigneur of the adjoining fief by
express grant, and was not included by implication in a grant of the lands of
that fief, or of any rights exercisable over the foreshore such as a right of
2. That no such express grant
exists in relation to the fief on which the said property Rocque Berg is
3. In the premises that the
foreshore adjoining the said fief was not granted out by the Patent under which
the said fief is now held and therefore belongs to the Sovereign against whom
neither the Defendant nor its predecessors in title can obtain a prescriptive
4. Further and in the
alternative that if par impossible the Court were to hold that in feudal times
the foreshore passed to the Seigneur of the adjoining fief by reason of a grant
of the lands of the fief or of any rights exercisable over the foreshore, the
Customary Law of this Island had so evolved that by the 19th century when the
said wall was built the foreshore had reverted to the Crown which held it as
‘custodian for the public benefit’.”
190 This is, of course, an unreconstructed
statement of English law which ignores the existence of the Customary Law which
informs this article. It is totally at variance with the contentions argued for
the Crown in the Ronez case where the
notion that the Crown holds the foreshore as ‘Custodian for the public
benefit’ was specifically rejected. It is at variance with the view of
the Privy Council in Att Gen v Turner
which confirmed that the Crown estate in Jersey
is quite discrete from that of the Public or the States.[116]
It is substantially at variance with the (admittedly tentative) views expressed
by the Treasury Solicitor and its adviser Sinclair in the Ouaisné
matter. Crucially, it ignores the inconvenient presence of the “elephant
in the drawing room” in the shape of the proceedings and judgment at the
ICJ only thirty years before.
191 In the light of the somewhat eccentric position
adopted in Selab, it would have been
interesting to know what evidence the Crown would have advanced to show that “the
Customary Law of this Island had so evolved etc”. In our opinion the Crown
case as pleaded could not have withstood scrutiny.
La Fosse
192 In 1989 the ownership of the foreshore of
the Fief de la Fosse was put in issue by Les Pas Holdings Ltd, a company which
had acquired the Seigneur’s rights three years before. Les Pas brought an
action against the Crown and the States in support of its project to build a
marina and waterside development on the foreshore at La Collette and Havre des
Pas. The defendants were summoned to “show title to the foreshore and in
default to give up possession etc”.[117] The
Crown was, of course, the principal defendant, but the States were also joined
having purported to purchase and thereafter reclaim and develop part of the
foreshore in issue. It was not claimed that the public of the Island
had any independent title save by purchase from the Crown. This at least
disposed of the claims noted above which had, at times, been advanced by the
States particularly in response to the de la Garde claims and later in relation
to Frederick Clarke’s shipyard.
193 We must not burden our text with the history
of this claim but a few narrative details demonstrate the continuing force of
Sir Thomas Farrer’s advice of a century before. The Crown had little to
show by way of title, but it was not wanting in aggression. Before filing
pleadings, the parties (at the suggestion of the plaintiff) made some effort to
resolve the issues out of Court by the exchange of opinions to be prepared by UK counsel. Unsurprisingly,
the opinion of Michael Fysh, QC, for the plaintiff, a collaborative effort by
those advising the plaintiff relied upon the matters discussed (albeit
compressed) in this article. The joint opinion of Raymond Kidwell, QC and
George Gadney, on the other hand, surprisingly, failed to address voluminous
matter volunteered for their consideration e.g.
the evidence of Delisle, Dupont and Bottin. Extraordinarily, even by reference,
counsel failed to touch on the all important Minquiers and Ecréhos judgment
of the ICJ in 1953. The predestined conclusions of the joint opinion led
Michael Fysh to describe them, aptly in our opinion, as
194 This informal initiative came to nothing
when the then Solicitor General TC Sowden, QC advising the defendants, abruptly
declared Les Pas’s case to be “entirely without merit”. Extraordinarily,
this advice repeated thereafter at intervals in the States and the media, was,
on the Solicitor General’s own admission, based not upon the matter and
argument revealed in the competing opinions, but upon the advice of Messrs.
Roundel Palmer and Collier given in 1865 and which, as we have seen, had no
bearing whatever on the law of the foreshore.
195 Because the Planning Authority had deferred
indefinitely a decision on Les Pas’s project for the rejuvenation of St Helier, the question of foreshore title and its
resolution lost momentum. In the absence of a public archive the defendants’
discharge of its discovery obligation extended to some four years. Interestingly
however, this mammoth exercise revealed little new evidence to support the
Crown case and, as we noted at the outset of this article, the dispute was
ultimately settled by the transfer of a parcel of reclaimed land to the plaintiff
company in exchange for which, it disclaimed any further title or interest in
the foreshore of the Fief de la Fosse.
196 As we review the long, indeed exhaustive,
research carried out on the law of the foreshore in Jersey
and of which this article is but a brief epitome, it remains our opinion that
there is no evidence to support an original title to the foreshore in the
Crown. Indeed, this view was shared by the Crown and its courts in Jersey and in the Privy Council into the mid-19th century.
We believe the claim to a prima facie
Crown title to be of comparatively recent origin in the Island and which as we
have earlier suggested has been advanced on occasion only for pragmatic
reasons. It is, we believe a claim largely without foundation.
197 There are, of course, other issues which could be explored in relation
to this subject, e.g. the distinction
between possessory and proprietary rights, ius
privatum and ius publicum,
immemorial possession and prescription. All such matters are of great interest
in themselves. They all have some bearing on the matters we have discussed but
they would, however, open new fields which lie beyond the bounds which we have
set for ourselves.
Richard Falle is an
advocate of the Royal Court of Jersey, and a consultant with BoisBois, 2, Bond
Street, St Helier. He is currently the acting
Magistrate. He was a shareholder of Les Pas Holdings Ltd. John Kelleher is an
advocate of the Royal Court of Jersey. He is the author of The Triumph of the
Country, JAB Publishing, 1994.