Jersey &
Guernsey Law Review – October 2013
International Tax Initiatives
Colin Powell
There has been a
plethora of international tax initiatives as part of a general response to the
global financial crisis. These initiatives have been promoted by the G8, G20,
OECD, EU and individual jurisdictions. Since 2009 the Global Forum on
Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes has led a successful programme in promoting compliance with the international
standard of information exchange on request. However, the G20’s declared
objective is now to promote automatic exchange of information as a new single
global standard, building on the US FATCA, to be implemented through the
OECD/Council of Europe Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative
Assistance in Tax Matters which all jurisdictions are being encouraged to join.
Jersey, and the other Crown Dependencies, have been asked by the UK to join
them in supporting various of the international initiatives, such as the
preparation of Action Plans to enhance transparency on beneficial ownership.
There also EU tax initiatives to which a response has been required.
1 2013 has seen a plethora of international
tax initiatives under the auspices of G8, G20, OECD, EU and individual
jurisdictions. These are part of a general on-going response to the global
financial crisis which started in 2007/2008. With the difficult financial
conditions experienced, most clearly reflected in the trials and tribulations
of the euro-zone, governments of many countries have been faced with the need
to adopt austerity measures to lower public expenditure and increase taxation
in order to reduce borrowing and to correct excessive debt burdens. This has
resulted in rising unemployment, falling real incomes and cuts in public
2 Not surprisingly, governments have
accordingly been attracted to the idea of increasing their tax revenues by
combating tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance. However, in order to avoid
an adverse impact on their competitiveness, governments have sought an
international approach to ensure the global application of the standards set
and the avoidance of fiscal arbitrage. Also of appeal to governments has been
to suggest to their electorate that the ills befalling them
are in large measure due to the activities of so-called “tax
havens” or “non-cooperative secrecy jurisdictions”.
3 Jersey, as an international finance centre with a close and complementary relationship with the
City of London,
has been affected by the political and media hostility towards the finance
sector in general. The popular view has been that international finance centres have allowed financial institutions to hide their
assets and riskier business activities through opaque structures. One result of
this view has been an added focus on the importance of enhancing transparency.
4 For the Channel Islands and the other
Crown Dependencies (the CDs), these international pressures manifest themselves
in particular through their close relationship with the United Kingdom.
The latter has sought to protect its competitive position by lowering corporate
tax rates while at the same time leading international action to combat tax
evasion and aggressive tax avoidance. This leadership role within G8, G20, and
OECD is a more difficult one to advance if the UK
can be accused of not practising what it preaches
through a failure to take appropriate steps to bring into line those
jurisdictions believed by the international community to be controlled by the UK
because of their “dependency” status.
5 The recent initiatives have their roots in
an OECD report Harmful Taxation
published in 1998.
This focused on factors to identify tax havens and harmful preferential tax
regimes. Tax havens were defined by reference to four main factors—
no or nominal taxation;
lack of effective exchange
of information;
lack of transparency
no substantial activities.
The harmful tax regimes in OECD member and non-member
countries were identified by reference to a number of features which included
the second and third bullet points above and also focused on the issue of the
“ring-fencing” of tax regimes.
6 Progress reports were
published by OECD in 2000 and 2001. The 2000 report listed 35
jurisdictions, which included Jersey and the
other CDs, which were considered to meet the definition of a “tax
haven”. Both reports sought, among other things, to further advance the
idea of a list of uncooperative jurisdictions against which coordinated
defensive measures would be mounted. However the USA was not happy that OECD should
have a role that would interfere in the right of jurisdictions to set their own
tax rates, and so the definition of “uncooperative jurisdictions”
focused on a lack of transparency and a failure to engage in tax information
exchange. As a result all jurisdictions on the tax haven list were called upon to
enter into a political commitment by February 2002 to negotiate bilateral tax
information exchange agreements (TIEAs) to an OECD “Model”
7 These good intentions hit an obstacle in
the argument advanced by many non-OECD jurisdictions that there was not a global
level playing field. The result was that, by 2008, relatively few bilateral tax
information exchange agreements had been signed. Faced with the argument that
part of the cause of the financial crisis was a lack of transparency, the G20
meetings in Washington in November 2008 and in
London in April
2009 decided that further action was called for. OECD duly published a list of
jurisdictions that had substantially implemented the internationally agreed tax
standard (the so-called “white list”), which included Jersey and
the other CDs, with the remainder being put into a “grey” list of
jurisdictions that had committed to the standard but had not yet substantially
implemented it, or a “black” list of jurisdictions that had not
committed to the standard.
Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange
of Information for Tax Purposes
8 In April 2009, G20 called for all
countries to adopt the international standard for information exchange. To help achieve this, and
to deal with the accusations of the lack of a level playing field, the OECD
brought together OECD and non-OECD countries in Mexico in September 2009 under
the umbrella of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information
for Tax Purposes with a view to promoting the signing of TIEAs and establishing
an objective peer review process for assessing compliance with the
international standard. It was agreed that this process should be managed by a
peer review group made up of 30 jurisdictions under French chairmanship and
with four vice-chairs (India,
Japan, Jersey and Singapore).
That group proposed, and obtained, the Global Forum’s agreement to an
assessment process made up of two phases—Phase 1, which is an assessment
of the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the
exchange of information; and Phase 2, which is an assessment of the
effectiveness of the practical implementation of that framework. In the first
three-year period of the assessment programme
(2010–2012) most jurisdictions were subject to Phase 1 assessments, and
in the programme’s second three-year period
(2013–2015) they will be subject to Phase 2 assessments. However, there
were some jurisdictions that agreed in the first period to have a combined
Phase 1 and Phase 2 assessment.
9 The progress made since 2009 is described
in a report presented by the Global Forum to G20 Finance Ministers and Central
Bank Governors in July 2013. The Forum now has some 120
members and there are some 800 bilateral TIEAs worldwide. The Global Forum has
ten separate elements covering whether the required information is available,
accessible and able to be exchanged. Of the 862 determinations in the published
reports, 618 elements were in place, 171 were in place but in need of
improvement, and 73 were not in place.
10 Jersey
was one of the first countries to be assessed, and was one of only a few
non-OECD countries to volunteer for a combined Phase 1 and Phase 2 assessment.
It therefore had less time than others to adapt legislation
to meet the standards. Nevertheless, of the nine elements assessed, six were in
place and three were in place but with certain aspects in need of improvement.
In the assessment report it was stated
“Overall, this review of Jersey
identifies a legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information
which generally functions effectively to ensure that the required information
will be available and accessible”. Jersey
has asked for a supplementary report so that the action that has been taken to
respond to the recommendations in the published report can be assessed and the
three elements that were considered to be “in place, but”,
reassessed to be “in place”.
11 Jersey’s
policy for the signing of TIEAs has been to give priority to agreements with
G20, OECD and EU member jurisdictions. 31 TIEAs have been signed, of which 27
are in force, and another 13 are in the process of being negotiated of which
seven have been initialled. Eight Double Tax
Agreements (DTAs)
have also been signed, which include exchange of information provisions to the
international standard. Seven of those are in force, and another five DTAs are
in the process of being negotiated. Taken together, all G20 countries are
covered bar one (Russia),
all OECD member countries are covered bar one (Israel),
and all EU Member States are covered bar one (Croatia, which joined the EU only
in July 2013).
12 The next step to be taken by the Global
Forum is to start to rate jurisdictions according to the quality of the laws
and regulations in place and the effectiveness with which they are being
applied. Some 50 jurisdictions, including Jersey
and the other CDs, will be rated in respect of the individual elements and
overall, and the results will be proposed for adoption by the Global Forum at
its plenary meeting in November 2013. Jurisdictions will be rated as compliant,
largely compliant, partially compliant or non-compliant.
OECD/Council of Europe Multilateral Convention on Administrative
Assistance in Tax Matters
13 While the Global Forum has made good
progress in improving compliance with the current international standards on
transparency and exchange of information, G20 and **OECD are concerned that
many countries (and particularly developing countries) do not have the capacity
to engage in a comprehensive programme of negotiating
bilateral tax information exchange agreements. In 2011, OECD, together with the
Council of Europe, amended their Multilateral Convention on Mutual
Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters so that it could be signed by
As at end August 2013 the amended Convention had been signed by 55 countries of
which 27 had brought the Convention into force (six of which are non G20, OECD
or EU Members). The Convention includes the current international standard of
tax information exchange on request but, in addition, it covers automatic and
spontaneous exchange of information. Furthermore, provision is made for a
country to assist another country in the recovery of that latter’s tax
claims. Those joining the Convention may enter reservations from participation
in these latter provisions.
14 In June 2013, G8 and, in July 2013, G20
Finance Ministers, called for more jurisdictions to sign the Convention. The UK, holding the Presidency of G8, asked the CDs
and Overseas Territories (OTs) to commit to joining
the Convention which they duly did. However, the Convention can only be signed
by Sovereign States, and adoption of the Convention by the CDs and the OTs
requires the extension to them of the UK’s ratification. The paradox for the CDs
is that under a Letter of Entrustment issued by the UK they can negotiate bilateral tax
agreements in their own right but, if the same jurisdictions come together
under the umbrella of a multilateral convention, they cannot sign that
convention in their own right. However, in requesting the extension of the UK’s ratification, the CDs have asked the UK to
include in the required Letter of Declaration appropriate emphasis on their autonomy in domestic affairs (including fiscal matters).
The CDs also have requested a separate seat on the Coordinating body for the
Convention, which body manages the implementation and development of the
US Foreign Account Tax Compliance (FATCA)
15 With the focus on combating tax evasion
and aggressive tax avoidance, many in the international community have felt
that the current international standard of tax information exchange on request
is insufficient and that a new standard of automatic exchange of information (AEOI)
is called for. They are not stating that the present standard and all the
bilateral agreements that have been signed are no longer required. Many expect
that, with AEOI, jurisdictions will then be in possession of more information
and that that will trigger more specific requests. AEOI is covered by the OECD/CoE Multilateral Convention but it is for the parties to
agree to automatic exchange bilaterally. The USA have led the charge for AEOI
on a global basis with the passing of the Hiring Incentives to Restore
Employment Act 2010 (HIRE) which contained the Foreign Account Tax Compliance
(FATCA) provisions aimed at reducing tax evasion by US citizens. It requires
all financial institutions outside the US
to pass information about their US
customers to the US tax
authorities with the threat of a 30% withholding tax on US source income of any financial
institution that fails to comply. The initial intention that financial
institutions would report direct to the US tax authorities raised potential
difficulties, and as a result the US were persuaded by the UK and four other EU
Member States (France, Germany, Italy and Spain) to adopt an alternative
arrangement whereby financial institutions would report to their own domestic
tax authorities. Those authorities would then pass the information on to the US tax
authorities under an intergovernmental agreement (IGA). The latter also offered
an opportunity for a reciprocal flow of information from the US.
16 The US then offered such IGAs to
countries generally. The financial institutions in Jersey and the other CDs
considered that an IGA along the lines of that between the UK and the US would be preferable to direct
reporting, and such an arrangement also better met data protection
requirements. Because the US FATCA requirements are global in their
application, the relative competitive position of Jersey and the other CDs was
also unaffected by the negotiation of an IGA with the USA.
17 To comply with the
IGA all financial institutions in Jersey will be required to report the
required information to Jersey’s Competent Authority which will then transmit
the information to the US
tax authorities. Information must be exchanged between the authorities within
nine months after the end of the calendar year to which the information
relates. Thus the information required in respect of 2014, the first year of
reporting, must be exchanged by September 2015.
18 For 2014, the information required in
respect of each US Reportable Account of each Reporting Jersey Financial Institution
is the name, address and US TIN (taxpayer identifying number) of each Specified
US Person
that is an Account Holder; the account number; the name and identifying number
of the Reporting Jersey Financial Institution; and the account balance or value
as of the end of the calendar year or other appropriate reporting period (or if
the account was closed during the year immediately before closure).
19 For 2015, the same information as for
2014 is required plus in the case of a Custodial Account the total gross amount
of interest, the total gross amount of dividends, and the gross amount of other
income generated with respect to the assets held in the account, in each case
paid or credited to the account (or with respect to the account) during the
calendar year or other appropriate reporting period. In the case of a
Depository Account, the information required is the total gross amount of
interest paid or credited to the account during the calendar year or other
appropriate reporting period. In the case of any account not covered by the
foregoing, the total gross amount paid or credited to the Account Holder with
respect to the account during the calendar year or other appropriate reporting
period with respect to which the Reporting Jersey Financial Institution is the obliger or debtor, including the aggregate amount of any
redemption payments made to the Account Holder during the calendar year or
other appropriate reporting period.
20 For 2016 and
subsequent years, the same information as for 2014 and 2015 is required plus
the total gross proceeds from the sale or redemption of property paid or
credited to the account during the calendar year or other appropriate reporting
period with respect to which the Reporting Jersey Financial Institution acted
as a custodian, broker, nominee, or otherwise as an agent for the Account
21 The main body of the IGA has attached to
it an annex outlining the due diligence obligations for identifying and
reporting on US reportable accounts and on payments to certain non-participating
financial institutions. A second annex lists entities that are treated as
exempt beneficial owners or deemed compliant foreign financial institutions and
accounts that are excluded from the definition of “Financial
Accounts”. These are all entities which are considered to present a low
risk of being used by US persons to evade US tax. Included among the exempt
beneficial owners are governmental entities, certain retirement funds,
financial institutions with a local client base or a local bank satisfying
certain requirements, and a qualified credit card issuer. Importantly, included
among the deemed compliant financial institutions is a trust established under
the laws of Jersey to the extent that the trustee of the trust is in a
qualifying category and, as a sponsoring entity, reports all the information
required to be reported under the terms of the IGA. Similar arrangements apply
to investment funds where the reporting responsibility can be placed on the
investment manager as the sponsoring entity. These arrangements in respect of
trusts and investment funds significantly reduce the administrative burden to
industry of FATCA.
22 Guidance on the provisions of the US
FATCA IGA and their application has been prepared by the government of Jersey
in concert with the authorities in Guernsey
and the Isle of Man. The implementation of the provisions will be subject to
the States of Jersey ratifying the IGA and adopting the necessary Regulations
to put the IGA into effect.
Intergovernmental Agreement with the UK
23 Towards the end of 2012 the UK Government
expressed the view that it would not be acceptable for Jersey and the other CDs
to be providing the US
authorities with more information on an automatic basis than they were
providing to the UK.
Accordingly, the UK
requested an IGA equivalent to that being negotiated with the US and indicated that they would
want the two agreements to be progressed in parallel. The desire to ensure that
the US and UK IGAs are matched as closely as possible also reflects the fact
that it is expected that the US FATCA will be used as the basis for development
by OECD of a single standard for the global application of
enhanced provisions for the automatic exchange of information. G20 Finance
Ministers in July 2013 fully endorsed the OECD proposal for a truly global
model for multilateral and bilateral automatic exchange of information. They
also committed to AEOI as the new, global standard and fully supported the OECD
work with G20 countries aimed at setting such a new single global standard for
AEOI, and asked OECD to prepare a progress report for their next meeting,
including a timeline for completing this work in 2014.
24 However there is an important distinction
to be drawn between the US and UK IGAs that arises from the UK
Government’s policy of encouraging foreign nationals (the so-called
“Res Non-Doms”) to work and live in the
UK by exempting from tax their foreign source income if it is unremitted to the
UK. This policy is seen by the UK
government as a major contributor to the UK’s attraction as an
international finance centre and as a destination for
foreign investment in manufacturing and other business. As a result of this
policy, and supportive of it, many of those benefitting from the exemption hold
bank accounts in Jersey into which their foreign source income is placed and is
unremitted to the UK. The problem this posed was that if the “Res. Non-Doms” were to be subject to the requirements of the
IGA, which calls for information to be provided to the UK tax authorities which
the latter presently do not seek to collect in their own tax returns, there
would be a movement of accounts to a jurisdiction that did not have an IGA with
the UK. Not only would this be a significant cost to the Jersey economy, but there
would also be a significant cost to the UK
economy if the funds involved moved to a jurisdiction where they were unlikely
to be upstreamed by the banks concerned to the City
of London. The
importance of this business to Jersey, and thereby to the UK, is shown clearly in the report prepared by
Capital Economics on the value of Jersey to the UK economy published in July 2013.
25 With this in mind the
CDs persuaded the UK
government that there should be alternative reporting requirements for the
“Res Non-Doms”. In addition, in order to
produce a level playing field, the UK government has been informed
that it is expected that it will amend its own tax returns to require the same
information as that being sought from the “Res Non-Doms”
under the alternative reporting requirements. The information requested from
the CDs would then allow the UK
tax authorities to check the accuracy of their own tax returns. This would be
in line with the US practice
whereby information reported by Jersey
financial institutions under the terms of the IGA will match that provided on
the tax returns required of US Persons by the US Internal Revenue Service
(IRS). It will also mean that there will be less incentive for the “Res
Non-Doms” to move their Jersey accounts to a
jurisdiction that does not have an IGA with the UK.
26 As with the US IGA the UK IGA has an
annex which exempts certain entities or products from the reporting
requirements on the grounds that they present a low risk of being used by
Specified UK Persons to evade UK
tax. As with the main body of the IGA, the aim is to match the US and UK annexes. Because of this
matching, the Guidance Notes prepared by the government of Jersey in concert
with Guernsey and the Isle of Man cover both
IGAs. There will also be a need for Regulations to provide for the
implementation of the UK IGA. As with the US IGA, implementation of the UK IGA
will be dependent on the States of Jersey ratifying the IGA and making the
necessary Regulations to put the IGA into effect.
Other commitments sought by the UK
27 Because of the close geographic and
economic relationship between the CDs and the UK,
the latter has sought a number of commitments from the CDs,
in addition to the signing of an IGA, designed to further limit their use by UK
residents for tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance. The government of Jersey for its part has made it clear that it has no wish
to accommodate those engaged in tax evasion or aggressive tax avoidance.
28 In addition to the IGA, a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with the UK has been signed concerning a Disclosure
Facility which gives relevant UK
residents an opportunity to come forward voluntarily to regularise
their tax affairs prior to information on their accounts in Jersey
being subject to automatic exchange under the provisions of the IGA. The MoU includes the agreement by the government of Jersey that
it will require financial intermediaries in Jersey
to contact their current clients who are relevant persons to advise them of the
Facility, and to remind them of the Facility in the six months prior to its
withdrawal in September 2016. This has been done by the making of Regulations. How the financial
intermediaries contact their current clients will be for each intermediary to
decide, and each client will decide for himself or herself whether to take
advantage of the Facility. Assistance in making that decision is provided by
the UK HMRC.
29 On aggressive tax avoidance, other action
by the government of Jersey has
· consultation with the finance industry in 2012 on the adoption
of what was
described as the ‘sniff’ test to identify aggressive tax
avoidance schemes that, if associated with,
would be detrimental to the good reputation of the Island;
the setting up of a Sound
Business Practice Committee (with the Director of Financial Services, the
Director General of the Jersey Financial Services Commission and the Chief
Executive of Jersey Finance Limited as members) which will seek to identify
business practices which conflict with Jersey’s aim to be a well
regulated international finance centre and will
recommend action to address activity that is inconsistent with this aim.
30 EU
Pilot Project for enhanced AEOI: the UK
in seeking to advance the international
agenda initiated a pilot project with four other EU Member States (France, Germany, Italy
and Spain)
to promote enhanced AEOI based on the US FATCA model. The UK also joined
in pressing OECD to develop a single standard for AEOI that would have global
application. The CDs were asked to join the pilot and have agreed to do so,
together with twelve more EU Member States. In May 2013 the Chief Minister of
Jersey, Senator Ian Gorst, wrote to the Secretary
General of OECD, Angel Gurria, and said that
“Jersey is fully supportive of automatic exchange of information based on
the US FATCA model gaining global application as a new international standard.
Furthermore, that Jersey wants to be an active
participant with the OECD, as the international standard setter, in the
successful pursuit of this objective. We look forward therefore to hearing what
are to be the OECD’s proposed next steps and what form it is considered Jersey’s participation might best take”.
31 Action
Plans to enhance transparency on beneficial ownership: another aspect of
the international agenda on which the UK has led through its presidency
of G8 is a call for Action Plans to enhance transparency on the beneficial
ownership of companies. G8 members, with the exception of Germany and Russia,
produced Plans for the G8 summit at Lough Erne in June 2013, and in July 2013
the UK Department for Business Innovation and Skills issued a Discussion Paper
on “Transparency & Trust: Enhancing the Transparency of UK Company
Ownership and Increasing Trust in UK Business” inviting views on
specific proposals that had been flagged by the UK in its Action Plan for G8.
32 The UK asked the CDs and OTs to produce
Action Plans for the G8 Summit. In its Action Plan, Jersey highlighted its
existing strong record on the transparency of the ownership of companies and
trusts, a record recognised both by the IMF in its
assessment in 2008 of Jersey’s compliance with the recommendations of
FATF, and by the World Bank in their inclusion of the Jersey
“model” in their StAR project report
“the Puppet Masters”. In the Jersey Action Plan
it is stated—
“Should international agreement be reached that
steps should be taken to allow tax authorities and law enforcement agencies to
have access to beneficial ownership information held on a central registry, Jersey will comply with any new international standard in
this respect that has global application covering G8, G20, OECD and EU member
jurisdictions plus other major financial centres. Because of the quality of the beneficial ownership
information already held in the Island such compliance will present far less of
a challenge for Jersey
than for most if not all other jurisdictions.”
33 Included in the Jersey Action Plan is a
commitment to undertake a general review of corporate transparency, having
regard to the development of international standards and their global
application, starting with the publication of a pre-consultation paper before
the end of 2013. In the preparation of this paper regard will be had for the
outcome of the UK
consultation referred to in para 30 above.
34 Base
Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS): the UK has welcomed the OECD report
prepared for G20 Finance Ministers meeting in July 2013 on “Addressing
Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, Tackling Tax avoidance, Promoting Automatic
Exchange of Information, and Fighting Non-cooperative Jurisdictions”. The
Communique issued following the meeting included the following statements—
“Tax avoidance, harmful practices and aggressive
tax planning have to be tackled . . . We fully endorse the ambitious
and comprehensive Action Plan submitted at the request of G20 by the OECD aimed
at addressing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) with a mechanism to
enrich the Plan as appropriate. We welcome the establishment of the OECD/G20
BEPS project and encourage all interested countries to participate. We look
forward to regular reporting on the development of proposals and recommendations
to tackle the 15 issues identified in the Action Plan and commit to take the
necessary individual and collective action with the paradigm of sovereignty
taken into consideration.”
“We commend the progress recently achieved in the
area of tax transparency and we fully endorse the OECD proposal for a truly
global model for multilateral and bilateral automatic exchange of information.
We are committed to automatic exchange of information as the new, global
standard for automatic exchange of information. We ask the OECD to prepare a
progress report by our next meeting, including a timeline for completing this
work in 2014. We call on all jurisdictions to commit to implement this
35 It will be difficult to analyse the impact on Jersey
of the proposed Actions until they are further developed. The OECD is hoping
that its Action Plan will largely be completed in a two-year period. What is
unclear is how the Plan is going to be extended to non-OECD/G20 countries. The
last of the 15 Actions in the Plan is “Develop a multilateral
instrument” which it is said will enable jurisdictions that wish to do so
to implement measures developed in the course of the work on BEPS and amend
bilateral tax treaties.
36 Some points of interest in the Action
Plan are as follows—
Action 1—Address the
tax challenges of the digital economy. The OECD calls for the development of
detailed options to address the difficulties that the digital economy poses for
the application of existing international tax rules. In the actions to be
delivered in 12–18 months is “a report identifying the issues
raised by the digital economy and possible actions to address them”;
Action 5—Counter
harmful tax practices more effectively, taking into account transparency and
substance. In its report, OECD states that “no or low taxation is not per
se a cause of concern, but it becomes so when it is associated with practices
that artificially segregate taxable income from the activities that generate
it”. The Action called for is to “Revamp the work on harmful tax
practices with a priority on improving transparency, including compulsory
spontaneous exchange on rulings related to preferential regimes, and on
requiring substantial activity for any preferential regime”.
Action 6—Prevent
Treaty abuse. In its report, OECD states “Existing domestic and
international tax rules should be modified in order to more closely align the
allocation of income with the economic activity that generates that
Action 11—Establish
methodologies to collect and analyse data on BEPS and
the actions to address it. Recommendations are to be developed regarding
indicators of the scale and economic impact of BEPS and ensure that tools are
available to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and economic impact of the
actions taken to address BEPS on an on-going basis.
Action 12—Require
taxpayers to disclose their aggressive tax planning arrangements,
Recommendations are to be developed regarding the design of mandatory
disclosure rules for aggressive or abusive transactions, arrangements, or
structures, taking into consideration the administrative costs for tax
administrations and businesses and drawing on experiences
of the increasing number of countries that have such rules.
European Union initiatives
37 As an adjunct to the international
agenda, there are also specific European Union initiatives which, while
primarily concerned with action required of the Member States, are not without
impact on Jersey and the other CDs. Through
its good neighbour policy, Jersey
voluntarily supports the EU in the application of the Code of Conduct on
Business Taxation and the EU Directive on the Taxation of Savings Income. Jersey has satisfied the Code criteria in the application
of its current zero/ten corporate tax structure. On the Directive, Jersey has agreements with each of the Member States
which provide for the parallel application of the Directive. In 2005, when the
agreements came into force, Jersey took advantage of the transitional
arrangements in the Directive and followed Austria
and Luxembourg
in adopting a withholding/retention tax in place of automatic exchange of
38 The government of Jersey took the view
that a move to AEOI would be taken when the position of Austria and Luxembourg was clarified. Having
had regard to the outcome of the European Council Meeting in June 2013, and the
call of the G20 Finance Ministers at their meeting in July 2013 on all
jurisdictions to commit to AEOI, the government of Jersey
decided that the time was right to make a change from the retention tax. The States
of Jersey will be asked to make Regulations to make it mandatory, from 1
January 2015, for Jersey paying agents under
the terms of the savings tax agreements to exchange tax information automatically.
The Regulations will repeal the present retention tax provisions. They will
also enable those who wish to do so to change over to AEOI in advance of its
becoming mandatory. As a significant majority of those subject to the retention
tax have already taken advantage of the voluntary disclosure option in the
agreements, the effect of the change proposed is expected to be limited.
39 The European Council of Finance Ministers
(ECOFIN) at their meeting on the 14 May 2013 agreed a mandate for the European
Commission to open negotiations with Switzerland,
and with Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco
and San Marino,
on extending the scope of the present Savings Directive to cover companies and
trusts. The European Council at its meeting on 22 May 2013 called for the
adoption of the revised Directive by the end of 2013. Negotiations with Jersey and the other CDs on the extended scope will follow
those with Switzerland.
Jersey has indicated that, in accordance with
its good neighbour policy, it would follow the EU and
the non-EU European sovereign jurisdictions in adopting the extended scope.
What is not yet clear is whether this would be achieved through an amendment to
each one of the 28 separate agreements with the Member States or whether the
European Commission would be given a mandate to negotiate a new agreement
between the EU and each of the CDs.
40 The European Commission in December 2012
published a Communication on an Action Plan to strengthen the fight against tax
fraud and tax evasion. At the same time it
published recommendations on aggressive tax planning and regarding measures
intended to encourage third countries to apply minimum standards of good
governance in tax matters. The Commission, in its
Communication of December 2012, proposed the formation of a Platform for Good
Governance. This held its inaugural meeting on 10 June 2013. It is essentially
an advisory group for the Commission to call upon, comprising Member
States’ representatives, and 15 representatives from NGOs and tax
professionals, with a remit to help the Commission monitor implementation of
its December 2012 recommendations on aggressive tax planning and good governance.
41 In May 2013, the Committee on Economic
and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament published a report “on
the Fight against Tax Fraud, Tax Evasion and Tax Havens”. Among other things, this
report urges the Commission to compile and create a public European blacklist
of tax havens by 31 December 2014, and calls for action to be taken against
those included on the list. That action includes “to prohibit EU
financial institutions and financial advisers to establish or maintain subsidiaries
and branches in blacklisted jurisdictions . . .” It is
suggested that the definition of a tax haven be based on the OECD standards of
transparency and exchange of information as well as the EU Code of Conduct
principles and criteria. Both are standards that Jersey
meets. On any objective basis, therefore, Jersey
should not be included in any such blacklist if it should ever be adopted.
42 The report of the Committee also
“calls on the proposal for a revision of the EU Anti-Money Laundering
Objective to be complemented by introducing the obligation to create publically
available government registers of the beneficial ownership
of companies”. This is a matter being addressed by the Action Plans
called for by G8 for the enhancement of transparency for beneficial ownership.
While there is general support from G8, the OECD and the EU for improvements in
this respect there is no present consensus on what form greater transparency
should take. Many take the view that information on beneficial ownership should
be on a central register, but that access to that register should be limited to
law enforcement and tax authorities. Reflected in the interest of the Committee
of the European Parliament in the EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive is an
increasing tendency for the EU to link transparency and exchange of information
on tax matters to financial services directives, particularly when judging
third country equivalence and possible greater access to EU financial markets.
This has been Jersey’s experience in
seeking to satisfy the EU on equivalence in the application of the standards in
the EU Third Anti-Money Laundering Directive.
43 The EU has stated that it will link
market access for financial services firms based in non-EU countries to
compliance with the EU’s definition of a “co-operative
jurisdiction” as outlined in the good governance action plan. This is
evident in the Alternative Fund Managers Directive and the Regulation on
European Venture capital Funds both of which include
requirements that an acceptable third country is one that is not listed as a
Non-Cooperative Country and Territory by the Financial Action Task Force on
Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and fully complies with the
standards laid down in art 26 of the OECD Model Convention on Income and on
Capital and ensures an effective exchange of information in tax matters,
including any multi-lateral tax agreements.
44 The EU agenda also includes proposals for
a Financial Transactions Tax supported by 11 Member States which, if it should
come to pass, would impact upon third countries. However there is every
indication that the proposals will not survive in their present form. Also on
the table is the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base where the general view
is that if progress is to be made, it should be on establishing a
“common” base rather than on “consolidation” aspects.
45 The EU, in pursuing
its own agenda, is also giving full support to the international agenda of G20
and OECD. European Tax Commissioner Semeta on 20 July
2013 warmly welcomed G20 Finance Minister’s commitments on concrete
measures to better tackle tax evasion and corporate tax avoidance worldwide. He expressed the view
that the OECD’s Action Plan to Tackle
Base Erosion and Profit Shifting was the right approach to curbing
corporate tax avoidance worldwide and that it complements the measures put
forward by the Commission to tackle aggressive tax planning in the EU, which
European leaders endorsed in May 2013. He also welcomed G20 Finance
Ministers’ endorsement of AEOI as the global standard and said—
“For some time now, the EU has been the fore-runner
in this field. The international consensus to follow our lead, with more
openness and greater transparency, gives credence to our approach. It also
creates the perfect environment for us to press ahead with expanding the scope
of automatic exchange of information within the EU, and seeking the same from
our closest neighbours.”
This last remark reinforces the view that for Jersey there is a need to keep abreast of EU tax
initiatives as well as those of G20 and OECD.
46 In summary, Jersey’s
response to the many recent international tax initiatives includes the
negotiating an
intergovernmental agreement with the USA on the application of FATCA;
negotiating an
intergovernmental agreement with the UK based on the US FATCA model;
joining in the EU pilot
project on enhancing automatic exchange of information based on the US FATCA
agreeing to join the
OECD/Council of Europe Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative
Assistance in Tax Matters;
producing an Action Plan
for G8 on improving transparency on beneficial ownership;
giving public assurances of
commitment in letters to OECD, EU and the UK Government;
making public statements on
the commitment to combat tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance.
47 The Secretary General of the OECD, Angel Gurria, in a letter to the Chief Minister,
has congratulated Jersey on the action taken and has expressed pleasure at
Jersey’s commitment to advancing in the areas of tax transparency and
taking a leading role in many of the developments.
48 Jersey has seen no conflict between
entering into such commitments and ensuring the Island’s
continued success as an international finance centre,
providing the commitments are part of a global application of the standards to
which they relate.
Colin Powell,
CBE was Economic Adviser to the States of Jersey between 1969 and 1992, and was
Chief Adviser to the States of Jersey until
December 1998. In 1999 he was appointed Chairman of the Jersey
Financial Services Commission, from which he retired in 2009. He is currently
Adviser on International Affairs in the Chief Minister’s Department in
which capacity he represents Jersey as one of the Vice-Chairs of the Global
Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Review