Jersey &
Guernsey Law Review – October 2013
Shorter articles
The Ecclesiastical Court of Jersey:
the Court of the Dean or of the Bishop?
Gregory White
By reason of the
unique constitutional and ecclesiastical history of Jersey, the legal position
of the Ecclesiastical Court in Jersey differs from that of a consistory court
in a Diocese in England (which is the Bishop’s Court). Consequently the
Ecclesiastical Court of Jersey is the Court of the Dean of Jersey and is not that
of the Diocesan Bishop.
1 Recent
events, including an Episcopal Visitation of the Deanery of Jersey, have raised
the issue of the status in law of the Ecclesiastical Court of Jersey.
Comparison has been drawn between the role and standing of the Jersey court and
those of other courts of the Church of England at diocesan or provincial level.
2 In England,
the role of an ecclesiastical court is as provided for in the Ecclesiastical
Jurisdiction Measure of 1963. As William Bailhache explained last year in this Review
following the introduction of the Jersey Canons of 2012,
Measures of the Church of England do not extend to the Channel Islands without
a Scheme approved by the Islands themselves through their own Synodical
The 1963 Measure does not extend to Jersey or Guernsey. The diocese of
Winchester, to which the Channel Islands are annexed, is expressly deemed not
to include the Islands for the purpose of the 1963 Measure.
3 The
position of an ecclesiastical court under English law is that found under the
1963 Measure, s 1: that for each diocese there shall be a court of the
bishop thereof, to be called the consistory court of the diocese. The
consistory court has the original jurisdiction, in non-disciplinary matters,
conferred on it by that Measure and the principal jurisdiction is in terms of
faculty applications for the alterations to the fabric of churches. It is clear
therefore as a matter of the applicable law in England, that the consistory
court in Winchester, presided over by the Diocesan
Chancellor, can properly be referred to and treated as the Court of the Lord
Bishop of Winchester. But can the same be said of the Ecclesiastical Court of
Jersey, presided over by the Dean of Jersey, which has jurisdiction over
faculty applications in respect of the fabric of the Island’s Anglican
churches? Is it the Bishop’s Court or that of the Dean?
4 In the
absence of any Measure extending an English ecclesiastical court system to the
Island we must be guided by the principal sources of Jersey law and the Canons
of 1623
and now of 2012.
5 It is
understood that the principal argument in favour of the court in Jersey being
that of the Bishop derives from the Bishop having jurisdiction within Jersey as
Ordinary; that as the holder of episcopal office exercising
“ordinary jurisdiction” he should be held to be the “judge in
ordinary” in the Island. The 2012 Canons are, however, clear that the
Bishop’s “ordinary jurisdiction” does not extend over places
or persons exempt by law and custom. If, as a matter of Jersey law and custom,
the Ecclesiastical Court of Jersey is that of the Dean, then it is immaterial
that the Bishop is described in the Jersey Canons as the Ordinary. Any argument
that the legal position of a court in Jersey must necessarily be analogous with
that in England should be readily discounted at the outset.
6 It has also
been contended that the Dean of Jersey, as the recipient of a Commission from
the Bishop of Winchester, exercises jurisdiction in the court as Commissary of
the Bishop, and that thereby the court is the Bishop’s.
To this one may counter that although the Dean does exercise the Bishop’s
ordinary jurisdiction through the Commission, jurisdiction is conferred upon
the Dean by the Letters Patent from the Queen
in which Her Majesty requires acceptance of the lawful Dean with such “jurisdictions
as do belong to the said Office and Dignity”. Aside from the Commission
he receives, the Dean is required under the 2012 Canons to exercise his jurisdiction
in accordance with the terms of his Letters Patent, the Canons themselves and
local law and custom. The Commission from the Bishop should not be determinative of whether the court is the
Dean’s or the Bishop’s since if the Bishop has chosen to delegate
powers he does not possess as a matter of Jersey law and custom then such
delegation is ineffectual and equally if the Dean already possesses as a matter
of Jersey law and custom the powers purported to be delegated by the Bishop
then such delegation is superfluous.
7 From
Jersey’s unique constitutional and ecclesiastical history it can be
established that the Island’s Ecclesiastical Court differs from that of a
consistory court in a Diocese in England. The court is consistently referred to
as the Dean’s Court and it is relevant that since the Reformation the
Bishop has been far removed from the Island.
The evolution of the
Ecclesiastical Court at customary law
8 The
Ecclesiastical Court in Jersey is of ancient origin, established at a time in
the Island’s history when its diocesan Bishop was a bishop in Normandy,
not England. It appears significant to the development of the court that since
1204 the Bishop has had his seat or cathedra in a territory of a
different legal jurisdiction. The Rolls of the Ecclesiastical Court (which may
be viewed in the Jersey Archives) date back centuries.
The earliest are in Latin and reflect a time when Jersey was under the See of
Coutances, before the Order in Council of 1568 by which the Islands were
annexed to the See of Winchester.
9 Certain of
the Rolls dating after the annexation of the Island to the Winchester Diocese
at the time that the Canons of the Church in Jersey were promulgated in 1623
contain an oath of office of Surveillants (or Churchwardens). That oath
refers, in connection with bringing matters to the court, to the “Doyen
de cette Ile” [the Dean of this Island] but significantly makes no
mention of the Bishop whatsoever.
10 According
to written histories (notably Rev Philip Falle’s Account of the Island
of Jersey
and Charles Le Quesne’s Constitutional History of Jersey),
the Ecclesiastical Court evolved in Jersey by custom along with the other
courts of the Island rather than at the specific behest of a bishop. This was
reflected in the evidence given in 1946 to the Privy
Council Committee on Channel Islands Reform. The Committee stated in its report
“The States was
never conceived of as something purely secular, but just as there were 12
Jurés Justiciers of the Civil Court there were also 12 Assessors of the
Ecclesiastical Court, and there was this combination which was joined in the
13th or 14th century.”
11 The Office
of Dean of Jersey is explained by Falle
to be of like standing here as Christianity itself. From early times in the
establishment of the Church in Jersey the Dean had been left “cognizance
of all matters of ecclesiastical jurisdiction”. The Deans in
Falle’s day were vested with that same historic power “with this
limitation, that they are to govern themselves by the advice and opinions of
the rest of the ministers, who are to be their constant assessors” which
Falle describes as “an excellent government and grounded on the primitive
pattern.” This practice continues under the Canons of 2012 where the Dean
sits with the Rectors of the Ancient Parishes as his assessors.
12 By Order
of King Edward II on 15 May 1309
it was affirmed that natives of the Island were not obliged to answer before
the Bishop of Coutances. By contrast the Ecclesiastical Court, presided over by
the Dean, had clear jurisdiction over the inhabitants of Jersey. The Sovereign,
being mindful to protect the liberties of his Jersey subjects, could not have
considered the Ecclesiastical Court in the Island to be the Bishop’s Court.
13 The
constitution of the Ecclesiastical Court evolved in parallel with the Royal
Court in the ecclesiastical sphere. Falle’s Account further
explains that—
“Now as the Bailly
here is at the head of the Civil, in like manner is the dean at the head of the
Spiritual Jurisdiction; and as one has the Jurats for his Assessors, so has the
other the Ministers; to wit those who are Rectors of the Churches, not mere
Auxiliaries or Lecturers only. And the Constitution of the two Courts is very
much alike, the Instituted Ministers coming in for Participation of the
Ecclesiastical Regimen”
and later, that—
or three Ministers with the Dean, or Vice Dean, suffice to hold a Court; but as
many as please may come, and the Opinion is to be taken of all that are present.
This Court keeps the same Terms of the Civil . . . and has belonging
to it a Greffier or Registrar, two Advocates or Proctors, with an Apparitor and
others to execute its Summons.”
14 Reverend
Durell’s note on Falle’s Account
refers to the Canons promulgated in 1623 and how they provided that the Dean
has the same authority in the Ecclesiastical Court as the Bailiff has in the
Civil Court (what is now called the Royal Court). From this it follows that the
Dean is the Chief Justice in ecclesiastical causes in the Island as the Bailiff
is chief justice in civil causes in the Island; and the Dean is second only to
Her Majesty the Queen (who is the fount of all justice) in respect of the
hearing of ecclesiastical causes, as the Bailiff is second only to the Queen in
the hearing of civil causes. It is relevant in each regard that both Dean and
Bailiff hold office under the Queen by Letters Patent and are Presidents of
their respective courts. It is worth noting that by contrast a Diocesan
Chancellor, as President of a consistory court in England receives his Letters
Patent from the Diocesan Bishop.
15 The Canons of 1623 emphasised
that government of the Church was by Archevesques, Evesques, & Doyens [Archbishops,
Bishops and Deans] and that those who impugned this principle were liable to ipso
facto excommunication and could only be restored by the Dean in open court.
The Canons conferred no powers in relation to the court in Jersey upon the
Bishop. The Bishop’s role was purely in an appellate capacity.
References to the
Dean’s Court
16 There
abound numerous references to a “Dean’s Court” in Jersey but
any references to the Bishop’s court are to that which existed at
Coutances or in Winchester (in the person of the Lord Bishop).
Since the Order in Council of 2012 appeals from the Ecclesiastical Court will
go to the Inferior Number of the Royal Court
and ultimately to the Privy Council, and the appellate function is no longer
exercised by the Bishop. In relation to that appellate function, Falle insisted
thing however I may not pass unobserved, because ‘tis part of our
Privileges, viz. that when an Appeal goes from this Court to the Bishop
of Winchester as superior Ordinary, or (in case of the Vacancy of that See) to
the Archbishop of Canterbury, those Prelates are to hear and determine the same
in their own proper Persons, and not send us to substitute Judges or Officials
on whom we in no wise depend.”
17 It is to
be inferred that a Bishop who was a “superior Ordinary” to
the court in Jersey, was outside of that court and not part of it. Indeed, Rev
Durell’s notes on Falle’s Account
contain the passage from Falle’s earlier edition which Durell regarded as
“the most correct and constitutional view of the matter” in which
Falle argued that—
“if one examines the
Canons carefully, unwarped by the fear of disobliging, or by the hopes of
personal favour, it would be evident that the Bishop of Winchester has very
little ecclesiastical power in Jersey, and that he be little more than a Judge
in Appeal.”
18 The appellate
function can be traced back before the annexation to Winchester. The Cecil
papers of 1568
contain a note of the ecclesiastical jurisdiction pretended to be had in the
Isle of Jersey by the Bishop of Coutances in Normandy, which states that—
“Also the Bishop
hath all appeals of ecclesiastical causes rising in controversy within the isle
to his jurisdiction, insomuch as all men may appeal from the Dean’s Court
unto his Court at Coustance, and the same is to be pursued and answered
accordingly in all times of peace between England and France.”
This explicitly sets out
a divide between the Dean’s Court in Jersey and the Bishop’s Court
in Coutances.
19 A
significant historical document in which the Ecclesiastical Court is referred
to as the Dean’s Court is the petition sent from the Island on 4 June
1524 to Cardinal Wolsey. This petition, which was later printed by the Société
concerned the difficult situation in the Islands owing to the constant state of
warfare then prevailing and made a specific complaint about Helier de Carteret,
the then Bailiff of Jersey. The petition ends with the words—
fidem et testimonium omnium et singulorum premissorum Sigillum magnum curie
Decanatus hujus Insule hiis presentibus est appensum anno domini millesimo
quingetessimo vicesimo quarto, quarta Die Junii”
translated as—
“In faith and
testimony of each and singular the premises, the great seal of the Court of the
Dean of this Island has been affixed hereto in the year of our Lord one
thousand five hundred and twenty four, the 4th day of June.”
20 There is
later judicial authority for the proposition that the Ecclesiastical Court is
the Dean’s Court. On 11 March 1841 the Privy Council heard a civil appeal
by a newly appointed Dean of Jersey on behalf of his deceased predecessor. In
delivering his judgment,
Sir Herbert Jenner referred to the Canons of 1623 as constituting the
ecclesiastical law of Jersey and that—
“The Ecclesiastical
Jurisdiction, as constituted by these Canons, is exercised by the Dean in his
Court, in which he presides either in person or by his Commissary whom he has
power to appoint by the 30th of these Canons . . . The 22nd Canon
enumerates the cases of which the Dean has cognizance, and the offences in
which he is empowered to punish according to the Ecclesiastical Law.”
21 Relevant
authority can also be found in statute. The preamble to the Probate (Jersey)
Law, 1949 sanctioned by Her Majesty in Council states that it is a law
“to provide for the transfer of probate jurisdiction from the Dean and
the Ecclesiastical Court to the Royal Court (Probate Division)
. . .”. Significantly this law contains no mention of
jurisdiction in the Bishop, but explains how the probate jurisdiction was
vested until 1949 in the Dean and the Ecclesiastical Court. Indeed the
emoluments received by the Dean in his judicial role as regards probate were
reported in an Account of the Annual Salaries of Judges in the Courts of
Probate ordered to be published by the House of Commons on 22 March 1861.
The entry for “Le Breton, Very Reverend William C.” describes his
Office as “Dean, Court of the Dean of the Island of Jersey, Diocese of
22 Other
writings confirm the status of the court as that of the Dean. In reference to a
cause célèbre where a clergyman was hanged, Le Quesne
states that “The name of that priest was Richard Averty. He was the
promoteur or official of the Dean’s Court”. Durell’s note on
Falle’s Account
said that “The account of Richard Averty is in . . . the Jersey
Chronicles. It is said there that he resided in St. Brelade’s parish, and
that he was the Official of the Dean’s Court.” Chapter XXVIII of
the 1832 edition of the Chroniques refers to Averty as “promoteur de la Cour du
Doyen en la dite Isle”. The historian George Reginald Balleine wrote
that Averty had been a “Proctor of the Dean’s Court” who had
“grievously oppressed the poor folk”.
23 Le
Quesne’s constitutional history went further in referring to the
Ecclesiastical Court as that of the Dean. In reference to the end of the presbyterian
interlude which followed the Reformation in Jersey he says
“Bandinel was therefore the first protestant dean
of Jersey. His patent is of the year 1620, and he was sworn into office on the
15th April of that year. He held his Court for the first time on the eighth day
of May following.”
Durell’s note on
Falle’s Account
reflects the continuity of the court from earlier times, and that the Court was
Bandinel’s (the “first Protestant Dean”), not Lancelot
Andrewes’ (the then Bishop).
24 Thomas
Lyte says in his Sketch of the History and Present State of the Island of
that “There is also a Dean’s Court, for the transacting of
ecclesiastical matters, at which the Dean presides, and the twelve ministers
are his assistants.”
25 In an article
on Bishop Sir Jonathan Trelawny, who was translated to the See of Winchester in
1707, the Rev Michael Smith
is unequivocal when he says that—
“The ecclesiastical court of
the Dean of Jersey was restored and exercised a jurisdiction similar to that
enjoyed by any archidiaconal court in England, indeed greater, because
matrimonial cases usually reserved for consistory courts were also to be tried
before the dean. In deference to presbyterian synodical practice the dean was
never to act as sole judge. All rectors might sit with him and a minimum of two
was needed to validate the sentences . . .”
26 The Office
of Dean of Jersey, being a Royal donatis, is distinct from the office of
rural or area dean of a deanery in England. It is, however, important to
consider that even in England the rural deans held court, particularly in the
twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Felix Makower, in his Constitutional
History and Constitution of the Church of England,
notes that the English rural dean’s jurisdiction “was afterwards
absorbed by the archdeacon’s court; and but few traces of it have
survived until the nineteenth century”, but adds as a footnote to that
paragraph—“Here belong the jurisdiction of the dean in Jersey and
The absence from
Jersey of the Bishop
27 Despite
the annexation of the Channel Islands to the See of Winchester in 1568, no
bishop of the Church of England set foot in Jersey until 1818, and no Bishop of
Winchester visited in person until later that century. Le Quesne
states that—
“Although attached to an English diocese, the
Channel Islands were deprived of the advantage of the presence of a protestant
bishop till the year 1818. Then Dr Fisher, bishop of Salisbury, acting for the
old and infirm bishop of Winchester, landed in the Islands; and for the first
time, the rite of confirmation by a protestant bishop was administered to
28 Without a
Bishop to confirm Islanders, decisions as to admittance to Holy Communion had
to be made in the Island without reference to the Bishop. Oversight of these
matters was in the hands of the court presided over by the Dean of Jersey.
29 In the
absence of a Bishop from Jersey for 250 years there was no establishment by a
Church of England bishop of a court in Jersey. We must therefore conclude that
the Ecclesiastical Court continued in existence after 1623 with the sanction of
James I in the form it had