Law Reform
Barbara Corbett
article is based upon a Consultation Paper entitled “Divorce
Reform” published by the Jersey Law Commission in December 2014. The
author was the Topic Practitioner involved in the preparation of that Paper. The
article examines the current law of divorce, analyses its defects, and suggests
1 The
Jersey Law Commission, in its topic paper published in October 2015 proposed
that a completely new law should be brought in to
replace the Matrimonial Causes (Jersey) Law 1949, the emphasis to be on no
fault divorce and the resolution of differences outside the court process. A
catalyst for the proposed reforms was the changes to family law brought about
by the Civil Partnership (Jersey) Law 2012 and the proposed equal marriage
legislation which will allow same sex couples to marry.
2 It is
when the Civil Partnership Law is compared and contrasted with the Matrimonial
Causes Law that it is easy to see the cracks in the original 1949 Law. Whilst
the old Law has been amended to a significant extent, it is now no longer fit
for purpose in the 21st century. The new law would emphasise reconciliation
processes to save marriages where possible. Where this is not possible, the
next best outcome is for the couple to be helped to reach an agreement for
themselves about how the marriage will be ended. Under the proposed new Law,
where there is no dispute in respect of children or finances, a divorce should
be able to be fast-tracked to obtain a divorce order within three months. Court
proceedings should be the exception rather than the rule, reserved for any
issues that the couple have not been able to resolve themselves.
3 The
recommendations are far-reaching. Adequate reform cannot be achieved by mere
amendment to the existing legislation; therefore a new Family Law is proposed
to implement the recommendations.
4 The main
change being proposed is that the basis for obtaining a divorce (or dissolution
of a civil partnership) should not be based on factors such as adultery or
unreasonable behaviour, but rather no fault divorce without the need, as now,
for a lengthy period of separation. A further proposed change is the abolition
of the three-year waiting period before divorce proceedings can be started,
bringing Jersey law into line with the law in Guernsey and Scotland.
5 In
relation to financial settlements, there are proposals for the court to order a
financial “clean break” after divorce, that there should be
provision for dispositions intended to defeat claims to be set aside and
parties should be free to enter into legally binding agreements both before and
during their marriage.
6 In terms
of the process for divorce, a simpler and less adversarial approach is
proposed. There are also plans for a Resolution Service, administered
separately from the court system, to provide alternative dispute resolution
services, mediation, arbitration and counselling services for couples who feel
their marriage is coming to an end.
7 The
starting point of the Law Commission report is that Jersey law on divorce
should have the following aims—
• to
support the institution of marriage;
• to
encourage and assist parties to save their marriages wherever possible; and
• where
a marriage has broken down irretrievably, it should be ended with the minimum
distress to the parties and any children, so far as possible promoting a good
continuing relationship between the parties and their children, with the
minimum of cost.
2. Background
8 Divorce is a matter of great
significance to many people in Jersey—typically between 240 and 260
couples a year petition for divorce. Private family law affects more than just
those couples involved in divorce proceedings as petitioner and respondent. The
children and wider families of separating and divorcing spouses are inevitably
caught up in the process and affected by outcomes, especially where there are
contested court proceedings. There is also an impact on wider society in terms
of housing, welfare benefits and calls on the health and education services.
Divorce can affect people’s incomes, wealth and emotional well-being,
detrimentally. Divorce reform (including dissolution of civil partnerships) is
an important matter in its own right, but inevitably also needs to take into
account financial remedies on divorce and dissolution and separation.
9 The report concentrates on divorce
reform. The Law Commission recognises that the breakdown of relationships
between unmarried cohabiting couples is another area of private law which needs
to be reformed but that is outside the remit of the divorce reform report.
10 The law relating to divorce in Jersey
is contained in the Matrimonial Causes (Jersey) Law 1949 (as amended) and the
Matrimonial Causes Rules 2005. The date of 1949 would suggest that divorce law
in Jersey is indeed in need of reform, but in fact the 1949 Law is a much
amended law[1]
and in some ways is more modern in its approach than the corresponding
legislation in England and Wales, notably the provision in Jersey for divorce
being available on the basis of separation for one year with consent.
Unfortunately, not all the helpful amendments to the English law have been
replicated in Jersey. Also, with a much amended Law, inconsistencies creep in
and the grafting of new concepts in one area of a statute which are not carried
through across the board leads to corresponding difficulties with other areas.
More significantly, the 1949 Law harks back to an era long gone, where the
social mores of the time were very different and there was far less equality in
society. Family life has changed considerably since 1949 and wholesale changes
to the current law on divorce are needed to reflect this. It is for this reason
that radical change is proposed with a move to “no fault” divorce
by way of a new Family Law.
3. No fault divorce
11 Jersey, in common with England and
Wales, is one of the few legal systems to retain fault as the basis for
divorce. In England and Wales attempts were made to change the law on divorce
to remove the elements of fault in the 1990s with the passing of the Family Law
Act 1996. That legislation was innovative and forward thinking, but in the
context of the political landscape at the time, was amended to such an extent
during its passage through Parliament that when there was a change of government
in 1997 it was put aside, never brought into force and was repealed by the
Children and Families Act 2014. But the issue of fault-based divorce remains
live in England and Wales. The 2015 Grant Thornton Matrimonial Survey showed
that the highest priority for law reform among family lawyers was the
introduction of no fault divorce.[2]
Resolution, the former Solicitors Family Law Association reaffirmed its
commitment to no fault divorce during its annual conference on 22 April 2016.
The No Fault Divorce Bill was due to have its second reading in March 2016 and
although this has been postponed, the subject remains on the agenda.
12 In Jersey, there may be fewer
obstacles to law reform in the family law arena and it may be that with well
thought through proposals, the law relating to the dissolution of marriage (and
civil partnerships) and the provision of financial remedies can be brought up
to date without the opposition that beset the passage of the 1996 Act in
England and Wales. The proposals in the Law Commission’s report are being
considered by the States of Jersey prior to the introduction of equal marriage
in 2017. It is hoped that the new legislation will incorporate no fault divorce
into the law at that time, or at least to set out a timetable for divorce
13 Originally divorce, like probate, was
the preserve of the Ecclesiastical Court in Jersey. The 1949 Law empowered the Royal Court to “grant decrees of dissolution and
nullity of marriage, of judicial separation and of restitution of conjugal
rights, and to make provision for matters incidental thereto”. The 1949
Law has been amended over the years and case law has developed
following the English lead, the significant legislation in England being the
Divorce Reform Act 1969 and the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. One significant
element of modern English divorce law (introduced into the English legislation
by the Divorce Reform Act 1969) which has not been brought into Jersey law is
the concept of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage as being the only ground
for divorce, although still having to be evidenced by several
“facts” such as adultery, unreasonable behaviour or separation. It
is unclear why this change was not incorporated into the Jersey law when others
were but the suggestion has been made that it came down largely to the
non-conformist religious views of States members at the time the Jersey law was
amended following the changes in the English legislation.[3]
4. Sacrament or
14 Divorce and the ease or otherwise
with which it can be achieved has, given its origins, for many years been
influenced by religious ideas about the sanctity of marriage. In fact, despite
the perception within church circles, in England, divorce ceased to be a
religious matter on the passing of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 which
brought divorce into the secular courts. In 1858 there were 300 divorce
petitions in contrast to the three the previous year, when a private Act of
Parliament had been necessary. Before the coming into force of the Marriage Act
1836, there was no concept of civil marriage as is known today, only marriages
celebrated in church being valid, in England. In Jersey these provisions were
adopted in 1842.[4]
15 The availability of both religious
and civil marriages (and now civil partnerships) has had an impact on the way
divorce or dissolution is viewed in society generally, some seeing marriage as
a religious sacrament, as it was in Jersey before 1842, and others taking the
view that all marriages, both religious and civil, are in fact simply
contracts. Over the past 150 years marriage, divorce and personal relationships
have changed beyond all recognition, many changes being linked to the
emancipation of women and the increasingly secular nature of society as well as
marriage. The aims of a good divorce law however, remain, as described by the
English Law Commission in 1966[5]—
“to buttress, rather
than undermine, the stability of marriage, and when, regrettably, a marriage
has irretrievably broken down, to enable the empty legal shell to be destroyed
with the maximum fairness and the minimum bitterness, distress and
16 A belief in the value of marriage as
an institution and a desire to support marriages wherever possible is not
incompatible with a system that moves away from blame when a marriage has
broken down.
5. Current
legislative provisions in Jersey
17 The Matrimonial Causes (Jersey) Law
1949 enables the Royal Court to grant decrees of dissolution and of nullity of
marriage and of judicial separation. The Civil Partnership (Jersey) Law 2012
makes similar provision in respect of civil partnerships.
6. The three-year bar
18 No divorce or dissolution petition
may be filed with the court until the parties have been married or in a civil
partnership for more than three years. This three-year bar is one of the areas
where the law in Jersey differs from that in England and Wales and also
Guernsey and Scotland. Designed to encourage people to work at their marriages,
this period before which a divorce petition can be filed was reduced to one
year in England more than 30 years ago and has never existed in Guernsey or
Scotland. Today, when couples frequently live together for lengthy periods
before marrying, the purpose of a requirement to have been married for any
period of time before being able to divorce is unclear, especially given the
availability of judicial separation, property and maintenance settlements and
orders in relation to children enabling couples to be divorced in all but name
within three years of marriage. An explanation may be that the three-year bar
was included in the 1949 Law following on from the English Matrimonial Causes
Act 1937. The bar was a late addition to the 1937 Bill, which widened the
grounds for divorce and the bar appears to have been included in order to ease
the passage of the Bill through the House of Commons, that is, primarily for
political reasons. The rationale for limiting access to divorce in short
marriages was public policy, to safeguard against irresponsible or trial
marriages and to increase stability during the “difficult early
It was also considered that the three-year bar would deter hasty remarriage.
19 It is possible to obtain a divorce
within three years of marriage if the case is one where exceptional hardship is
suffered by the petitioner or there is exceptional depravity on the part of the
respondent. In giving leave for a petition to be filed within three years of
marriage the court must have regard to the interests of any children and
consider whether there is any prospect of reconciliation between the parties
before the three years have expired. This is the only reference to
reconciliation in the whole of the current Matrimonial Causes (Jersey) Law
20 The inability to petition for divorce
within three years of marriage, even where there is abuse (not amounting to
exceptional depravity) or adultery, is a cause of distress to those unable to
escape their unhappy marriages. The populations of Guernsey and Scotland do not
appear to have suffered without a three-year bar. A bar was considered[7]
when Scottish divorce law was reformed by the Divorce (Scotland) Act 1976 but
it was concluded that the provision was unnecessary as the statistics gave
little support to the view that time restrictions made any material
contribution towards the objectives of a good divorce law. The English position
is now that there is a mandatory one year bar, there no longer being any
discretion to allow a petition to be issued before the first anniversary of the
marriage for any reason.
21 The Law Commission propose that the
law in Jersey should be changed to be the same as in Guernsey and Scotland.
There should be no restriction on issuing a divorce petition at any time after
marriage. There is no public interest in preventing people from divorcing if
their marriage has broken down within the first three years.
7. Grounds for divorce
22 The grounds
for divorce are found in art 7 of the Matrimonial Causes (Jersey) Law 1949. They are a mixture of old grounds, some dating back from the
enactment of the Law in 1949 and some more recent in origin. There are grounds
based on fault and grounds based on separation. The “fault” grounds
are that the respondent—
(a) has
since the celebration of the marriage committed adultery and the petitioner
finds it intolerable to live with the respondent;
(b) has
deserted the petitioner without cause for a period of at least two years
immediately preceding the presentation of the petition;
(c) has
since the celebration of the marriage behaved in such a way that the petitioner
cannot reasonably be expected to live with the respondent;
(d) is
incurably of unsound mind and has been continuously under care and treatment
for a period of at least five years immediately preceding the presentation of
the petition; or
(e) is
serving a sentence of imprisonment for life or for a term of not less than 15
23 Grounds (b), (d)
and (e) are rarely used, if ever. Where (a) (adultery) is used as a ground, the
co-respondent has to be named,[8]
served and respond to the proceedings, unless there are “special
not to do so. In contrast, in England and Wales the adultery can be described
as being with a person the petitioner does not wish to name (as opposed to
“unknown”). This requirement for named respondents in Jersey can
raise the emotional temperature and reduce the chances of financial and
children matters being resolved amicably. It also increases the costs if there
is no admission of adultery. The most commonly used of the “fault”
grounds is behaviour (commonly referred to as “unreasonable
behaviour”). The test is subjective and objective, that is, the question
“would any right thinking person come to the
conclusion that this [husband] has behaved in such a way that this [wife]
cannot reasonably be expected to live with him taking into account the whole of
the circumstances and the characters and personalities of the parties?”[10]
As a consequence, the
particulars of behaviour do not necessarily need to be very strong with the
result that there are very few marriages where it would not be possible to
found a petition on this ground.
24 Of the
separation grounds, art 7(2) of the 1949 Law indicates that a petition may be
presented on the basis that the parties to the marriage—
• have
lived apart for a continuous period of at least one year immediately preceding
the presentation of the petition and the respondent consents to a decree being
granted; or
• have
lived apart for a continuous period of at least two years immediately preceding
the presentation of the petition.
These grounds differ from the single ground in
England and Wales of “irretrievable breakdown of the marriage”.
25 Very few
divorces are defended,[11]
and even when they are there are very few people who cannot get divorced if
they choose to do so. There are provisions for the refusal of a divorce in a
separation case if the dissolution of the marriage would result in grave
financial or other hardship[12]
and that it would, in all the circumstances, be wrong to dissolve the marriage,
but again, this is a little used provision.
8. Reconciliation
26 Unlike English law, Jersey law does
not encourage or even condone or facilitate reconciliation when parties are
within divorce proceedings or are separated prior to the issue of a petition. A
modern divorce law should encourage reconciliation wherever possible. This will
be easier to achieve if the requirement to apportion blame for the breakdown is
removed. In England, every divorce petition has to be accompanied by a
Certificate of Reconciliation, with the solicitor certifying whether or not the
petitioner has been given advice about reconciliation or referred to suitable
agencies. This has in fact become just a matter of form filling in most cases,
but at least the law encourages reconciliation to be considered and to be part
of the advice given to a petitioner when contemplating divorce. The court also
has the power to adjourn proceedings in order to enable attempts to be made to
effect reconciliation.[13]
In Jersey, the law is such that reconciliation is actively discouraged.[14]
It should be noted here that reconciliation in this context means that the
parties consider their differences and, despite the potential availability of
grounds for a divorce, decide to continue with their marriage. It is an
entirely different concept from mediation. In mediation (dealt with below),
parties who still wish to divorce or separate (ie, are not reconciling) arrange the progress of their divorce and
matters relating to the arrangements for children and any financial settlement
through the medium of mediation.
27 The separation grounds for divorce
were first introduced into Jersey law in 1979,[15] at which
point the length of the separation required was the same as England (two years
with consent and five years without). The Law was further amended in 1996[16]
to the current position of a divorce being available for couples who have lived
apart for a continuous period of one year with consent or two years without
consent. Unlike in England, there is no provision for the separation to be
interrupted to allow the parties to explore the possibility of reconciliation.
This means that if the parties spend even one night together under the same
roof, the period of separation has to start all over again. In fact, in one
where the couple spent a few nights together in a different jurisdiction, in
someone else’s house, that was considered to be sufficient to prevent a
separation divorce, and the separation period had to start again. In England,
in order to facilitate and encourage reconciliation, the period of separation
can be stopped and restarted, allowing the parties to live together for up to
six months without having to restart the period of separation.[18]
28 The combination of the three-year bar,
supposedly to encourage couples to try to succeed with their marriages and the
lack of any express framework for reconciliation is an unfortunate
inconsistency within the existing law. The Law Commission recommend the
abolition of the three-year bar and the establishment of a divorce process that
encourages reconciliation.
9. Judicial
29 At one time married women had very
few rights. They were not sui juris or
“legally competent” until 1925 and they could not divorce their
husbands as easily as their husbands could divorce them. Judicial separation,
which freed them from the obligation to live with and provide conjugal services
to their husbands followed on from the ecclesiastical concept of a divorce a mensa et thoro.[19] Nowadays
divorce and judicial separation are mostly gender blind and based on the same
grounds as divorce (except for an additional ground of “habitual
drunkenness” in judicial separation which is not a ground for divorce).
Judicial separation is rarely used as a remedy except when the parties cannot
divorce because they have not been married for three years. There were three judicial
separations in Jersey in 2012 and three in 2013.[20]
30 In keeping with the history of
judicial separation being a remedy available to wives, the Law specifically
states that a husband shall not be liable for “any engagement or
agreement into which the wife may enter after the separation begins”
except where the husband is not paying maintenance, in which case he is liable
to pay for “necessaries” supplied for the use of the wife or
children. This provision is inconsistent with the gender blind concept of
judicial separation or divorce. It is of course highly unlikely that any
shopkeeper would provide “necessaries” to a wife and expect to be
paid by the husband today, even if they knew what “necessaries”
were. Such a provision is outdated in the 21st century. Neither husband nor
wife should be liable to third parties for the debts of the other within
marriage, following separation or on divorce.
31 Without the three-year bar in place
before a divorce or dissolution is possible, there would no longer be any need
for judicial separation as a concept. Once a marriage is at an end, divorce or
dissolution would be a simple, single stage process.
10. Nullity
32 The
Matrimonial Causes (Jersey) Law 1949 is confusing in respect of nullity.
Article 18 states that the court may decree the nullity of a marriage on any
ground on which a marriage is “void or voidable or on any of the
following grounds”—
“(a) the
continuing impotency of one party or of both parties to the marriage since the
celebration thereof;
(b) that
the marriage was celebrated through fraud, threats or duress by the respondent
upon or to the petitioner;
(c) that
the marriage has not been consummated owing to the wilful refusal of the
respondent to consummate the marriage;
(d) that
the respondent was at the time of the marriage pregnant by some person other
than the petitioner, unless the pregnancy resulted from intercourse which
occurred between the respondent and a former husband during the subsistence of
their marriage;
(e) that
the respondent was at the time of the marriage suffering from a venereal
disease in a communicable form;
(f) that
either party to the marriage was at the time of the marriage of unsound mind or
was then suffering from mental disorder of such a kind or to such an extent as
to be unfitted for marriage and the procreation of children or subject to
recurrent attacks of insanity or epilepsy;
(g) that
an interim certificate has, after the time of the marriage, been issued to
either party to the marriage;
(h) that
either party to the marriage satisfies such conditions and has taken such
steps, in an approved jurisdiction, for the recognition of his or her change of
gender by that jurisdiction as—
i(i) are
prescribed, in respect of that jurisdiction, by Order made by the Chief
Minister, or
(ii) if
no conditions and steps are prescribed under clause (i) in respect of that
jurisdiction, satisfy the court that, but for the fact that the parties are
still married, the change of gender would be recognized by that jurisdiction;
(i) that the respondent is
a person whose gender at the time of the marriage had become the acquired
Provided that, in the cases
specified in sub-paragraphs (d), (e), (f) or (g), the court shall not grant a
decree unless it is satisfied—
ii(i) that
the petitioner was at the time of the marriage ignorant of the facts alleged,
i(ii) that
proceedings were instituted within a year from the date of the marriage, and
(iii) that
marital intercourse with the consent of the petitioner has not taken place
since the discovery by the petitioner of the existence of the grounds for a
(2) Any child born of a marriage avoided
pursuant to paragraph (1)(b), (c), (e), (f), (g) or (h) shall be a legitimate
child of the parties thereto notwithstanding that the marriage is so avoided.
(2A) Without prejudice to paragraph (1),
the court shall not grant a decree of nullity under Article 18(1) on the ground
mentioned in sub-paragraph (g) of that paragraph unless it is satisfied that
proceedings were instituted within 6 months of the date of issue of the interim
(3) In any proceedings for nullity of
marriage, evidence of the question of sexual capacity or gender shall be heard in camera unless, in any case, the
court is satisfied that in the interests of justice any such evidence ought to
be heard in open court.
(4) In this Article ‘approved
jurisdiction’, ‘interim certificate’ and a reference to a
person’s acquired gender have the same respective meanings as in Article
1 of the Gender Recognition (Jersey) Law.”
33 As all the
grounds listed would appear to make a marriage voidable, the second
“or” in the article appears to be otiose. The significant emphasis
on sexual activity in relation to marriage is at odds with marriage in an era
where sexual activity is not confined to marriage and when the Civil Partnership
(Jersey) Law 2012 specifically excludes reference to consummation or impotence.
A difference between the law relating to divorce and the law relating to the
dissolution of a civil partnership is the reference to a marriage being capable
of annulment on the basis that a party at the date of the marriage was—
“of unsound mind or was then suffering from
mental disorder of such a kind or to such an extent as to be unfitted for
marriage and the procreation of children or subject
to recurrent attacks of epilepsy.” [Emphasis added.]
The corresponding provision
in the Civil Partnership Law states—
“that either party to the civil partnership
was at the time of the formation of the civil partnership suffering from a
mental disorder of a kind or to such an extent as to be unfit for civil
34 This
difference of wording alone indicates that the reference to epilepsy, at least,
is recognised not to be acceptable today, is demeaning and discriminatory and
should be changed. The omission of the reference to children in the Civil
Partnership Law is probably because of perceived biological imperatives, but at
a time when fertility can be controlled in ways not foreseen in 1949, it would
seem unnecessary to link mental health and children in this way. It was
unfortunate that when the Civil Partnership Law was passed in 2012, the
opportunity was not taken to amend the Matrimonial Causes Law in line with the new statute. The Law
Commission recommends that the concept of voidable marriages is removed from
the new law completely. A marriage will still be void ab initio if entered into by parties who are below the age of
consent to marry, within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity and affinity
(blood relations or relations through marriage) or already married to someone
else (which would make the marriage bigamous). There will no longer be any need
for petitions of nullity. Marriages will only be brought to an end by divorce
or dissolution, a single, simplified process.
11. Connivance, condonation and collusion
35 Under the
Matrimonial Causes Rules 2005, r 5(1)(n) a divorce petition has to state
whether there has been any connivance or condonation on the part of the
petitioner and, except with a separation petition, that the petition is not
presented or prosecuted in collusion with the respondent or co-respondent(s).
These concepts were removed from English law more than 50 years ago[21]
and certainly seem to be inconsistent with the availability in Jersey of a one
year separation divorce with consent. With no fault divorce there will be no
need for the concepts of connivance, condonation or collusion to remain within
the legislation.
12. Financial orders
36 Under the
Matrimonial Causes (Jersey) Law 1949 there is provision for financial orders to
be made. Orders can be made in respect of—
(a) child maintenance;
(b) spousal maintenance;
(c) maintenance secured
on capital assets;
(d) lump sums;
(e) property transfers
(between spouses or to children);
(f) variation of
trusts of marriage and separation settlements;
(g) orders for sale of
property; and
(h) interim orders for
the support of either party (these have been extended by case law to include
interim maintenance in order to pay legal fees).[22]
37 In terms of
the powers of the court, these are quite wide ranging. The only area where
there is a potential gap that does not appear in the English legislation is in
relation to pensions. Currently, pension funds cannot generally be cashed in or
transferred to third parties. Frequently in Jersey, especially with a large
population employed in the finance industry in one guise or other, there are
considerable pension assets. When the assets come to be divided on divorce, if
a significant proportion of the assets of the parties consists of a large
pension belonging to just one of them, it can be difficult to do justice in the
division of assets if there are insufficient other assets to off-set the value
of the pension. In England and Wales this difficulty has been addressed by
enabling “pension sharing” and “pension earmarking”
orders. The latter are rarely used, but pension sharing orders can be a
valuable tool for a family court judge tasked with dividing the assets fairly
between the parties. The Law Commission recommends that the proposed new Law
provides for pension sharing, to divide assets more easily when a marriage
comes to an end.
13. Disclosure and tracing
38 In
considering financial orders on divorce, it is necessary to have full
disclosure of all the assets. It is also necessary on occasion to safeguard
those assets to prevent dissipation which may be attempted in order to avoid or
limit the extent of financial orders. The court has considerable discretion
when making financial orders but must take into account “all the
circumstances of the case including the conduct of the parties to the marriage
insofar as it may be inequitable to disregard it”. This means that if a
party transfers assets out of their ownership in order to frustrate a claim
within divorce proceedings, that can be taken into account in the final order.
However, there is currently no provision to “unpick” a disposition
made to avoid an adverse order and so it is open to unscrupulous spouses to
transfer assets to others to avoid meeting their responsibilities to their
spouses. To try to retrieve assets in such cases involves tracing claims and
possibly Pauline actions,[23]
all of which can be expensive and time consuming. The Law Commission’s
recommendation is that the proposed new Law should enable the court to set
aside dispositions which could defeat legitimate claims being made. This would
simplify matters and would act as a deterrent to unscrupulous spouses tempted
to try to put assets out of reach.
14. Clean break
39 It is
generally accepted that wherever possible it is desirable for there to be a
“clean break” between parties on divorce. This enables the parties
to move on with their lives and provides certainty about what on-going
liabilities there will be. However, the current statute law in Jersey does not
allow the court to order a clean break,[24] and the previous practice
of allowing a clean break within a consent order (by dismissing art 33—Power
to vary orders) has ceased following the decision in C v D.[25]
40 The English
law has a specific provision[26]
placing a duty on the court, when exercising its powers in relation to
financial provision, to consider terminating the financial obligations towards
the other party as soon as is just and reasonable. It is recommended that the
proposed new Law should give a similar power to the Royal Court.
15. Procedure in
financial claims
41 The current
procedure in respect of financial claims within divorce proceedings is set out
in the Matrimonial Rules 2005. These rules include the overriding objective at r
(1) The overriding objective of the Court is to
deal with cases justly.
(2) Dealing with a case justly includes, so far as
is practicable—
(a) ensuring
that the parties are on an equal footing;
(b) saving
(c) dealing
with the case in ways that are proportionate—
ii(i) to
the amount of money involved,
i(ii) to
the importance of the case,
to the complexity of the issues, and
(iv) to
the financial position of each party;
(d) ensuring
that it is dealt with expeditiously and fairly; and
(e) allotting
to it an appropriate share of the Court’s resources, while taking into
account the need to allot resources to other cases.
(3) The Court shall seek to give effect to the
overriding objective when it—
(a) exercises
any power given to it by this Part; or
(b) interprets
any Rule.
(4) The parties must help the Court to further the
overriding objective.
(5) The Court shall further the overriding
objective by actively managing cases.
(6) Active case management includes—
(a) encouraging
the parties to co-operate with each other in the conduct of the proceedings;
(b) encouraging
the parties to settle their disputes through mediation, where appropriate;
(c) identifying
the issues at an early date;
(d) regulating
the extent of disclosure of documents and expert evidence so that they are
proportionate to the issues in question;
(e) helping
the parties to settle the whole or part of the case;
(f) fixing
timetables or otherwise controlling the progress of the case;
(g) making
use of technology; and
(h) giving
directions to ensure that the trial of a case proceeds quickly and efficiently.”
42 The procedure
for financial claims was simplified when the 2005 Rules were brought into
force. When an application is made for ancillary relief (a financial claim) at
a preliminary directions hearing, the progress of the case is mapped out. Sworn
affidavits of means are ordered to be filed and exchanged followed by
questionnaires relating to those affidavits, replies to questionnaires, and
frequently schedules of deficiencies and responses to schedules of
deficiencies. In England, although questionnaires can be raised, the judge
determines which questions may be put to the other side, after affidavits of
means have been filed and exchanged. This then limits the questions to those
the judge feels will assist the case and which are proportionate. This limiting
of questions and replies makes the information gathering part of the process
more efficient and focussed.
43 The Law
Commission recommends that a similar procedure should be adopted in Jersey
(questionnaires could be limited to those approved by the judge). Enshrining
such a step within the Matrimonial Causes Rules would assist in reducing costs,
increasing efficiency and reducing animosity between the parties.
16. Marital agreements
44 One of the
difficulties currently encountered in respect of financial orders made on
divorce, is a lack of certainty. The provisions of the Law are wide ranging and
give the court considerable discretion in the way assets are divided on
divorce. The starting point of an equal division, which was originally established
by case law in England[27]
and followed by local decisions, can be departed from by use of the “s 25
factors” in particular the needs of the parties—
“25 (1) It shall be the duty
of the court in deciding whether to exercise its powers . . . to have
regard to all the circumstances of the case including the following matters,
that is to say—
(a) the income, earning capacity,
property and other financial resources which each of the parties to the
marriage has or is likely to have in the foreseeable future;
(b) the financial needs,
obligations and responsibilities which each of the parties to the marriage has
or is likely to have in the foreseeable future;
(c) the standard of living enjoyed
by the family before the breakdown of the marriage;
(d) the age of each party to the
marriage and the duration of the marriage;
(e) any physical or mental
disability of either of the parties to the marriage;
(f) the contributions made by each
of the parties to the welfare of the family, including any contribution made by
looking after the home or caring for the family;
(g) . . . the value to either of the
parties to the marriage of any benefit (for example, a pension) which . . .
(by reason of the divorce) . . . that party will lose the chance of
acquiring . . .”
45 The court in
Jersey expressly sanctioned and encouraged reliance on these “s 25
factors” in Howarth v McBride[28]
and subsequent cases.
46 One way
around this lack of certainty would be if couples could agree either in advance
of their marriage[29]
or during their marriage but before divorce[30] how assets should be
divided in the event of a breakdown of the marriage. Such “marital
agreements” are not currently binding in Jersey. The court retains a full
discretion to make any of the orders available to it, regardless of any prior
agreement between the parties. That said, one of the factors to be considered,
not just in s 25 Matrimonial Causes Act but also in art 29 of the Matrimonial
Causes (Jersey) Law 1949 which specifies that—
“Where a decree of divorce, nullity of
marriage or judicial separation has been made, the court may, having regard to
all the circumstances of the case including the conduct of the parties to the marriage
insofar as it may be inequitable to disregard it and to their actual and
potential financial circumstances, order . . .”
47 Entering into
a pre- or post-nuptial agreement is likely to be classed as such conduct,
especially if there have been few changes in the parties’ circumstances
since the making of the agreement.
48 In the
absence of binding marital agreements it is difficult to predict what will happen
on divorce if finances are not agreed and the court is called upon to make an
order. Where one or both parties have substantial assets acquired before the
marriage or when they have responsibilities to former spouses and/or children
from previous relationships, it can be important to them to be able to have
some certainty about how their assets will be dealt with by the court on
divorce which is not possible at present.
49 The Law
Commission recommends that in Jersey law there should be a presumption in
favour of the terms of a marital agreement being binding on the parties if
certain safeguards are in place.
17. Cohabitation
50 There is no
specific protection within Jersey family law for cohabiting couples. Their
rights, such as they are, stem from the general civil law. There was some
attempt by the Deputy Bailiff to follow English case law, which gives more
rights to cohabitants, in the case of Flynn
v Reid,[31]
but this was overturned on appeal[32]
with the Court of Appeal indicating that the Royal Court’s description of
the proceedings as “quasi-matrimonial” was inaccurate and that the
case was, in the absence of a marriage, essentially a property dispute. The law
on cohabitation is complex and controversial but outside the scope of the
current report. It is a topic to which the Law Commission may return.
18. Reasons for reform
51 Jersey’s
divorce law is already derivative, it comes from the English law. Not only does
the Jersey statute follow English law to a significant extent, but the court in
Jersey follows English case law. In England, from at least as long ago as 1965[33]
it has been accepted that there should be a move to a no fault system of
divorce. Before and since that time, many other countries have recognised the
benefits of a no fault divorce regime.
The opposition to no fault divorce has always been that it would make divorce
too easy and would undermine the importance of marriage and family life. In
fact, by the time a couple (or one of them) decides the marriage is over, it
will be almost always possible for there to be a divorce, even under the
current fault based system, so moving to a no fault basis for divorce is
unlikely to increase the divorce rate, just make divorce less costly in
financial and human terms.
52 Where a
divorce cannot proceed on the basis of separation, either adultery or behaviour
grounds are used. Appropriately trained family lawyers try to mitigate the
effects of fault based petitions dropping unexpectedly through unwitting
respondents’ letter boxes. But not all divorces are dealt with by family
lawyers and the present system just serves to stir up enmity, even where there
is a commitment to good practice. Not only that, the costs of making out a case
for a fault based divorce are higher than with a no fault divorce such as a
separation divorce and as costs are generally claimed from the respondent in
fault based divorce, this just exacerbates an already unfriendly situation.
Making divorce difficult does not reduce the number of divorces, it just makes
them more painful.
53 Society in
Jersey has moved on considerably since the 1949 Law was passed. There is more
equality and less discrimination,[34]
Jersey now has a Civil Partnership Law, illegitimacy is no longer the bar to
succession it once was, far more people live together rather than getting
married, divorce is much more common than in previous generations and the
stigma there once was in respect of divorce and single parenthood has greatly
54 Divorce and
family law generally were once the preserve of litigation lawyers. In the last
15 years or so, family law in Jersey has become a specific area of practice in
its own right, and a distinct way of dealing with family law cases has begun to
develop. Generally, family lawyers in Jersey try to deal with family law cases
in an amicable and conciliatory way, considering all the surrounding
circumstances such as the effect on the wider family and emotional as well as
financial and strictly legal aspects of a case. The current legislation does
not assist this way of working. The three-year bar, forcing couples to remain
married unless there are exceptional reasons, the requirement for a year of
separation before a consensual divorce can be started and the existence of
fault grounds only serve to make divorce more difficult and acrimonious than it
need be.
55 Not only do
these aspects of current divorce law make the process for divorcing couples
much more emotionally draining than necessary, they also lead to an increase in
legal costs and demands on the court’s time. Once proceedings start off
in a non-consensual way in respect of the divorce petition, whether by naming a
co-respondent or listing hurtful particulars of unreasonable behaviour, the die
is often cast for more unpleasantness in trying to resolve matters relating to
children and finances. Couples going through the pain of relationship breakdown
need the judicial processes to assist them to move on to an amicable resolution
of things rather than to inflame the situation and to make them pay more as a
19. Mediation, arbitration and collaborative law
56 In many parts
of the world including USA, New Zealand and Canada as well as England and
Wales, non-court based solutions to family law problems are actively encouraged
or even required to be tried or at least considered before divorce proceedings
can be started.
57 In Jersey, in
October 2013, Family Mediation Jersey was launched and in March 2016 another
mediation provider, Alternative Resolutions, was founded. Family Mediation
Jersey has the support of the Royal Court and has experienced a steady stream
of referrals from lawyers, the court and others since its inception. Mediation
is a cost effective way of resolving disputes whereby one or two trained
mediators assist couples to reach agreement about finances or children matters
or both. It is usually cheaper than the parties only using lawyers.[35]
The agreements reached in mediation can be turned into consent orders which can
then be enforced if necessary.[36]
The support of the court is fundamental to the success of mediation and to the
promotion of its wider use. The move towards more mediation will be enhanced by
a reformed divorce law which enshrines the importance of using non court based
solutions such as mediation and arbitration in statute. It may also be helpful
for the court if incentives to mediate were to be included in a new Law,
perhaps in respect of costs orders or the fee structure.
58 Arbitration
is well recognised as a way of settling disputes in areas ranging from the
supply of goods and services, employment contracts, partnership agreements and
construction matters. It is less well known as a way of resolving family law
disputes. Family arbitration has been adopted in England and Wales and the
advantages of a speedier, completely confidential method of adjudication where
the arbitrator can be chosen by the parties for his or her particular expertise
have been recognised. Family arbitration both in respect of finances and
children matters is available in Jersey.[37] There is no specific
legislation in respect of family arbitration but on the basis that anything not
proscribed by law is legal, arbitration can be (and has been) used for family
cases in Jersey. Once an arbitral award has been made, it needs to be converted
to a consent order in the same way as a mediated settlement can be if it is to
be enforceable between the parties. Any new divorce law could easily accommodate
59 Collaborative
is another way of resolving family law disputes without recourse to the courts.
Collaborative law has been available in Jersey since its launch in November
2006 and there are currently eight collaboratively trained family lawyers in
the Island. With collaborative law, the parties and their lawyers agree not to
go to court and conduct negotiations through round table meetings. This allows
all matters to be taken into account and reduces conflict. Agreements can then
be drawn up as consent orders for ratification by the court.
60 As can be
seen from the above, there are now more methods of resolving family disputes
available to separating spouses than in the past. The law should recognise
these changes and incorporate encouragement to consider reconciliation wherever
possible as well as non-confrontational and out of court solutions such as
mediation and arbitration as part of the divorce process.
61 The process
of passing legislation in Jersey is generally more streamlined than in England.
The political obstacles which beset the 1996 Family Law Act should not apply in
Jersey and should not apply in the current social climate. There is an
opportunity for Jersey to take the lead on no fault divorce within the British
Isles and to pass a new law untrammelled by historic concepts of
“matrimonial offences” in a more enlightened age.
20. Recommendations for reform
62 Any changes
to the law of divorce will also need to apply to the dissolution of civil
partnerships in an entirely parallel way as the intention with the Civil
Partnership Law 2012 was to allow gay couples to enjoy the same rights and
responsibilities as heterosexual couples do through marriage. The States of
Jersey have now confirmed that it is intended to change the law in Jersey to
allow same sex marriage and also to incorporate reform of divorce law at the
same time. The new Equal Marriage legislation is due to be brought into force
during 2017.
63 A new divorce
law should be clear as to the principles underlying the law. The principles
underlying the ill-fated English Family Law Act 1996 are worthy of being
incorporated in any Jersey legislation. These are—
• to
support the institution of marriage;
• for
parties to be given encouragement and assistance to save their marriages
wherever possible;
• where
a marriage has broken down irretrievably it should be brought to an end:
∙ with
minimum distress to the parties and any children;
∙ in
a way so as to promote as good a continuing relationship between the parties
and children as possible; and
∙ without
costs being unreasonably incurred; and
• any
risk of violence or abuse to the parties or any children to be, as far as
possible, removed.
21. A new divorce law
64 The divorce
process should be that (1) it should be possible to obtain a divorce
without apportioning blame. If a couple agree that their marriage is at an end
they should be able to apply jointly for a divorce and, in the case of couples
without children and where finances are agreed, this could be an administrative
process, without necessarily the need for judicial oversight. The process could
be swift, perhaps as little as three months; and (2) where one party wishes to
divorce but the other is unsure or would rather not, instead of having to come
up with examples of unreasonable behaviour, or name and shame a spouse and a
co-respondent, an application for a divorce should be capable of being made by
one party to a marriage, such an application to be made regardless of the
length of the marriage, any separation or any behaviour of either party.
A Resolution
65 Once the
application is made and sent to the other party (by post or email) both parties
should be referred to a new service: “the Resolution Service”. This
would be administered by a body separate from the court. This could be Family
Mediation Jersey, who already has a structure of a management committee and
mediators, or some new body. The idea would be that both parties are referred
to the organisation and can attend either together or apart or access
information through the internet. The organisation would provide alternative
dispute resolution services, mediation and arbitration typically, but also
counselling services. In the USA the concept of the “divorce coach”
is well known and it is recognised by people working with divorcing couples
that frequently they are affected differently by the divorce process and their
emotional readiness for negotiation may not always be the same.
66 This can lead
to inequalities as a more dominant spouse (perhaps with a more assertive
lawyer) can achieve a better outcome by proceeding when the other spouse is
emotionally vulnerable or has not yet come to terms with the breakdown of the
marriage. If arrangements are made in such circumstances they may not always be
the best for the family as a whole and frequently children are brought into the
fray as pawns in their parents’ power play. This is not good for the
family, increases costs and court time and is not even satisfying for lawyers.
Antagonistic parties who run up large bills are rarely happy clients, and
lawyers, who would seem to be gaining from conflict, are frequently unable to
collect fees for all the work undertaken.
67 As well as
counselling, negotiation, mediation and arbitration services it would be
appropriate for the Resolution Service to also provide legal and financial
information to assist parties. It is proposed that legal aid for court
applications would not be available until parties had utilised the relevant
services on offer. This should not be just as a box ticking exercise but a real
attempt to resolve matters.
68 In respect of
children, the proposed Resolution Service should provide access to the Children
in Mind course run by The Bridge, and support from JFCAS officers or others
experienced in understanding how relationship breakdown can affect children.
Family Mediation Jersey now has mediators trained in Direct Consultation with
Children. They are skilled at showing parents how best to work together to help
their children through the difficulties they will face. Access to other
materials such as DVDs, interactive websites, books, parenting plans, contact
charts and children’s books should also be provided to spouses. And there
is no reason to limit this Resolution Service to married couples; others going
through relationship breakdown should be able to access the support provided as
they are currently able to with mediation.
69 It should
also be possible for parties to work with their lawyers to resolve matters
without court proceedings, through collaborative law, lawyer led mediation,
round table meetings and general negotiation if they wish. Some parties may be
reassured by having lawyer involvement as they use the services of the
Resolution Service. But whatever methods of dispute resolution are used,
parties will need to show that they have made serious efforts to resolve
matters through other means before being able to make an application to court.
22. Court process
70 Once parties
have been through and had the benefit of the services available to them through
the Resolution Service, then, and only then, should they be able to access the
court for a determination of any outstanding issues by a judge. Hopefully,
having been able to utilise the services available, most couples will have been
able to resolve their disputes and not need the courts to decide things for
them. That will leave more court resources for the most difficult cases and
possibly, with appropriate training, enable the family registrars to have time
to deal with at least some public law children cases, thus reducing the burden
on the Royal Court.
71 The Law
Commission recognises that the proposed Resolution Service will need funding. Premises
and administrative staff will be needed as well as paid counsellors and
mediators. Legal and financial advisors would probably be otherwise in private
practice, offering their services on fixed fee basis as tribunal chairs are
paid. The lawyers would need to be specialist family lawyers so it would be
difficult to incorporate the scheme into the current legal aid system, but
paying a lawyer a day rate for providing legal information to many couples,
either individually or in group sessions would be cheaper than hourly rates for
work undertaken. Armed with information (as opposed to specific legal advice),
parties would be able to enter into supported negotiations (supported by a
lawyer if desired by the parties) or mediation and reach their own settlements.
72 The Law
Commission has not been able to carry out a costing exercise. They acknowledge
that funding such a Resolution Service may not be cheaper than the current
system but it would be a reallocation of costs from the courts to the
Resolution Service. A greater emphasis on parties reaching settlement through
negotiation and mediation will reduce the legal costs of the parties and the
emotional costs. Reducing harmful acrimony will result in a reduction of hidden
costs such as the need to access mental health and other medical services for
both adults and children and potentially even a reduction in criminal justice
costs. A better service.
23. Procedure
73 The Law
Commission proposes that either or both parties to the marriage may issue a
“Statement of Marital Breakdown” to indicate their desire to
divorce, at any time during the marriage. The possibility of a joint statement
will remove the need for one party alone to be the instigator of a consensual
74 Both parties
should be provided with information detailing the purpose and availability of
counselling, mediation, collaborative law, arbitration, parenting plans,
parenting classes, legal information, financial information and other services
which may assist. This would be provided through the Resolution Service. Access
to, and information about, the Resolution Service would be available from CAB,
GPs, Relate, lawyers and the internet. Legal aid should not be available until
the Resolution Service has been used.
75 Parties
should be given the opportunity to reconcile and be provided with information
about Relate.
76 A joint
application where there is no dispute in respect of children or finances should
be capable of being “fast tracked” to final order of divorce within
three months. Such applications would need little or no judicial consideration.
77 In all other
applications for divorce there should be a period of six months from the date
of the Statement of Marital Breakdown to enable discussions to take place about
finances and children, after which time (if it is evidenced that both parties
to the marriage are aware of the divorce proceedings) the divorce would be
finalised unless either party applied to the court for a delay. The court
should have a wide discretion in this regard, to be used sparingly. Equally,
the court should be able to reduce the waiting time if there is a good reason
to do so, for example a lengthy period of separation prior to the issue of the
Statement of Marital Breakdown. With improved arrangements for financial
provision there should be no need for a divorce to be prevented to avoid
financial hardship to either party.
78 There should
be no requirement for parties to live separately, although it is anticipated
that many will wish to do so. The parties should be able to remain living
together until the divorce is made final if they wish (in order to try to
reconcile, or if it is in the interests of the children, for example).
79 Applications
to the court in respect of finances or children should only be possible after
other methods of dispute resolution have been tried except in exceptional
circumstances, such circumstances to be determined by the court. All matters
relating to children should continue to be dealt with under the Children
(Jersey) Law 2002.
24. Financial remedies
80 The Law
Commission also recommend that the range of financial remedies open to the
court to order should be expanded to include pension sharing orders (which will
need further consequential legislation) and orders to set aside financial
dispositions where appropriate.
81 The court
should be able to impose a clean break on parties.
25. Procedure (financial remedies)
82 Full
disclosure is to be encouraged right from the start of a divorce to enable
negotiations and dispute resolution to take place.
83 If, after all
efforts have been made to resolve matters without recourse to the court,
agreement can still not be reached, either or both parties should be able to
make an application to the court for a financial remedy. As now, affidavits of
means and financial information should be exchanged. This procedure should be
altered to enable the court to have oversight of the questions asked in
questionnaires, with questions being approved by the court prior to replies
being requested. The use of Case Review Hearings as Financial Dispute
Resolution hearings where the judge can assist the parties by giving an
indication of her view of the case in order to narrow issues should be
explored. Historically this has not been possible due to the limited number of
Registrars (judges in the Family Court) and the potential for conflicts. This
could be remedied by the use of Assistant Registrars similar to Assistant
Magistrates, drawn from the ranks of senior family practitioners, paid on a per diem basis.
26. Nullity
84 If divorce
were to be available as above, there would be no need for marriages to be
capable of annulment except possibly on the basis of fraud, threats or duress.
However, any marriage contracted on such a basis which a party seeks to bring
to an end would almost certainly have broken down irretrievably, so divorce
would be the most appropriate way forward. Nullity on such grounds was really
only necessary to get around the three-year bar in any event, or for those
couples who did not want to divorce for religious reasons, so there would be no
hardship to couples if this remedy were to be no longer available. Marriages
would still be capable of being set aside where they were void ab initio for example because the
parties (or one of them) were not of
marriageable age, they were within the prohibited degrees of affinity and
consanguinity or the marriage was bigamous.[39] The fact that the parties
to the marriage are of the same sex will no longer make a marriage void once
same sex couples can marry following the implementation of the equal marriage
legislation in 2017.
27. Marital agreements
85 The Law
Commission proposes that married couples should be able to enter into binding
agreements about what should happen if their marriage should come to an end.
Unmarried couples can currently enter into binding cohabitation agreements, but
few do. If binding agreements were available for couples marrying, it may be
that other couples would also regularise their relationships with agreements.
Such agreements have particular importance to couples who have children from
previous relationships or who have specific assets which they want to protect
for specific purposes.
86 In terms of
marital agreements, the Law Commission proposes that such agreements should not
be mandatory, but where people choose to enter into them they should be binding
on couples unless one of a number of safeguards is breached. This will enable
the court to review agreements which may be seriously unfair. The proposal is[40]
that marital agreements should be binding unless:
• entered
into as a result of unfair pressure or undue influence;
• one
or both parties did not have access to independent legal advice about the terms
of the agreement;
• one
or both parties failed to provide full and frank financial disclosure before
the agreement was made;
• the
agreement was made fewer than 42 days before the marriage; and
• enforcing
the agreement would cause substantial hardship to either party or to any minor
child of the family.
87 If any of the
above factors apply, the court shall give the agreement such weight as it
thinks fit, taking into account all the circumstances.
28. Conclusions
88 Divorce law
in Jersey needs to be reformed. A move to a no fault system would be in keeping
with the general trend towards a more conciliatory approach to divorce law
across the world and the encouragement of non-court forms of resolution of
financial matters and arrangements for children. Bringing in a measure of
certainty through binding marital agreements in certain cases would go some way
to moving the law on as it relates to personal relationships. The promotion of
conciliation and mediation will benefit individuals and also lessen the amount
of court time needed to deal with what are personal matters which, in most
cases will be better dealt with by the parties themselves, not by the court.
Appendix: Chronology
1842 Civil
marriage available in Jersey
1949 Matrimonial
Causes (Jersey) Law 1949
1953 Separation
and Maintenance Orders (Jersey) Law 1953
1973 Matrimonial
Causes (Jersey) Law 1949 amended to allow some financial orders to be made
against wives as well as husbands.
1979 Divorce
possible on the basis of two years’ separation with consent or five years
1983 Wives
able to issue divorce proceedings after three years residence in the Island
even if their husbands were not domiciled in Jersey.
1986 Power to order
sale of property
1996 Actions
no longer possible for Restitution of conjugal rights. Separation divorce
possible after one year with consent and two years without.
2005 Cruelty
replaced as a ground by behaviour. Proceedings can be issued after one
year’s residence in the Island.
2005 Coming into force
of the Children (Jersey) Law 2002.
2005 Matrimonial
Causes Rules in force.
2012 Civil Partnership
(Jersey) Law 2012.
Barbara Corbett is an
advocate of the Royal Court of Jersey and is a partner of Benest, Corbett and
Renouf of 12, Hill Street, St Helier Jersey JE2 4UA.