Capacity and
Self-Determination (Jersey) Law 2016
A LAW to make provision relating to individuals who lack capacity, and in
particular to provide for the circumstances in which, and the procedures by
which, certain decisions may be taken in relation to or on behalf of such
individuals; to establish a new regime of assessments and authorizations for
the proper care and management of such individuals; to make provision relating
to anticipatory instructions refusing treatment; and for connected purposes
Commencement [see endnotes]
1 Interpretation
(1) In this
Law –
“best interests” shall be interpreted in accordance with
Article 6;
“child” means a person under 18 years of age;
“Court” means the Royal Court;
“delegate” means a person appointed as such under
Article 24;
“lack of capacity” shall be interpreted in accordance
with Article 4;
“life-sustaining treatment” means any treatment
necessary, in the view of a person providing health care for a person lacking
capacity, to sustain the latter person’s life;
“lasting power of attorney” or “LPA” has the
meaning given by Article 11(1);
“Mental Health Law” means the Mental Health (Jersey) Law 2016;
“permitted act” has the meaning given by Article 8(2);
“prescribed” means prescribed by an Order made by the
Minister under Article 70.
(2) A word or expression
used in this Law and defined in the Mental Health Law shall, unless otherwise
indicated or required by the context, be taken to have the same meaning for the
purposes of this Law as that word or expression is given in the Mental Health
2 Persons
in respect of whom this Law applies
(1) The powers exercisable
under this Law in respect of a person who lacks capacity shall not (subject to paragraph (2))
be exercisable in respect of a person under 16 years of age.
(2) The Court, or a
delegate appointed to do so under Part 4, may make decisions in relation
to a person’s property and affairs even though the person has not reached
the age of 16, if the Court considers it is likely that the person will
lack capacity to make such decisions when he or she reaches that age.
3 Principles
to be applied
(1) In the application of
this Law –
(a) a
person must be assumed to have capacity, unless it is shown that the person
lacks capacity in the sense given to that expression by Article 4;
(b) a
person is not to be treated (under Article 5 or otherwise) as unable to
make a decision –
(i) unless all
practicable steps to enable that person to make the decision have been taken
without success, nor
(ii) merely
because the person makes an unwise decision;
(c) an
act done, or a decision made, on behalf of a person lacking capacity must be
done or made in the person’s best interests.
(2) Without derogation from
the generality of the principle stated in paragraph (1)(c), before an act
is done or a decision is made which is restrictive of the person’s rights
and freedom of action, regard must be had to whether the purpose for which the
act or decision is needed can be achieved as effectively in a less restrictive
(3) In paragraph (1)(b)
and Articles 2, 4, 5 and 6, “decision” means a decision which
is not excluded by the operation of Article 7.
4 Lack
of capacity
(1) For the purposes of
this Law, a person lacks capacity in relation to a matter if, at the material time –
(a) the
person is unable to make his or her own decision in relation to the matter (as
further provided by Article 5); because
(b) he or
she suffers from an impairment or a disturbance in the functioning of his or
her mind or brain.
(2) For the purpose of the
application of paragraph (1)(b) it does not matter –
(a) whether
the impairment or disturbance is permanent or temporary; nor
(b) what
the cause of the impairment or disturbance may be.
(3) Lack of capacity cannot
be established merely by reference to –
(a) a
person’s age or appearance; or
(b) a person’s
condition, or an aspect of a person’s behaviour, which might lead others
to make unjustified assumptions about the person’s capacity.
(4) In proceedings under
this Law or any other enactment, the question as to whether a person lacks
capacity for the purposes of this Law must be decided on the balance of
5 Inability
to make a decision
(1) For the purpose of the
application of Article 4(1)(a), a person is unable to make his or her own
decision if he or she cannot –
(a) understand
information relevant to that decision;
(b) retain
the information for a period, however short, which is sufficient to make the
(c) use
or weigh the information in making the decision; or
(d) communicate
the decision (whether by speech, sign language, or any other means).
(2) Information relevant to
a decision includes information about the reasonably foreseeable consequences
of deciding one way or another, or of failing to make the decision.
6 Best
(1) For the purposes of
this Law, a determination as to what is in the best interests of a person
lacking capacity –
(a) must
not be made merely on the basis of –
(i) the
person’s age or appearance, or
(ii) any
other aspect of his or her condition or behaviour;
(b) must
not be made unless, so far as reasonably practicable, the person lacking
capacity has been permitted, encouraged and supported to participate as fully
as possible in any act done for or any decision affecting that person; and
(c) must
consider all relevant circumstances, including in particular the matters set
out in paragraphs (2) to (4).
(2) Such a determination
must include consideration of whether it is likely that the person lacking
capacity will at some time have capacity in relation to the matter in question,
and if so, when that is likely to be.
(3) Such a determination
must include consideration, so far as the following matters are reasonably
ascertainable, of –
(a) the
past and present wishes and feelings of the person lacking capacity as to the
matter in question (including in particular any advance decision to refuse
treatment or other written statement made by that person at a time when that
person did not lack capacity);
(b) the
beliefs and values of that person which would be likely to influence that
person’s decision if that person did not lack capacity;
(c) any
other factors which that person would be likely to consider if that person did
not lack capacity.
(4) Such a determination
must take into account, if it is practicable and appropriate to consult the
following persons, the views of –
(a) anyone
named by the person lacking capacity as someone to be consulted on the matter
in question or matters of that kind;
(b) anyone
engaged in caring for that person or interested in that person’s welfare;
(c) any
person on whom authority is conferred under a lasting power of attorney granted
by that person and applicable to the matter in question; and
(d) any
delegate appointed by the Court under Part 4.
(5) A determination
relating to life-sustaining treatment shall be not regarded as being in the
best interests of a person lacking capacity if the determination is motivated
by a desire to bring about that person’s death.
(6) In the case of an act
done or decision made under this Law by a person other than the Court, it is sufficient
if (having complied with the requirements of paragraphs (1) to (5)) the
person reasonably believes that the act or decision is in the best interests of
the person lacking capacity on whose behalf the act is done or the decision is
7 Excluded
(1) Nothing in this Law
shall be taken to permit –
(a) consent
to be given, on behalf of another person, to –
(i) marriage or a
civil partnership,
(ii) sexual
(iii) a
decree of divorce, or (in relation to a civil partnership) a dissolution order
being made,
(iv) a
child’s being placed for adoption by the Adoption Service,
(v) the making of an
adoption order,
(vi) organ
donation, or
(vii) fertility
treatment; or
(b) a
decision to be made, on behalf of another person, on the discharge of parental
responsibilities in matters other than those relating to a child’s
(2) The States may by
Regulations amend paragraph (1) for the purpose of adding or removing any
matter listed in that paragraph.
(3) Nothing in this Law
authorizes anyone –
(a) to
give a patient treatment for mental disorder; or
(b) to
consent to such treatment being given to a patient,
if, at the time when it is proposed to give the treatment, the
patient’s treatment is regulated by Part 6 of the Mental Health Law.
(4) In paragraph (3)
“treatment” has the meaning given by Article 1(1) of the Mental
Health Law, and paragraph (3) may be disapplied, by Regulations made under
Article 46 of that Law, in relation to a child who is capable of
understanding the nature, purpose and likely effects of the treatment.
(5) Nothing in this Law
permits a decision on voting at an election for any public office, or in a
referendum, to be made on behalf of another person.
8 Permitted
acts in connection with care and treatment of persons lacking capacity
(1) Paragraph (2)
applies, subject to Article 9, to an act done by one person
(“C” in this Part) in connection with the care and treatment of
another person (“P” in this Part), but only if –
(a) before
doing the act, C has taken reasonable steps to establish whether P lacks
capacity in relation to the matter in question; and
(b) when
doing the act, C reasonably believes –
(i) that P lacks
capacity in relation to the matter in question, and
(ii) it
will be in P’s best interests for the act to be done.
(2) C does not incur any
liability for an act to which this paragraph applies (a “permitted
act”) which C would not have incurred if P –
(a) had
had capacity to give consent in relation to the matter in question; and
(b) had
consented to C’s doing the act.
(3) Nothing in this
Article –
(a) excludes
any civil or criminal liability of C resulting from C’s negligence in
doing a permitted act; or
(b) affects
the operation of Part 3.
9 Certain
acts of restraint etc. which are not permitted
(1) An act by C which is
intended to restrain P is not a permitted act, unless –
(a) C
reasonably believes that it is necessary to do the act in order to prevent harm
to P; and
(b) the
act is a proportionate response to –
(i) the likelihood of
P’s suffering harm, and
(ii) the
seriousness of that harm.
(2) For the purposes of
paragraph (1), C restrains P if C –
(a) uses,
or threatens to use, force to secure the doing of an act which P resists; and
(b) restricts
P’s liberty of movement, whether or not P resists or objects to the
(3) Article 8(2) and
this Article do not generally authorize C to do any act which conflicts with a
valid decision made by –
(a) any
other person appointed under a LPA granted by P; or
(b) a
delegate appointed for P by the Court.
(4) But an act described in
paragraph (3) may be a permitted act, where the act involves –
(a) providing
life-sustaining treatment; or
(b) doing
anything which C reasonably believes to be necessary to prevent a serious
deterioration in P’s condition,
while awaiting a decision of the Court in respect of any relevant
10 Payments
by, and on behalf of, person lacking capacity
(1) If necessary goods or
services are supplied to a person who lacks capacity to contract for the
supply, that person must pay a reasonable price for the goods or services.
(2) In paragraph (1),
“necessary” means suitable, at the time of supply, to the
person’s condition in life and to his or her actual requirements.
(3) If a permitted act
involves payment, C may –
(a) use
money in P’s possession –
(i) to meet the
payment, or
(ii) as
reimbursement for payment made on P’s behalf by C;
(b) be
otherwise indemnified by P; and
(c) pledge
P’s credit for the purpose of the payment.
(4) Paragraph (3) does
not affect any other power under which C or any person –
(a) has
lawful control of P’s money or other property; or
(b) has
power to spend money for P’s benefit.
part 2
lasting powers of attorney
11 “Lasting
power of attorney”: nature and definition
(1) In this Law,
“lasting power of attorney” or “LPA” refers to a power
of attorney –
(a) by which
one person, who is aged 18 years or older and has capacity to do so
(“P” in this Part), confers –
(i) on another
person, who is a person fulfilling the requirements of Article 12(1) (“A”
in this Part),
(ii) authority
to make decisions about all or any of the matters specified in paragraph (2);
(b) which
includes authority to make such decisions in circumstances where P lacks
capacity to do so.
(2) The matters mentioned
in paragraph (1)(a)ii) are –
(a) P’s
health and welfare, or specified matters concerning P’s health and
welfare (and an instrument, or the part of an instrument, which deals with such
matters is referred to in this Part as a “health and welfare LPA”);
(b) P’s
property and affairs, or specified matters concerning P’s property and
affairs (and an instrument, or the part of an instrument, which deals with such
matters is referred to in this Part as a “property and affairs
(3) Authority conferred by
any LPA may be made subject to such conditions or restrictions as may be
specified in the LPA.
(4) In particular, and
without derogation from paragraphs (1) to (3), a property and affairs LPA
may include provision permitting the exercise (whether generally or in
specified circumstances) of A’s powers under the LPA where P does not
lack capacity.
(5) In this Part, reference
to an instrument is to a form or other instrument by which a lasting power of
attorney is conferred or purports to be conferred.
12 Persons
appointed by LPA
(1) A lasting power of
attorney may confer authority on one or more persons, but –
(a) an
individual person must for this purpose be aged 18 years or over; and
(b) a
property and affairs LPA may not confer authority on a person who is subject to
a declaration of bankruptcy in Jersey or any insolvency or proceedings of a
similar nature to bankruptcy in any place outside Jersey.
(2) Where authority is
conferred on more than one person, the instrument may provide that such persons
are to act –
(a) in
respect of all matters either jointly, or jointly and severally; or
(b) in
respect of some specified matters, jointly and in respect of others, jointly
and severally.
(3) To the extent that any
instrument does not make express provision as envisaged by paragraph (2),
it is to be assumed that all persons on whom it confers authority are to act
(4) If an instrument
provides that persons are to act jointly and severally, and any one of those
persons does not fulfil a requirement in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) –
(a) the
instrument shall not take effect in the case of that person; but
(b) this
shall not prevent a lasting power of attorney being conferred on the other
(5) An instrument used to
create a lasting power of attorney –
(a) cannot
give a person power to appoint a substitute or successor; but
(b) may
itself appoint persons to act as substitutes on the occurrence of an event
mentioned in Article 17(3) to (5).
(6) Where authority is
conferred by a lasting power of attorney upon 2 or more persons,
“A” in this Part refers to all or any of those persons.
13 Formalities
for creation and registration of LPA
(1) A lasting power of
attorney is not validly created in Jersey unless –
(a) the
instrument purporting to create it complies with the requirements of this Part,
and with the requirements as to execution in, and prescribed under, Part 1
of the Schedule; and
(b) it is
registered by the Judicial Greffe in accordance with the requirements as to
registration in Part 2 of the Schedule.
(2) Where a power of attorney
is first registered (by “original registration”) in a jurisdiction
of the British Islands other than Jersey, it may have effect in Jersey –
(a) if
such evidence as to the original registration as the States may by Regulations
require is provided to the Judicial Greffe; and
(b) for
so long as the original registration validly subsists,
as though it were a lasting power of attorney created and registered
in Jersey under paragraph (1), and for this purpose the Judicial Greffe
shall register and deal with such a power of attorney in accordance with Part 2
of the Schedule subject to such modifications as the States may by Regulations
make to the Schedule for this purpose.
14 Scope
of LPA: health and welfare
(1) Authority conferred by
a health and welfare LPA –
(a) does
not extend to making decisions about P’s personal welfare in
circumstances other than those where P lacks capacity or A reasonably believes
that P lacks capacity to make such decisions;
(b) is
subject to the provisions of Part 3 (as to advance decisions to refuse
treatment); and
(c) extends,
subject to paragraph (2), to giving or refusing consent to the carrying
out or continuation of treatment by a person providing health care for P.
(2) Paragraph (1)(c) –
(a) does
not authorize the giving or refusing of consent to the carrying out or
continuation of life-sustaining treatment, unless the instrument contains
express provision to that effect; and
(b) is
subject to any conditions or restrictions in the instrument.
15 Scope
of LPA: property and affairs
(1) The authority conferred
by a property and affairs LPA may include –
(a) to
the extent provided by paragraph (2) and not otherwise, a right to dispose
of P’s property by making gifts; and
(b) power
to do, or secure the doing of, anything necessary or expedient –
(i) for the
maintenance or other benefit of P, P’s family or dependents, and
(ii) for
the payment of P’s debts, whether legally enforceable or not.
(2) Subject to any
conditions or restrictions in the instrument, A may make gifts of P’s
property –
(a) on
customary occasions to persons (including A) who are related to or connected
with P; and
(b) to
any charity to which P made gifts or might have been expected to make gifts,
if the value of each such gift is not unreasonable having regard to
all the circumstances and in particular to the size of P’s estate.
(3) For the purposes of
paragraph (2), a “customary occasion” means –
(a) the
occasion or anniversary of a birth or marriage or formation of a civil
partnership; and
(b) any
other occasion on which presents are customarily given within families or among
friends and associates.
16 Scope
of LPA: general
(1) A person on whom
authority is conferred by lasting power of attorney is to be treated as
P’s agent in relation to anything done in accordance with the instrument
and in the exercise of that authority.
(2) In the absence of any
condition or provision to the contrary in the instrument, a person on whom
authority is conferred by lasting power of attorney –
(a) may,
in the exercise of that power, do, or secure the doing of, anything which
appears to the person to be necessary or expedient to be done to be in
P’s best interests;
(b) may
be reimbursed (subject to such limit as may be prescribed, whether by reference
to a proportion of P’s property or to an amount or otherwise) out of
P’s property for reasonable expenses in the discharge of functions when
acting in the exercise of that power.
17 Revocation
etc. of LPA
(1) This Article applies
where –
(a) P has
executed an instrument with a view to conferring a lasting power of attorney;
(b) a
lasting power of attorney is registered as having been conferred by P.
(2) At any time when P has
capacity to do so, P may revoke the lasting power of attorney (and in this
Article, a reference to revocation includes revocation of the instrument by
which the power is created).
(3) A declaration of
bankruptcy in relation to P has effect to revoke a property and affairs LPA
conferred by P.
(4) Subject to paragraph (6),
an event occurring in relation to A which is listed in paragraph (5) has
effect to revoke the lasting power of attorney and to terminate A’s
appointment under it.
(5) The events mentioned in
paragraph (4) are –
(a) disclaimer
of the appointment by A, in accordance with such requirements as may be
prescribed for that purpose;
(b) A’s
(c) subject
to paragraph (7) and Article 12(4), a declaration of bankruptcy in
relation to A;
(d) subject
to paragraph (8), dissolution or annulment of a marriage or civil
partnership between P and A; and
(e) A’s
own lack of capacity.
(6) An event occurring in
relation to A which is listed in paragraph (5) has effect to terminate
A’s appointment but does not revoke the lasting power of attorney, if –
(a) A is
replaced by a substitute, under the terms of the instrument; or
(b) A is
one of 2 or more persons appointed to act jointly and severally in respect of
any matter and, after the event, at least one such person (other than A)
(7) A declaration of
bankruptcy in relation to A does not terminate A’s appointment or revoke
authority conferred on A to the extent that the authority relates to P’s health
and welfare.
(8) Dissolution or
annulment of a marriage or civil partnership does not terminate A’s
appointment nor revoke a lasting power of attorney if the instrument provided
that such an event was not to do so.
(9) In this Article,
“bankruptcy” includes any insolvency or proceedings of a similar
nature to bankruptcy in any place outside Jersey.
18 Protection
where LPA not valid
(1) Paragraphs (2) and
(3) apply where –
(a) an
instrument has been registered as a lasting power of attorney; but
(b) a
lasting power of attorney was not created (whether or not the registration is
cancelled at the time of an act or transaction mentioned in paragraphs (2)
to (4)).
(2) When acting in
purported exercise of a lasting power of attorney, A does not incur any
liability (to P or any other person) unless at the time of so acting –
(a) A
knows that no lasting power of attorney has been created; or
(b) A is
aware of circumstances which, if a lasting power of attorney had been created,
would have terminated A’s appointment.
(3) Any transaction between
A and another person is, in favour of that person, as valid as if a lasting
power of attorney had been in existence unless at the time of the transaction
that other person –
(a) knows
that no lasting power of attorney has been created; or
(b) is
aware of circumstances which, if a lasting power of attorney had been created,
would have terminated A’s appointment.
(4) If the interest of a
purchaser depends on whether a transaction between A and another person was
valid by virtue of paragraph (3), it shall be conclusively presumed in
favour of the purchaser that the transaction was valid if the other person
makes an affidavit –
(a) either
before, or within 3 months following, the completion of the purchase; and
(b) stating
that the person did not at the material time know of the termination of
A’s appointment.
19 Powers
of Court in relation to creation and validity of LPA
(1) The Court may determine
any question arising as to whether –
(a) one
or more of the requirements for the creation of a lasting power of attorney
have been met; or
(b) a
lasting power of attorney has been revoked or otherwise come to an end.
(2) The powers conferred by
paragraph (3) may be exercised if the Court is satisfied –
(a) that
fraud or undue pressure was used to induce P –
(i) to execute an
instrument for the purpose of creating a lasting power of attorney, or
(ii) to
create a lasting power of attorney;
(b) that
any person on whom authority is conferred by a lasting power of attorney has
behaved, is behaving, or proposes to behave in a way which contravenes that
authority or is otherwise not in P’s interests.
(3) Where the Court is
satisfied as mentioned in paragraph (2), the Court may –
(a) direct
that an instrument purporting to create a lasting power of attorney is not to
be registered; and
(b) if P
lacks capacity to do so, revoke the purported instrument or the lasting power
of attorney.
(4) In exercising the power
conferred by paragraph (3)(b), the Court may revoke a lasting power of
attorney in part only, including only to the extent that it confers authority
on any particular person or is intended to do so.
20 Powers
of Court in relation to operation of LPA
(1) The Court may determine
any question as to the meaning or effect of a lasting power of attorney or of
any instrument purporting to confer authority by a lasting power of attorney.
(2) The Court may give
directions –
(a) with respect
to a decision which is within the authority conferred on A by a lasting power
of attorney, if P lacks capacity to make the decision; and
(b) as
to –
(i) the rendering of
reports or accounts by A and the production of records kept by A for the purpose
of such reports or accounts, and
(ii) A’s
remuneration or expenses,
if P lacks capacity to do so.
(3) The Court may give any
consent or authorization to act which A would otherwise have had to obtain from
P if P had capacity to give it, and in particular may authorize the making of
gifts which are not permitted by Article 16.
(4) The Court may require A
to supply information, or to produce documents or any other things, which are
within A’s possession as a result of the authority conferred on A by a
lasting power of attorney.
(5) The Court may relieve A
wholly or partly from any liability which A has or may have incurred as a
result of breach of duties imposed on A by a lasting power of attorney.
part 3
advance decisions to refuse treatment
21 Decisions
to which this Part applies
(1) In this Part,
“advance decision” means a decision made by a person
aged 16 years or over who has capacity to make the decision
(“P” in this Part), that specified treatment is not to be carried
out or continued by a person providing health care for P, if –
(a) at a
later time and in such circumstances as P may specify, the treatment is
proposed to be carried out or continued; and
(b) at
that time P lacks capacity to consent to the treatment.
(2) For the purposes of
paragraph (1) –
(a) a
decision made before the coming into force of this Part may, if it otherwise
fulfils the requirements as to validity and applicability in Article 22,
be treated as an advance decision; and
(b) a
decision may be regarded as specifying a treatment or circumstances even though
the decision is expressed in non-medical terms.
(3) P may alter or withdraw
an advance decision at any time when P has capacity to do so, and –
(a) a
withdrawal need not be in writing; and
(b) an
alteration need not be in writing, except as required by Article 22(5)
where the advance decision relates to life-sustaining treatment.
22 Validity
and applicability of advance decisions
(1) An advance decision
does not have effect in accordance with Article 23, unless at the material
time the decision is –
(a) valid;
(b) applicable
to the treatment.
(2) An advance decision is
not valid if P does anything (including withdrawing the decision) which is
inconsistent with the advance decision remaining P’s fixed decision.
(3) An advance decision is
not applicable to any treatment if at the material time P has capacity to give
or refuse consent to that treatment.
(4) An advance decision is
not applicable to the treatment in question if –
(a) the
treatment is not treatment specified in the advance decision;
(b) any
circumstances specified in the advance decision are absent; or
(c) there
are reasonable grounds for believing that circumstances exist at the material
time which P did not anticipate at the time of making the decision, but which
would have affected P’s decision if P had done so.
(5) An advance decision is
not applicable to life-sustaining treatment unless –
(a) it is
verified by a statement by P that it is to apply to that treatment even if
P’s life is at risk;
(b) it is
in writing signed by P or by another person in P’s presence and at
P’s direction;
(c) the
signature is made or acknowledged by P in the presence of a witness; and
(d) the
witness signs the decision in P’s presence.
23 Effect
of advance decisions
(1) An advance decision
which is –
(a) valid;
(b) applicable
to a treatment,
in accordance with Article 22 (an “effective advance
decision”) has effect as if P made it, and had capacity to make it, at
the time when a question arises as to whether the treatment should be carried
out or continued.
(2) A person does not incur
liability for carrying out or continuing the treatment unless, at the time when
that question arises, the person –
(a) knows
that an effective advance decision exists; and
(b) despite
that knowledge, carries out or continues the treatment.
(3) A person does not incur
liability for the consequences of withholding or withdrawing a treatment from P
if, at the time, the person reasonably believes that an effective advance
decision exists.
(4) The Court may make
declarations as to whether an advance decision –
(a) exists;
(b) is
(c) is
applicable to a treatment.
(5) While a declaration of
the Court is awaited, nothing in this Article or any apparent or apparently
effective advance decision prevents a person –
(a) providing
life-sustaining treatment; or
(b) doing
any act which the person reasonably believes to be necessary to prevent a
serious deterioration in P’s condition.
part 4
appointment of delegates and related powers of
the court
24 General
power of the Court to make declarations and decisions, and to appoint delegates
(1) The Court may make
declarations as to –
(a) whether
a person (“P” in this Part) has or lacks capacity to make a
decision specified in the declaration;
(b) whether
P has or lacks capacity to make decisions on such matters as are described in
the declaration;
(c) the
lawfulness of any act done, or proposed to be done, in relation to P,
and for the purpose of sub-paragraph (c), “act”
includes a course of conduct.
(2) If P lacks capacity in
relation to a matter concerning P’s health or welfare or P’s
property and affairs, the Court may, on an application made to it under Article 25 –
(a) by
order make a decision on P’s behalf as to the matter; or
(b) appoint
a delegate to make a decision on P’s behalf as to such matters,
in accordance with this Part, and having regard in particular to
Articles 3 to 6.
(3) In appointing a
delegate the Court must ensure that the scope and duration of the appointment
are no greater than reasonably necessary having regard to all relevant
(4) Without derogation from
Article 25, the Court may make an order, give directions or appoint a
delegate on such terms as it considers are in P’s best interests even
though no application is before it for an order, directions or appointment in
those terms.
(5) Having regard to the
provisions of this Part and to Article 34 in particular, the Court may –
(a) make
such further orders;
(b) give
such directions; and
(c) confer
such powers, or impose such duties,
as the Court thinks necessary or expedient for giving effect to, or
otherwise in connection with, an order or appointment under paragraph (2),
including (where the Court is satisfied that it is in P’s best interests
to do so) varying or discharging any previous order.
(6) In particular, in the
exercise of its powers under paragraph (5), the Court may –
(a) revoke
the appointment of a delegate; or
(b) vary
the powers conferred on a delegate,
if the Court is satisfied that the delegate has behaved, is behaving
or proposes to behave in a way that contravenes the authority conferred by the
Court or is not in P’s best interests.
(7) Paragraph (8)
applies where –
(a) an
application has been made to the Court under Article 25; and
(b) the
Court intends to exercise its powers under paragraph (2).
(8) Where this paragraph
applies, the Court may, pending determination of the application, make an order
or give directions in respect of any matter, if there is reason to believe
that –
(a) P
lacks capacity as to the matter; and
(b) it is
in P’s best interests that the order is made, or the directions are
given, without delay.
(9) The specific powers
conferred by this Article are without prejudice to or derogation from the
general jurisdiction of the Court and the Court shall have, in relation to any
proceedings under this Part, all such power to act of its own motion as it has
in relation to any other proceedings.
25 Applications
to Court for exercise of powers under Article 24
(1) An application for the
exercise of the Court’s power under Article 24(2) may be made by an
applicant who is –
(a) P,
notwithstanding P is alleged to lack capacity;
(b) P’s
spouse or civil partner;
(c) where
P and another person (whether of the same or the opposite sex) are not married
to each other but are living together as spouses or civil partners, that other
(d) P’s
child or step-child;
(e) P’s
parent or step-parent, or (if P is aged under 18 years) any other
person with parental responsibility for P;
(f) P’s
brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, step-brother or step-sister;
(g) P’s
(h) a
delegate appointed for P by the Court (in relation only to the exercise of
power under Article 24(2)(a));
(i) a
person (“D” for the purposes of Part 2) appointed by P under a
lasting power of attorney;
(j) a
person named in an existing order of the Court made in relation to P, if the
application relates to that order;
(k) an
independent capacity advocate appointed to represent P under Article 51;
(l) the
Attorney General.
(2) An application for such
an exercise of the Court’s power may be made by a person not mentioned in
paragraph (1) with the Court’s permission, and in deciding whether
to admit such an application the Court must have regard to –
(a) the
applicant’s connection with P;
(b) the
reasons for the application;
(c) the
potential benefit to P of the proposed order or directions; and
(d) whether
that benefit can be achieved in any other way.
26 Application
in case of person admitted to approved establishment
(1) This Article applies
where P is a person who –
(a) has
been admitted to an approved establishment under Part 3 of the Mental
Health Law; or
(b) has
been received into guardianship under Part 4 of that Law.
(2) Where this Article
applies, and –
(a) no
person has been appointed (whether under the Mental Health Law or under this
Law) either to take decisions as to P’s health and welfare or to manage
or administer P’s property and affairs; and
(b) in
the opinion of the responsible medical officer or registered medical
practitioner in charge of P’s treatment, P lacks capacity to make
decisions as to P’s health and welfare or P’s property and affairs,
the Minister shall report the matter to the Attorney General.
(3) Where the Attorney
General –
(a) receives
a report under paragraph (2) in respect of P; or
(b) otherwise
has reason to believe that P lacks capacity to make decisions as to P’s
health and welfare or P’s property and affairs,
the Attorney General may apply to the Court for a delegate to be
appointed under this Part (or for such other order as the Attorney General or
the Court may think fit).
27 Specific
provision which may be made under this Part as to P’s health and welfare
(1) Subject to paragraph (2),
the power which may be exercised by the Court or by a delegate in relation to
P’s health and welfare includes in particular the power of –
(a) deciding
where P is to live;
(b) deciding
what contact, if any, P is to have with specified persons; and
(c) giving
or refusing consent to the carrying out or continuation of treatment by a
person providing health care for P.
(2) Only the Court (and not
a delegate) may –
(a) prohibit
a named person from having contact with P;
(b) direct
a person providing health care for P to allow a different person to take over
that responsibility; or
(c) refuse
consent to the continuation of life-sustaining treatment.
28 Specific
provision which may be made under this Part as to P’s property and
(1) Subject to paragraphs (2)
and (3), the power which may be exercised by the Court or by a delegate in
relation to P’s property and affairs includes in particular all such
powers as P might, on his or her own behalf and in accordance with the law of
Jersey, exercise in relation to –
(a) the
control and management of P’s property;
(b) the
sale, exchange, charging, gift or other disposition of P’s property;
(c) the
acquisition of property in P’s name or on P’s behalf;
(d) the
carrying on, on P’s behalf, of any profession, trade or business;
(e) decisions
having the effect of dissolving a partnership of which P is a member;
(f) the
carrying out of any contract entered into by P;
(g) the
discharge of P’s debts and of any of P’s obligations whether
legally enforceable or not;
(h) the conduct
of legal proceedings in P’s name or on P’s behalf.
(2) The sale, exchange,
charging, gift or other disposition of P’s property may not be carried
out except in compliance with any conditions or restrictions imposed by the
Court on such sale, exchange etc.
(3) Only the Court (and not
a delegate) may exercise, in accordance with the further requirements of Articles 30
and 31, power in relation to –
(a) the
settlement of P’s property, whether for P’s own benefit or the
benefit of others;
(b) the execution
for P of a will;
(c) the
exercise of any power (including a power to consent) vested in P whether
beneficially or as trustee or otherwise.
29 Power
of Court to order medical etc. reports
(1) Without derogation from
the general power conferred by Article 24, the Court may, in accordance
with paragraph (2) and where the Court considers it necessary or expedient
to do so for the purpose of the exercise of its powers under this Part, order
the preparation of a report as to P’s condition or circumstances
(including, but not limited to, P’s medical or psychological condition,
P’s social circumstances or social factors affecting P).
(2) The Court’s order
under paragraph (1) may be addressed to –
(a) any
party to the proceedings under Article 24; and
(b) where
the Court is satisfied that it is reasonable to do so, any other person.
(3) Where the Court makes
an order under paragraph (1), the person preparing the report must be
permitted by any other person having responsibility for P’s care or
treatment –
(a) to
interview P in private;
(b) at
all reasonable times to examine and take copies of any health records or
records maintained by a person having responsibility for P’s care or
treatment; and
(c) to
carry out such medical, psychiatric or psychological assessment of P as the
person may be qualified to perform.
30 Powers
of Court in relation to wills
(1) The power of the Court
under Article 28(3)(b) extends to making any provision (including, but not
limited to, the disposal of property or the exercise of a power) which could be
made under a will executed by P if P had capacity to do so, and subject to paragraph (2),
such provision shall have effect for all purposes as if it were provision made
by a will validly executed under Jersey law by a person with capacity.
(2) Paragraph (1) does
not apply to the extent that –
(a) a
will disposes of immovable property outside Jersey; or
(b) at
the time when the will is to be executed, P is domiciled outside Jersey and any
question of P’s testamentary capacity would fall to be determined in
accordance with the law of P’s domicile.
(3) For the purpose of the
exercise of the Court’s power under Article 28(3)(b) and this
Article, the Court may make an order or give directions authorizing any person
(whether appointed as a delegate under this Part or not) to execute a will on
behalf of P.
(4) Such an order or
directions as mentioned in paragraph (3) shall include the requirements
that the will executed on behalf of P must –
(a) state
that it is signed by P acting by the authorized person;
(b) be
signed by the authorized person with the name of P and that person’s own
name, in the presence of no less than 2 witnesses;
(c) be
attested and subscribed by those witnesses in the presence of the authorized
person; and
(d) be
sealed with the official seal of the Court.
31 Powers
of Court in relation to trusts
(1) The Court may, in the
exercise of its power under Article 28(3), make such vesting or other
orders as the case may require, including (for the avoidance of doubt) any
order which the Court may otherwise make under the Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984.
(2) In particular and
without derogation from the generality of the Court’s powers, the Court
may make orders and give directions as provided by paragraphs (3) to (5).
(3) The Court may by order
vary or revoke a settlement of P’s property on trust, if –
(a) the
settlement makes provision for variation or revocation; or
(b) the
Court is satisfied that –
(i) a mistake was
made in relation to the exercise of power over, or in relation to, a trust or
trust property,
(ii) the
power would not have been so exercised, but for that mistake, and
(iii) the
mistake is of so serious a character as to render it just for the Court to make
an order under this paragraph,
and the Court may for this purpose give all such incidental or
consequential directions as the Court considers necessary.
(4) The Court may make
orders and give directions in relation to the vesting of property in, or
management of property by, a person other than P (whether that person is
appointed as a delegate under this Part or not) if the Court is satisfied
that –
(a) under
the law prevailing in a place outside Jersey, that other person has been
appointed to exercise powers of management of P’s property and affairs on
the ground (however formulated or expressed) that P lacks capacity in this
respect; and
(b) having
regard to the nature of the appointment and the circumstances of the case, it
is expedient for the Court so to order or direct.
(5) The Court may make such
order or give such directions as it considers appropriate to preserve any
person’s interest in P’s property where –
(a) that
property is to be disposed of by order of the Court or by a delegate or person
ordered or directed to do so under paragraph (4); and
(b) but
for the disposal, the person would have benefited from an interest in P’s
property (whether under P’s will or intestacy or any other legal
interest, or by way of a gift perfected, or nomination taking effect on,
P’s death).
32 Powers
of Court in relation to P’s property
(1) The Court may make such
orders or give such directions as it may consider appropriate for the purpose
of maintaining or improving P’s property or otherwise for the permanent
benefit of P’s property.
(2) For the avoidance of
doubt the power conferred by paragraph (1) includes power to make orders
or give directions as to the expenditure of P’s property for the purpose
mentioned in that paragraph and as to securing such expenditure.
33 Regulations
as to powers of Court under this Part
The States may by Regulations make further provision as to the
powers of the Court for the purposes of this Part, including, but not limited
to, provision as to the circumstances in which the Court may appoint a person
to exercise any of P’s functions as patron of a benefice.
34 Qualifications
of and general provisions concerning delegates
(1) Any person may be
appointed by the Court as a delegate under this Part, but an individual person
must for this purpose be aged 18 years or over.
(2) A delegate must give
consent to being appointed as such.
(3) The Court may appoint
an individual by appointing the holder for the time being of a specified office
or position (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Viscount, in his or her
capacity as such).
(4) The Court may appoint 2
or more delegates to act –
(a) jointly;
(b) jointly
and severally; or
(c) jointly
in respect of some matters and jointly and severally in respect of other
(5) The Court may, at the same
time as appointing any delegate, appoint one or more other persons to succeed a
delegate in such circumstances, or on the happening of such events, and for
such period, as the Court may specify.
(6) A delegate is to be
treated as P’s agent in relation to anything done within the scope of the
delegate’s appointment and in accordance with this Part, but the powers
and duties imposed by the Court on the appointment of a delegate may include
(without derogation from the generality of the Court’s powers in this
respect) the imposition of a financial limit on the delegate’s authority.
(7) A delegate is entitled
to be reimbursed out of P’s property for reasonable expenses in the
discharge of functions when acting as delegate, and the Court may direct, when
appointing a delegate, that the delegate should be entitled to remuneration out
of P’s property for so acting (subject to such limit as may be prescribed,
whether by reference to a proportion of P’s property or to an amount or
(8) The Court may require a
delegate –
(a) to
give to the Attorney General or (as the Court may specify) the Judicial
Greffier such security as the Court thinks fit for the due discharge of the
delegate’s functions; and
(b) to
provide to the Court, or to such other persons as the Court may specify, such
reports at such times or intervals as the Court may direct.
(9) In the exercise of its
powers under paragraph (8)(b), the Court shall have regard to any further
provision which may be made by the States by Regulations with respect to the
supervision of delegates, under Article 36.
(10) The appointment of a delegate
shall cease upon the death of the delegate or of P, or upon the
delegate’s resignation, but P’s death shall not affect the legality
of anything done by the delegate in good faith and without knowing of P’s
35 Powers
of delegates
(1) Subject to paragraphs (2)
to (4) and to any restriction or condition imposed by the Court on the
appointment of a delegate, a delegate may do, or secure the doing of, anything
which appears to the delegate to be necessary or expedient to be done in
P’s best interests.
(2) In a case where a
delegate is appointed to deal with P’s property and affairs, the power
conferred by paragraph (1) includes power to do or secure the doing of
anything necessary or expedient –
(a) for
the maintenance or other benefit of P, P’s family or dependents; and
(b) for
the payment of P’s debts, whether legally enforceable or not.
(3) A delegate may not make
a decision on behalf of P which is inconsistent with a decision made –
(a) within
the scope of authority conferred by a lasting power of attorney granted by P
and in accordance with this Law;
(b) by
the person (“A” for the purposes of Part 2) on whom such
authority is conferred.
(4) A delegate must make
all decisions on behalf of P in P’s best interests and without undue
36 Supervision
of persons acting on P’s behalf under Parts 2 and 4
(1) The States may by
Regulations designate a person or office as having responsibility for –
(a) supervision
of the conduct of delegates and of persons exercising authority under lasting
powers of attorney;
(b) monitoring
compliance of delegates with the provisions of this Law and with any specific
authority conferred upon particular delegates by the Court or upon particular
persons by any lasting power of attorney; and
(c) investigating
complaints against delegates and persons exercising authority under lasting
powers of attorney, and, where necessary, drawing such complaints to the
attention of the Court.
(2) Such Regulations may,
further and in particular, make provision –
(a) as to
the payment, to the person or office designated under paragraph (1), of
fees for or in relation to the matters listed in paragraph (1)(a) to (c);
(b) enabling
the Minister by Order to prescribe the amount of such fees as mentioned in
sub-paragraph (a); and
(c) as to
the payment of fees, including the amount of such fees, in a case where a
report is provided to the Court under Article 34(8)(b).[1]
(3) The States may further by
such Regulations make provision –
(a) as to
the investigatory and reporting powers of any person or office designated under
paragraph (1);
(b) for –
(i) the creation of
criminal offences, punishable by a fine of level 3 on the standard scale,
(ii) the
imposition of liability towards P or P’s estate,
where a delegate or a person exercising authority under a lasting
power of attorney fails to comply with relevant provisions of the Regulations
or of this Law; and
(c) concerning
disclosure of, and access to, information held by –
(i) a delegate,
(ii) a
person exercising authority under a lasting power of attorney, or
(iii) a
person or office designated by Regulations under paragraph (1),
including provision for the inspection of such information at such
times and places and by such persons as may be specified.
part 5
capacity and liberty
37 Interpretation
and application of Part 5
(1) In this
Part –
“affirmative”, in relation to a report, has the meaning
given by Article 46(3);
“approved care home” means an establishment to which
Article 6 of the Long-Term Care (Jersey) Law 2012 applies;
“assessor” means a person designated under Article 40;
“capacity and liberty matters” has the meaning given by
Article 44(6);
“Commission” means the Health and Social Care Commission
established under Article 35 of the Regulation of Care (Jersey) Law 2014;
“independent capacity advocate” means a person appointed
as such under Part 6;
“M” means the manager of a relevant place;
“negative”, in relation to a report or assessment, has
the meaning given by Article 46(2);
“P” means a person in respect of whom this Part applies
as further provided by paragraph (2);
“registered person” has the same meaning as is given to
that expression by Article 1 of the Long-Term Care (Jersey) Law 2012;
“relevant place” has the meaning given by paragraph (3);
“significant restriction on liberty” has the meaning
given by Article 39;
“standard authorization” has the meaning given by
Article 48;
“Tribunal” means the Mental Health Review Tribunal
established under Part 7 of the Mental Health Law; and
“urgent authorization” has the meaning given by Article 42.
(2) This Part –
(a) does
not apply where P is a person liable to be detained under Part 3 of the Mental
Health Law; and
(b) except
for Article 59, does not apply where P is a person undergoing
life-sustaining treatment in any place (and for this purpose
“place” includes an ambulance or other vehicle used by the
emergency services).
(3) For the purposes of
this Part a “relevant place” means a hospital (except any accident
or emergency department of a hospital), an approved care home or any
establishment regulated under the Regulation of Care (Jersey) Law 2014, or designated by the
Minister, for the purpose of providing health or social care.
38 Circumstances
permitting significant restriction on liberty
(1) If, and only if, one of
the criteria in paragraph (2) is fulfilled in respect of P, the manager
(“M”) of a relevant place in which P is residing may lawfully
impose on P a significant restriction which would otherwise amount to a
deprivation of P’s liberty.
(2) The criteria mentioned
in paragraph (1) are that, in respect of P –
(a) an
urgent authorization has been granted by the Minister under Article 42;
(b) a
standard authorization has been granted by the Minister under Article 48;
(c) an
order of the Court has been made under Article 57; or
(d) the
restriction is necessary to enable life-sustaining treatment to be given, as
further provided by Article 59.
(3) Where one of the
criteria in paragraph (2) is fulfilled, a person doing any act for the
purpose of maintaining a significant restriction on P’s liberty does not
incur any liability, in relation to the act, which would not have been incurred
if P had capacity to consent, and had consented, to the act being done.
(4) Paragraphs (1) and
(3) –
(a) do
not exclude the civil liability of any person for loss or damage, or the
criminal liability of any person, resulting from negligence in doing an act;
(b) do
not authorize a person to do anything except for the purpose of, and in
accordance with any conditions of, the authorization or order of the Court (as
the case may be) applying in respect of P.
39 Significant
restrictions on liberty
(1) A measure listed in paragraph (2)
amounts to a significant restriction on P’s liberty if it applies to P on
a regular basis.
(2) The measures mentioned
in paragraph (1) are that –
(a) P is
not allowed, unaccompanied, to leave the relevant place;
(b) P is
unable to leave the relevant place unassisted, by reason of P’s physical
impairment or mental disorder, and such assistance as it may be reasonably
practicable to provide to P for this purpose is not provided;
(c) P’s
actions are so controlled in the relevant place as to limit P’s access to
part only of that place;
(d) P’s
actions are controlled, whether or not in the relevant place, by the
application of physical force or of restraint as defined in Article 9(2);
(e) P is
subject, whether or not in the relevant place, to continuous supervision;
(f) P’s
social contact, whether or not in the relevant place, with persons other than
those caring for him or her in the relevant place, is restricted.
(3) A measure applicable to
all residents at a relevant place (other than staff employed at the place)
which –
(a) is intended
to facilitate the proper management of that place; and
(b) does
not excessively or unreasonably disadvantage P in particular,
shall not be regarded as a significant restriction on P’s
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(b),
and for the avoidance of doubt –
(a) P is
not to be regarded as subject to a significant restriction on liberty where P
is wholly incapable of leaving the relevant place because of physical
impairment; and
(b) any
limit as to the time or duration of any assistance provided to P, which does
not excessively or unreasonably disadvantage P, shall not be taken to mean that
assistance is not provided.
(5) The States may by
Regulations amend this Article.
40 Arrangements
to be made by Minister: designation of assessors
(1) For the purposes of
assessments to be carried out in accordance with this Part and in fulfilment of
the duty imposed by Article 41(2), the Minister must –
(a) designate
registered persons to act as assessors under this Part, and maintain a register
of persons so designated; and
(b) determine
the appropriate level of training or professional qualification to be required
of persons who may be so designated.
(2) The Minister may for
the purposes stated in paragraph (1) –
(a) make
all such provision by Order as is necessary to enable fees to be charged by,
and payments to be made to, assessors, including provision in relation to the
amount or level of such fees; and
(b) do
all other things which may be reasonably necessary for those purposes.
(3) The States may by Regulations
make further provision as to arrangements to be made for the purposes stated in
paragraph (1), and such provision may include amendment of this Article
and the time limit in Article 45(1)(b).
41 Arrangements
to be made by Minister: requirement for authorization
(1) The Minister must not
authorize the imposition of a significant deprivation of liberty unless –
(a) the
authorization is urgent within the meaning of Article 42; or
(b) the
necessity for such a deprivation has been confirmed by the report of an
assessor, following an assessment carried out in accordance with Articles 43
to 46.
(2) Where –
(a) the
Minister receives a request from M under Article 43; or
(b) the
Minister otherwise becomes aware that Article 43(1)(a) applies and the
conditions in Article 43(2) are fulfilled in respect of P,
the Minister must as soon as practicable and without undue delay
appoint a person to carry out an assessment as mentioned in paragraph (1).
42 Urgent
(1) An application may be
made to the Minister for an urgent authorization by an assessor or by M, if the
applicant reasonably believes that –
(a) the
duty imposed by Article 43(3) applies to M;
(b) it is
necessary, in the interests of P’s health or safety, that M should have
authority to impose a significant restriction on P’s liberty before a
standard authorization could reasonably be expected to be granted; and
(c) it is
in P’s best interests to be provided with care or treatment in
circumstances which would amount to a significant restriction on P’s
(2) An application under paragraph (1)
must be in writing and in such form as may be required under a code of practice
under Article 68, but in any event must contain the following matters –
(a) P’s
(b) M’s
name and the name of any other registered person concerned;
(c) the
name and address of the relevant place;
(d) the
grounds for the application; and
(e) the
nature and extent of the proposed restriction on P’s liberty.
(3) Upon receipt of an application
duly made under this Article, the Minister must immediately –
(a) give
notice in writing to M that an urgent authorization is granted; and
(b) record
in writing the grant of the authorization, the terms and conditions (if any)
upon which it is granted, and the reasons for the grant and for any terms and
(4) An urgent authorization
shall continue in effect until M receives notification –
(a) of
the grant of a standard authorization in respect of P; or
(b) that
an assessment of P under this Part is negative,
whichever first occurs, but in no case for longer than 28 days
following the date of the authorization.
(5) An urgent authorization
may not be renewed, but a further urgent authorization may be granted where,
following notification to M of a negative assessment, M considers that –
(a) a
material change in P’s circumstances; or
(b) a
material mistake in the initial assessment of P,
justifies a fresh application, and M applies to the Minister under paragraph (1)
stating, as a ground for the application, a matter described in this paragraph.
(6) Nothing in this Article
shall be taken to permit the imposition of a significant restriction on
P’s liberty which conflicts with a valid advance decision to refuse
treatment –
(a) made
by P under Part 3; and
(b) of
which M is aware.
43 Request
for assessment
(1) This Article applies
where –
(a) P is
resident, or is likely in the next 28 days to be resident, in a relevant
place for the purpose of receiving care or treatment; and
(b) it
appears to M that the conditions in paragraph (2) are fulfilled in respect
of P.
(2) The conditions
mentioned in paragraph (1) are that it is likely –
(a) that
P lacks capacity in relation to giving consent to the arrangements for his or
her care or treatment in the relevant place; and
(b) that
for the purposes of such care or treatment, P is or will be subject to a
significant restriction on his or her liberty.
(3) Where this Article
applies, M must –
(a) unless
paragraph (4) applies, notify the Minister of the matters in paragraphs (1)
and (2); and
(b) in
any event, make a request (in such form and manner, if any, as may be
prescribed) for an assessment to be carried out in accordance with Article 44.
(4) M is not obliged to
notify the Minister of the matters in paragraph (1) and (2) if M
reasonably believes that the Minister is already aware of those matters, but
for the avoidance of doubt the admission of a person into guardianship does not
prevent this Article applying.
44 Manner
of assessment
(1) The assessor appointed
by the Minister under Article 41(2) must carry out an assessment in
accordance with this Article and in a timely manner so as to enable a report to
be provided within the time limit in Article 45(1)(b).
(2) The assessment must be
carried out by means of one or more interviews –
(a) with
P; and
(b) in
any case where –
(i) the assessor is
not a registered medical practitioner, or
(ii) there
is no medical evidence of P’s lack of capacity at the date of the
with a registered medical practitioner, in accordance with paragraph (3),
who has seen P immediately before the assessment.
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(b),
the registered medical practitioner must be –
(a) the
registered medical practitioner who is responsible for P’s care and treatment;
(b) if
there is no such practitioner as described in sub-paragraph (a), a
registered medical practitioner designated by the Minister for the purpose.
(4) The assessment may
include interviews with or representations from such other persons, if any, as
are listed in paragraph (5) and as may in the assessor’s view be
(5) The other persons
mentioned in paragraph (4) are –
(a) P’s
guardian, if any;
(b) any
person on whom authority has been conferred by a health and welfare LPA;
(c) any
delegate appointed by the Court with responsibility for matters relating to
P’s health and welfare;
(d) any
person otherwise nominated by P, if P has capacity to make such a nomination;
(e) any
other person who is P’s nearest relative.
(6) The assessment must be
such as will enable the assessor to form a view in respect of each of the
following matters (the “capacity and liberty matters”), namely –
(a) whether
P lacks capacity in relation to giving consent to the arrangements for his or
her care or treatment in the relevant place;
(b) whether
it is necessary to impose, as a component of that care or treatment, a
significant restriction on P’s liberty in the interests of P’s
health or safety;
(c) if
so, whether it is in P’s best interests to be provided with care or
treatment in circumstances where such a restriction will be imposed.
(7) For the purpose of
carrying out an assessment, the assessor –
(a) shall
be permitted at all reasonable times –
(i) to visit P in the
relevant place,
(ii) to
interview P either privately or, where there is in relation to P a person
listed in paragraph (5), in the presence of that person, and
(iii) to
inspect and take copies of all medical or other records relating to P and kept
by the Minister, the Commission, M, or any other provider of care or treatment
to P; and
(b) may
interview or otherwise receive representations from M or any person listed in paragraph (5).
(8) The States may by
Regulations make further provision as to the conduct of assessments under this
Part, including (without derogation from the generality of this power)
provision as to –
(a) the
information which may be sought by assessors or to which they must have regard in
carrying out assessments;
(b) persons
who may be consulted by assessors for the purpose of carrying out assessments;
(c) the
content to be included by assessors in their reports.
45 Report
of assessment
(1) A report of an
assessment must be provided to the Minister –
(a) in
accordance with paragraphs (2) to (6); and
(b) no
later than 21 days from the date of the appointment of an assessor under Article 41(2).
(2) The report must be in
writing and must –
(a) set
out the assessor’s view as to the capacity and liberty matters;
(b) state
whether to the assessor’s knowledge –
(i) a lasting power
of attorney has been conferred on any person by P under Part 2, or
(ii) the
Court has appointed any delegate to act for P under Part 4,
in relation to decisions as to P’s health and welfare, and if
so identify the person or delegate concerned;
(c) state
whether to the assessor’s knowledge P has made an advance decision to
refuse treatment under Part 3, and if so set out the terms of that
(d) identify
any persons such as are listed in Article 44(5) who have been consulted or
interviewed by the assessor, and summarize the views of such persons as to the
capacity and liberty matters; and
(e) subject
to paragraphs (3) and (4), set out recommendations as to the nature and
extent of any significant restrictions on P’s liberty which, in all the
circumstances, the assessor considers should be imposed.
(3) In forming a view as to
the capacity and liberty matters and in making recommendations under paragraph (2)(e),
the assessor must consider whether any proposed restrictions on P’s
liberty are a proportionate response to –
(a) the
likelihood of P’s suffering any harm; and
(b) the
seriousness of that harm, should it occur.
(4) In addition to the
matters to be included in the report under paragraph (2), a report may
make such other recommendations in relation to P’s care as appear to the
assessor to be appropriate.
(5) Where P has made an
advance decision to refuse treatment, an assessor may not recommend the
imposition of any significant restriction on P’s liberty which would be
incompatible with the terms of that decision.
(6) Where –
(a) P is
subject to guardianship under the Mental Health Law; and
(b) the
assessor forms the view, in considering the matter under Article 44(6)(b),
that it is necessary to impose a significant restriction on P’s liberty,
the report must also state whether it is considered that the
restriction is one which may lawfully be imposed by P’s guardian.
(7) Where to the
assessor’s knowledge there are, in relation to P, no such persons as are
listed in Article 44(5), the report must contain a statement to this
(8) Where the assessor has
consulted or interviewed, in relation to P, any person listed in Article 44(5) –
(a) the
assessor must inform that person of any recommendations made in relation to P;
(b) if
the assessor recommends that a significant restriction be imposed on P’s
liberty which is incompatible with a view expressed by that person, the
assessor must explain in the report the specific reasons for that
(9) A copy of the report
must be provided to M, and may be provided to P, at the same time as any
authorization based on the report, or, if no authorization is given, as soon as
reasonably practicable.
46 Effect
of report
(1) If the report of an
assessment is negative, no standard authorization may be granted under this
Part, and no further assessment may be carried out unless –
(a) M
considers that a material change in P’s circumstances justifies a fresh
application for assessment, and M makes a request to the Minister accordingly;
(b) M
considers that an assessment of P was mistaken in a material respect and M
informs the Minister of the mistake; or
(c) in
the absence of a request under paragraph (a), the Minister otherwise
becomes aware of a material change in P’s circumstances and considers
that the change justifies a further assessment.
(2) A report which is not
affirmative as to each of the capacity and liberty matters is described in this
Part as negative, and a report is also negative if –
(a) the
assessment to which it relates did not enable the assessor to form a view as to
the capacity and liberty matters; or
(b) where
P is a person subject to guardianship under the Mental Health Law, all of the
significant restrictions on P’s liberty which are recommended by the
report may, in the assessor’s view, lawfully be imposed by P’s
(3) For the purposes of
this Part a report is affirmative if in the assessor’s view –
(a) P
lacks capacity in relation to giving consent to the arrangements for his or her
care or treatment in the relevant place;
(b) it is
necessary to impose, as a component of that care or treatment, a significant
restriction on P’s liberty in the interests of P’s health or
safety; and
(c) it is
in P’s best interests to be provided with care or treatment in
circumstances where such a restriction will be imposed.
47 Record
of assessments etc.
The Minister must keep, in such manner and for such period as may
appear to the Minister to be necessary, a record of –
(a) all assessments carried
out; and
(b) all authorizations
under this Part, together with copies of reports of all such
48 Standard
(1) This Article applies
where the Minister is satisfied that –
(a) an
assessment of P has been duly completed in accordance with Articles 44 and
45; and
(b) the
report of the assessment is affirmative.
(2) Where this Article
applies, the Minister may authorize the imposition of significant restrictions
on P’s liberty for a period of no longer than 12 months beginning
with the authorization.
(3) As soon as practicable
following an authorization under paragraph (2) (a “standard
authorization”), the Minister must give notice in writing of the
authorization to the assessor and to M, and a code of practice under Article 68
may make further provision as to the form and content of the authorization to
be given under paragraph (2), but such authorization must at least specify –
(a) P’s
(b) M’s
name and the name of any other registered person concerned;
(c) the
date (or if applicable, the occurrence of such event) on which, and the period
during which, the authorization is to take effect;
(d) having
regard to Article 45(2)(e), the nature and extent of the significant
restrictions on P’s liberty which are permitted to be imposed by the
authorization; and
(e) any
conditions or directions relating to the imposition of such restrictions.
(4) Despite paragraph (3)(d)
the Minister may authorize significant restrictions to be imposed on P’s
liberty which are different (whether in specific respects or by their nature)
to any such restrictions as may have been recommended by the assessor.
(5) Where the Minister
considers it is in P’s best interests to do so, the Minister may
authorize a significant restriction which conflicts with a decision of –
(a) a
person on whom P has conferred a lasting power of attorney under Part 2;
(b) a
delegate appointed by the Court under Part 4,
but nothing in this Article shall be taken to permit the Minister to
authorize a significant restriction on P’s liberty which conflicts or
would conflict with a valid advance decision made by P under Part 3.
49 Rectification
etc. of reports and recommendations
(1) Where it appears to the
Minister or to M that the report of an assessment is incorrect or
defective –
(a) the
error or defect in question may be rectified –
(i) by the Minister,
(ii) with
the consent of the Minister, by the assessor who made the report; and
(b) the
report shall have effect (and be deemed to have had effect) as though made
originally without the error or defect.
(2) Without prejudice to paragraph (1),
if it appears to the Minister that a recommendation in any report of an
assessment is insufficient to warrant the imposition of a significant
restriction on P’s liberty, the Minister must as soon as reasonably
practicable give notice in writing –
(a) to
the assessor, of the insufficiency; and
(b) to M,
of the fact that the recommendation is to be disregarded.
(3) Where notice is given
under paragraph (2), the report which contained the recommendation shall
nevertheless be deemed to be (and always to have been) sufficient if –
(a) a
fresh recommendation made in accordance with Article 45(2)(e) and which is
not defective in any respect is provided to the Minister within the period of
14 days beginning with the date on which the notice was given; and
(b) that
recommendation, taken together with any other recommendation relating to the
same assessment, is sufficient to warrant the imposition of the significant
50 P
to be notified of authorization etc.
(1) As soon as practicable
following the grant of any authorization, M must take all such steps as are
reasonable to ensure that P understands –
(a) the
effect of the authorization in relation to P, and in particular the nature and
extent of the significant restriction on P’s liberty which is authorized
by it; and
(b) the
rights of advocacy, support, representation and review which are available to P
under this Law in respect of the authorization.
(2) As soon as practicable
following a negative assessment or the termination of any authorization, M must
take all such steps as are reasonable to ensure that P understands the effect
of that assessment or (as the case may be) termination in relation to P.
(3) The steps to be taken
under paragraphs (1) and (2) include giving the information required by
that paragraph both in writing (and where appropriate, this may include giving
to P a copy of the report of the relevant assessment) and orally, having regard
to P’s ability to understand that information, however given.
(4) Subject to paragraph (5),
at the same time as or within a reasonable time of giving information to P
under paragraph (1) or (2), M must also take all such steps as are
reasonable to provide the same information to any person known to M who is, in
relation to P, a person such as listed in Article 44(5).
(5) Where, at the time
information is given to P under paragraph (1) or (2), no independent
capacity advocate has been appointed in respect of P by the Minister under Article 51,
the information must be given to any advocate so appointed as soon as
practicable following his or her appointment.
51 Advocates
to be appointed
(1) This Article applies
where, in respect of P –
(a) the
report on an assessment contains a statement such as mentioned in Article 45(7);
(b) a
standard authorization has been granted.
(2) Where this Article
applies the Minister must, as soon as practicable after granting the
authorization, nominate an independent capacity advocate to represent P.
(3) The Minister must
satisfy him or herself that any person to be nominated as an independent
capacity advocate under this Article is a fit and proper person to be so nominated,
in accordance with Part 6 and with any further provision made by
Regulations under that Part as to such nominations.
(4) The nomination of an
independent capacity advocate under this Article –
(a) shall
be without prejudice to the continuing authority of any person on whom such authority
has been conferred by P under a lasting power of attorney or of any delegate appointed
by the Court; and
(b) shall
continue for the duration of the authorization, and if any vacancy arises the
Minister must immediately appoint another person in accordance with this
Article and any Regulations such as mentioned in paragraph (3).
52 Renewal
of standard authorization
(1) A standard
authorization may not be renewed except in accordance with this Article.
(2) This Article applies
where, within the period of 28 days ending with the date on which, unless
it were renewed, a standard authorization would expire, M considers that it is
necessary to continue to impose a significant restriction on liberty authorized
by the standard authorization.
(3) Where this Article
applies M must give notice requesting a renewal –
(a) to
the Minister, in such form as may be prescribed for the purpose; and
(b) no
later than the end of the period mentioned in paragraph (2).
(4) Where the Minister
receives a request duly made under paragraph (3), the Minister must as
soon as practicable appoint an assessor to carry out a further assessment of P
(a “renewal assessment”).
(5) Articles 44 to 51
shall apply to a renewal assessment as though references in those Articles to
an assessment were to a renewal assessment, except that Article 44(6)(a)
shall apply as though for the words “whether P lacks capacity” in
that sub-paragraph there were substituted the words “whether P continues
to lack capacity”.
(6) If the report of a
renewal assessment is affirmative, the Minister –
(a) may, if
satisfied that it is appropriate to continue the significant restriction on
liberty, renew the standard authorization; and
(b) may
do so with or without variation, in accordance with any fresh recommendation
made by the assessor under Article 45(2)(e).
53 Standard
authorization: review by manager
(1) Where a standard
authorization is in effect, M must keep under review the necessity for the
significant restriction on P’s liberty which it authorizes.
(2) Paragraph (3)
applies if, at any time during the period for which a standard authorization is
in effect, it appears to M that –
(a) P has
regained capacity in relation to the question of how his or her care should be
provided, and does not consent to a restriction authorized by the standard
authorization; or
(b) it is
no longer –
(i) necessary in the
interests of P’s health or safety, or
(ii) in
P’s best interests,
to continue to impose a restriction so authorized.
(3) Where this paragraph
applies, M must cease to impose the significant restriction, and shall inform
the Minister of that fact and of the date on which the restriction ceased to be
54 Continuity
of authorization: changes of place and in management
(1) Where P is to be moved
from the relevant place to which an authorization (including an order of the
Court) under this Part relates (the “first relevant place”), to
another relevant place (the “new place”), the manager of the first
relevant place must notify the Minister of the proposed change.
(2) Following notification
under paragraph (1), unless the Minister otherwise directs the
authorization in question shall continue in effect as though for the first
relevant place there were substituted the new place.
(3) Where one person ceases
to be the manager (the “original manager”) of a relevant place in
relation to which an authorization has effect, and a different person (the
“new manager”) has that function, the change shall take effect as
described in paragraph (4).
(4) For the purposes of the
authorization and of this Part –
(a) anything
done by or in relation to the original manager in connection with the
authorization has effect as if done by or in relation to the new manager;
(b) anything
which is in the process of being done by or in relation to the original manager
may be continued by or in relation to the new manager.
(5) But solely by virtue of
this Article the original manager does not cease to be, and the new manager
does not become, liable for anything done in relation to the authorization by
the original manager prior to the substitution.
55 Review
of authorizations by Tribunal
(1) A request for a review
of an authorization may be made to the Tribunal –
(a) in
accordance with paragraph (2);
(b) by an
application for the purpose made by –
(i) P, or a person
who is listed in Article 44(5) on behalf of P,
(ii) an
independent capacity advocate nominated to represent P under Article 51,
(iii) the
Minister, or
(iv) the
Attorney General.
(2) During the period for
which an authorization is in effect, no more than one application may be made under
paragraph (1), whether by or on behalf of P.
(3) The Minister may by
Order –
(a) make
further provision as to the form and manner of application to be made under
paragraph (1);
(b) make
provision as to the conduct of proceedings before the Tribunal following
receipt by the Tribunal of such an application; and
(c) without
prejudice to paragraph (4) or (5), make further provision as to the powers
of the Tribunal in dealing with the application and carrying out its review.
(4) Following receipt of a
request under paragraph (1) the Tribunal must review –
(a) the
standard authorization;
(b) the
reports of relevant assessments; and
(c) such
other information as the Tribunal may consider relevant (including but not
limited to, any matters as to which the Minister may make provision under paragraph (3)).
(5) Following its review of
the matters specified in paragraph (4) the Tribunal must –
(a) make
a fresh determination as to the capacity and liberty matters; and
(b) determine –
(i) whether the
significant restrictions on P’s liberty authorized by the standard
authorization should remain in effect, and
(ii) if
so, for what period.
(6) For the purposes of
this Article the Tribunal may make orders –
(a) amending
or revoking an authorization; and
(b) whether
or not it considers that an authorization should continue to have effect,
directing the Minister to carry out such further assessments as the Tribunal
considers necessary.
56 Monitoring
of authorizations
(1) The Minister may do all
such things as are reasonably necessary for the purposes of
monitoring –
(a) the
application and use of authorizations; and
(b) the
operation of significant restrictions on liberty authorized by them.
(2) In particular for the
purpose mentioned in paragraph (1), and without derogation from the
generality of that purpose, the Minister may by Order make provision requiring
the Commission, M, or any registered person concerned to disclose to the
Minister such information as may be prescribed.
(3) The Minister may also
make further provision by way of a code of practice under Article 68, as
to the operation of the provisions of this Part and as to records which must be
kept in relation to such operation.
57 Powers
of Court in relation to grant etc. of authorizations
(1) Without derogation from
any other power conferred on the Court by this Law or any other enactment, or
by its inherent jurisdiction, the Court may, if the conditions stated in
paragraph (2) are fulfilled, make an order authorizing the imposition of a
significant restriction on P’s liberty.
(2) The conditions
mentioned in paragraph (1) are –
(a) that
P lacks capacity in relation to giving consent to the arrangements for his or
her care or treatment; and
(b) that
it is both necessary in the interests of P’s health or safety, and in
P’s best interests, to impose significant restrictions on P’s
(3) An order of the Court
under paragraph (1) must state –
(a) P’s
(b) M’s
name, and the name of any registered person concerned;
(c) the
name of any registered provider within the meaning of the Registration of Care
(Jersey) Law 2014;
(d) the
period (of no more than 12 months) during which the order is to have
(e) the
nature, extent and duration of the significant restrictions on P’s
liberty which are permitted to be imposed by the order, and by whom they may be
(f) any
conditions or directions in relation to the imposition of any such significant
restriction (in particular, but not limited to, directions as to the frequency
of review); and
(g) the
full grounds for the Court’s decision, with regard in particular to paragraph (2)
and sub-paragraphs (d) to (f) of this paragraph.
(4) In its determinations
as to the matters described in paragraph (3)(d) to (f), the Court must
have particular regard to the medical evidence available before it.
(5) The Court may authorize
significant restrictions on P’s liberty which differ from any such restrictions
as may have been recommended under any other provision of this Part.
(6) Nothing in this Article
shall be taken to permit the Court to authorize a significant restriction on
P’s liberty which conflicts or would conflict with a valid advance decision
made by P under Part 3.
(7) Where the Court
considers it is in P’s best interests to do so, the Court may authorize a
significant restriction which conflicts with a decision of –
(a) a
person on whom P has conferred a lasting power of attorney under Part 2;
(b) a
delegate appointed by the Court under Part 4.
(8) Articles 50, 51,
54, 56 and 60 shall apply with all necessary modifications to an order of the
Court under this Article as they apply in relation to a standard authorization.
58 Appeals
(1) A person aggrieved by a
decision of the Tribunal may appeal to the Court against that decision on a
point of law.
(2) The power to make rules
of Court under the Royal Court (Jersey) Law 1948 shall extend to making rules
for the purpose of the conduct of, and proceedings in, appeals under paragraph (1).
(3) On an appeal under paragraph (1)
the Court may –
(a) quash
the decision against which the appeal is made;
(b) affirm
the decision;
(c) give
any direction which the Tribunal has power to give; or
(d) refer
the matter back to the Tribunal for reconsideration.
(4) No decision of the
Tribunal shall be invalidated solely by reason of procedural irregularity,
unless that irregularity was such as to prevent a party to the proceedings from
presenting his or her case fairly before the Tribunal.
59 Temporary
restriction of liberty for purpose of life-sustaining treatment
(1) Notwithstanding the
preceding provisions of this Part, a person (“D”) may impose a
significant restriction on P’s liberty where the restriction is necessary
in the interests of P’s health or safety as described in paragraph (2),
for the duration of any treatment or act mentioned in that paragraph.
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1),
a restriction shall be considered to be necessary in the interests of P’s
health and safety if –
(a) the
restriction is wholly or partly for the purpose of, and consists wholly or
partly of –
(i) giving P
life-sustaining treatment, or
(ii) doing
any act which D reasonably believes to be necessary to prevent a serious
deterioration in P’s condition;
(b) the
restriction is necessary in order to give that treatment or do that act.
60 Authorization
as authority to take and convey P
An authorization (including an order of the Court) under this Part
shall be sufficient authority, at any time within the period of 72 hours
beginning with the time at which the authorization is given –
(a) for M or any other
person authorized by M for the purpose to take P and convey him or her to the
relevant place; and
(b) for M to admit P and
detain him in the relevant place for such period as may be specified in the
60A [2]
60B [3]
60C [4]
60D [5]
60E [6]
60F [7]
60G [8]
60H [9]
part 6
61 Application
of this Part, and interpretation
(1) This Part applies to
make provision for the appointment of independent capacity advocates –
(a) to
represent and support any person lacking capacity in respect of certain
decisions (“P”), as further provided by Articles 64 and 65;
(b) to
carry out such other functions as are described in Article 63 and as
provided by Regulations made under that Article; and
(c) for
the purposes of Part 5 as provided by Article 51.
(2) In this Part –
“advocate” means an independent capacity advocate
appointed under Article 62; and
“M” means the Minister and any other person having responsibility
for P’s care or treatment.
62 Appointment
of independent capacity advocates
(1) The States may by
Regulations require the Minister to make such arrangements for the appointment
of advocates –
(a) as
are in accordance with provision made by the Regulations and further described
in paragraphs (2) and (3); and
(b) as
the Minister, having regard to paragraph (4), may consider reasonable.
(2) Regulations under paragraph (1)
may in particular make provision including (but not limited to) provision –
(a) as to
the qualifications to be required of persons who may be appointed;
(b) as to
the procedure for appointment and terms and conditions of appointment;
(c) requiring
M to report to the Commission on any concerns arising from the dealings between
P and P’s independent capacity advocate;
(d) as to
the circumstances in which the appointment may end or be terminated and the
formalities for doing so; and
(e) as to
the nature and level of payments (whether by way of fees, or reimbursement of
expenses) which may be made to advocates.
(3) For the purpose of
enabling advocates to carry out their functions, Regulations may further make
provision as to the powers of advocates –
(a) to
interview P and any other of P’s representatives; and
(b) to
examine and take copies of any documents, records or other information kept by
the Minister, the Commission or the manager of a relevant place, which may be
relevant to the exercise of a function by an advocate.
(4) In making arrangements
under paragraph (1), the Minister must have regard to the principle that P
should, so far as practicable, be represented and supported by a person who is
independent of any person who is responsible for a proposed act or decision
relating to P.
63 Functions
of independent capacity advocates
(1) The functions to be
carried out by advocates include (but are not limited to) –
(a) providing
support to P so that P may participate as fully as possible in any decision
concerning P or P’s best interests;
(b) obtaining
and evaluating information in relation to representing and supporting P and
P’s best interests;
(c) ascertaining
what, if P had capacity, would be P’s wishes and feelings in relation to
particular matters, or would be the beliefs and values likely to influence P;
(d) obtaining
further medical opinion about proposed medical treatment of P; and
(e) ascertaining
what courses of action may be available in relation to P, in addition or in the
alternative to any such proposed treatment.
(2) The States may by
Regulations –
(a) further
make provision as to circumstances in which advocates may challenge, or provide
assistance for the purpose of challenging, any decision under this Law affecting
P or P’s best interests; and
(b) amend
paragraph (1).
64 Support
where serious medical treatment is proposed
(1) This Article applies
where –
(a) M proposes
to provide, or secure the provision of, serious medical treatment for P;
(b) P
lacks capacity to consent to the proposed treatment; and
(c) M is
satisfied that there is no person, other than one engaged in a professional
capacity or for remuneration in providing care or treatment for P, whom it
would be appropriate to consult in determining whether the proposed treatment
would be in P’s best interests.
(2) Where this Article
applies, M must, subject to paragraph (3), instruct an advocate to
represent P before the proposed treatment may be provided.
(3) If, in the opinion of
M, the proposed treatment needs to be provided as a matter of urgency, it may
be provided even though the requirement in paragraph (2) has not been
(4) In providing or
securing the provision of treatment for P, M must take into account any
information given or submissions made on behalf of P by the advocate instructed
under paragraph (2).
(5) For the purposes of
this Article “serious medical treatment” means treatment of a kind
which involves providing, withholding or withdrawing treatment in circumstances
where –
(a) in a
case where a single treatment is proposed, there is a fine balance between the
potential benefit to P of such treatment and the burdens and risks it is likely
to entail;
(b) in a
case where there is a choice of treatments, a decision as to which treatment to
use is finely balanced; or
(c) the
proposed treatment would be likely to involve serious consequences for P.
(6) The States may by
Regulations amend the definition in paragraph (5).
65 Support
where provision of or change in accommodation is proposed
(1) This Article applies
where M proposes to make arrangements –
(a) for
the provision of accommodation for P in a hospital, or in an approved care home
as defined by Article 1 of the Long-Term Care (Jersey) Law 2012 (including a change to any
existing provision of accommodation for P);
(b) P
lacks capacity to consent to such arrangements; and
(c) M is
satisfied that there is no person, other than one engaged in a professional
capacity or for remuneration in providing care or treatment for P, whom it
would be appropriate to consult in determining whether the proposed
arrangements would be in P’s best interests.
(2) This Article does not
apply –
(a) where
P is accommodated as a result of an obligation imposed under the Mental Health
Law; or
(b) where
P is a person in respect of whom Article 51 applies.
(3) Where this Article
applies, M must instruct an advocate to represent P before making the proposed
arrangements, unless –
(a) the
accommodation is likely to be provided for a continuous period which is less
than the applicable period; or
(b) the
proposed arrangements need to be made as a matter of urgency.
(4) If either of the
grounds in paragraph (3)(a) or (b) apply, but M subsequently has reason to
believe that the accommodation is likely to be provided for a continuous
period –
(a) beginning
with the day on which accommodation is first provided in accordance with the
proposed arrangements; and
(b) ending
on or after the expiry of the applicable period,
M must instruct an advocate to represent P.
(5) In making arrangements
for P’s accommodation or a change in P’s accommodation, M must take
into account any information given or submissions made on behalf of P by the advocate
instructed under paragraph (3) or (4).
(6) For the purposes of
this Article the “applicable period” means –
(a) in
relation to accommodation in a hospital, 28 days; and
(b) in
relation to accommodation in an approved care home, 8 weeks.
part 7
miscellaneous and general provisions
66 Research
involving persons lacking capacity
(1) The States may by
Regulations make provision as to the extent to which, and the circumstances in
which, it may be lawful to conduct intrusive research involving, or in relation
to, a person (“P”) who lacks capacity to consent to such research.
(2) Except as provided by
Regulations under paragraph (1), it shall not be lawful to conduct such
(3) In making Regulations
under paragraph (1) the States must have regard to the principles that no
research shall be lawful unless –
(a) it is
safe and produces or may produce a benefit to P which outweighs any risk to, or
burden upon, P; or
(b) where
the purpose of the research is to improve medical or scientific knowledge, it
is of minimal risk to P and can be carried out with minimal intrusion to
P’s physical and mental well-being and legal rights.
(4) Regulations under paragraph (1)
must in particular (but without limitation) make provision as to –
(a) the
establishment or appointment of a body for the purpose of approving and
monitoring intrusive research;
(b) the
nature or types of research which are considered intrusive for the purposes of
this Article;
(c) the
circumstances which may make any research intrusive within the meaning given by
Regulations or for the purposes of this Article;
(d) the
requirements which must be met for approval of any intrusive research;
(e) the
consultation of carers for, or representatives of, persons who may be subject
to intrusive or potentially intrusive research, including the circumstances in
which such consultation must take place and the matters or information which
must be disclosed or to which such consultation must relate;
(f) the
termination of any approved research, including (but not limited to) the
circumstances in which, and steps which must be taken where, a person is to be
withdrawn from that research;
(g) the
safeguards which must apply to, and in the course of, any intrusive research;
(h) the
circumstances, if any, in which research to which a person has consented may
continue to be conducted where that person subsequently loses capacity so to
67 Offence
of wilful neglect
(1) It is an offence for
any person who –
(a) has
the care of another person (“P”); or
(b) is
appointed –
(i) by P, under a
lasting power of attorney under Part 3, or
(ii) as
P’s delegate under Part 4,
to ill-treat or wilfully neglect P.
(2) For the purposes of
paragraph (1)(a), a person has the care of P if the person is responsible for
giving P any health or social care as part of an activity which is a regulated
activity under Article 2 of the Regulation of Care (Jersey) Law 2014.
(3) A person guilty of an
offence under this Article shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of
5 years and a fine.
68 Codes
of practice
(1) The Minister must issue
a code of practice for the purposes of this Law and in particular (but without
limitation) –
(a) for
the guidance of –
(i) assessors under
Part 5 or any other persons having a similar duty under this Law or the Mental
Health Law to assess whether or not a person has, or (as the case may be) lacks
capacity in relation to any matter,
(ii) any
person acting under this Law in connection with the care or treatment of any
other person,
(iii) any
person on whom authority is conferred by lasting power of attorney under Part 2,
(iv) delegates
appointed by the Court under Part 4,
(v) independent capacity advocates
in the exercise of functions conferred on them under Part 6,
(vi) any
person carrying out research authorized by any provision made under Article 66;
(b) with
respect to such other matters, arising out of this Law, as the Minister may
think fit.
(2) A person must have
regard to any relevant code of practice under paragraph (1) where that
person is acting, in relation to another person who lacks capacity –
(a) under
authority conferred by a lasting power of attorney;
(b) as a
delegate appointed by the Court;
(c) in
reliance on any provision made under Article 66;
(d) as an
independent capacity advocate;
(e) in
the exercise of functions under Part 5 relating to significant
restrictions on liberty;
(f) in
a professional capacity; or
(g) for
(3) Paragraph (4)
applies where it appears to the Court or to the Tribunal, when conducting any
civil or criminal proceedings, that –
(a) a
provision of a code issued under this Article; or
(b) a
failure to comply with a requirement of any such code,
is relevant to a question arising in those proceedings.
(4) Where this paragraph
applies, the relevant provision or failure must be taken into account in determining
the question, but a failure to comply with a code shall not of itself make a
person liable to any civil or criminal proceedings.
(5) The Minister may amend
a code from time to time as the Minister may see fit, and a code may make, as
respects any matter in relation to which it makes provision –
(a) the
same provision for all cases, or different provision for different cases or
classes of case, or different provision for the same case or class of case for
different purposes; and
(b) any
such provision either unconditionally or subject to any specified conditions.
(6) Before issuing or
amending a code, the Minister must consult such bodies as appear to the
Minister to be concerned.
(7) The Minister must
publish any code which is for the time being in force in such manner as may
appear to the Minister to be appropriate for bringing it to the attention of
persons likely to be concerned with or affected by its provisions.
69 Regulations
(1) The States may by
Regulations make provision for the purpose of giving full effect to this Law
and, in particular but without derogation from the generality of this power,
such Regulations –
(a) may
make provision for or in respect of any matter that by this Law is required or
permitted to be done by Regulations;
(b) may
consequentially amend any enactment; and
(c) may
make provision for the purpose of giving full effect in Jersey to any
international agreement concerning the protection of adults.
(2) Regulations made under
this Law may make all such transitional, saving, incidental, consequential or
supplementary provision as may appear to the States to be necessary or
expedient for the purposes of the Regulations.
70 Orders
(1) The Minister may make
Orders –
(a) for
prescribing anything which is required or authorized to be prescribed under
this Law; and
(b) making
transitional provision in relation to the commencement of this Law.
(2) Orders made by the
Minister under paragraph (1) may, in particular but without derogation
from the generality of that power –
(a) prescribe
the form of any application, recommendation, report, notice or other document
to be made, given or provided under this Law;
(b) prescribe
the manner in which any such document as mentioned in paragraph (a) may be
served, and proved in evidence;
(c) make
provision for the amount of any fees or the level of any charges required to be
paid under this Law; and
(d) make
all such transitional, saving, supplementary and consequential provision as may
appear to the Minister to be necessary or appropriate.
(3) [10]
71 Rules
of Court
The power to make rules of court under the Royal Court (Jersey) Law 1948 includes power to make rules
regulating practice and procedure in or in connection with proceedings before
the Court under this Law, and in particular (but without derogation from the
generality of this power) to make rules as to –
(a) applications under
Parts 2, 3, 4 or 5 (including as to the hearing and determination of
applications otherwise than in open court);
(b) the admission of any
matters in evidence, and evidential presumptions; and
(c) the joinder of any
persons as parties.
72 Repeal
Any customary law of Jersey concerning curatelles shall cease to have effect.
73 Citation
This Law may be cited as the Capacity and Self-Determination
(Jersey) Law 2016.