Fire and Rescue Service (Charges) (Jersey) Order 2012

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Fire and Rescue Service (Charges) (Jersey) Order 2012

Official Consolidated Version

This is an official version of consolidated legislation compiled and issued under the authority of the Legislation (Jersey) Law 2021.


Showing the law from 1 January 2025 to Current



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Fire and Rescue Service (Charges) (Jersey) Order 2012

THE MINISTER FOR HOME AFFAIRS, in pursuance of Article 15 of the Fire and Rescue Service (Jersey) Law 2011, orders as follows –

Commencement [see endnotes]

1        Interpretation

In this Order “Law” means the Fire and Rescue Service (Jersey) Law 2011.

2        Power to charge for providing technical fire safety advice

(1)     The Chief Fire Officer may charge a person for any action taken by or on behalf of the Fire and Rescue Service in the provision of any technical fire safety advice for any commercial, trade, professional or public purpose, however that advice is provided.

(2)     The charge may include a charge for taking any of the following actions in pursuance of the provision of such advice –

(a)     hiring out or providing equipment, vehicles, or employees of the Fire and Rescue Service;

(b)     inspecting or testing fire protection systems, installations, equipment, premises or vehicles;

(c)     hiring out or providing any premises of the Fire and Rescue Service;

(d)     providing any document, photograph, tape, video or other similar recording;

(e)     providing training.

(3)     The amount or rate of the charge for taking an action described in the second column of Part 1 of the Schedule in pursuance of the provision of technical fire safety advice shall be the amount or rate specified in the third column of Part 1 of the Schedule.[1]

(4)     A charge for taking an action described in this Article may be imposed on the person requesting the action or on the person for whom the action is taken.

3        Power to charge for humanitarian services

(1)     The Chief Fire Officer may charge for any of the following humanitarian services provided by or on behalf of the Fire and Rescue Service –

(a)     rescuing a person trapped in a lift car;

(b)     assisting a person to gain access to, or egress from, premises;

(c)     rescuing an animal;

(d)     assisting in the removal or detachment of any object from the body of any person in order to reduce the risk of harm or distress to such person;

(e)     removing flood water from premises, except where the water is flood water resulting from unusually severe weather conditions;

(f)      making safe a building or structure, or a fitting to a building or structure;

(g)     providing non-urgent medical assistance to a person;

(h)     removing, containing or washing away debris, spillages or non-hazardous materials that do not threaten life or the environment;

(i)      pumping water;

(j)      supplying water.

(2)     The amount or rate of the charge for taking an action described in the second column of Part 2 of the Schedule in pursuance of the provision of a humanitarian service shall be the amount or rate specified in the third column of Part 2 of the Schedule.[2]

(3)     A charge for taking an action described in this Article may be imposed –

(a)     in the case of a service described in paragraph (1)(a), on the person who has control of the premises (as occupier or otherwise) in which the lift is situated;

(b)     in the case of a service described in paragraph (1)(b), (d), (g), (h), (i) or (j), on the person requesting the service;

(c)     in the case of a service described in paragraph (1)(c), on the owner of the animal;

(d)     in the case of a service described in paragraph (1)(e) and (f) on the person who has control of the premises (as occupier or otherwise) requiring to be made safe or to have water removed.

(4)     No charge may be imposed under this Article for a humanitarian service in respect of which provision is required to be made under Article 7, 8 or 9 of the Law.

4        Power to charge for action taken at sea

(1)     The Chief Fire Officer may charge a person where the Fire and Rescue Service takes any action for the purpose of extinguishing a fire at sea or rescuing a person at sea.

(2)     The charge shall be the actual cost incurred by the Fire and Rescue Service including, but not limited to, the cost of using personnel or property of the Fire and Rescue Service and transport costs.

(3)     A charge for taking an action described in this Article may be imposed upon the person requesting the action or the person for whom the action is taken.

5        Power to charge for attending malfunctioning fire alarm

(1)     The Chief Fire Officer may charge a person where the Fire and Rescue Service attends any place for the purpose of responding to an automatic fire alarm, where it operates because of a malfunction and there is not an emergency at the place concerned.

(2)     The charge for attending such a place shall be the amount specified in Part 3 of the Schedule and may be imposed on the person who has control of the premises (as occupier or otherwise) at which the fire alarm is installed or on the person who caused the malfunction.

6        Citation

This Order may be cited as the Fire and Rescue Service (Charges) (Jersey) Order 2012.




Part 1

(Article 2)

Amount and rates of charges for providing technical fire safety advice


Action required in order to provide the technical fire safety advice described in Article 2



Use of light portable pump and one operator



Use of light appliance and crew (one or 2 personnel)



Use of standard or special appliance and crew (one or 2 personnel)



Use of standard appliance or rescue boat and crew (4 or 5 personnel)



Use of aerial ladder platform and crew (2 personnel)



Interview with Fire and Rescue Service officer at the rank of Station Commander or above

£138 per hour per officer interviewed


Interview with Fire and Rescue Service officer below the rank of Station Commander

£101 per hour per officer interviewed


Use of Fire and Rescue Service training room and training facilities for over 4 hours in a day



Use of Fire and Rescue Service training room and training facilities for up to (and including) 4 hours in a day



Provision of a copy of a fire report or other incident report

£668 per report


Provision of documents, photos, tapes, videos or other similar recordings



Inspection of any commercial, trade, professional or public premises, and the provision of a fire safety report in respect of such inspection

£451 for premises with a floor area of 100 square metres or less, or £4.50 per square metre for premises with a floor area of more than 100 square metres


Technical fire safety advice or consultation



Search of Fire and Rescue Service records to establish whether any material or information is held by the Fire and Rescue Service in respect of any premises



Provision of training courses by one or more personnel of the Fire and Rescue Service at any premises of the Fire and Rescue Services – subject to a reduction of 5% for the same person attending 3 courses and to an 11th person free of charge for every 10 people in a group attending the same course – charge per person per course –



Provision of training courses by one or more personnel of the Fire and Rescue Service at any premises not being premises of the Fire and Rescue Service – subject to a reduction of 5% for the same person attending 3 courses – charge per person per course –



Personnel charges for the preparation of bespoke training

£141 per hour



Items 1-5

Charges for Fire and Rescue Service appliances and personnel services are per hour or part hour commencing from the time the vehicle and personnel leave the fire station and ending at the time of return of the vehicle and personnel to the fire station. The charges include the use of all equipment carried as normal complement. An additional charge will be made for any other expenditure incurred, including the costs of materials supplied or repairs to appliances and equipment that are directly attributable to the service rendered.

Items 6-7

The minimum charge for Fire and Rescue Service personnel services is for one hour, and the service is charged per quarter hour thereafter. Interview includes an interview in connection with an investigation, research or any other purpose.

Items 12-13

The charge for providing technical fire safety advice or consultation is per hour. The minimum charge is for one hour, and the service is charged per quarter hour thereafter. The charge applies in respect of preparation and research time as well as the time during which advice is given.

Item 14

The charge for a search of the Fire and Rescue Service records includes the cost of providing a report as to whether any material or information is held by the Service, and the nature of that material or information, but excludes the provision of a fire or other incident report or any other documents held.

Item 17

The minimum charge for preparation of bespoke training is one hour, and is charged per quarter hour thereafter. The charge applies in respect of research and preparation time and is in addition to the charge for the delivery of any bespoke training as set out in items 15 and 16.

Part 2

(Article 3)

Amounts and rates of charges for providing humanitarian services



Appliance or personnel required by action described in Article 3



Use of light portable pump and one operator



Use of light appliance and crew (one or 2 personnel)



Use of standard or special appliance and crew (one or 2 personnel)



Use of standard appliance or rescue boat and crew (4 or 5 personnel)



Use of aerial ladder platform and crew (2 personnel)




Items 1-5

Charges for Fire and Rescue Service appliances and personnel services are per hour or part hour commencing from the vehicle and personnel leaving the fire station (or where the appliance and personnel are already at the place where the assistance is to be given, at the time when the assistance commences) and ending at the time of return of the appliance and personnel to the fire station. The charges include the use of all equipment carried as normal complement. An additional charge will be made for any other expenditure incurred, including the costs of materials supplied or repairs to appliances and equipment that are directly attributable to the service rendered.

Part 3

(Article 5)

Charge for attending malfunctioning automatic fire alarm


Charge for attending a place for the purpose of responding to a malfunctioning automatic fire alarm







Table of Legislation History


Year and No


Fire and Rescue Service (Charges) (Jersey) Order 2012


1 March 2012

Fire and Rescue Service (Charges) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2012


1 January 2013

Home Affairs (2014 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2013


1 January 2014

Fire and Rescue Service (Charges) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2015


23 January 2015

Home Affairs (Fire and Rescue and Petroleum - 2016 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2016


25 January 2016

Fire and Rescue Service (Charges) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 2016


7 March 2016

Home Affairs (Fire and Rescue and Petroleum – 2017 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2016


1 January 2017

Home Affairs (Fire and Rescue and Petroleum – 2018 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2017


1 January 2018

Home Affairs (Fire and Rescue and Petroleum – 2019 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2018


1 January 2019

Home Affairs (Fire and Rescue and Petroleum – 2020 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2019


1 January 2020

Home Affairs (Fire and Rescue and Petroleum – 2021 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2020


1 January 2021

Home Affairs (Fire and Rescue and Petroleum) (2022 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2021


1 January 2022

Home Affairs (Fire and Rescue and Petroleum) (2023 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2022


1 January 2023

Home Affairs (Fire and Rescue and Petroleum – 2024 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2023


1 January 2024

Home Affairs (Fire and Rescue and Petroleum – 2025 Fees) (Jersey) Amendment Order 2024


1 January 2025

Table of Endnote References

[1] Article 2(3)                  amended by R&O.160/2021

[2] Article 3(2)                  amended by R&O.160/2021

[3] Schedule                      substituted by R&O.124/2017, R&O.139/2018, R&O.132/2019, R&O.176/2020, R&O.160/2021, R&O.104/2022, R&O.101/2023, R&O.66/2024

Page Last Updated: 02 Jan 2025