Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968

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Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968

Official Consolidated Version

This is an official version of consolidated legislation compiled and issued under the authority of the Legislation (Jersey) Law 2021.


Showing the law from 11 December 2024 to Current



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Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968


1             Interpretation. 6

2             Metric system and imperial system.. 7

Application and Relaxation of Part 3 of the Law    7

3             Restriction of sales by shopkeepers. 7

4             Exemption of animal medicines. 7

5             Extension of labelling provisions and relaxation with respect to poisons in Schedule 2 and Part B of Schedule 4. 8

6             Substances to which Article 9(2) of the Law applies. 8

7             Extension of Article 9(2) to sales wholesale etc., and relaxation of the said paragraph. 9

8             Exemption from the provisions applying solely to Schedule 1. 10

9             Complete exemption for articles and substances in Schedule 3. 10

ADDITIONAL Restrictions on the Sale of Poisons  11

10           Restriction of sale of poisons in Schedule 4. 11

11           Further restriction of sale of poisons in Schedule 4. 13

12           Additional restriction of sales by authorized sellers of poisons. 13

13           Restriction of sales by listed sellers of Part 2 poisons. 13

14           Requirement as to colouring in certain cases. 14

15           Restriction of sales of Part 1 poisons to shopkeepers. 14

16           Restriction of sale and supply of strychnine and certain other substances. 14

Supplementary Provisions with respect to Labelling and Containers  17

17           Manner of labelling containers. 17

18           Labelling of name of poison. 17

19           Labelling of particulars as to proportion of the poison. 19

20           Indication of character of the poison. 19

21           Special cautions in the case of certain articles. 20

22           Name of seller and address of premises. 20

23           Form of containers. 20

Storage and Transport  21

24           Storage of poisons. 21

25           Transport of poisons. 21

26           Special provisions with respect to the transport of poisons specified in Schedule 8. 22

Special Provisions with respect to Hospitals  22

27           Supply of medicines to out-patients from certain hospitals etc. 22

28           Supply of medicines for use in hospitals etc. 23

29           Saving for oral contraceptives in certain cases. 23

30           Storage of poisons in institutions. 24

Miscellaneous  24

31           Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations. 24

32           Form of application for registration of sets of premises in register of premises, and form of register  25

33           Form of application for entry of name in list kept in pursuance of Article 11(1) of the Law, and form of list  25

34           Certificates of persons to whom poisons may be sold. 25

35           Form of record of sales. 25

36           Preservation of records. 25

37           Citation. 26

Substances included in the Poisons List to which special restrictions apply unless exempted by Article 8  27

Poisons exempted from labelling provisions when sold or supplied in certain circumstances  35

Articles exempted from the provisions of the Law and of this Order   36

Substances required to be sold by retail only upon a prescription given by a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered veterinary surgeon   44

PART A   63

Form to which the substances specified are restricted when sold by listed sellers of Part 2 poisons  63

PART B   65

Poisons which may be sold by listed sellers of Part 2 poisons only to persons engaged in the trade or business of agriculture or horticulture and for the purpose of that trade or business  65

Statement of particulars permitted in certain cases as to proportion of poison   67

Indication of character of article prescribed for the purposes of Article 9(1)(c)(iii) of the Law    71

Poisons required to be specially labelled for transport  75

Form of register of premises  78

Form of application for entry in the list kept in pursuance of Article 71(4) of the Medicines (Jersey) Law 1995  79

Form of the list to be kept in pursuance of Article 71(4) of the Medicines (Jersey) Law 1995  86

Certificate for the purchase of a poison   87

Form of entry to be made in the book to be kept by sellers of poisons in accordance with Article 9(2)(b) of the Law    88

Form of authority for purchasing strychnine for killing moles  89

Substances in which poison is exempted by Article 6 from Article 9(2) of the Law    90

Poisons required to be coloured in certain cases  91

Form of certificate authorizing the purchase of monofluoroacetic acid, a salt thereof, fluoroacetamide or fluoroacetanilide as a rodenticide  92

Form of authority for purchasing aluminium phosphide for killing moles  93

Table of Legislation History. 94

Table of Renumbered Provisions. 94

Table of Endnote References. 96



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Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968[1]

THE HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE, in pursuance of Article 14 of the Pharmacy and Poisons (Jersey) Law 1952, orders as follows –

Commencement [see endnotes]

1        Interpretation

(1)     In this Order unless the context otherwise requires –

“animal” includes poultry;

“antimonial poisons” means chlorides of antimony, oxides of antimony, sulphides of antimony, antimonates, antimonites and organic compounds of antimony;

“arsenical poisons” means halides of arsenic, oxides of arsenic, sulphides of arsenic, arsenates, arsenites, copper acetoarsenite, sodium thioarsenates and organic compounds of arsenic;

“food” includes a beverage;

“inspector” has the same meaning as in Article 17 of the Law;

“Law” means the Poisons (Jersey) Law 1952;[2]

“listed seller of Part 2 poisons” means a person entitled, subject to the provisions of the Law and of this Order, to sell poisons included in Part 2 of the Poisons List by virtue of the entry of the person’s name in the list kept in pursuance of Article 11(1) of the Law;

“medicine for the internal treatment of human ailments” includes any medicine to be administered by hypodermic injection, but does not include any mouth wash, eye drops, eye lotion, ear drops, douche or similar articles;

“sale exempted by Article 10 of the Law” means a sale made in such circumstances as to be entitled, except as provided by this Order, to exemption under Article 10 of the Law from the foregoing provisions of Part 3 of the Law.[3]

(2)     Any reference in the Schedules to this Order to the percentage of a poison contained in any substance or preparation shall, unless otherwise expressly provided, be construed in the following manner, that is to say, a reference to a substance or preparation containing 1% of any poison means –

(a)     in the case of a solid, that 1 g of the poison is contained in every 100 g of the substance or preparation;

(b)     in the case of a liquid, that 1 ml of the poison, or, if the poison itself is a solid, 1 g of the poison, is contained in every 100 ml of the substance or preparation,

and so in proportion for any greater or lesser percentage.

(3)     In this Order, any reference to an alkaloid shall include a reference to any salt of that alkaloid, and, in the case where the esters of an alkaloid are included in the Poisons List by virtue of the words “its esters”, to any esters of that alkaloid.

(4)     Any reference in this Order to a form set out in a Schedule to this Order shall include a reference to a form substantially to the like effect.

2        Metric system and imperial system

(1)     For the purposes of this Order a poison shall not be regarded as sold, issued or supplied otherwise than in accordance with a prescription or other order by reason only that the prescription or order specifies a quantity of the poison in terms of the imperial system and the quantity sold, issued or supplied is the equivalent of that amount in the metric system, or by reason only that the prescription or order specifies a quantity of the poison in terms of the metric system and the quantity sold, issued or supplied is the equivalent of that amount in the imperial system.

(2)     For the purposes of this Order the quantity of a poison in the imperial system which is the equivalent of a particular quantity in the metric system, and the quantity of a poison in the metric system which is the equivalent of a similar quantity in the imperial system shall be deemed to be that set out as such in the Tables of Equivalents contained in the British Pharmacopoeia, the British Pharmaceutical Codex or the British Veterinary Codex.

Application and Relaxation of Part 3 of the Law

3        Restriction of sales by shopkeepers

It shall not be lawful for any shopkeeper to sell poisons on any premises used for or in connection with the shopkeeper’s retail business, notwithstanding that the sale is exempted by Article 10 of the Law, unless the shopkeeper complies with the provisions of Article 9(1)(a) or (b) of the Law.

4        Exemption of animal medicines

The provisions of Article 9(1)(a) and (b) of the Law shall not apply with respect to any medicine for the treatment of animals sold by a person carrying on a business which comprises the manufacture of medicines for the treatment of animals, if the following requirements are complied with –

(a)     a statement in writing signed by the owner of the business, or, in the case of a corporate body, on behalf of that body, stating the name of the business, the principal place where it is carried on, the name of the person in charge of the sale of the medicines, and the premises on which the medicines are to be sold must be furnished prior to the sale to the Minister;

(b)     the sale must be effected on the premises specified in the statement; and

(c)     an inspector must be permitted at all reasonable times to enter the premises and be given all reasonable facilities to make such examination and enquiry and to do such other things (including the taking, on payment therefor, of samples) as may be necessary for ascertaining whether the provisions of the Law and of this Order are being complied with.

5        Extension of labelling provisions and relaxation with respect to poisons in Schedule 2 and Part B of Schedule 4

(1)     Subject as hereinafter provided, the provisions of Article 9(1)(c) of the Law and of Articles 17 to 22 of this Order shall apply to sales exempted by Article 10 of the Law, other than sales of poisons to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey, and shall also apply to the supply of poisons (otherwise than on sale) in like manner as if references in the said provisions to the sale and the seller of poisons included references to the supply and the supplier of poisons respectively.

(2)     The said provisions, except the provisions of Article 21 of this Order and Article 9(1)(c)(iv) of the Law as modified by Article 22 of this Order shall not apply to the sale or supply of any of the poisons included in Schedule 2 to this Order to a person who –

(a)     carries on a business in the course of which poisons are regularly sold by way of wholesale dealing or are regularly used in the manufacture of other articles; and

(b)     requires the poison for the purpose of that business;

if the outside of the package in which the poison is sold or supplied is labelled conspicuously with words indicating the dangerous properties of the poison.

(3)     The provisions of Article 9(1)(c)(iii) of the Law and of Article 20 of this Order shall not apply to sales exempted by Article 10 of the Law of any of the poisons included in Part B of Schedule 4 to this Order.

6        Substances to which Article 9(2) of the Law applies

The provisions of Article 9(2) of the Law shall apply with respect to all substances included in Schedule 1 to this Order, whether or not the poison sold is a poison included in Part 1 of the Poisons List, and shall not apply with respect to any other substance:

Provided that –

(a)     Article 9(2)(a) of the Law shall, in its application to sales by listed sellers of Part 2 poisons, be deemed to be satisfied if the person to whom the poison is sold is known by the person in charge of the premises on which the poison is sold or of the department of the business in which the sale is effected to be a person to whom the poison may properly be sold; and

(b)     the provisions of the said paragraph shall not apply, so far as the poison specified in the first column of Schedule 15 to this Order is concerned, to sales of substances specified in the second column of that Schedule.

7        Extension of Article 9(2) to sales wholesale etc., and relaxation of the said paragraph

(1)     The provisions of Article 9(2) of the Law as modified by Article 6 of this Order shall apply to sales exempted by Article 10 of the Law, except sales of poisons to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey; and shall also apply to the supply in the form of commercial sample, otherwise than on sale, of any substance included in Schedule 1 to this Order in like manner as if references in the said provisions to the sale and seller of poisons respectively included references to the supply and the supplier of poisons in the form of commercial samples:

Provided that the said provisions shall not apply to the sale or supply of any article by the manufacturer thereof or by a person carrying on a business in the course of which poisons are regularly sold by way of wholesale dealing, if –

(a)     the article is sold or supplied to a person carrying on a business in the course of which poisons are regularly sold or are regularly used in the manufacture of other articles; and

(b)     the seller or supplier is reasonably satisfied that the purchaser requires the article for the purpose of that business.

(2)     Article 9(2)(a) of the Law shall, in its application to sales exempted by Article 10 of the Law and to the supply in the form of commercial samples of substances included in Schedule 1 to this Order, be deemed to be satisfied if the person to whom the poison or sample is sold or supplied is known by the person in charge of the department of the business through which the sale or supply is effected to be a person to whom the poison or sample may properly be sold or supplied.

(3)     So much of Article 9(2)(b) of the Law as requires an entry in a book to be signed by the purchaser of a poison shall not, as respects the sale of a poison to a person for the purposes of the person’s trade, business or profession, apply if the following requirements are satisfied –

(a)     the seller must obtain before the completion of the sale an order in writing signed by the purchaser stating the seller’s name and address, trade, business or profession, and the following particulars in regard to the article to be purchased, that is to say, the purpose for which it is required and the total quantity to be purchased, or, in the case of an article packed in ampoules, either the said total quantity or the total quantity intended to be administered or injected;

(b)     the seller must be reasonably satisfied that the signature is that of the person purporting to have signed the order, and that that person carries on the trade, business or profession stated in the order, being one in which the poison to be purchased is used;

(c)     the seller must insert in the entry prescribed by Article 34 of this Order the words “signed order” and a reference number by which the order can be identified:

Provided that where a person represents that the person urgently requires a poison for the purpose of the person’s trade, business or profession, the seller may, if the person is reasonably satisfied that the person so requires the poison and is, by reason of some emergency, unable before delivery either to furnish to the seller an order in writing duly signed or to attend and sign the entry in the book, deliver the poison to the purchaser on an undertaking by the purchaser to furnish such an order within the 24 hours next following.

If any purchaser by whom any such undertaking has been given fails to deliver to the seller a signed order in accordance with the undertaking, or if any person for the purpose of obtaining delivery of any poison under the foregoing proviso makes a statement which is to the purchaser’s knowledge false, the purchaser shall be deemed to have contravened the provisions of this Article.

(4)     Where the seller of a poison is reasonably satisfied that the poison is required for the purpose of medical, dental or veterinary treatment, there shall not apply –

(a)     in the case of a sale to a hospital, infirmary, health centre, dispensary or clinic, such of the provisions of this Article as require the purchaser to state the purchaser’s trade, business or profession and the seller to be satisfied with respect thereto;

(b)     in the case of a sale of the poison not being a poison to which the Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978 applies to a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered veterinary surgeon or to a hospital, infirmary, health centre, dispensary or clinic, such of the provisions of this Article as require the purchaser to state the purpose for which the poison is required.[4]

8        Exemption from the provisions applying solely to Schedule 1

Such of the provisions of this Order and of Part 3 of the Law, as modified by this Order, as apply solely with respect to the substances included in Schedule 1 to this Order, shall not apply with respect to –

(a)     machine-spread plasters;

(b)     surgical dressings; or

(c)     articles containing barium carbonate and prepared for the destruction of rats or mice.

9        Complete exemption for articles and substances in Schedule 3

Nothing in Part 3 of the Law or in this Order shall apply –

(a)     with respect to any article included in Group 1 of Schedule 3 to this Order; or

(b)     so far as any poison specified in the first column of Group 2 of that Schedule is concerned, with respect to any of the articles or substances specified in the second column opposite the description of the poison.

ADDITIONAL Restrictions on the Sale of Poisons[5]

10      Restriction of sale of poisons in Schedule 4[6]

(1)     Subject to the provisions of paragraph (6), it shall not be lawful to sell any poison included in Schedule 4, except on and in accordance with a prescription given by a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered veterinary surgeon in the form provided by this Article:

Provided that where an authorized seller of poisons is reasonably satisfied that a person ordering any such poison is a registered medical practitioner who is by reason of some emergency unable to furnish such a prescription immediately, the authorized seller may, notwithstanding that no such prescription has been given, if the said person undertakes to furnish the seller within the 24 hours next following with such a prescription, deliver the poison ordered in accordance with the directions of the said person, so, however, that, notwithstanding anything in any such directions, the supply shall not be repeated unless such a prescription has been given.

If any person by whom any such undertaking has been given fails to deliver to the seller a prescription in accordance with the undertaking, or if any person for the purpose of obtaining delivery of any poison under the foregoing proviso makes a statement which is to the person’s knowledge false, the person shall be deemed to have contravened the provisions of this Article.[7]

(2)     This Article shall apply to the sale of any such poison, but shall not apply to any sale exempted by Article 10 of the Law.

(3)     For the purposes of this Article, a prescription shall, in the case of any poison included in Schedule 4, be in writing and be signed by the person giving it with the person’s usual signature and be dated by the person and in the case of any poison included in Part A of the said Schedule 4  –

(a)     except in the case of a health prescription, specify the address of the person giving it;

(b)     specify the name and address of the person for whose treatment it is given or, if the prescription is given by a registered veterinary surgeon, of the person to whom the medicine is to be delivered;

(c)     have written thereon, if given by a dentist, the words “For dental treatment only” or, if given by a registered veterinary surgeon, the words “For animal treatment only”;

(d)     when the medicine is packed otherwise than in ampoules, indicate –

(i)      except in the case of a preparation contained in the British National Formulary, the total amount to be supplied, and

(ii)      except in the case of a preparation which is to be used for external treatment only, the dose to be taken;

(e)     when the medicine is packed in ampoules indicate –

(i)      except in the case of a preparation contained in the British National Formulary, either the total amount to be supplied or the total amount intended to be administered or injected, and

(ii)      in any case, the amount intended to be administered or injected in each dose.

(4)     The person dispensing the prescription shall comply with the following requirements –

(a)     the prescription must not be dispensed more than once unless the prescriber has directed thereon either that it may be dispensed a stated number of times or that it may be dispensed at stated intervals;

(b)     except as provided by paragraph (5), if the prescription contains a direction that it may be dispensed a stated number of times or at stated intervals it must not be dispensed otherwise than in accordance with the direction;

(c)     except as provided by paragraph (5), a prescription which contains a direction that it may be dispensed a stated number of times but no direction as to the intervals at which it may be dispensed shall not be dispensed more often than once in 3 days, and a prescription which contains a direction that it is to be dispensed at stated intervals but no direction as to the number of times that it may be dispensed shall not be dispensed more often than 3 times;

(d)     at the time of dispensing or, where a poison has been delivered under the proviso to paragraph (1), on the subsequent receipt of the prescription there must be noted on the prescription above the signature of the prescriber the name and address of the seller and the date on which the prescription is dispensed or, as the case may be, the poison was delivered;

(e)     except in the case of a health prescription or a prescription which may be dispensed again, the prescription must, for a period of 2 years, be retained and kept on the premises on which it was dispensed in such manner as to be readily available for inspection.[8]

(5)     In the case of androgenic, oestrogenic and progestational substances supplied in the manufacturer’s original pack complete with directions for use as oral contraceptives, the total quantity prescribed may be supplied in amounts and at intervals requested by the patient unless the prescriber expressly directs otherwise.[9]

(6)     Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), it shall be lawful to sell, otherwise than on or in accordance with a prescription given by a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered veterinary surgeon, but subject to the provisions of Article 11, a medicinal product containing Ibuprofen for use for the treatment of rheumatic and muscular pain, backache, neuralgia, migraine, headache, dental pain, dysmenorrhea, feverishness and symptoms of colds and influenza, with a maximum dose of 400 mg and a maximum daily dose of 1200 mg.[10]

(7)     In this Article, “health prescription” means a prescription given by a registered medical practitioner under and in accordance with the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 1967, or given by a registered medical practitioner or registered dentist upon a form issued by a public authority (including any department of the Government of the United Kingdom) or by a parochial authority for use in connection with a health service of that authority.[11]

11      Further restriction of sale of poisons in Schedule 4 [12]

(1)     Except in the circumstances described in paragraph (2), it shall not be lawful to sell any medicinal product, which contains a poison included in Schedule 4, unless there is in force in the United Kingdom in respect of that product a product licence, and the product, as sold in Jersey, conforms in every respect with the provisions of that licence.

(2)     Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the sale, on and in accordance with a prescription given by a registered medical practitioner or a registered dentist of a medicinal product identified by name in the prescription to a person named in that prescription as the person for whose particular treatment the product is required.

(3)     In this Article, “product licence” means a licence granted for the purposes of section 7 of the Medicines Act 1968 of the United Kingdom (which section prohibits in the United Kingdom, subject to certain exemptions, certain dealings with medicinal products, except in accordance with a product licence granted under that section).

12      Additional restriction of sales by authorized sellers of poisons

It shall not be lawful for any authorized seller of poisons to sell any substance included in Schedule 1 to this Order, notwithstanding that the substance is a poison included in Part 2 of the Poisons List, unless the sale is effected by, or under the supervision of, a registered pharmacist.

13      Restriction of sales by listed sellers of Part 2 poisons

(1)     No shopkeeper shall be entitled by virtue of being a listed seller of Part 2 poisons to sell –

(a)     any poison other than ammonia, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, potassium quadroxalate and sulphuric acid, except in a closed container as closed by the manufacturer or other person from whom the poison was obtained;

(b)     any substance included in Schedule 1 to this Order unless the sale is effected by the shopkeeper or by a responsible deputy.

In this paragraph the expression “responsible deputy” means a person nominated as a deputy on the seller’s form of application, as hereinafter prescribed, for entry as a listed seller of Part 2 poisons or any person substituted, by notice in writing to the Minister, for a person so nominated, and not more than 2 deputies shall be nominated at the same time in respect of one set of premises.

(2)     No person shall be entitled by virtue of being a listed seller of Part 2 poisons to sell –

(a)     any poison included in the first column of Part A of Schedule 5 to this Order unless the article or substance sold is one of the articles or substances specified against the description of the poison in the second column of that Part, and the container of the substance is, in addition to any other direction of the Law or of this Order with respect to labelling, labelled clearly with a notice of the special purpose for which the article or substance is intended, and a warning that it is only to be used for that purpose;

(b)     any poison included in Part B of Schedule 5 to this Order, unless the purchaser thereof is engaged in the trade or business of agriculture or horticulture and requires the poison for the purpose of that trade or business.

14      Requirement as to colouring in certain cases

It shall not be lawful to sell any poison included in Schedule 16 which is intended for use as a weed killer or in the prevention of treatment of infestation by animals, plants or other living organisms unless there has been added to the poison a dye or other substance which in the case of a poison included in Schedule 16 as a poison in solution, renders it of a distinctive colour, or, in the case of any other poison renders it of a distinctive colour whether dry or wet or in solution:

Provided that this Article shall not apply in the case of –

(a)     poisons which are themselves of a distinctive colour;

(b)     sheep dips which are already of a distinctive colour; or

(c)     articles to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey.

15      Restriction of sales of Part 1 poisons to shopkeepers

It shall not be lawful to sell by way of wholesale dealing any poison included in Part 1 of the Poisons List to a person carrying on a business of shopkeeping unless the seller –

(a)     has reasonable grounds for believing that the purchaser is an authorized seller of poisons; or

(b)     has received a statement signed by the purchaser or by a person authorized by the purchaser on the purchaser’s behalf to the effect that the purchaser does not intend to sell the poison on any premises used for or in connection with the purchaser’s retail business.

16      Restriction of sale and supply of strychnine and certain other substances

(1)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply strychnine except as an ingredient in a medicine:

Provided that this Article shall not apply to the sale of strychnine –

(a)     by way of wholesale dealing;

(b)     to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey by a person who is authorized in writing by the Minister so to do;

(c)     for the purpose of being compounded in medicines prescribed or administered by a registered medical practitioner or registered veterinary surgeon;

(d)     to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research or chemical analysis, for the purposes of that education or research or analysis; or

(e)     to a person producing a written authority in the form set out in Schedule 14 issued within the preceding 3 months by a person duly authorized by the Minister, authorizing the purchase of strychnine for the purpose of killing moles, so, however, that the quantity sold shall not exceed the quantity, not being more than one ounce, specified in the authority.

(2)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply any substance to which this paragraph applies:

Provided that this Article shall not apply to the sale of a substance to which this paragraph applies –

(a)     by way of wholesale dealing;

(b)     to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey by a person who is authorized in writing by the Minister so to do;

(c)     to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research or chemical analysis, for the purposes of that education or research or analysis;

(d)     to a person producing a certificate in the form set out in Schedule 17 issued within the preceding 3 months by the Medical Officer of Health or officer of an administration of the States for which the Minister for Sustainable Economic Development has responsibility that a substance to which this paragraph applies named in the certificate is required for use as a rodenticide in ships, or sewers in such places, as are identified in the certificate, so, however, that the quantity sold shall not exceed the quantity specified in the certificate.

This paragraph applies to monofluoroacetic acid, any salt thereof, fluoroacetamide and fluoroacetanilide.[13]

(3)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply sodium arsenites or potassium arsenites except as an ingredient in –

(i)      a medicine, or

(ii)      a sheep dip or sheep wash in a container clearly labelled with, in addition to any other direction of the Law or of this Order with respect to labelling, a notice of the special purpose for which the substance is intended, and a warning that it is only to be used for that purpose:

Provided that this Article shall not apply to the sale of sodium arsenites or potassium arsenites –

(a)     by way of wholesale dealing;

(b)     to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey by a person who is authorized in writing by the Minister so to do;

(c)     for the purpose of being compounded in medicines prescribed or administered by a registered medical practitioner or registered veterinary surgeon; or

(d)     to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research or chemical analysis, for the purpose of that education or research or analysis.

(4)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply lysergide or its salts, mescaline or its salts, other derivatives of phenethylamine formed by substitution in the aromatic-ring or their salts or psilocybin:

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to the sale of lysergide or its salts, mescaline or its salts, other derivatives of phenethylamine formed by substitution in the aromatic ring or their salts or psilocybin –

(a)     to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey by a person who is authorized in writing by the Minister so to do;

(b)     to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research or chemical analysis, for the purposes of that education or research or analysis; or

(c)     to a registered medical practitioner for the purpose of the medical practitioner’s profession as such.[14]

(5)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply embutramide or mebezonium iodide:

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to the sale of embutramide or mebezonium iodide –

(a)     by way of wholesale dealing;

(b)     to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey by a person who is authorized in writing by the Minister so to do;

(c)     to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research or chemical analysis, for the purposes of that education or research or analysis; or

(d)     to a registered veterinary surgeon for the purpose of killing animals or birds in the course of the veterinary surgeon’s profession as such.

(6)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply fluanisone:

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to the sale of fluanisone –

(a)     by way of wholesale dealing;

(b)     to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey by a person who is authorized in writing by the Minister so to do;

(c)     to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research or chemical analysis, for the purposes of that education or research or analysis; or

(d)     to a registered veterinary surgeon for the purpose of the veterinary surgeon’s profession as such.

(7)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply salts of thallium:

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to the sale of salts of thallium –

(a)     by way of wholesale dealing;

(b)     to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey by a person who is authorized in writing by the Minister so to do;

(c)     to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research or chemical analysis for the purposes of that education or research or analysis;

(d)     other than thallium sulphate, to a person, or body of persons, carrying on a business in the course of which salts of thallium are regularly used in the manufacture of other articles, for the purposes of that business; or

(e)     other than thallium sulphate, as an ingredient in any article, not being an article intended for internal consumption by any person or animal.[15]

(8)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply zinc phosphide:

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to the sale of zinc phosphide –

(a)     by way of wholesale dealing;

(b)     to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey by a person who is authorized in writing by the Minister so to do; or

(c)     to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research or chemical analysis for the purposes of that education or research or analysis.[16]

(9)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply aluminium phosphide:

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to the sale of aluminium phosphide –

(a)     by way of wholesale dealing;

(b)     to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey by a person who is authorized in writing by the Minister so to do;

(c)     to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research or chemical analysis for purposes of that education or research or analysis; or

(d)     to a person producing a written authority in the form set out in Schedule 18 issued by a person duly authorized by the Minister, authorizing the purchase of aluminium phosphide for the purpose of killing moles.[17]

(10)    Any authority or certificate issued under the provisions of this Article shall be retained by the seller of the poison to which the authority or certificate relates.

Supplementary Provisions with respect to Labelling and Containers

17      Manner of labelling containers

(1)     Subject to the provisions of this Order, the particulars with which the container of a poison is required to be labelled under Article 9(1)(c) of the Law and under this Order, must appear in a conspicuous position on the container in which the poison is sold and on every box or other covering of whatever nature enclosing the container, and the particulars must be clearly and distinctly set out and not in any way obscured or obliterated.

(2)     Where the poison is contained in an ampoule, cachet or similar article it shall not be necessary to label the article itself, if every box or other covering in which the article is enclosed is duly labelled.

(3)     Nothing in Article 9(1)(c) of the Law or in Articles 18 to 21 of this Order shall require the labelling of any transparent cover or any wrapper, hamper, packing case, crate or other covering used solely for the purposes of transport or delivery.

18      Labelling of name of poison

(1)     Subject as hereinafter provided, for the purposes of Article 9(1)(c)(i) of the Law and of Article 27(3)(a) of this Order, the name of a poison shall be –

(a)     where the term under which a poison is included in the Poisons List describes the poison specifically –

(i)      the said term,

(ii)      the name published by the General Medical Council as the approved name of the poison, or

(iii)     if the poison is the subject of a monograph in the British Pharmacopoeia, the British Pharmaceutical Codex or the British Veterinary Codex, one of the names or synonyms or abbreviated names set out at the head of the monograph;

(b)     where the said term describes a group of poisons and not the poison specifically –

(i)      if the poison is the subject of a monograph in the British Pharmacopoeia, the British Pharmaceutical Codex or the British Veterinary Codex, one of the names or synonyms or abbreviated names set out at the head of the monograph, and

(ii)      in any other case, the accepted scientific name, the name descriptive of the true nature and origin of the poison or the name published by the General Medical Council as the approved name of the poison.

(2)     For the purposes aforesaid it shall, in the case of –

(a)     a substance which is the subject of a monograph in the British Pharmacopoeia, the British Pharmaceutical Codex or the British Veterinary Codex, or any dilution, concentration or admixture of such a substance;

(b)     a preparation contained in the British Pharmacopoeia, the British Pharmaceutical Codex, the British National Formulary or the British Veterinary Codex, or any dilution, concentration or admixture of such a preparation; or

(c)     a surgical dressing for which a standard is prescribed in the British Pharmaceutical Codex,

be sufficient, notwithstanding anything in paragraph (1) to state the name, synonym or abbreviated name used to describe the substance, preparation or surgical dressing in the British Pharmacopoeia, the British Pharmaceutical Codex, the British National Formulary or the British Veterinary Codex with the addition of the letters “B.P.”, “B.P.C.”, “B.N.F.” or “B.Vet. C.”, as the case may be.[18]

(3)     For the purposes aforesaid it shall, in the case of a preparation containing a poison specified in the first column of Schedule 6, be sufficient, notwithstanding anything in paragraph (1), to state the name of the poison or substance mentioned in the second column of the said Schedule in respect of which the proportion of the poison to the total ingredients of the preparation is in accordance with the provisions of Article 17(2) expressed.

(4)     For the purposes aforesaid it shall, in the case of a preparation derived from nux vomica or from opium and containing one or more alkaloids of nux vomica or of opium named in the Poisons List, be sufficient, notwithstanding anything in paragraph (1), to state the name of strychnine or morphine, as the case may be, or one of the names or abbreviated names of strychnine or morphine, as the case may be, set out at the head of the monographs in the British Pharmacopoeia, the British Pharmaceutical Codex or the British Veterinary Codex.

(5)     In this Article, the “General Medical Council” means the council established under the Medical Act 1956, of the United Kingdom.

19      Labelling of particulars as to proportion of the poison

(1)     For the purposes of Article 9(1)(c)(ii) of the Law the label of the container of any preparation containing a poison as one of its ingredients shall, subject as hereinafter provided, include a statement of the proportion which the poison bears to the total ingredients of the preparation.

(2)     In the case of a preparation containing a poison specified in the first column of Schedule 6 it shall be sufficient to state on the label the particulars specified in the second column of that Schedule against the description of the poison.

(3)     In the case of a preparation derived from nux vomica or from opium and containing one or more alkaloids of nux vomica or of opium named in the Poisons List, it shall be sufficient, so far as those alkaloids are concerned, to state on the label the proportion of strychnine or of morphine, as the case may be, contained in the preparation.

(4)     In the case of a substance, preparation or surgical dressing which is named in accordance with Article 1(2), it shall not be necessary to state on the label the proportion of the poison contained in the substance, preparation or surgical dressing and, in the case of any dilution, concentration or admixture of such a substance or preparation, it shall be sufficient to state the proportion which the substance or preparation bears to the total ingredients of the dilution, concentration or admixture.

(5)     Where the poison is in tablets, pills, cachets, capsules, lozenges or similar articles, or in ampoules, it shall be sufficient to state on the label of the box or other covering in which the articles are enclosed the number of articles and the amount of the poison, or in the case of such a preparation as is mentioned in paragraph (4), the amount of the preparation contained in each article.

(6)     Where any proportion is stated as a percentage, the statement shall indicate whether the percentage is calculated on the basis of weight in weight, weight in volume, or volume in volume.

20      Indication of character of the poison

(1)     In pursuance of Article 9(1)(c)(iii) of the Law (which requires the containers of poisons to be labelled with the word “Poison” or other prescribed indication of character), the container of any article specified in Schedule 7 to this Order shall, instead of being labelled with the word “Poison”, be labelled with the words specified in the said Schedule as applicable to that article.

(2)     The said words specified as aforesaid or the word “Poison”, as the case may be, must not be modified in meaning by the addition of any other words or marks, and –

(a)     in the case of a substance included in Schedule 1, must either be in red lettering or be set against a red background; and

(b)     in all cases must either be on a separate label or be surrounded by a line within which there must be no other words except words with which the container of the poison is required to be labelled under the Law or this Order.

21      Special cautions in the case of certain articles

(1)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply any poison –

(a)     in the case of a liquid other than a medicine, contained in a bottle of a capacity of not more than 120 fluid ounces, unless the bottle is labelled with the words “Not to be taken”;

(b)     in the case of an embrocation, liniment, lotion, liquid antiseptic or other liquid medicine for external application, unless the container is labelled with the name of the article and the words “For external use only”.

(2)     It shall not be lawful to sell or supply any compressed hydrocyanic acid unless the container is labelled with the words “Warning. This container holds poisonous gas and should only be opened and used by persons having expert knowledge of the precautions to be taken in its use”.

(3)     This Article shall be in addition to the other requirements of the Law and of this Order with respect to labelling but shall not apply to the sale or supply of poisons to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey.

22      Name of seller and address of premises

(1)     The provisions of Article 9(1)(c)(iv) of the Law (which requires the container of a poison to be labelled with the name of the seller and the address of the premises on which it was sold) shall not apply in the case of an article sold for the purposes of being sold again in the same container.

(2)     The requirements of Article 9(1)(c)(iv) of the Law shall be deemed to be satisfied, in the case of a poison supplied from a warehouse or depot, if the container of the poison is labelled with the address of the supplier’s principal place of business or, in the case of a limited liability company, of the registered office of the company.

(3)     Where any poison is sold in a container and outer covering, being the container and covering in which it was obtained by the seller, it shall be sufficient if the name of the seller and the address of the premises on which it was sold appear only on the outer covering.

(4)     Where the names of more than one person or more than one address appear on any label, there must also be words on the label indicating clearly which person is the seller and at which of the addresses the poison was sold.

23      Form of containers

(1)     It shall not be lawful to sell, whether wholesale or retail, or supply any poison unless –

(a)     it is contained in a container impervious to the poison and sufficiently stout to prevent leakage arising from the ordinary risks of handling and transport; and

(b)     in the case of a liquid contained in a bottle of a capacity of not more than 40 fluid ounces (1136 ml) not being –

(i)      a medicine made up ready for the internal treatment of human or animal ailments,

(ii)      a local anaesthetic for injection in the treatment of human or animal ailments, or

(iii)     a sterile ophthalmic solution in a single dose sterile bottle enclosed in a sealed container,

the outer surface of the bottle is fluted vertically with ribs or grooves recognisable by touch.[19]

(2)     Paragraph (1)(b) of this Article shall not apply to the sale or supply of poisons to be exported to purchasers outside Jersey or the sale or supply of poisons to a person or institution concerned with scientific education or research or chemical analysis, for the purposes of that education or research or analysis.

Storage and Transport

24      Storage of poisons

(1)     It shall not be lawful to store any poison except in a container impervious to the poison and sufficiently stout to prevent leakage from the container arising from the ordinary risks of handling.

(2)     It shall not be lawful to store any substance included in Schedule 1 in any retail shop or premises used in connection therewith unless the substance is stored –

(a)     in a cupboard or drawer reserved solely for the storage of poisons;

(b)     in a part of the premises which is partitioned off or otherwise separated from the remainder of the premises and to which customers are not permitted to have access; or

(c)     on a shelf reserved solely for the storage of poisons and –

(i)      no food is kept directly under the shelf, and

(ii)      the container of the substance is distinguishable by touch from the containers of articles and substances other than poisons stored upon the same premises:

Provided that, in the case of any such substance to be used in agriculture or horticulture, it shall not be lawful to store the substance on any shelf, or in any such part of the premises as aforesaid if food is kept in that part, or in any cupboard or drawer unless the cupboard or drawer is reserved solely for the storage of poisons to be used as aforesaid.

25      Transport of poisons

It shall not be lawful to consign any poison for transport unless it is sufficiently stoutly packed to avoid leakage arising from the ordinary risks of handling and transport.

26      Special provisions with respect to the transport of poisons specified in Schedule 8

(1)     It shall not be lawful to consign for transport by carrier any poison included in Schedule 8 unless the outside of the package containing the article is labelled conspicuously with the name or description of the poison as set forth in the said Schedule and a notice indicating that it is to be kept separate from food and from empty containers in which food has been contained.

(2)     It shall not be lawful for any person knowingly to transport any such poison as aforesaid, either on the person’s own behalf or for another person, in any vehicle in which food is being transported, unless the food is carried in a part of the vehicle effectively separated from that containing the poison, or is otherwise adequately protected from the risk of contamination.

(3)     This Article shall not apply with respect to medicines.

Special Provisions with respect to Hospitals

27      Supply of medicines to out-patients from certain hospitals etc.

(1)     The provisions of Part 3 of the Law and of this Order, except the provisions of Article 20, shall not apply with respect to –

(a)     any medicine for the treatment of human ailments dispensed from a hospital, infirmary or dispensary maintained by any public authority, or out of public funds, or by a charity;

(b)     any medicine for the treatment of animals supplied from a veterinary hospital which is under the superintendence of a registered veterinary surgeon,

if the requirements contained in the following provisions of this Article are satisfied in relation thereto.

(2)     The medicine must not be supplied except by, or on and in accordance with a prescription of, a registered medical practitioner for the purposes of medical treatment, or a registered dentist for the purposes of dental treatment, or a registered veterinary surgeon for the purposes of animal treatment.

(3)     In a case where a substance included in Schedule 1 is supplied, a record must be kept on the premises in such a way that there can readily be traced at any time during a period of 2 years after the date on which the substance was supplied the following particulars –

(a)     the name and quantity of the poison supplied;

(b)     the date on which the poison was supplied;

(c)     the name and address of the person to whom the poison was supplied; and

(d)     the name of the person who supplied the poison or who gave the prescription upon which it was supplied:

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to a medicine supplied on and in accordance with a prescription given by a registered medical practitioner under and in accordance with the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 1967.[20]

(4)     The container of the medicine must be labelled –

(a)     with a designation and address sufficient to identify the hospital, infirmary or dispensary from which it was supplied;

(b)     except in the case of a medicine made up ready for treatment, with the word “Poison”;

(c)     in the case of a poison supplied from a veterinary hospital, with the words “For animal treatment only”,

and in the case of a medicine to which Article 21 applies the requirements of that Article shall be satisfied in addition to the requirements aforesaid.

28      Supply of medicines for use in hospitals etc.

(1)     This Article and Article 30 apply to any hospital, infirmary, dispensary, clinic, nursing home or other institution at which human ailments are treated (in the said Articles referred to as “an institution”).

(2)     In any institution in which medicines are dispensed in a dispensing or pharmaceutical department in charge of a person appointed for that purpose, no medicine containing a poison shall be issued from that department for use in the wards, operating theatres or other sections of the institution, except in accordance with the requirements contained in the following provisions of this Article.

(3)     The medicines must not be issued except upon a written order signed by a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or by a sister or nurse in charge of a ward, theatre or other section of the institution:

Provided that in a case of emergency a medicine containing a poison may be issued, notwithstanding that no such written order is produced, on an undertaking by the person ordering the medicine to furnish such a written order within 24 hours next following.

(4)     The container of the medicine must be labelled –

(a)     with words describing its contents; and

(b)     in the case of substances included in Schedule 1, with a distinguishing mark or other indication indicating that the poison is to be stored in a cupboard reserved solely for the storage of poisons and other dangerous substances.

29      Saving for oral contraceptives in certain cases [21]

(1)     The provisions of Part 3 of the Law and of this Order shall not apply with respect to any oral contraceptive supplied –

(a)     from a family planning clinic, if the requirements contained in paragraphs (2) and (3) are satisfied in relation thereto; or

(b)     by a duly qualified medical practitioner otherwise than from a family planning clinic.

(2)     An oral contraceptive must not be supplied from a family planning clinic except on and in accordance with a prescription given by a registered medical practitioner.

(3)     The container of an oral contraceptive supplied from a family planning clinic must be labelled with words describing its contents and with a designation and address sufficient to identify the family planning clinic from which it was supplied.

(4)     In this Article, “family planning clinic” means a health centre, dispensary or clinic which is maintained by any public authority or by a charity, and at which contraceptive substances are supplied.

30      Storage of poisons in institutions

(1)     In any institution in which medicines are dispensed in a dispensing or pharmaceutical department in the charge of a person appointed for that purpose, all poisons other than those issued for use shall be stored in that department.

(2)     In any institution to which paragraph (1) does not apply, all poisons other than those issued for use shall be stored –

(a)     in the charge of a person appointed for the purpose by the governing body or person in control of the institution;

(b)     otherwise than on an open shelf, unless the container of the poison is distinguishable by touch from containers of substances other than poisons kept on the same premises; and

(c)     in the case of substances included in Schedule 1 shall be stored either in a cupboard or drawer or on a shelf reserved solely for the storage of poisons.

(3)     In every institution every substance included in Schedule 1 kept in a ward shall be stored in a cupboard reserved solely for the storage of poisons and other dangerous substances.

(4)     All places in which poisons are kept in an institution shall be inspected at intervals of not more than 3 months by a pharmacist or other person appointed for the purpose by the governing body or person in control of the institution.


31      Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations

In all establishments in which pharmaceutical preparations containing any poison are manufactured for the purpose of the internal treatment of human ailments, the preparation must be manufactured by, or under the supervision of, a registered pharmacist or a person having one of the following qualifications in chemistry –

(a)     the Fellowship of the Royal Institute of Chemistry;

(b)     the Associateship of the Royal Institute of Chemistry:

Provided that this Rule shall not apply to –

(i)      the manufacture by, or under the supervision of, a registered medical practitioner of preparations containing insulin, the active principles of pituitary, suprarenal or thyroid glands or the salts of the active principles of thyroid gland,

(ii)     the manufacture of any preparation by, or under the supervision of, a person who, for a period of at least 3 years before 1 October 1964, was continuously engaged in the manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations containing poisons and prepared for the internal treatment of human ailments, and has furnished to the Minister an affidavit to that effect.

32      Form of application for registration of sets of premises in register of premises, and form of register

The register of premises shall be in the form set out in Schedule 9.

33      Form of application for entry of name in list kept in pursuance of Article 11(1) of the Law, and form of list

(1)     Every application made to the Minister for the entry of a name in the list kept in pursuance of Article 11(1) of the Law, being a list of persons entitled, subject to the provisions of the Law and of this Order, to sell poisons included in Part 2 of the Poisons List, shall be made in the form set out in Schedule 10 to this Order.

(2)     The said list shall be in the form set out in Schedule 11 to this Order.

34      Certificates of persons to whom poisons may be sold

(1)     A certificate given for the purposes of Article 9(2)(a) of the Law, being a certificate certifying a person to be a person to whom a poison may properly be sold, shall be in the form, and shall contain the particulars, set out in Schedule 12 to this Order.

(2)     All householders are authorized to give such certificates as aforesaid:

Provided that a certificate given by a householder who is not known to the seller of the poison to be a responsible person of good character shall not be a sufficient certificate for the purposes of the said sub-paragraph (a) unless it is endorsed in the manner specified in Schedule 12 by a Connétable or Centenier of the parish in which the householder resides.

(3)     On any sale of a poison upon such a certificate as aforesaid, the certificate shall be retained by the seller.

35      Form of record of sales

The particulars of sales of poisons which are required by Article 9(2)(b) of the Law to be entered in a book shall be entered in the form set out in Schedule 13 to this Order.

36      Preservation of records

All books kept for the purposes of Part 3 of the Law shall be preserved on the premises on which the sales recorded therein were made for a period of 2 years from the date on which the last entry was made therein.

37      Citation

This Order may be cited as the Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968.

Schedule 1[22]

(Articles 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 20, 24, 27, 28, and 30)

Substances included in the Poisons List to which special restrictions apply unless exempted by Article 8

Acetorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Acetyldihydrocodeine; its salts.

Alcuronium chloride.

Alkaloids, the following; their quaternary compounds; any salts, simple or complex, of any substance falling within the following –

Aconite, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.02% of the alkaloids of aconite.

Atropine except substances containing less than 0.15% of atropine or not more than 1% of atropine methonitrate.

Belladonna, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.15% of the alkaloids of belladonna calculated as hyoscyamine.

Brucine except substances containing less than 0.2% of brucine.

Calabar bean, alkaloids of.

Coca, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.1% of the alkaloids of coca.

Cocaine except substances containing less than 0.1% of cocaine.

Codeine; its esters and ethers; except substances containing less than 1.5% of codeine.

Coniine except substances containing less than 0.1% of coniine.

Cotarnine except substances containing less than 0.2% of cotarnine.

Curare, alkaloids of; curare bases.

Ecgonine; its esters and ethers; except substances containing less than the equivalent of 0.1% of ecgonine.

Emetine except substances containing less than 1% of emetine.

Ephedrine; its optical insomers; except when contained in liquid preparations or preparations not intended for the internal treatment of human ailments and except solid preparations containing less than 10% of ephedrine or its optical isomers otherwise than in an inert diluent.

Gelsemium, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.1% of the alkaloids of gelsemium.

Homatropine except substances containing less than 0.15% of homatropine.

Hyoscine except substances containing less than 0.15% of hyoscine.

Hyoscyamine except substances containing less than 0.15% of hyoscyamine.

Jaborandi, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.5% of the alkaloids of jaborandi.

Lobelia, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.5% of the alkaloids of lobelia.

Morphine; its esters and ethers; except substances containing less than 0.2% of morphine calculated as anhydrous morphine.


Papaverine except substances containing less than 1% of papaverine.

Pomegranate, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.5% of the alkaloids of pomegranate.

Quebracho, alkaloids of.

Sabadilla, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 1% of the alkaloids of sabadilla.

Solanaceous alkaloids, not otherwise included in this Schedule, except substances containing less than 0.15% of solanaceous alkaloids calculated as hyoscyamine.

Stavesacre, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.2% of the alkaloids of stavesacre.

Strychnine, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 0.2% of strychnine.

Thebaine except substances containing less than 1% of thebaine.

Veratrum, alkaloids of, except substances containing less than 1% of the alkaloids of veratrum.

Yohimba, alkaloids of.


Allylprodine; its salts.

Alphameprodine; its salts.

Alphaprodine; its salts.

Aluminium phosphide

Amino-alcohols esterified with benzoic acid, phenylacetic acid, phenylpropionic acid, cinnamic acid or the derivatives of these acids, except substances containing less than 10% of esterified amino-alcohols and except procaine when in a preparation containing any substance to which the Therapeutic Substances (Prevention of Misuse) (Jersey) Law 1953, for the time being applies; their salts.

Anileridine; its salts.

Antimonial poisons except substances containing less than the equivalent of 1% of antimony trioxide.

Apomorphine; its salts; except substances containing less than 0.2% of apomorphine.

Arsenical poisons except substances containing less than the equivalent of 0.01% of arsenic trioxide and except dentrifices containing less than 0.5% of acetarsol.

Barbituric acid; its salts; derivatives of barbituric acid; their salts; compounds of barbituric acid, its salts, its derivatives, their salts, with any other substance.

Barium, salts of.

Benzethidine; its salts.

Benzoylmorphine; its salts.

Benzylmorphine; its salts.

Betameprodine; its salts.

Betaprodine; its salts.

Busulphan; its salts.

Cantharidin except substances containing less than 0.1% of cantharidin.

Cantharidates except substances containing less than the equivalent of 0.01% of cantharidin.


Carperidine; its salts.

Chloroform, except substances containing not more than 5% of chloroform or when in preparations not intended for the internal treatment of human ailments.


Clonitazene; its salts.

4-Cyano-2-dimethylamino-4, 4-diphenylbutane; its salts.

4-Cyano-1-methyl-4-phenylpiperidine; its salts.

Dehydroemetine; its salts.

Demecarium bromide.

Desomorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Dextromethorphan; its salts; except substances containing less than 1.5% of dextromethorphan.

Dextromoramide; its salts.

Dextrorphan; its salts.

Diacetylmorphine; its salts.

Diacetylnalorphine; its salts.

Diampromide; its salts.

Digitalis, glycosides and other active principles of, except substances containing less than one unit of activity (as defined in the British Pharmacopaeia) in 2 g of the substance.

Dihydrocodeine; its salts (except in single dose non-parenteral preparations with a maximum strength of 1.5%, weight in weight, of dihydrocodeine and a maximum dose of 10 mg)

Dihydrocodeinone; its salts.

Dihydromorphine; its salts; its esters; their salts.

Dimenoxadole; its salts.

Dimepheptanol; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Dinitrocresols (DNOC); their compounds with a metal or a base; except winter washes containing not more than the equivalent of 5% of dinitrocresols.

Dinitronaphthols; dinitrophenols: dinitrothymols.

Dinosam; its compounds with a metal or a base.

Dinoseb; its compounds with a metal or a base.

Dioxaphetyl butyrate; its salts.

Diphenoxylate; its salts; except

(a)     pharmaceutical preparations in solid or liquid form containing not more than 2.5 mg of diphenoxylate calculated as base and not less than 25 microgrammes of atropine calculated as atropine sulphate per dosage unit and containing no other substance to which the Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978 applies; and

(b)     liquid preparations containing 0.5 mg diphenoxylate hydrochloride, 0.005 mg atropine sulphate, 0.16 ml ethylalcohol, 0.002 ml imitation cherry flavour, 0.45 ml glycerine, 0.4 ml sorbital solution (70%), 0.01 mg red dye colour index No. 14700 (F.D. 4C.Red No. 4), 0.0008 ml water.

Dipipanone; its salts.


Dithienylallylamines; dithienylalkylallylamines; their salts.


Ecothiopate iodine.



Endothal; its salts.


Ethylmorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts; except substances containing less than 0.2% of ethylmorphine.

Etonitazene; its salts.

Etorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Etoxeridine; its salts.

Fentanyl; its salts.


Fluoroacetamide; fluoroacetanilide.

Furethidine; its salts.

Gallamine; its salts; its quaternary compounds.

Guanidines, the following –

polymethylene diguanidines; di-p-anisyl-p-phenetyl guanidine.

Hydrocyanic acid except substances containing less than 0.15%., weight in weight, of hydrocyanic acid (HCN); cyanides, other than ferrocyanides and ferricyanides, except substances containing less than the equivalent of 0.1%, weight in weight, of hydrocyanic acid (HCN).

Hydromorphinol; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Hydromorphone; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Hydroxycinchoninic acids; derivatives of; their salts; their esters; except substances containing less than 3% of a hydroxycinchoninic acid or a derivative thereof.

Hydroxypethidine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.


Isomethadone (isoamidone); its salts.

Ketobemidone; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Laudexium; its salts.

Lead, compounds of, with acids from fixed oils.

Levomethorphan; its salts.

Levomoramide; its salts.

Levophenacylmorphan; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Levorphanol; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Mannomustine; its salts.

Mebezonium iodide.

Mercaptopurine; its salts; derivatives of mercaptopurine; their salts.

Mercuric chloride except substances containing less than 1% of mercuric chloride; mercuric iodide except substances containing less than 2% of mercuric iodide; nitrates of mercury except substances containing less than the equivalent of 3%, weight in weight, of mercury (Hg); potassiomercuric iodides except substances containing less than the equivalent of 1% of mercuric iodide; organic compounds of mercury except substances, not being aerosols, containing less than the equivalent of 0.2%, weight in weight, of mercury (Hg).

Mescaline, and other derivatives of phenethylamine formed by substitution in the aromatic ring; their salts.

Metazocine; its salts; its esters and ethers; its salts.

Methadone (amidone); its salts.

Methadyl acetate; its salts.

Methyldesorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Methyldihydromorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

2-Methyl-3-morplolino-1, 1-diphenylpropanecarboxylic acid; its salts; its esters.

1-Methyl-4-phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid; esters of; their salts.

Metopon; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Monofluoroacetic acid; its salts.

Morpheridine; its salts.

Mustine and any other N -substituted derivative of di-(2-chloroethyl) amine; their salts.

Myrophine; its salts.

Nalorphine; its salts.

Nicocodine; its salts.

m-Nitrophenol; o-nitrophenol; p-nitrophenol.

Noracymethadol; its salts.

Norcodeine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Norlevorphanol; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Normethadone; its salts.

Normorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.


Nux Vomica except substances containing less than 0.2% of strychnine.

Opium except substances containing less than 0.2% of morphine calculated as anhydrous morphine.

Organo-tin compounds, the following –

Compounds of fentin.


Oxycodone; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Oxymorphone; its salts.

Paraquat, salts of


Phenadoxone; its salts.

Phenampromide; its salts.

Phenazocine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Phencyclidine; its salts.

Phemorphan; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Phenoperidine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

2-Phenylcinchoninic acid; 2-salicylcinchoninic acid; their salts; their esters.

4-Phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester; its salts.

Pholcodine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts; except substances containing less than 1.5% of pholcodine.

Phosphorus compounds, the following –




Chlorfenvinphos except sheep dips containing not more than 10%, weight in weight, of chlorfenvinphos.






Diethyl 4-methyl-7-coumarinyl phosphorothionate.

Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate.




Ethyl-p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothionate.















Triphosphoric pentadimethylamide.



Piminodine; its salts.

Piritramide; its salts.

Polymethylenebistrimethylammonium salts.

Proheptazine; its salts.

Propoxyphene; its salts.

Racemethorphan; its salts.

Racemoramide; its salts.

Racemorphan; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts.

Savin, oil of.

Strophanthus, glycosides of.

Thallium, salts of

Thebacon; its salts.

Tretamine; its salts.


Trimeperidine; its salts.

Zinc phosphide.

Schedule 2

(Article 5)

Poisons exempted from labelling provisions when sold or supplied in certain circumstances

Alkali fluorides.


Antimony, chlorides of; oxides of antimony; sulphides of antimony; antimonates; antimonites.


Dinitrocresols (DNOC).

Dinitronaphthols; dinitrophenols.


Formic acid.

Glyceryl trinitrate.

Hydrochloric acid.

Hydrofluoric acid; sodium silicofluoride.

Lead acetates; compounds of lead with acids from fixed oils.

Mercuric chloride; mercuric iodide; organic compounds of mercury.

Mercury, oxides of; nitrates of mercury.

Nitric acid.


m-Nitrophenol; o-nitrophenol; p-nitrophenol.

Oxalic acid; metallic oxalates.

Phenols; compounds of phenol with a metal.

Phosphorus, yellow.

Picric acid.

Potassium hydroxide.

Sodium hydroxide.

Sulphuric acid.

Schedule 3

(Article 9)

Articles exempted from the provisions of the Law and of this Order



Adhesives; anti-fouling compositions; builders’ materials; ceramics; distempers; electrical valves; enamels; explosives; fillers; fireworks; fluorescent lamps; glazes; glue; inks; lacquer solvents; loading materials; matches; motor fuels and lubricants; paints other than pharmaceutical paints; photographic paper; pigments; plastics; propellants; rubber; varnishes; vascular plants and their seeds.

GROUP 2[23]




Substance or article in which exempted

Acetanilide; alkyl acetanilides


Substances not being preparations for the treatment of human ailments.

Alkaloids, the following –






Surgical spirit containing           not more than      0.015% of brucine.



Ipecacuanha; extracts and tinctures of ipecacuanha; substances containing less than 0.05% of emetine.

Ephedra, alkaloids of


Substances containing less than 1% of the alkaloids of ephedra.

Jaborandi, alkaloids of


Substances containing less than 0.025% of the alkaloids of jaborandi.

Lobelia, alkaloids of


Preparations for the relief of asthma in the form of cigarettes, smoking mixtures or fumigants; substances containing less than 0.1% of the alkaloids of lobelia.



Tobacco; preparations containing not more than 7.5% of nicotine, weight in weight, aerosols containing not more than 0.2% of nicotine, weight in weight.

Pomegranate, alkaloids of


Pomegranate bark.

Solanaceous alkaloids


Stramonium contained in preparations for the relief of asthma in the form of cigarettes, smoking mixtures or fumigants.

Stavesacre, alkaloids of


Soaps; ointments; lotions for external use.

p-Aminobenzenesulphonamide; its salts; derivatives of p-aminobenzenesulphonamide having any of the hydrogen atoms of the p-amino group or of the sulphonamide group substituted by another radical; their salts


Feeding stuffs containing not more than 0.5% of total sulphonamides; sulphaquinoxaline when contained, to a concentration not exceeding 0.5%, in preparations for the destruction of rats and mice.



Substances not being solutions of ammonia or preparations containing solutions of ammonia; substances containing less than 5%., weight in weight of ammonia (NH3); refrigerators; smelling bottles.

Androgenic, oestrogenic and progestational substances, the following –


Preparations intended for external application only, except preparations containing not more than 4mg of oestrogenic substance per 100g of inert substance; feeding stuffs containing hexoestrol or stilboestrol or both and not containing any other androgenic, oestrogenic or progestational substance.



Derivatives of stilbene, dibenzyl or naphthalene with oestrogenic activity; their esters


Steroid compounds with androgenic or oestrogenic or progestational activity; their esters



Anti-histamine substances, the following; their salts; their molecular compounds –


Preparations intended for external application only and preparations containing not more than 1% of anti-histamine substances for application in the nose or eye.












3-Di-n-butylaminomethy1-4, 5, 6-trihydroxyphthalide















Substances being tetra-N-substituted-N- derivatives of ethylenediamine or propylenediamine

Antimony, chlorides of



Arsenical poisons


Pyrites ores or sulphuric acid containing arsenical poisons as natural impurities; poultry or pig feeding stuffs containing not more than 0.005% of 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylarsonic acid and not containing any other arsenical poison.

Barbituric acid; its salts; derivatives of barbituric acid; their salts; compounds and barbituric acid; its salts; its derivatives; their salts, with any other substance


Self-heating preparations in aerosol dispensers intended for external application only, containing 1, 5-diethyl-2-thio-4, 6-pyrimidinedione and not containing any other substance mentioned opposite hereto in the first column.

Barium, salts of


Witherite other than finely ground witherite; barium carbonate bonded to charcoal for case hardening; fire extinguishers containing barium chloride.



Poultry feeding stuffs containing not more than 0.0375% of carbarsone.



Substances containing less than 1% of chloroform; solid preparations; toothpaste.

Creosote obtained from wood


Substances containing less than 50% of creosote obtained from wood.

Diamines, the following; their salts – phenylene diamines; tolylene diamines; other alkylated-benzene diamines


Substances other than preparations for the dyeing of hair.

Dimitrocresols (DNOC); their compounds with a metal or a base.


Substances being neither preparations for the treatment of human ailments nor preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.



Substances not being preparations for the treatment of human ailments.

Dinosam; its compounds with a metal or a base


Substances not being preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Dinoseb; its compounds with a metal or a base


Substances not being preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Diperodon; its salts


Preparations intended for external application only, containing not more than 1% of diperodon, calculated as anhydrous base.



Substances not being preparations for the treatment of human ailments.



Substances containing less than 5%, weight in weight, of formaldehyde (H.CHO); photographic glazing or hardening solutions.

Formic acid


Substances containing less than 5%, weight in weight, of formic acid (H.COOH).



Animal medicines for oral administration to sheep and cattle for the treatment of liver fluke; all other animal medicines (except aerosols) containing up to 0.75% of hexachlorophane; soaps and shampoos for animal use containing up to 2% of hexachlorophane

Hydrochloric acid


Substances containing less than 9%, weight in weight, of hydrochloric acid (HC1).

Hydrocyanic acid


Preparations of wild cherry.

Lead acetate


Substances containing less than 4% of lead acetate.

Lead, compounds of


Machine-spread plasters.

Mercuric chloride



Mercuric chloride; mercuric iodide; organic compounds of mercury


Dressings on seeds or bulbs.

Mercury, nitrates of


Ointments containing less than the equivalent of 3%, weight in weight, of mercury (Hg).

Mercury, oxides of


Canker and wound paints (for trees) containing not more than 3%, weight in weight, of yellow mercuric oxide.

Mescaline; its salts


Living plants.

Nitric acid


Substances containing less than 9%, weight in weight, of nitric acid (HNO3).



Substances containing less than 0.1% of nitro-benzene; soaps containing less than 1% of nitrobenzene; polishes.

p-Nitrobenzyl cyanide


Photographic solutions containing less than the equivalent of 0.1%, weight in weight, of hydrocyanic acid (HCN).



Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture containing not more than 0.5% of p-nitrophenol as preservative.

Organo-tin compounds, the following –



Compounds of fentin


Substances other than preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

   Oxalic acid; metallic oxalates


Laundry blue; polishes; cleaning powders or scouring products, containing the equivalent of not more than 10% of oxalic acid dihydrate.

   Paraquat, salts of


Preparations in pellet form containing not more than 5% of salts of paraquat calculated as paraquat ion.






creosote obtained from coal tar;



essential oils in which phenols occur naturally;



medicines containing less than 1% of phenols;



nasal sprays, mouth washes, pastilles, lozenges, capsules, pessaries, ointments or suppositories containing less than 2.5% of phenols;



smelling bottles;



soaps for washing;



solid substances, other than pastilles, lozenges, capsules, pessaries, ointments and suppositories, containing less than 60% of phenols;



tar (coal or wood), crude or refined;












p-(1, 1, 3, 3-tetramethylbutyl) phenol




Phenyl mercuric salts


Toilet, cosmetic and therapeutic preparations containing not more than 0.01% of phenyl mercuric salts as a preservative; antiseptic dressings on tooth-brushes; in textiles containing not more than 0.01% of phenyl mercuric salts as a bacteriostat and fungicide.

Phosphoric acid


Substances containing phosphoric acid, not being descaling preparations containing more than 50%, weight in weight, of orthophosphoric acid.

Phosphorus, compounds, the following –







Substances other than preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.



Substances other than preparations not being granular preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.




Substances other than preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.



Substances other than preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture, not being preparations in –


impregnated materials containing not more than 20%, weight in weight, of dichlorvos in a resinous or plastic base, or


aerosols containing not more than 0.4%, weight in weight of dichlorvos; or


thermal vaporisers containing not more than 30%, weight in weight, of dichlorvos in an impregnated, fixed, rigid and porous base.

Diethyl 4-methyl-7-coumarinyl phosphorothionate

Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate



Substances other than preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.



Substances other than preparations, not being granular preparations, for use in agriculture or horticulture.



Substances other than preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Ethyl p-nitrophenyl








Substances other than preparations for use in agriculture or, except in aerosol canisters containing not more than 0.25%, weight in weight, of oxydemeton-methyl, for use in horticulture.



Substances other than preparations, not being granular preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.



Substances other than preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.



Substances other than preparations, not being granular preparations, for use in agriculture or horticulture.



Substances other than preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.






Triphosphoric penta-dimethylamide


Picric acid


Substances containing less than 5% of picric acid.

Podophyllum resin


Preparations containing not more than 1.5%, weight in weight, of podophyllum resin.

Potassium hydroxide


Substances containing less than 12% of potassium hydroxide; accumulators; batteries.



Feeding stuffs containing any substance to which Part II of the Therapeutic Substances Act 1956 of the United Kingdom for the time being applies.

Sodium ethyl mercurithiosali-cylate


Therapeutic substances containing less than 0.1% of sodium ethyl mercurithiosalicylate as a preservative.

Sodium fluoride


Substances containing less than 3% of sodium fluoride as a preservative; dentifrices containing not more than 0.3% of sodium fluoride; mouth wash tablets containing not more than 0.2% of sodium fluoride; and liquid mouth washes containing not more than 0.05% thereof.

Sodium hydroxide


Substances containing less than 12% of sodium hydroxide.

Sodium nitrite


Substances other than preparations containing more than 0.1% of sodium nitrite for the destruction of rats and mice.

Sodium silicofluoride


Substances containing less than 3% of sodium silicofluoride as a preservative.

Sulphuric acid


Substances containing less than 9%, weight in weight, of sulphuric acid (H2SO4); accumulators; batteries and sealed containers in which sulphuric acid is packed together with car batteries for use in those batteries; fire extinguishers.

In Group 2 in this Schedule the expression “granular preparation” in relation to a poison means a preparation –

(a)     which consists of absorbent mineral or synthetic solid particles impregnated with the poison, the size of the particles being such that not more than 4%., weight in weight, of the preparation is capable of passing a sieve with a mesh of 250 microns, and not more than 1%, a sieve with a mesh of 150 microns;

(b)     which has an apparent density of not less than 0.4 g per ml if compacted without pressure; and

(c)     not more than 12% of which, weight in weight, consists of the poison.

Schedule 4[24]

(Article 5, 10, 11)

Substances required to be sold by retail only upon a prescription given by a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered veterinary surgeon


Alcuronium chloride.


Barbituric acid; its salts; derivatives of barbituric acid; their salts; compounds of barbituric acid, its salts, its derivatives, their salts, with any other substance.

Busulphan; its salts.

Demecarium bromide.

Dinitrocresols (DNOC); their compounds with a metal or a base, except preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Dinitronaphthols; dinitrophenols; dinitrothymols.


Dithienylallylamines; dithienylalkylallylamines; their salts; except diethylthiambutene, dimethylthiambutene and ethylmethylthiambutene.

Gallamine; its salts; its quaternary compounds.


Mannomustine; its salts.

Mercaptopurine; its salts; derivatives of mercaptopurine; their salts.

Mustine and any other N-substituted derivatives of di-(2-chloroethyl)amine; their salts.


Phencyclidine; its salts.

2-Phenylcinchoninic acid; 2-salicylcinchoninic acid; their salts; their esters.

Polymethylenebistrimethylammonium salts.

Tretamine; its salts.


PART B[25]

Acebutolol Hydrochloride


Acetanilide; alkyl acetanilides







Aclarubicin Hydrochloride

Acrivastine (except when sold or supplied in a container containing not more than 240 mg acrivastine and labelled to show a maximum daily dosage of 24 mg.)

Actinomycin C

Actinomycin D

Acyclovir (except in the form of a cream for the treatment of cold sores.)







Alfuzocin Hydrochloride


Alphadolone Acetate



Alprenolol Hydrochloride



Alverine Citrate

Amantadine Hydrochloride

Amethocaine (except in preparations for non-parenteral use other than those for local opthalmic use.)

Amidopyrine; its salts; amidopyrine sulphonates; their salts, p-Aminobenzenesulphonamide; its salts; derivatives of p-aminobenzenesulphonamide having any of the hydrogen atoms of the p-animo group or of the sulphonamide group substituted by another radical; their salts; except when contained in ointments or surgical dressings or in preparations for the prevention and treatment of diseases in poultry.

Amiloride Hydrochloride

Aminocaproic Acid


Aminorex; its salts.

Amiodarone Hydrochloride


Amitriptyline; its salts

Amodiaquine Hydrochloride

Amorolfine Hydrochloride



Androgenic, oestrogenic and progestational substances, the following –


Derivatives of stilbene, dibenzyl or naphthalene with oestrogenic activity; their esters

Steroid compounds with androgenic or oestrogenic or progestational activity; their esters


Astemizole (except when sold or supplied in a container containing not more than 100 mg astemizole for the treatment of hay-fever in adults or in children over the age of 12 years and with a maximum daily dose of 10 mg.)


Atracurium Besylate


Azacyclonol; its salts






Bambuterol Hydrochloride

Benactyzine; its salts




Benzhexol; its salts

Benztropine and its homologues; their salts

Betahistine dihydrochloride

Betaxolol Hydrochloride

Bethanidine Sulphate


Bisoprolol Fumarate


Bretylium Tosylate

Bromocryptine Mesylate




Buserelin Acetate

Buspirone Hydrochloride



Captodiame; its salts


Caramiphen; its salts; except tablets containing not more than the equivalent of 7.5 mg of caramiphen base, and liquid preparations containing not more than the equivalent of 0.1% of caramiphen base


Carbenoxolone Sodium (except when sold or supplied in the form of a pellet, gel or granules, for the treatment of mild oral or perioral lesions.)








Carteolol Hydrochloride



Cefodizime Proxetil



Ceftizoxime Sodium


Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (except when sold or supplied in a container containing not more than 100 mg cetirizine with a maximum daily dose of 10 mg cetirizine.)

Chenodeoxycholic Acid

Chloral; its addition and its condensation products other than alpha-chloralose; their molecular compounds; except when contained, in the form of chloral hydrate, in preparations intended for external application only


Chlordiazepoxide; its salts

Chlormethiazole; its salts

Chloroquine Sulphate (except when sold or supplied for the prophylaxis of malaria.)

Chloroquine Phosphate (except when sold or supplied for the prophylaxis of malaria.)

Chlorothiazide and other derivatives of benzo-1,2,4-thiadiazine-7-sulphonamide 1, 1-dioxide, whether hyrdrogenated or not

Chlorphenoxamine; its salts

Chlorphentermine; its salts

Chlorpropamide; its salts

Chlorprothixene and other derivatives of 9-methylenethiaxanthen; their salts

Chlorthalidone and other derivatives of o -chlorobenzene sulphonamide

Chorionic Godadotrophin

Cilastatin Sodium


Cimetidine (except when sold or supplied for the short-term symptomatic relief of heartburn, dyspepsia and hyperacidity with a maximum dose of 200 mg and maximum daily dose of 800 mg for not more than 14 days or for the prophylactic management of nocturnal heartburn with a maximum dose of 100 mg to be taken once daily at night for a maximum of 14 days.)







Clenbuterol Hydrochloride



Clomiphene Citrate

Clomipramine Hydrochloride

Clonidine Hydrochloride

Clopenthixol Decanoate

Clopenthixol Hydrochloride


Clorprenaline; its salts; when contained in aerosol dispensers

Clotrimazole (except for external use and in the case of vaginal use only for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis)



Colchicum, alkaloids of; their salts

Colfosceril Palmitate

Corticotrophins, natural and synthetic






Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride



Cycrimine; its salts

Cyproterone Acetate



Dalteparin Sodium



Dantrolene Sodium


Daunorubicin Hydrochloride

Debrisoquine Sulphate

Desferrioxamine Mesylate

Desipramine; its salts

Diazepam and other compounds containing the chemical structure of dihydro-1, 4-benzodiazepine substituted to any degree; their salts


Diclofenac Sodium

Dicyclomine Hydrochloride (except in preparations for internal use with a maximum dose of 10 mg and maximum daily dose of 60 mg.)


Diltiazem Hydrochloride


Diphenoxylate and its salts contained in (a) pharmaceutical preparations in solid or liquid form containing not more than 2.5 mg of diphenoxylate calculated as base and not less than 25 microgrammes of atropine calculated as atropine sulphate per dosage unit and containing no other substance to which any Part of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1965 of the United Kingdom applies or (b) liquid preparations containing 0.5 mg diphenoxylate hydrochloride, 0.005 mg atropine sulphate, 0.16 ml ethyl alcohol, 0.002 ml imitation cherry flavour, 0.45 ml glycerine, 0.4 ml sorbital solution (70%), 0.01 mg red dye colour index No. 14700 (F.D.4C. Red No. 4), 0.0008 ml water

Dipivefrin Hydrochloride


Distigmine Bromide

Domperidone Maleate

Dobutamine Hydrochloride

Dopamine Hydrochloride

Dopexamine Hydrochloride


Doxapram Hydrochloride

Doxazocin Mesylate

Doxepin Hydrochloride


Econazole Nitrate (except for external use and in the case of vaginal use only for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.)



Enalapril Maleate




Ephedrine; its optical isomers; their salts; when contained in aerosol dispensers

Epirubicin Hydrochloride

Epoetin Alpha

Epoetin Beta

Epoprostenol Sodium

Ergot, alkaloids of, whether hydrogenated or not; their homologues; any salt of any substance falling within this item

Esmolol Hydrochloride

Estramustine Phosphate

Ethacrynic acid; its salts

Ethambutol Hydrochloride






Ethoheptazine; its salts


Ethylnoradrenaline; its salts; when contained in aerosol dispensers

Etidronate Disodium




Famotidine (except when sold or supplied for the short term symptomatic relief of heartburn, dyspepsia and hyperacidity with a maximum dose of 10 mg and a maximum daily dose of 20 mg for not more than 14 days.)

Felbinac (except in a preparation for external use with a maximum strength of 3.17%, weight in weight, of felbinac when sold or supplied in a container containing not more than 30 g)



Fenfluramine; its salts


Fenoprofen Calcium

Fenoterol Hydrobromide







Fluclorolone Acetonide

Flufenamic acid; its salts; its esters; their salts



Fluoxetine Hydrochloride

Flupenthixol Decanoate

Flupenthixol Dihydrochloride




Fluticasone Propionate



Foscarnet Sodium

Fosfestrol Tetrasodium

Fosfomycin Trometamol

Fosinopril Sodium


Gamolenic Acid








Glutethimide; its salts



Goserelin Acetate

Granisetron Hydrochloride


Haloperidol and other 4-substituted derivatives of N-(3-p-fluoro-benzoylpropyl) piperidine

Heparin Calcium

Hexachlorophane; aerosols containing more than 0.1% of hexachlorophane for human and animal use; soap containing more than 2% of hexachlorophane, any medicinal product containing more than 0.75% of hexachlorophane



Hydralazine Hydrochloride

Hydrazines, benzyl phenethyl or phenoxyethyl; their α-methyl derivatives; acyl derivatives of any of the foregoing substances comprised in this item; salts of any compounds comprised in this item

Hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamines; their esters or ethers; any salt of any substance falling within this item

Hydroxychloroquine Sulphate

Hydroxyzine; its salts

Ibuprofen (except in a preparation for topical use)

Idarubicin Hydrochloride




Imipramine; its salts

Indapamide Hemihydrate

Indomethacin; its salts

Inosine Prabonex

Indoramin Hydrochloride

Interferon Alpha

Interferon Beta

Ipratropium Bromide

Iprindole; its salts


Isoconazole Nitrate (except for external use and in the case of vaginal use only for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.)

Isoetharine; its salts; when contained in aerosol dispensers


Isoprenaline; its salts; when contained in aerosol dispensers




Ketamine Hydrochloride

Ketoprofen (except in a preparation for topical use with a maximum strength of 2.5% when sold or supplied in a container or package containing not more than 30 g)

Labetolol Nydrochloride



Leuprorelin Acetate

Levobunolol Hydrochloride



Lithium Carbonate

Lodoxamine Trometamol


Lofexidine Hydrochloride

Lomefloxin Hydrochloride


Loperamide Hydrochloride (except when sold or supplied for the treatment of acute diarrhoea in adults and children over 12 years.)

Loxapine Succinate

Lysuride Maleate


Mebendazole (except when sold or supplied for the oral treatment of enterobiasis with a maximum dose of 100 mg and in a container containing not more than 400 mg mebendazole.)

Mebeverine Hydrochloride (except in preparations for internal use with a maximum dose of 100 mg and a maximum daily dose of 300 mg.)


Meclofenoxate; its salts

Mefenamic acid; its salts; its esters; their salts

Mefloquine Hydrochloride



Mephenesin; its esters




Metaraminol Tartrate


Metformin; its salts

Methaqualone; its salts

Methixene; its salts



Methoxamine Hydrochloride (except in nasal spray or drops not containing liquid paraffin and not exceeding a concentration of 0.25%)


Methoxyphenamine; its salts; when contained in aerosol dispensers

Methylaminoheptane; its salts, when contained in aerosol dispensers


Methylpentynol; its esters and other derivatives

α-Methylphenethylamine; β-methylphenethylamine and α-ethylphenethylamine; any synthetic compound structurally derived from any of those substances by substitution in the aliphatic part or by ring closure therein (or by both such substitution and such closure) or by substitution in the aromatic ring (with or without substitution at the nitrogen atom), except ephedrine and its optical isoners, N-substituted derivatives, fenfluramine, hydroxyamphetamine, methoxyphenamine, phenyl-propanolamine, pholedrine and prenylamine; any salt of any substance falling within this item




Metoclopramide; its salts





Mexiletine Hydrochloride

Mianserin Hydrochloride


Miconazole Nitrate (except for external use and in the case of vaginal use only for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.)


Milrinone Lactate




Mitomycin C

Mitopodozide; its salts

Mitozantrone Hydrochloride

Mivacurium Chloride



Mometasone Furoate





Nafarelin Acetate

Naftidrofuryl Oxalate

Naloxone Hydrochloride

Naltrexone Hydrochloride



Nedocromil Sodium

Nefopam Hydrochloride

Nicardipine Hydrochloride








Nomifensine Hydrogen Maleate


Nortryptyline; its salts




Olsalazine Sodium


Ondansetron Hydrochloride

Orciprenaline; its salts; when contained in aerosol dispensers

Orphenadrine; its salts


Oxethazaine (except when sold or supplied in a container containing not more than 400 mg oxethazaine and labelled to show a maximum dose of 10 mg and a maximum daily dose of 30 mg oxethazaine)

Oxitropium Bromide

Oxprenolol Hydrochloride

Oxybutynin Hydrochloride

Oxypertine Hydrochloride


Oxytocins, natural and synthetic

Pamidronate Disodium

Pancuronium Bromide



Pargyline; its salts


Pemoline; its salts

Pentamidine Isethionate

Pentazocine; its salts

Pergolide Mesylate



Phenacetin (except in substances containing less than 0.1% weight in weight, of phenacetin and except where used as a veterinary drug)



Phenelzine Sulphate


Phenformin; its salts

Phenothiazine, derivatives of; their salts; except dimethoxanate, its salts and promethazine, its salts and molecular compounds

Phenylbutazone; its salts

5-Phenylhydantoin; its alkyl and aryl derivatives; their salts



Pirbuterol Acetate

Pirbuterol Hydrochloride

Pirenzipine Hydrochloride


Piroxicam (except in a preparation for external use with a maximum strength of 0.5%, weight in weight, of piroxicam when sold or supplied in a container containing not more than 30 g)

Pituitary gland, the active principles of, other than corticotrophins, oxytocins and vasopressins; except when contained in inhalants or in preparations intended for external application only

Pizotifen Hydrogen Maleate


Potassium Canrenoate

Potassium Clorazepate


Pralidoxime Mesylate

Pravastatin Sodium

Prazocin Hydrochloride




Procainamide; its salts

Procarbazine; its salts

Procyclidine; its salts


Propafenone Hydrochloride


Propantheline Bromide (except when sold or supplied for internal use with a maximum dose of 15 mg and maximum daily dose of 45 mg.)


Propranolol Hydrochloride

Propylhexedrine; its salts; except when contained in inhalers


Protamine Sulphate


Prothipendyl; its salts

Protriptyline Hydrochloride




Quinidine Bisulphate

Quinidine Sulphate


Ranitidine Hydrochloride (except when sold or supplied for the short-term symptomatic relief of heartburn, dyspepsia or hyperacidity in a container labelled to show a maximum dose of 75 mg and a maximum daily dose of 300 mg for not more than 14 days’ treatment)

Rauwolfia, alkaloids of; their salts; derivatives of the alkaloids of rauwolfia; their salts


Remoxipride Hydrochloride

Rimiterol Hydrobromide

Ritodrine Hydrochloride







Sodium Aurothiomalate

Sodium Clodronate

Sodium Cromoglycate (except in a preparation manufactured, sold or supplied for the treatment of acute seasonal allergic rhinitis in the form of an eye ointment or in the form of aqueous eye drops or in a preparation manufactured, sold or supplied for use by being administered through the nose)

Sodium Hyaluronate

Sodium Valproate

Somatorelin Acetate


Sotalol Hydrochloride


Streptokinase (except in preparations for external use.)





Sulconazole Nitrate


Sulphonal; alkyl sulphonals




Suprararenal gland medulla, the active principles of; their salts; except when contained in preparations intended for external application only or in inhalants (other than inhalants in aerosol dispensers containing adrenaline or its salts), rectal preparations or preparations intended for use in the eye

Suxamethonium Chloride


Tamoxifen Citrate



Temocillin Sodium



Terbinafine Hydrochloride


Tetrabenazine; its salts


Thalidomide; its salts


Thiocarlide; its salts



Thymoxamine Hydrochloride

Thyroid gland, the active principles of; their salts

L-Pyroglutamyl-L-histidyl-L-proline amide (Thyrotrophin-releasing Hormone)

Tiaprofenic Acid


Ticarcillin Sodium

Timolol Maleate


Tioconazole (except in a preparation for external use with a maximum concentration of 2% tioconazole and in the case of vaginal use only for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.)

Tocainide Hydrochloride



Tolfenamic Acid

Tolmetin Sodium


Tranexamic Acid

Tranylcypromine Sulphate





Tribromethyl alcohol

2,2,2-Trichloroethyl alcohol, esters of; their salts

Trientene Dihydrochloride


Trimeprazine Tartrate

Trimipramine; its salts

Tropisetron Hydrochloride



Tubercurarine Chloride




Vasopressins, natural and synthetic

Vecuronium Bromide

Verapamil; its salts



Viloxazine Hydrochloride

Vinblastine Sulphate

Vincristine Sulphate






Zoxazolamine; its salts

Zuclopenthixol Acetate

Schedule 5

(Article 13(2))

PART A[26]

Form to which the substances specified are restricted when sold by listed sellers of Part 2 poisons


Form to which sale is restricted


Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture


Preparations intended for in-door use in the destruction of rats or mice and containing not more than 4%, weight in weight, of alphachloralose

Arsenical substances –


Arsenious oxide

Sheep dips, sheep washes.

Arsenic sulphides

Sheep dips, sheep washes.

Calcium arsenates.

Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Calcium arsenites

Agricultural and horticultural insecticides or fungicides.

Copper acetoarsenite

Agricultural and horticultural insecticides or fungicides.

Copper arsenates

Agricultural and horticultural insecticides or fungicides.

Copper arsenites

Agricultural and horticultural insecticides or fungicides.

Lead arsenates

Agricultural and horticultural insecticides or fungicides.

Sodium arsenates

Sheep dips, sheep washes.

Sodium thioarsenates

Sheep dips, sheep washes.

Barium carbonate

Preparations for the destruction of rats or mice.

Dinitrocresols (DNOC); their compounds with a metal or a base

Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Dinosam; its compounds with a metal or a base

Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Dinoseb; its compounds with a metal or a base

Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.


Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Endothal; its salts

Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.


Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Mercurial substances –


Mercuric chloride

Agricultural and horticultural fungicides, seed and bulb dressings, insecticides.

Mercuric iodide

Agricultural and horticultural fungicides, seed and bulb dressings.

    Organic compounds of mercury

Agricultural and horticultural fungicides, seed and bulb dressings, solutions containing not more than 5%, weight in volume, of phenyl mercuric acetate for use in swimming baths.

Metallic oxalates other than potassium quadroxalate

Photographic solutions or materials.


Agricultural and horticultural insecticides; substances for the treatment of bee disease; ointments for the treatment of animals.

Organotin compounds, the following –


Compounds of fentin

Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Paraquat, salts of

Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture

Phosphorus compounds, the following –



Preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.













Diethyl 4-methyl-7-coumarinyl phosphorothionate


Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate








Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothionate






























Triphosphoric pentadi-methylamide




Zinc phosphide

Preparations for the destruction of rats or mice.

PART B[27]

Poisons which may be sold by listed sellers of Part 2 poisons only to persons engaged in the trade or business of agriculture or horticulture and for the purpose of that trade or business


Arsenical poisons other than lead arsenates, calcium arsenates and copper acetoarsenite.

Dinitrocresols (DNOC); their compounds with a metal or a base; except winter washes containing not more than the equivalent of 5% of dinitrocresols.

Dinosam; its compounds with a metal or a base.

Dinoseb; its compounds with a metal or a base.

Mercuric chlorides; mercuric iodides; organic compounds of mercury; except solutions containing not more than 5%, weight in volume, of phenyl mercuric acetate for use in swimming baths.

Organo-tin compounds, the following –

Compounds of fentin

Paraquat, salts of

Phosphorus compounds, the following –








Diethyl 4-methyl-7-coumarinyl phosphorothionate.

Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate.




Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothionate.





Mipafox, except in the form of a cap on a stick or wire.









Triphosphoric pentadimethylamide.


Sodium 4-(dimethylamino) benzenediazosulphonate

Schedule 6

(Articles 18 and 19)

Statement of particulars permitted in certain cases as to proportion of poison


Name of Poison





The proportion of any one alkaloid of aconite that the preparation would be calculated to contain on the assumption that all the alkaloids of aconite in the preparation were that alkaloid.

Aconite, alkaloids of


Belladonna, alkaloids of


The same as above, with the substitution for the reference to aconite of a reference to belladonna, calabar bean or such other of the said poisons as the case may require.

Calabar bean, alkaloids of

Coca, alkaloids of

Colchicum, alkaloids of

Ephedra, alkaloids of

Ergot, alkaloids of

Gelsemium, alkaloids of

Jaborandi, alkaloids of

Lobelia, alkaloids of

Pomegranate, alkaloids of

Quebracho, alkaloids of, other than the alkaloids of red quebracho

Sabadilla, alkaloids of

Solanaceous alkaloids not otherwise included in the Poisons List

Stavesacre, alkaloids of

Veratrum, alkaloids of

Yohimba, alkaloids of

Antimonial poisons


The proportion of antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) or antimony pentoxide (Sb2O5) that the preparation would be calculated to contain on the assumption that the antimony (Sb) in the poison had been wholly converted into antimony trioxide or antimony pentoxide as the case may be.

Arsenical poisons


The proportion of arsenic trioxide (As2O3) or arsenic pentoxide (As2O5) that the preparation would be calculated to contain on the assumption that the arsenic (As) in the poison had been wholly converted into arsenic trioxide or arsenic pentoxide as the case may be.

Barium, salts of


The proportion of one particular barium salt which the preparation would be calculated to contain on the assumption that the barium in the poison had been wholly converted into that salt.

Digitalis, glycosides of; other active principles of digitalis


The number of units of activity as defined in the British Pharmacopoeia contained in a specified quantity of the preparation.

Hydrocyanic acid; cyanides, other than ferrocyanides and ferricyanides


The proportion of hydrocyanic acid (HCN) that the preparation would be calculated to contain on the assumption that the cyanides in the poison had been wholly converted into hydrocyanic acid.



The number of units of activity as defined in the British Pharmacopoeia contained in a specified quantity of the preparation.

Lead, compounds of, with acids from fixed oils


The proportion of lead oxide (PbO) that the preparation would be calculated to contain on the assumption that the lead in the poison had been wholly converted into lead oxide.

Mercury, organic compounds of


The proportion of organically combined mercury (Hg) contained in the preparation.

Nux Vomica


The proportion of strychnine contained in the preparation.



The proportion of morphine contained in the preparation.



The proportion of phenols (added together) contained in the preparation.

Compounds of a phenol with a metal


The proportion of phenols (added together) that the preparation would be calculated to contain on the assumption that the compounds of phenols with a metal had been wholly converted into the corresponding phenols.

Pituitary gland, the active principles of


Either –





the number of units of activity as defined in the British Pharmacopoeia contained in a specified quantity of the preparation;





the proportion of pituitary gland, or of anterior or of posterior lobe of the gland as the case may be contained in the preparation; or





the amount of pituitary gland or of anterior or of posterior lobe of the gland, as the case may be, from which a specified quantity of the preparation was obtained together with an indication whether the amount relates to fresh or to dried gland substance.

Potassium hydroxide


The proportion of potassium monoxide (K2O) which the preparation would be calculated on the assumption that the potassium hydroxide in the preparation had been wholly converted into potassium monoxide.

Sodium hydroxide


The proportion of sodium monoxide (Na2O) which preparation would be calculated to contain on the assumption that the sodium hydroxide in the preparation had been wholly converted into sodium monoxide.

Strophanthus, glycosides of


The amount of Standard Tincture of Strophanthus as defined in the British Pharmacopoeia 1948 which possesses the same activity as a specified quantity of the preparation when assayed by the method described in the said Pharmacopoeia.

Suprarenal gland medulla, the active principles of; their salts


Either –





the proportion of suprarenal gland or of the medulla of the gland, as the case may be, contained in the preparation; or





the amount of suprarenal gland or of the medulla of the gland, as the case may be, from which a specified quantity of the preparation was obtained, together with an indication whether the amount relates to fresh or to dried gland substance.

Thyroid gland, the active principles of; their salts


Either –





the proportion of thyroid gland contained in the preparation; or





the amount of thyroid gland from which a specified quantity of the preparation was obtained, together with an indication whether the amount relates to fresh or to dried gland.



Schedule 7[28]

(Article 20)

Indication of character of article prescribed for the purposes of Article 9(1)(c)(iii) of the Law

1.       To be labelled with the words “Caution. It is dangerous to take this preparation except under medical supervision.” –

Medicines made up ready for the internal treatment of human ailments and containing insulin.

2.       To be labelled with the words “Warning. Do not exceed the stated dose” –

Medicines (other than medicines containing insulin and medicines mentioned in paragraph 9 of this Schedule) made up ready for the internal treatment of human ailments except in the case of a substance included in Schedule 1.

3.       To be labelled with the words “Poison. For animal treatment only.” and where the medicinal product contains hexachlorophane and is for oral administration for the prevention or treatment of liver fluke disease in cattle, shall contain a warning that the medicinal product is not for use in lactating cattle or, where the medicinal product contains hexachlorophane and is for oral administration for the prevention or treatment of liver fluke disease in sheep or cattle, shall contain a statement that protective clothing must be worn by the operator when the medicinal product is being administered –

Medicines for the treatment of animals.

4.       To be labelled with the words “Caution. This preparation may cause serious inflammation of the skin in certain persons and should be used only in accordance with expert advice.” –

Preparations for the dyeing of hair containing phenylene diamines, tolylene diamines or other alkylated-benzene diamines or their salts.

5.       To be labelled with the words “Caution. This substance is caustic.” –

Potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, and articles containing either of those substances.

6.       To be labelled with the words “Caution. This substance is poisonous. The inhalation of its vapour, mist, spray or dust may have harmful consequences. It may also be dangerous to let it come into contact with the skin or clothing.” –

Dinitrocresols (DNOC); their compounds with a metal or a base; except preparations for the treatment of human ailments and except winter washes containing not more than the equivalent of 5% of dinitrocresols.

Dinosam, its compounds with a metal or a base.

Dinoseb, its compounds with a metal or a base.


Endothal; its salts.



Fluoroacetamide; fluoroacetanilide.

Organic compounds of mercury in aerosols.

Organo-tin compounds, the following –

Compounds of fentin.

Phosphorus compounds, the following –








Diethyl 4-methyl-7-coumarinyl phosphorothionate.

Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate.




Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphophonothionate.















Triphosphoric pentadimethylamide.


7.       To be labelled with the words “Caution. This preparation should be administered only under medical supervision. The vapour is dangerous.” –

Medicines made up ready for the internal or external treatment of human ailments and containing dyflos.

8.       To be labelled with the words “Caution. This substance is poisonous. Inhalation of the powder is dangerous. It is also dangerous to let the substance come into contact with the skin or clothing.” –

Monofluoroacetic acid; its salts.

9.       To be labelled with the words “Caution. This may cause drowsiness. If affected, do not drive or operate machinery.”  –

Medicines made up ready for the internal treatment of human ailments if the poison is one of the following –

Anti-histamine substances, the following: their salts; their molecular compounds –


























Substances being tetra-N–substituted derivatives of ethylenediamine or propylenediamine.

10.     To be labelled with the words “Caution. Ingestion can be harmful. If this preparation is used on the hands, they should be thoroughly washed before handling food” –

Preparations for topical application containing methanthelinium bromide or propantheline bromide.

11.     To be labelled with the words “Caution. Do not inhale vapour or allow contact with skin, eyes or clothing”. –



12.     To be labelled with the words “Caution. This preparation is poisonous and gives off a poisonous vapour on exposure to air. Do not swallow, inhale the vapour or allow contact with the skin” –

Preparations containing aluminium phosphide.

13.     To be labelled with the words “Caution. Not be to be used for whole body bathing except on medical advice” and “Not to be used for babies” –

Medicinal soaps containing more than 0.1% of hexachlorophane.

14.     To be labelled with the words “Caution. Not to be used for babies” or a warning that the medicinal product is not to be administered except on medical advice, to a child under 2 years of age –

Medicinal products containing hexachlorophane for use by being administered to human beings.

Schedule 8[29]

(Article 26)

Poisons required to be specially labelled for transport


Aluminium Phosphide

Arsenical poisons.

Barium, salts of.



Dinitrocresols (DNOC), their compounds with a metal or a base, when contained in preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture, except winter washes containing not more than the equivalent of 5% of dinitrocresols.

Dinosam, its compounds with a metal or a base, when contained in preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Dinoseb, its compounds with a metal or a base, when contained in preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.



Endothal; its salts.



Fluoroacetamide; fluoroacetanilide.


Hydrocyanic acid; cyanides, other than ferrocyanides and ferricyanides except preparations containing less than the equivalent of 0.1%, weight in weight, of hydrocyanic acid (HCN)


Monofluoroacetic acid; its salts.

Nicotine, except in solid preparations containing less than 4% of nicotine.

Organo-tin compounds, the following –

Compounds of fentin.

Phosphorus compounds, the following –











Demeton-S-methyl sulphone


Diethyl 4-methyl-7-coumarinyl phosphorothionate.

Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate.





Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothionate.


















Triphosphoric pentadimethylamide.


Sodium 4-(dimethylamino) benzenediazosulphonate


Thallium, salts of.

Schedule 9

(Article 32)

Form of register of premises


Address of premises.

Full name of authorized seller of poisons carrying on business on premises.

If authorized seller of poisons is a representative within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Medicines (Jersey) Law 1995, full name of person whom the seller represents.

Name of registered pharmacist having personal control of the business.





Schedule 10[30]

(Article 33)

Form of application for entry in the list kept in pursuance of Article 71(4) of the Medicines (Jersey) Law 1995


Form of application by a person to have the person’s name entered in the list of persons entitled to sell poisons included in Part II of the Poison List.

To the Minister for Health and Social Services

I, ......................................................................................... being engaged in the business of ......................................... apply to have my name entered in the list kept in pursuance of Article 71(4) of the Medicines (Jersey) Law 1995 in respect of the following premises, namely.

................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ as a person entitled to sell from those premises poisons included in Part 2 of the Poisons List.

I hereby nominate ....................................................................... ................................................................................................ to act as my deputy (deputies) for the sale of poisons in accordance with Article 13(1) of the Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968.

Signature of applicant ..................................

Date .........................

For official use

Embedded Image



The entry of a person’s name in the Minister’s list does not entitle that person to retail poisons in Part 1 of the Poisons List which, by the provisions of the Pharmacy and Poisons (Jersey) Law 1952, may only be retailed by authorized sellers of poisons (i.e registered pharmacists).

A person whose name is entered in the Minister’s list (a listed seller of Part 2 poisons) is permitted, subject to certain conditions (see below), to sell the poisons in Part 2 of the Poisons List, namely –


Arsenical substances, the following –



Arsenic sulphides.

Arsenious oxide.

Calcium arsenates.

Calcium arsenites.

Copper acetoarsenite.

Copper arsenates.

Copper arsenites.

Lead arsenates.

Potassium arsenites.

Sodium arsenates.

Sodium arsenites.

Sodium thioarsenates.

Barium, salts of, the following –

Barium carbonate.

Barium silicofluoride.

Diamines, the following; their salts –

         phenylene diamines; tolylene diamines; other alkylated-benzene diamines.

Dinitrocresols (DNOC); their compounds with a metal or a base.

Dinosam; its compounds with a metal or a base.

Dinoseb; its compounds with a metal or a base.

Drazoxolon, its salts


Endothal; its salts.





Formic acid.

Hydrochloric acid.

Hydrofluoric acid; potassium fluoride; sodium flouride; sodium silicofluoride.

Mercuric chloride; mercuric iodide; organic compounds of mercury except compounds which contain a methyl (CH3) group directly linked to the mercury atom.

Metallic oxalates.



Nicotine; its salts.

Nitric acid.


Organo-tin compounds, the following –

Compounds of fentin.

Paraquat; salts of

Phenols as defined in Part 1 of the Poisons List (Jersey) Order 1968 in substances containing less than 60%, weight in weight, of phenols; compounds of phenol with a metal in substances containing less than the equivalent of 60%, weight in weight, of phenols.

Phosphoric acid.

Phosphorus compounds, the following –

         Amiton, azinphos-ethyl, azinphos-methyl, chlorfenvinphos, demeton-O, demeton-S, demeton-O-methyl, demeton-S-methyl, dichlorvos, diethyl 4-methyl-7-coumarinyl phosphorothionate, diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate, dimefox, disulfoton, ethion, ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothionate, mazidox, mecarbam, mevinphos, mipafox, oxydemeton-methyl, parathion, phenkapton, phorate, phosphamidon, schradan, sulfotep, TEPP (HETP), thionazin, triphosphoric pentadimethylamide, vamidothion.

Potassium hydroxide.

Sodium 4-(dimethylamino)benzenediazosulphanate

Sodium hydroxide.

Sodium nitrite.

Sulphuric acid.

Zinc phosphide.

The requirements which apply to the sale of poisons by a listed seller of Part 2 poisons are laid down in Article 9 of the Pharmacy and Poisons (Jersey) Law 1952 and in the Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968.

The following is a summary of the requirements –

A. – Requirements applying to all listed sellers of Part 2 poisons.

1.       The sale must be effected on the premises specified in the Minister’s list.

2.       The container of the poison must be labelled with the various particulars and in the manner required by Article 9(1)(c) of the Law and Articles 17 to 22 of the Order.

3.       No poison may be sold except in containers which comply with the requirements of Article 22 of the Order.

4.       In the case of any arsenical or mercurial substance (unless it contains no more than the small proportions of arsenic or mercury specified in Schedule 1 to the Order), and in the case of barium silicofluoride, endrin, fluoroacetamide, fluoroacetanilide and nicotine (excepting agricultural and horticultural insecticides consisting of nicotine dust containing not more than 4% of nicotine) and in the case of dinitrocresols (except winter washes containing not more than 5% thereof), dinosam, dinoseb and the organophosphorous compounds, the purchaser must either (a) be known to the seller, or to the person in charge of the premises on which the substance is sold or of the department of the business in which the sale is effected to be a person to whom the poison may properly be sold, or (b) produce a valid certificate in the form prescribed in Schedule 12 to the Order. In addition, in the case of such poisons, the required particulars of the sale must be entered, before delivery, in the Poisons Book to be kept in the form prescribed in Schedule 13 to the Order and (subject to the exception next mentioned) the entry must be signed by the purchaser (Article 6). In the case of a sale to a person for the purpose of the person’s trade or business (farmer, horticulturist, etc.), Article 7(3) permits the signature of the entry in the Poisons Book to be dispensed with upon certain conditions, one of which is that an order signed by the purchaser has previously been obtained.

5.       Arsenical and mercurial substances, barium carbonate, dinitrocresols, dinosam, dinoseb, endrin, fluoroacetamide, fluoroacetanilide, metallic oxalates other than potassium quadroxalate, nitrobenzene, the phosphorous compounds and zinc phosphide may be sold only in particular types of preparation as specified in Schedule 5 to the Order (e.g. sodium arsenates in sheep dips, calcium arsenates in insecticides), and in containers labelled clearly with a notice of the special purpose for which they are to be used and with a warning that they are to be used for that purpose only (Article 13(2)(a) ).

6.       The following poisons may be sold only to persons engaged in the trade or business of agriculture or horticulture and for the purpose of that trade or business –

Arsenical poisons other than lead arsenates, calcium arsenates and copper acetoarsenite.

Dinitrocresols (DNOC); their compounds with a metal or a base; except winter washes containing not more than the equivalent of 5% of dinitrocresols.

Dinosam; its compounds with a metal or a base.

Dinoseb; its compounds with a metal or a base.

Mercuric chlorides; mercuric iodides; organic compounds of mercury; except solutions containing not more than 5%, weight in volume, of phenyl mercuric acetate for use in swimming baths.

Organo-tin compounds, the following –

Compounds of fentin.

Phosphorus compounds, the following –








Diethyl 4-methyl-7-coumarinyl phosphorothionate.

Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate.




Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothionate.




Mipafox, except in the form of a cap on a stick or wire.









Triphosphoric pentadimethylamide

Vamidothion. (Article 13(2)(b)).

7.       It is unlawful to store any poison except in a container impervious to the poison and sufficiently stout to prevent leakage from the container arising from the ordinary risks of handling (Article 24(1)).

8.       Any poison consigned for transport must be sufficiently stoutly packed to avoid leakage arising from the ordinary risks of handling and transport. In the case of the following poisons, the outside of any package consigned for transport by a carrier must be labelled conspicuously with the name of the poison and a notice that it is to be kept from food and from empty food containers –

Arsenical poisons.

Barium, salts of

Dinitrocresols (DNOC), their compounds with a metal or a base, when contained in preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture, except winter washes containing not more than the equivalent of 5% of dinitrocresols.

Dinosam, its compounds with a metal or a base when contained in preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.

Dinoseb; its compounds with a metal or a base, when contained in preparations for use in agriculture or horticulture.


Endothal; its salts.


Fluoroacetamide; fluoroacetanilide.

Hydrocyanic acid; cyanides, other than ferrocyanides and ferricyanides except preparations containing less than the equivalent of 0.1%, weight in weight, of hydrocyanic acid (HCN)

Monofluoroacetic acid; its salts.

Nicotine, except in solid preparations containing less than 4% of nicotine.

Organo-tin compounds, the following –

Compounds of fentin.

Phosphorus compounds, the following –










Diethyl 4-methyl-7-coumarinyl phosphorothionate

Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate




Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothionate














Triphosphoric pentadimethylamide



Thallium, salts of

These poisons may not be knowingly carried in any vehicle in which food is being transported unless the food is in a part effectively separated from that containing the poison or is otherwise adequately protected from the risk of contamination (Article 26).

B – Additional requirements applying solely to listed shopkeepers

1.       No poison, other than ammonia, hydrochloric acid (spirits of salt), nitric acid, potassium quadroxalate and sulphuric acid, may be sold by a listed shopkeeper except in closed containers as closed by the manufacturer or other person from whom the poison was obtained (Article 13(1)(a) ).

2.       Arsenical substances – arsenious oxide, arsenic sulphides, calcium arsenates, calcium arsenites, copper acetoarsenite, copper arsenates, copper arsenites, lead arsenates, potassium arsenites, sodium arsenates, sodium arsenites and sodium thioarsenates, barium carbonate, dinitrocresols (DNOC) – their compounds with a metal or a base, dinosam – its compounds with a metal or a base, dinoseb – its compounds with a metal or a base, endrin, fluoroacetamide, fluoroacetanilide, mercurial substances – mercuric chloride, mercuric iodide and organic compounds of mercury, metallic oxalates other than potassium quadroxalate, nitrobenzene, phosphorous compounds – amiton, demeton-O, demeton-S, diethyl 4-methyl-7-coumarinyl phosphorothionate, diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate, dimefox, ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothionate, mazidox, 2-methoxycarbonyl-1-methyl-vinyl dimethyl phosphate, mipafox, parathion, schradan, sulfotep, TEPP (HETP) and triphosphoric pentadimethylamide and zinc phosphide may not be sold except by the listed shopkeeper or by a responsible deputy nominated by the shopkeeper to the local authority in accordance with Article 13(1)(b); and they must be stored either in a cupboard or drawer reserved solely for poisons or in a part of the premises which is partitioned off or otherwise separated from the rest of the premises and to which customers are not allowed to have access, or upon a shelf reserved solely for poisons, provided in the last case that no food is kept under the shelf and the container of the poison is distinguishable by touch from that of nonpoisonous substances stored nearby; but if contained in substances for use in agriculture or horticulture, these poisons must be stored, either in a cupboard or drawer reserved solely for poisons intended for such use or in such a separate part of the premises as aforesaid where no food is kept (Article 24(2)).

Schedule 11

(Article 33)

Form of the list to be kept in pursuance of Article 71(4) of the Medicines (Jersey) Law 1995

List of persons entitled to sell poisons in Part 2 of the Poisons List


Full name.

Address of premises.

Description of business carried on at the premises.

Name of deputy (or deputies) permitted to sell.






Schedule 12

(Article 34)

Certificate for the purchase of a poison

For the purposes of Article 9(2)(a)(i) of the Pharmacy and Poisons (Jersey) Law 1952, I, the undersigned, a householder occupying (a) ................................. certify from my knowledge of (b) .................................. of (a) .......................................... that he/she is a person to whom (c) ................................. may properly be supplied.

I further certify that (d) ............................................ is the signature of the said (b)...................................................


Signature of householder giving


Date .......................................


Insert full postal address.


Insert full name of intending purchaser.


Insert name of poison.


Intending purchaser to sign his or her name here.

Endorsement required by Article 34 of the Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968, to be made by a Connétable or Centenier when, but only when, the householder giving the certificate is not known to the seller of the poison to be a responsible person of good character .

I certify that in so far as is known to me .................... .................(a) is a responsible person of good character.

Signature .......................................

Description ....................................

Date ...............................................


Insert full name of householder giving the certificate.


Schedule 13

(Article 35)

Form of entry to be made in the book to be kept by sellers of poisons in accordance with Article 9(2)(b) of the Law


Date of sale



Name and quantity of poison supplied






Business, trade or occupation


Purpose for which stated to
 be required


Date of certificate (if any)


Name and address of person giving certificate (if any)


Signature of purchaser or where a signed order is permitted by the Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968, the date of the signed order.


Schedule 14

(Article 16)

Form of authority for purchasing strychnine for killing moles

Authority for the purchase of strychnine for killing moles in pursuance of Article 16(1)(e) of the Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1964.

I, being a person duly authorized by the Minister for Health and Social Services, authorize

(a) .................................................... to purchase within 3 months from the date hereof (b) ................. of strychnine for the purpose of killing moles.

Signature ...................................

Description ................................

Date ...........................................


Insert full name of intending purchaser.


Insert amount authorized to be purchased which must not exceed one ounce.

Schedule 15

(Article 6)

Substances in which poison is exempted by Article 6 from Article 9(2) of the Law


Substances in which exempted.


Agricultural and horticultural insecticides consisting of nicotine dusts containing not more than 4%, weight in weight, of nicotine.


Schedule 16

(Article 14)

Poisons required to be coloured in certain cases

Arsenical poisons.

Fluoroacetamide; fluoroacetanilide.

Monofluoroacetic acid; its salts.

Organo-tin compounds, the following –

Compounds of fentin.

Phosphorus compounds, the following –





Disulfoton in solution






Phorate in solution




Schedule 17

(Article 16)

Form of certificate authorizing the purchase of monofluoroacetic acid, a salt thereof, fluoroacetamide or fluoroacetanilide as a rodenticide

Certificate authorizing the purchase of monofluoroacetic acid, a salt thereof, fluoroacetamide or fluoroacetanilide as a rodenticide.

I certify that (a)................................................................. of

 (b).................................................. is required for use by employees of (c)

 ........................................... as a rodenticide in (d) ............................

 ...............................situated at (e).......................................................


Signature of issuing officer

Date .................................



Insert quantity required.



Insert “monofluoroacetic acid” or the salt thereof, or “fluoroacetamide” or “fluoroacetanilide” as the case may require.



Insert the name of the authority in question.



State “ships” or “sewers” as the case may require.



State the situation of the ships or sewers as the case may require.

Schedule 18[31]

(Article 16)

Form of authority for purchasing aluminium phosphide for killing moles

Authority for the purchase of aluminium phosphide for killing moles in pursuance of Article 16(9)(d) of the Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968.

I being a person duly authorized by the Minister for Health and Social Services authorize (a)…................................................................ to purchase during the period of 24 months from the date hereof aluminium phosphide for the purpose of killing moles.




(a)        insert full name of intending purchaser



Table of Legislation History


Year and No


Poisons (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1968


12 August 1968

Poisons (General Provisions) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 1969


1 May 1969

Poisons (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 1972


1 September 1972

Poisons (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 1974


1 April 1975

Poisons (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Order 1982


15 March 1982

Poisons (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Order 1986


19 February 1986

Poisons (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Order 1994


5 October 1994

Poisons (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Order 1995


8 March 1995

States of Jersey (Amendments and Construction Provisions No. 5) (Jersey) Regulations 2005


9 December 2005

Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (Registration) (Jersey) Law 2010


16 May 2010

States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No. 8) (Miscellaneous Transfers) (Jersey) Regulations 2015


1 January 2016

Poisons (Removal of Cannabis from List) (Jersey) Order 2019


18 December 2019

States of Jersey (Ministerial Offices – Minister for Sustainable Economic Development) Order 2023


24 November 2023

Table of Renumbered Provisions



1(5), (6), (7)

spent, omitted from this revised edition


spent, omitted from this revised edition


spent, omitted from this revised edition




























































spent, omitted from this revised edition




spent, omitted from this revised edition




















spent, omitted from this revised edition






















spent, omitted from this revised edition

Table of Endnote References

[1]                                     This Order has been amended by the States of Jersey (Amendments and Construction Provisions No. 5) (Jersey) Regulations 2005. The amendments replace all references to a Committee of the States of Jersey with a reference to a Minister of the States of Jersey, and remove and add defined terms appropriately, consequentially upon the move from a committee system of government to a ministerial system of government

[2] Article 1(1)                  definition “Law” amended by L.6/2010

[3] Article 1(1)                  definition “transaction exempted from Article 17 of the Law” is spent and omitted from this revised edition

[4] Article 7(4)                  revised on 11 December 2024 by Law Revision Board item 2024/6

[5] Division heading          editorial change, “Additonal” deleted, “Additional” inserted instead

[6] Article 10                     heading amended by R&O.7470

[7] Article 10(1)                amended by R&O.7470

[8] Article 10(4)                amended by R&O.7030

[9] Article 10(5)                inserted by R&O.7030

[10] Article 10(6)               inserted by R&O.7470

[11] Article 10(7)               revised on 11 January 2024 by Law Revision Board item 2023/1

[12] Article 11                   inserted by R&O.7470

[13] Article 16(2)               amended by R&O.158/2015, R&O.102/2023

[14] Article 16(4)               amended by R&O.5221

[15] Article 16(7)               inserted by R&O.6047

[16] Article 16(8)               inserted by R&O.6047

[17] Article 16(9)               inserted by R&O.8734

[18] Article 18(2)               editorial change, “described” deleted, “describe” inserted instead

[19] Article 23(1)               amended by R&O.6047

[20] Article 27(3)               amended by R&O.5221

[21] Article 29                   substituted by R&O.7030

[22] Schedule 1                  substituted by R&O.5221, amended by R&O.6047, R&O.8795, R&O.145/2019, revised on 11 December 2024 by Law Revision Board item 2024/6

[23] Schedule 3                  Group 2 substituted by R&O.5221, amended by R&O.6047

[24] Schedule 4                  substituted by R&O.5221

[25] Schedule 4                  Part B amended by R&O.5705, R&O.6047, R&O.8734, R&O.8795, editorial change, in the entry for diphenoxylate, “calcuted” deleted, “calculated” inserted instead

[26] Schedule 5                  Part A amended by R&O.5705, R&O.6047

[27] Schedule 5                  Part B amended by R&O.5221, R&O.6047

[28] Schedule 7                  amended by R&O.5221, R&O.6047, R&O.7470

[29] Schedule 8                  amended by R&O.5221, R&O.6047

[30] Schedule 10                amended by R&O.5221

[31] Schedule 18                inserted by R&O.8734, editorial change, “Minister of” deleted, “Minister for” inserted instead

Page Last Updated: 13 Dec 2024