Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Jersey) Order 1990

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Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Jersey) Order 1990

Official Consolidated Version

This is an official version of consolidated legislation compiled and issued under the authority of the Legislation (Jersey) Law 2021.


Showing the law from 10 July 2023 to Current



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Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Jersey) Order 1990



1             Application. 5

2             Interpretation. 5


3             One-way traffic. 6

4             Restriction or prohibition of turns. 6

5             Prohibition of waiting and stopping. 6

6             Closing of roads to through traffic. 7

7             Driving and stationing of certain vehicles. 7


8             Interpretation. 7

9             Designation of paying parking places. 8

10           Conditions and restrictions on vehicles left in paying parking places. 8

11           Determination of size and number of parking spaces and marking of parking places. 9

12           Parking card to be displayed on vehicles left in paying parking places. 9

13           Charges at paying parking places. 9

14           Payment of charges. 9

15           Use of parking card to indicate that charge has been paid. 10

16           Alteration of position of vehicles and removal of vehicles in emergency. 10

17           Duration of parking on certain roads. 10

disc parking   10

18           Parking discs. 10

19           Parking of vehicles displaying parking discs. 10

20           Indication of time on, and display of, parking discs. 11


21           Savings. 11

22           Citation. 12

One-way traffic routes  13

Restriction or prohibition of turns  14

PART 1  14

Prohibition of U-turns  14

PART 2  14

Other Prohibited turns  14

PART 1  15

Prohibition of waiting   15

PART 2  19


Roads closed to through traffic   20

PART 1  21

Roads not to be used by chars-à-banc   21

PART 2  21

One way traffic routes for chars-à-banc   21

PART 3  21

Roads not to be used by vehicles exceeding 6 feet 6 inches in width   21

Designated paying parking places  23

part 1  23

PART 2  23

Duration of parking on certain roads  24


part 1  26

part 2  26

Table of Legislation History. 27

Table of Renumbered Provisions. 29

Table of Endnote References. 30


Embedded Image

Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Jersey) Order 1990[1]

THE ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE, in pursuance of Articles 62, 63, 64 and 84 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956 and after consultation with the Connétable of St. Lawrence[2], orders as follows –

Commencement [see endnotes]



1        Application

This Order applies to roads in the parish of St. Lawrence.

2        Interpretation[3]

In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires –

Connétable” means the Connétable of St. Lawrence;

“holiday” means Christmas Day, Easter Day, or a public holiday appointed under the Public Holidays and Bank Holidays (Jersey) Law 1951;

“Motor Traffic Law” means the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935;

“parking” means leaving a vehicle, whether attended or unattended –

(a)     between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on any day other than a Sunday, on any road specified in Schedule 6;

(b)     on any day other than a Sunday, on any road specified in Schedule 7; or

(c)     on any road specified in Schedule 8,

and includes stopping a vehicle to load or unload goods or merchandise, but does not include stopping a vehicle to set down or pick up passengers;

“parking disc” means something referred to as a parking disc in Article 18;

“road” includes part of a road.



3        One-way traffic

A vehicle being driven on a road specified in the first column of Schedule 1 shall, between the point of its entry therein and its departure therefrom, follow the direction prescribed in relation to that road in the second column of that Schedule.

4        Restriction or prohibition of turns

(1)     A vehicle which is being driven on a road specified in the first column of Part 1 of Schedule 2 shall not, at any point specified in relation to that road in the second column of that Part, be turned so as to face in the opposite direction to that in which it was proceeding.

(2)     A vehicle shall not be driven from a road specified in the first column of Part 2 of Schedule 2 into a road specified opposite that road in the second column of that Part.

(3)     Paragraph (2) shall not apply to an omnibus.

(4)     In this Article, “omnibus” has the same meaning as under the Motor Traffic Law.

5        Prohibition of waiting and stopping

(1)     A vehicle shall not –

(a)     wait on any road specified in the first and second columns of Part 1 of Schedule 3;

(b)     wait on any road specified in the first and second columns of Part 2 of that Schedule between the hours of 9 am and 6 pm for a longer period than that specified in relation to that road in the second column.

(2)     A vehicle shall not wait on a road within 10 yards of its junction with another road.

(3)     A vehicle, other than a public service vehicle of the appropriate class, shall not stop on any part of a road which is authorized under Article 37 of the Motor Traffic Law as a stand for public service vehicles.

(4)     A vehicle shall not wait on any part of a road which has been designated as a no waiting area for the purpose of allowing access to any premises from that part of that road.

(5)     The expression “waiting” in this Article does not include the stopping of a vehicle to set down or pick up passengers.

6        Closing of roads to through traffic

No vehicle shall be driven on a road specified in the first and second columns of Schedule 4, except to or from any land or premises having a means of vehicular access from that road.

7        Driving and stationing of certain vehicles[4]

(1)     Except with the permission in writing of the Connétable or on the express direction of a police officer, no char-à-banc shall be driven on a road specified in the first and second columns of Part 1 of Schedule 5.[5]

(2)     Except with the permission in writing of the Connétable or on the express direction of a police officer, a char-à-banc being driven on a road specified in the first column of Part 2 of Schedule 5 shall, between its point of entry thereon and its point of departure therefrom, follow the direction prescribed in relation to that road in the second column of that Part.[6]

(3)     Except with the permission in writing of the Connétable, no char-à-banc shall be stationed on any road.

(4)     Except on the express direction of a police officer, no cab shall be stationed on any road:

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to the stationing of a controlled taxi-cab on a taxi rank as defined in the Motor Traffic (Taxi-Cabs - General) (Jersey) Order 2002.

(5)     No vehicle, the overall width of which exceeds 6 feet 6 inches, shall be driven on a road specified in the first and second columns of Part 3 of Schedule 5 unless it is –

(a)     being driven to or from any premises situated on or adjacent to that road;

(b)     a vehicle engaged in mechanical road sweeping or road gully cleaning; or

(c)     being used for fire brigade, ambulance, police or other emergency purposes.[7]

(6)     In this Article, “cab” and “char-à-banc” have the same respective meanings as under the Motor Traffic Law.

PART 3[8]


8        Interpretation[9]

(1)     In this Part –

“Law” means the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956;

“parking card” means a device of a type and design approved by the Minister for Infrastructure under Article 64 of the Law;

“paying parking place” means a road designated as a paying parking place under Article 9;

“valid parking card” means a parking card which identifies for the purposes of this Order the commencement of the period when the vehicle on which it is displayed is left in a paying parking place by means of clear and appropriate indications by or on behalf of the driver of –

(a)     the month;

(b)     the date in the month;

(c)     the day of the week; and

(d)     the next succeeding 5 minute index within the hour of the day at which the vehicle was first left in the paying parking place;

“vehicle” excludes a vehicle the overall width of which exceeds 6 feet 6 inches and a bicycle not propelled by mechanical power.[10]

(2)     For the purposes of this Order a vehicle shall be regarded as displaying a parking card when the card is displayed either against the internal face of the windscreen or against the internal face of a side window adjacent to the windscreen on the left or near side of the vehicle, or, if the vehicle has no windscreen, at a convenient place on the left or nearside of the vehicle, in such manner that the month, date, day and time of arrival of the vehicle may be distinctly seen by any person from outside the vehicle.

9        Designation of paying parking places[11]

(1)     A road or part of a road specified in Schedule 6 is designated as a paying parking place at which a vehicle that displays a parking card in accordance with Articles 8 and 10 may be parked for the period of time specified in paragraph (2).

(2)     Subject to Article 2(2)(a) of the Road Traffic (Disabled Persons) (Parking) (Jersey) Order 2002, the maximum period for which a vehicle may be parked at a paying parking place is –

(a)     in the case of a paying parking place specified in Part 1 of the Schedule, 20 minutes; and

(b)     in the case of a paying parking place specified in Part 2 of the Schedule, 1 hour.

10      Conditions and restrictions on vehicles left in paying parking places[12]

(1)     No vehicle shall be left at a paying parking place except as provided in, and in accordance with, this Order.

(2)     Except as provided in this Order, no vehicle shall be parked at a paying parking place unless the charge prescribed in Article 13 has been paid.

(3)     A vehicle shall not be parked at a paying parking place for longer than the maximum period of time referred to in Article 9(2).

(4)     A vehicle which has been parked at a paying parking place shall not return to any part of the same paying parking place within one hour of its departure.

(5)     Where a vehicle has been parked at a paying parking place displaying a parking card no person may remove the parking card and substitute another parking card for the purpose of indicating that the vehicle was left there at a time later than the time when the vehicle was first left there.

(6)     Subject to paragraph (7), no person shall use any vehicle which is parked at a paying parking place for or in connection with the sale of any goods or merchandise to any other person in or near the paying parking place or in connection with the selling or offering for sale of the person’s skill in handicraft or the person’s services in any other capacity.

(7)     Paragraph (6) does not apply to a vehicle parked at a paying parking place for the purpose of being loaded or unloaded in connection with any trade or business carried on in the vicinity.

(8)     Where parking spaces are marked in a paying parking place a vehicle shall be parked wholly within the limits of a marked space and shall not obstruct the entry or exit of other vehicles from or to adjacent marked spaces.

11      Determination of size and number of parking spaces and marking of parking places[13]

(1)     The Minister for Infrastructure may determine the dimensions and the number of the spaces in which vehicles may be left in a paying parking place.[14]

(2)     The limits of any paying parking place or any parking space within any such place may be marked on the road or indicated by such signs or road markings as the Minister for Infrastructure may deem fit.[15]

12      Parking card to be displayed on vehicles left in paying parking places[16]

While a vehicle is parked at a paying parking place a valid parking card shall be displayed and no person shall –

(a)     display more than one parking card on the vehicle; or

(b)     alter the time of arrival indicated on the parking card whilst the vehicle is parked at that place.

13      Charges at paying parking places[17]

(1)     The charge for parking a vehicle at a paying parking place shall be -

(a)     if the vehicle complies with Article 2 of the Road Traffic (Disabled Persons) (Parking) (Jersey) Order 2002, one parking unit for each period of 2 hours or part of 2 hours; and

(b)     in any other case, one parking unit for each period of one hour or part of one hour.[18]

(2)     In paragraph (1) “parking unit” has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic (Public Parking Places) (Jersey) Order 2004.

14      Payment of charges[19]

The charge for parking at a paying parking place shall be paid by the purchase in advance of a parking card from a person for the time being authorized by the Minister for Infrastructure to sell parking cards.

15      Use of parking card to indicate that charge has been paid[20]

The payment of a charge shall be indicated by the display on the vehicle of the valid parking card showing the day and time of arrival of the vehicle at the paying parking place.

16      Alteration of position of vehicles and removal of vehicles in emergency[21]

(1)     Where any vehicle is parked in a paying parking place in contravention of Article 10(8) a police officer may alter or cause to be altered the position of that vehicle in order that its position shall comply with that paragraph.

(2)     A police officer may move or cause to be moved to such place as the police officer thinks fit any vehicle left in a paying parking place if, in the police officer’s opinion, the movement of that vehicle is necessary in the course of an emergency.

(3)     The powers conferred by this Article shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the powers contained in Article 56 of the Law and any Order made thereunder.

17      Duration of parking on certain roads[22]

A vehicle must not be parked on a road specified in Schedule 7 for a total period exceeding 12 hours in any continuous period of 24 hours.

part 4[23]

disc parking

18      Parking discs

(1)     For the purposes of this Part, parking discs shall be issued by the Connétable and each parking disc shall comply with the following conditions –

(a)     the disc is composed of 2 pieces of pale yellow cardboard enclosing 3 pieces of red cardboard pivoted about the same centre and having figures printed on them that are revealed through a row of 3 apertures cut into one of the pieces of yellow cardboard;

(b)     the left-hand aperture shows hours, the centre aperture tens of minutes, and the right-hand aperture units of minutes.

(2)     A parking disc that complies with the conditions set out in paragraph (1) may contain advertising that is confined to such parts of the disc as the Connétable may determine.

19      Parking of vehicles displaying parking discs[24]

(1)     A vehicle must not, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on any day –

(a)     except a Sunday or holiday, be parked for longer than 3 hours on a part of a road, being a part specified in column 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 8 opposite the description of the road specified in column 1 of that Part of the Schedule; and

(b)     be parked for longer than 20 minutes on a part of a road, being a part specified in column 2 of Part 2 of Schedule 8 opposite the description of the road specified in column 1 of that Part of the Schedule.

(2)     A vehicle that has been parked between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on any day –

(a)     except a Sunday or holiday, on a part of a road, being a part specified in Part 1 of Schedule 8, shall not return to that part of the same road within one hour of its departure from the part if the time of its return would fall between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on any day except a Sunday or holiday; and

(b)     on a part of a road, being a part specified in Part 2 of Schedule 8, shall not return to that part of the same road within one hour of its departure from the part if the time of its return would fall between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m..

20      Indication of time on, and display of, parking discs[25]

(1)     This Article applies where a vehicle is parked on a part of a road, being a part specified in –

(a)     Part 1 of Schedule 8, during any period that falls between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on any day except a Sunday or holiday; and

(b)     Part 2 of Schedule 8, during any period that falls between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on any day.

(2)     Where this Article applies –

(a)     a parking disc indicating the time at which the vehicle arrived there must be displayed –

(i)      against the internal face of the windscreen of the vehicle, or

(ii)      if the vehicle has no windscreen, at a convenient place on the left or near side of the vehicle, in such manner that the time of arrival of the vehicle may be distinctly seen by any person outside the vehicle; and

(b)     a person must not during that period –

(i)      display more than one parking disc on the vehicle,

(ii)      indicate on the parking disc a time different from that at which the vehicle arrived, or

(iii)     while the vehicle is parked on that part of the road, alter the time of arrival indicated on the parking disc to a time different from that at which the vehicle arrived.

PART 5[26]


21      Savings

(1)     Articles 5 and 6 shall not apply to any vehicle while it is being used for fire brigade, ambulance, police or other emergency purposes.

(2)     Article 5 shall not apply –

(a)     so as to prevent a public service vehicle waiting on a part of any road which is authorized in accordance with Article 37 of the Motor Traffic Law as a stand for public service vehicles;

(b)     to a vehicle waiting on any road while any gate or other barrier at the entrance to premises to which the vehicle requires access or from which it has emerged, is being opened or closed, if it is not reasonable for the vehicle to wait otherwise than on that road while such gate or barrier is being opened or closed;

(c)     to a vehicle waiting on any road on the express direction or with the specific permission of a police officer; or

(d)     to a vehicle stopping on any road owing to the driver being prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond the driver’s control or to a vehicle stopping in order to avoid an accident.

22      Citation

This Order may be cited as the Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Jersey) Order 1990.



Schedule 1[27]

(Article 3)

One-way traffic routes



La Longue Rue

Les Six Rues to the parish boundary.

La Rue de Haut

Mont Cambrai to St. Aubin’s Road.

La Rue du Nord

La Rue du Galet to Victoria Avenue.

La Rue Parcqthée

La Grande Route de St. Laurent to La Ruette.

La Ruette à la Pierre

La Rue de Bas to Le Mont Félard.

La Verte Rue

Parish boundary to Les Six Rues.

Le Passage

(a)     from Les Chenolles des Six Rues to La Rue Sara Henri; and


(b)     from La Grande Route de St. Laurent to La Rue Sara Henri.

Mont de la Perrine

La Fontaine de St. Martin to Route de l’Eglise.

Route de l’Eglise

La Grande Route de St. Laurent to the property known as “Maison du Guardien”.

Sandybrook Lane

The property known as “Cherry Cottage” to the property known as “Maison La Cave”.

The road from Rue des Corvées to La Grande Route de St. Laurent

Rue des Corvées to La Grande Route de St. Laurent.

The road abutting the southern boundary of the property known as ‘Three Oaks Villa’ and lying between La Grande Route de St. Laurent and La Rue des Corvées

La Grande Route de St. Laurent to La Rue des Corvées.

The road abutting the southern boundaries of the property known as “La Maison du Gardien” and the Parish Hall, and lying between La Route de l’Eglise and La Grande Route de St. Laurent

La Route de l’Eglise to La Grande Route de St. Laurent.

Schedule 2

(Article 4)

Restriction or prohibition of turns

PART 1[28]

(Article 4(1))

Prohibition of U-turns

Victoria Avenue

At the La Rue du Galet junction.


At the junction with the road serving Bel Royal Car Park.


PART 2[29]

(Article 4(2))

Other Prohibited turns



Route de la Haule

St. Aubin’s Road.

St. Aubin’s Road

Route de la Haule.

St. Peter’s Valley

Route de la Haule.

Victoria Avenue.

Victoria Avenue

St. Peter’s Valley.

St. Aubin’s Road.

Schedule 3

(Article 5)

PART 1[30]

(Article 5(1)(a))

Prohibition of waiting

La Grande Route de St. Laurent

East side (from the southern boundary of the property known as the “St. Laurent public house” northwards for a distance of 85 yards).


East side (for a distance of 42 yards in a northerly direction from its junction with Rue de Bas).


West side (from a point opposite the southern boundary of the property known as the “St. Laurent public house” northwards for a distance of 115 yards).


East side (from the northern boundary of the “St. Laurent public house” to a point 10 yards north of the entrance to the “St. Lawrence Primary School”).

La Rue

Both sides (from its junction with La Grande Route de St. Laurent to La Ruette D’Avranches).

La Rue de Haut

West side (between the south side of the exit of Le Clos du Val and a point 11 yards south).


West side (between the north side of the exit of Le Clos du Val and a point 11 yards north).


West side (between its junction with La Ruelle Corbel and a point 22 yards south).


West side (between its junction with La Vallée de St. Pierre and a point 33 yards further north).


East side (between its junction with St. Peter’s Valley and La Ruelle Corbel).


South side (between its junction with La Ruelle Corbel and a point 64 yards east).


North side (between its junction with La Ruelle Corbel and a point 74 yards east).


North side (between a point 75 yards west of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 147 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai).


South side (between a point 75 yards west of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 222 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai).


South side (between a point 239 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 7 yards further east).


South side (between a point 251 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 27 yards further east).


South side (between a point 282 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 13 yards further east).


South side (between a point 381 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 75 yards further east).


South side (between a point 461 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 6 yards further east).


South side (between a point 473 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 22 yards further east).


South side (between its junction with St. Aubin’s Road and a point 5 yards west).


North side (between its junction with St. Aubin’s Road and a point 124 yards west).


North side (between a point 131 yards west of its junction with St. Aubin’s Road and a point 4 yards further west).


North side (between a point 141 yards west of its junction with St. Aubin’s Road and a point 58 yards further west).

La Rue de la Blanche Pierre

Both sides (from its junction with La Vallée de St. Pierre for a distance of 140 yards in a north easterly direction).

La Route de l’Eglise

East side (from the southern end of the wall adjacent to the property known as “Maison du Guerdien” northwards for a distance of 18 yards).


The north and east sides (from its junction with La Grande Route de St. Laurent to its junction with Petite Rue de l’Eglise).


West side (between the northern boundary of the property “Abbey Gate” and a point 78 yards north).


West side (from the northern side of the entrance to the property known as the “Old Rectory” northwards for a distance of 22 yards).

Le Chemin des Moulins

East side (between its junction with La Route de St. Aubin and a point opposite the northern boundary of the property known as ‘Waterloo Farm’).


West side (between its junction with La Route de St. Aubin and the southern side of the entrance to the property known as “Oak Court”).


West side (from a point 31 yards north of the north side of the entrance to the property known as “Oak Court” to the northern boundary of the property known as “Waterloo Farm”).

Les Charrières Malorey

West side (from its junction with La Rue des Prés Sorsoleil and following the edge of the road first in a generally northerly direction to the private road leading to the German Underground Hospital and then from that private road in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 56 yards)


East side (from a point 80 yards from its junction with Le Cap Verd and following the edge of the road first in a generally northerly direction and then in a generally southerly direction for a total distance of 77 yards to the western pillar at the entrance to the property known as “Meadow Bank Hotel”).

Meadow Bank Road

Both sides (between its junction with St. Peter’s Valley and its junction with Rue de la Ville Emphrie).

Rue du Galet

Both sides (throughout its length).

La Rue de la Ville Emphrie

Both sides (between its junction with La Rue des Prés Sorsoleil and the eastern boundary of the property known as “Les Cypres”).

Rue du Nord

Both sides (from the northern boundary of La Motte Garages to the junction with La Rue du Galet).

St. Aubin’s Road

North side.


South side (between a point 50 yards west of its junction with La Rue du Galet and a point 12 yards east of the eastern side of the entrance to “Alma Gardens”).


South side (between a point 15 yards east of the main gate entrance to Coronation Park and the eastern boundary of Bel Royal Terrace).


South side (from a point 90 yards west of its junction with La Rue du Galet to a point 105 yards east of its junction with La Rue du Galet).


South side (from its junction with the parish boundary with St. Helier to a point 125 yards west of that junction).


South side (from its junction with La Vallée de St. Pierre, east for a distance of 24 yards).

Le Mont Cambrai

North side (for a distance of 11 yards in an easterly direction from its junction with the entrance road to La Vallette).


West and North side (from its junction with La Rue de Haut to a point 11 yards east of the entrance road to La Vallette).


East and South Side (between its junction with La Rue de Haut and the entrance to the property “Rockvale”).

Le Mont du Rocher

Both sides (throughout its length).

Sandybrook Lane

Both sides (from its junction with St. Peter’s Valley Road to the parish boundary).

Petite Rue de l’Eglise

South side.

Le Mont Cochon

West side (from a point 10 yards south of its junction with La Ruelle St. Claire to a point 25 yards further south).

La Route de St. Jean

Both sides (from a point 25 yards south of its junction with La Rue des Bilières to a point 10 yards further south).


Both sides (from a point 103 yards south of its junction with La Rue des Bilières to a point 47 yards further south).


PART 2[31]

(Article 5(1)(b))


Schedule 4[32]

(Article 6)

Roads closed to through traffic

La Rue du Nord

Throughout its length.

Avenue du Petit Félard

Throughout its length.

The road forming a junction with Le Mont Sorsoleil and Le Mont Isaac at its southern end and forming a junction with La Ruette d’Avranches at its northern end

Throughout its length

Mont Misère

Between its junction with Le Chemin des Moulins and its junction with Rue du Vard.

Ruelle Corbel

Between its junction with La Rue de Haut and its junction with the property known as “Springrove”.

The unnamed road that runs between Sandybrook Lane and La Vallée de St. Pierre

Throughout its length.

Schedule 5

PART 1[33]

(Article 7(1))

Roads not to be used by chars-à-banc

Le Mont de la Chesnée

Throughout its length.

The road known as Le Mont Gavey and La Rue des Moraines

Throughout its length from its junction with La Rue des Bas to its junction with La Route de St. Jean.

Rue des Varvots

Between the eastern entrance to the property known as “La Retraite Nurseries” and its junction with Douet de la Rue.

Rue de la Ville Emphrie

Throughout its length.


PART 2[34]

(Article 7(2))

One way traffic routes for chars-à-banc

Le Chemin des Moulins

Throughout its length, in a northerly direction.


PART 3 [35]

(Article 7(5))

Roads not to be used by vehicles exceeding 6 feet 6 inches in width

La Rue de Haut

In both directions, from its junction with La Vallée de St. Pierre to its junction with La Route de St. Aubin.

La Rue de la Scelletterie

In both directions, from its junction with Le Hucquet to the Parish boundary.

La Rue de la Ville Emphrie

Between the eastern side of the entrance to the property known as “Les Cypres” and its junction with La Rue de la Blanche Pierre.

La Ruelle de St. Claire

Its entire length.

Le Hucquet

In both directions, from its junction with La Rue de la Scelleterie to the Parish boundary.

Le Mont Cambrai

In both directions from its junction with Le Mont Felard to its junction with La Rue de Haut.

Sandybrook Lane

In a northerly direction from its junction with La Vallée de St. Pierre to its junction with Maison La Cave.

Schedule 6[36]

(Article 9)

Designated paying parking places

part 1

St. Aubin’s Road

South side (between a point 12 yards east of the eastern side of the entrance to “Alma Gardens” and a point 20 yards further east).


Le Chemin des Moulins

West side (between the north side of the entrance to “Oak Court” and a point 31 yards north).


Schedule 7[37]

(Article 17)

Duration of parking on certain roads

Les Charrières Malorey

East side (from a point 10 yards north of its junction with La Rue du Cap Verde to a point 66 yards further north).

La Route de St. Jean

West side (from a point 9 yards south of its junction with La Rue des Bilières to a point 17 yards further south).


West side (from a point 33 yards south of its junction with La Rue des Bilières to a point 70 yards further south).

La Rue

North Side (from its junction with La Ruette to a point 103 yards west).

La Rue de Haut

South side (between a point 222 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 17 yards further east).


South side (between a point 246 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 5 yards further east).


South side (between a point 278 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 4 yards further east).


South side (between a point 295 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 86 yards further east).


South side (between a point 456 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 5 yards further east).


South side (between a point 495 yards east of its junction with Le Mont Cambrai and a point 22 yards further east).

St. Aubin’s Road

South side (from a point 50 yards west of its junction with La Rue de Galet to the eastern side of the main gate entrance to Coronation Park).


South side (from the eastern boundary of Bel Royal Terrace to a point 10 yards from its junction with La Vallée de St. Pierre).

Le Mont Cambrai

North side (from a point 11 yards east of the entrance with La Valette to a point 45 yards further east).


Schedule 8[38]

(Articles 19, 20)


part 1

La Route de L’Eglise

South side.

La Rue de Haut

West side (from a point 33 yards north of its junction with La Vallée de St. Pierre to a point 82 yards further north).


West side (between a point 11 yards north of the exit of Le Clos du Val and a point 22 yards south of its junction with La Ruelle Corbel).

Petite Rue de l’Eglise

North side.

part 2

La Grande Route de St. Laurent

East side (from the northern boundary of the St. Laurent public house to a point 50 yards further south).




Table of Legislation History


Year and No


Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Jersey) Order 1990


11 April 1990

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 1990


11 December 1990

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 1991


5 July 1991

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 1992


8 May 1992

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Order 1992


19 June 1992

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Order 1992


1 September 1992

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Order 1994


31 October 1994

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Order 1996


23 January 1996

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Order 1996


18 November 1996

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Order 1997


29 July 1997

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Order 1998


1 March 1998

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Order 1998


17 March 1998

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) Order 1999


8 June 1999

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 13) (Jersey) Order 2000


9 January 2001

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Order 2001


1 February 2001

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 15) (Jersey) Order 2002


1 November 2002

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 16) (Jersey) Order 2003


16 January 2004

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 17) (Jersey) Order 2004


8 July 2004

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 18) (Jersey) Order 2005


14 June 2005

States of Jersey (Amendments and Construction Provisions No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 2005


9 December 2005

States of Jersey (Amendments and Construction Provisions No. 12) (Jersey) Regulations 2005


9 December 2005

Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence) (Amendment No. 19) (Jersey) Order 2006


26 April 2006

States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No. 1) (Home Affairs to Transport and Technical Services) (Jersey) Regulations 2006


1 May 2006

Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Amendment No. 20) (Jersey) Order 2007


16 February 2007

Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) Order 2008


5 November 2008

Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Amendment No. 22) (Jersey) Order 2010


3 September 2010

Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Amendment No. 23) (Jersey) Order 2011


23 September 2011

States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No. 8) (Miscellaneous Transfers) (Jersey) Regulations 2015


1 January 2016

Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Amendment No. 24) (Jersey) Order 2016


8 August 2016

Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Amendment No. 25) (Jersey) Order 2018


29 January 2018

Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Amendment No. 26) (Jersey) Order 2021


17 August 2021

Road Traffic (St. Lawrence) (Amendment No. 27) (Jersey) Order 2023


10 July 2023

Table of Renumbered Provisions








spent, omitted from this revised edition




repealed by R&O.147/2003




spent, omitted from this revised edition








































spent, omitted from this revised edition







                  PART I

                  PART 1

                  PART II

                  PART 2 

                  PART III               

repealed by R&O.147/2003                 



                  PART I

                  PART 1

                  PART II

                  PART 2





                  PART I

                  PART 1

                  PART II

                  PART 2

                  PART III

                  PART 3



                  PART I

                  PART 1

                  PART II

                  PART 2


spent, omitted from this revised edition

Table of Endnote References

[1]                                     This Order has been amended by the States of Jersey (Amendments and Construction Provisions No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 2005 and the States of Jersey (Amendments and Construction Provisions No. 12) (Jersey) Regulations 2005. The amendments replace all references to a Committee of the States of Jersey with a reference to a Minister of the States of Jersey, and remove and add defined terms appropriately, consequentially upon the move from a committee system of government to a ministerial system of government


                                      This Order has been further amended by the States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No. 1) (Home Affairs to Transport and Technical Services)) (Jersey) Regulations 2006. The amendments give effect to the transfer of functions from the Minister for Home Affairs to the Minister for Transport and Technical Services


[2] Preamble                     amended by R&O.8739

[3] Article 2                       amended by R&O.90/2010, R&O.56/2023

[4] Article 7                       heading amended by R&O.9010

[5] Article 7(1)                  amended by R&O.8138

[6] Article 7(2)                  inserted by R&O.8138

[7] Article 7(5)                  inserted by R&O.9010

[8] Part 3                          heading inserted by R&O.8739

[9] Article 8                       inserted by R&O.8739

[10] Article 8(1)                 amended by R&O.158/2015, R&O.56/2023

[11] Article 9                     substituted by R&O.141/2008

[12] Article 10                   inserted by R&O.8739

[13] Article 11                   inserted by R&O.8739

[14] Article 11(1)               amended by R&O.158/2015

[15] Article 11(2)               amended by R&O.158/2015

[16] Article 12                   inserted by R&O.8739

[17] Article 13                   substituted by R&O.108/2002

[18] Article 13(1)               substituted by R&O.108/2002

[19] Article 14                   inserted by R&O.8739, amended by R&O.158/2015

[20] Article 15                   inserted by R&O.8739

[21] Article 16                   inserted by R&O.8739

[22] Article 17                   substituted by R&O.141/2008

[23] Part 4                         substituted by R&O.90/2010

[24] Article 19                   substituted by R&O.8/2018

[25] Article 20                   substituted by R&O.8/2018

[26] Part 5                         inserted by R&O.90/2010

[27] Schedule 1                  amended by R&O.8381, R&O.8739, R&O.103/2021

[28] Schedule 2                  Part 1 amended by R&O.8138

[29] Schedule 2                  Part 2 substituted by R&O.147/2003

[30] Schedule 3                  Part 1 amended by R&O.8138, R&O.8230, R&O.8381, R&O.8397, R&O.8431, R&O.8739, R&O.8903, R&O.9010, R&O.122/2000, R&O.147/2003, R&O.64/2004, R&O.58/2005, R&O.34/2006, R&O.31/2007, R&O.141/2008, R&O.86/2016, R&O.8/2018, R&O.103/2021, R&O.56/2023

[31] Schedule 3                  Part 2 amended by R&O.8138, R&O.8397, R&O.141/2008

[32] Schedule 4                  amended by R&O.8138, R&O.9099, R&O.8739, R&O.31/2007, R&O.103/2021

[33] Schedule 5                  Part 1 amended by R&O.8138, R&O.147/2003, R&O.103/2021

[34] Schedule 5                  Part 2 inserted by R&O.8138

[35] Schedule 5                  Part 3 inserted by R&O.9010, amended by R&O.9099, R&O.9395, R&O.31/2007, R&O.103/2021, R&O.56/2023

[36] Schedule 6                  substituted by R&O.141/2008

[37] Schedule 7                  inserted by R&O.141/2008, amended by R&O.90/2010, R&O.117/2011, R&O.86/2016, R&O.8/2018, R&O.103/2021, R&O.56/2023

[38] Schedule 8                  added by R&O.90/2010, amended by R&O.86/2016, R&O.8/2018, R&O.56/2023

Page Last Updated: 10 Dec 2024