Authors should submit articles in electronic form to the Editor at Essays should be in English, double-spaced (including all quoted material, notes and references).
Editorial policy. All articles and notes will be considered by the Editorial Board as to their suitability for inclusion in the Jersey and Guernsey Law Review. Contributors are encouraged to examine the comparative treatment of issues under discussion in both Jersey and Guernsey where this is appropriate.
Form. Essays should normally be between 5,000 and 15,000 words, including quotations and footnotes, although shorter articles and notes will be accepted. Articles should be divided into clearly identified sections with subheadings or numbers, and include an abstract (maximum 150 words) summarizing the article and a brief paragraph about the author(s), along with full postal and e-mail addresses and telephone number. Where there is more than one author, please indicate corresponding author.
Illustrations. Authors must obtain permission to reproduce illustrations where necessary and pay the copyright fees and other costs.
Offprints. Authors of articles and notes will receive 12 offprints of their contributions free of charge.
Notes and References. Footnotes should be placed appropriately within the body of the essay. Citations to follow the form:
Milton, A defence of the people of England. Political writings. Cambridge: Cambridge UP (1991), 4th ed, pp. 145–67.
Aldor Invs AG v Aronson, [2006] JCA 029
Att Gen v Smith, 2008 JLR 123
Joel v Law Union & Crown Ins Co, [1908] 2 KB 863
Material quoted from foreign language sources should generally be accompanied by a translation in square brackets.
Copyright. Copyright in any published article will vest in Jersey and Guernsey Law Review Ltd although permission to reproduce any article will generally be granted upon application to the Editorial Board, subject to acknowledgement of copyright.
Book Reviews. Please submit to the Editor as above.